672 research outputs found
Symbiotic plant peptides eliminate Candida albicans both in vitro and in an epithelial infection model and inhibit the proliferation of immortalized human cells.
The increasing number of multidrug-resistant microbes now emerging necessitates the identification of novel antimicrobial agents. Plants produce a great variety of antimicrobial peptides including hundreds of small, nodule-specific cysteine-rich NCR peptides that, in the legume Medicago truncatula, govern the differentiation of endosymbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria and, in vitro, can display potent antibacterial activities. In this study, the potential candidacidal activity of 19 NCR peptides was investigated. Cationic NCR peptides having an isoelectric point above 9 were efficient in killing Candida albicans, one of the most common fungal pathogens of humans. None of the tested NCR peptides were toxic for immortalized human epithelial cells at concentrations that effectively killed the fungus; however, at higher concentrations, some of them inhibited the division of the cells. Furthermore, the cationic peptides successfully inhibited C. albicans induced human epithelial cell death in an in vitro coculture model. These results highlight the therapeutic potential of cationic NCR peptides in the treatment of candidiasis
VezetĹ‘i kihĂvások a virtuális környezetben
A világgazdasági értékláncban résztvevő szervezetek számára mindennapos gyakorlattá vált a
fizikai helyhez nem kötődő munkavégzés, a csapatok virtuális alapon történő szerveződése.
A versenyképesség fenntartásának érdekében alkalmazott különböző „kiszervezési” stratégiák,
a magasabb hozzáadott Ă©rtĂ©kű szaktudás helyi piacának keresleti Ă©s kĂnálati egyenlĹ‘tlensĂ©gei,
vagy a magasan kĂ©pzett szakemberek földrajzi diverzitása a vezetĂ©si Ă©s szervezĂ©si funkciĂłk megĂşjĂtását indokolják.
Tanulmányunkban a virtuális csapatok (VT) működĂ©sĂ©t egy multinacionális vállalatnál kĂ©szĂtett esettanulmány segĂtsĂ©gĂ©vel vizsgáljuk: a munkaszervezĂ©s virtualitásábĂłl adĂłdĂł vezetĹ‘i
kihĂvásokra, illetve azok megoldási lehetĹ‘sĂ©geire hĂvjuk fel a figyelmet. EredmĂ©nyeink alátámasztják a szakirodalomban is feldolgozott tĂ©nyezĹ‘ket: (i) a hatĂ©kony működĂ©s technolĂłgiai
eszközöktĹ‘l valĂł fĂĽggĹ‘sĂ©gĂ©t, (ii) valamint a bizalom Ă©pĂtĂ©sĂ©nek jelentĹ‘sĂ©gĂ©t Ă©s sĂ©rĂĽlĂ©kenysĂ©gĂ©t.
Mindemellett azt is hangsúlyozzuk, hogy (iii) a rendszeres személyes kapcsolat továbbra is a
csapatĂ©pĂtĹ‘ folyamatok semmivel sem helyettesĂthetĹ‘ katalizátora
Effects of Feeding Bt Maize to Sows during Gestation and Lactation on Maternal and Offspring Immunity and Fate of Transgenic Material
We aimed to determine the effect of feeding transgenic maize to sows during gestation and lactation on maternal and offspring immunity and to assess the fate of transgenic material.
Methodology/Principal Findings:
On the day of insemination, sows were assigned to one of two treatments (n = 12/treatment); 1) non-Bt control maize diet or 2) Bt-MON810 maize diet, which were fed for ~143 days throughout gestation and lactation. Immune function was assessed by leukocyte phenotyping, haematology and Cry1Ab-specific antibody presence in blood on days 0, 28 and 110 of gestation and at the end of lactation. Peripheral-blood mononuclear cell cytokine production was investigated on days 28 and 110 of gestation. Haematological analysis was performed on offspring at birth (n = 12/treatment). Presence of the cry1Ab transgene was assessed in sows' blood and faeces on day 110 of gestation and in blood and tissues of offspring at birth. Cry1Ab protein presence was assessed in sows' blood during gestation and lactation and in tissues of offspring at birth. Blood monocyte count and percentage were higher (P<0.05), while granulocyte percentage was lower (P<0.05) in Bt maize-fed sows on day 110 of gestation. Leukocyte count and granulocyte count and percentage were lower (P<0.05), while lymphocyte percentage was higher (P<0.05) in offspring of Bt maize-fed sows. Bt maize-fed sows had a lower percentage of monocytes on day 28 of lactation and of CD4+CD8+ lymphocytes on day 110 of gestation, day 28 of lactation and overall (P<0.05). Cytokine production was similar between treatments. Transgenic material or Cry1Ab-specific antibodies were not detected in sows or offspring.
