3 research outputs found


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    In this article, we propose an approach to the forming of rational technology for the export cargoes delivery in the supply chain on the principles of co-modality in the context of effective interaction of