Treatment differences observed following feeding of Bt maize to sows did not indicate inflammation or allergy and are unlikely to be of major importance. These results provide additional data for Bt maize safety assessment.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement number 211820 and the Teagasc Walsh Fellowship Programme
Distribution of CFTR mutations in Eastern Hungarians: Relevance to genetic testing and to the introduction of newborn screening for cystic fibrosis
AbstractBackgroundThe aim of this study was characterization of an updated distribution of CFTR mutations in a representative cohort of 40 CF patients with the classical form of the disease drawn from Eastern Hungary. Due to the homogeneity of the Hungarian population our data are generally applicable to other regions of the country, including the sizeable diaspora.MethodsWe utilized the recommended “cascade” CFTR mutation screening approach, initially using a commercial assay, followed by examination of the common “Slavic” deletion CFTRdele2,3(21kb). Subsequently, the entire CFTR coding region of the CFTR gene was sequenced in patients with yet unidentified mutations.ResultsThe Elucigene CF29Tm v2 assay detected 81.25% of all CF causing mutations. An addition of the CFTRdele2,3(21kb) increased the mutation detection rate to 86.25%. DNA sequencing enabled us to identify mutations on 79/80 CF alleles. Mutations [CFTRdele2,3(21kb), p.Gln685ThrfsX4 (2184insA) were found at an unusually high frequency, each comprising 5.00% of all CF alleles.ConclusionWe have identified common CF causing mutations in the Hungarian population with the most common mutations (p.Phe508del, p.Asn1303Lys, CFTRdele2,3(21kb), 2184insA, p.Gly542X, and p.Leu101X), comprising over 93.75% of all CF alleles. Obtained data are applicable to the improvement of DNA diagnostics in Hungary and beyond, and are the necessary prerequisite for the introduction of a nationwide “two tier” CF newborn screening program
Homoki gyep CO2-kibocsátásának vizsgálata Ăşj, nyĂlt rendszerű automata mĂ©rĹ‘eszközzel
Az utóbbi évtizedben zajló kutatások kimutatták, hogy a talajok CO2-
kibocsátása jelentős napi és szezonális változékonyságot mutat. A manuális mérőrendszerekkel
azonban ez nehezen követhető nyomon. Éppen ezért megjelent az
igĂ©ny a nagyobb idĹ‘beli felbontásĂş automata mĂ©rĹ‘rendszerekre, több gyártĂł kĂ©szĂtette
el saját fejlesztésű műszerét. Ezeknek a rendszereknek a hátránya, hogy drágák
és többnyire zárt rendszerben működnek, ahol a bonyolult kamranyitó-záró mechanika
csökkentheti a működésbiztonságot. További hátrányt jelent a kamrák meglehetősen
nagy mérete, ami miatt gyepállományokban nehezen alkalmazhatók.
Az általunk kifejlesztett nyĂlt rendszerű mĂ©rĹ‘eszköz alkalmasnak bizonyult ezen
problémák kiküszöbölésére: a kisméretű kamrák (d = 5 cm) könnyen elhelyezhetők
a növĂ©nyek között, nyĂlt rendszerben nem szĂĽksĂ©ges kamranyitĂł-zárĂł mechanikát
Ă©pĂteni, Ă©s a rendszer olcsĂłn kivitelezhetĹ‘.
A kifejlesztett 10 kamrás mérőrendszer kalibrálását laboratóriumi körülmények
között vĂ©geztĂĽk el, valamint összehasonlĂtottuk terepi mĂ©rĂ©sek segĂtsĂ©gĂ©vel egy
nemzetközileg is hitelesnek számĂtĂł mĂ©rĹ‘rendszerrel. A kapott eredmĂ©nyek szerint
a kifejlesztett mĂ©rĹ‘rendszer alkalmas hosszĂş idĹ‘tartamĂş automata-mĂ©rĂ©sekre, segĂtsĂ©gĂ©vel
nagy mennyiségű adat nyerhető
Social logistics: Rethinking public transport as a regional distributor of goods in rural areas. Chances for the long-term establishment of a sustainable regional logistics approach
This paper presents initial findings on the establishment of a social logistics project in a peripheral rural region in Germany. As part of a real-life laboratory, two services were developed and tested with the aim of improving rural supply: the delivery of regional goods and the return of online orders in cooperation with a regional public transport provider, regional retailers and parcel services. An evaluation team provided support to the project in identifying, monitoring, and documenting the societal impact of the services and promoted impact-oriented project management. The concept of providing services of general interest through social logistics and testing them in a real-world laboratory was based on preliminary work in the region. The results indicate that this approach can promote this type of social logistics in the long term. A social logistics approach does not focus solely on economic aspects but emphasises social and environmental benefits for the region. A real-world laboratory approach enables an environment that promotes open exchange, involvement of different stakeholders and joint problem solving in a reflective, iterative process. This methodological approach enabled the continuation and out-scaling of the service’s core offerings immediately after ending the test phase and is seen as an important prerequisite for establishing a long-term perspective
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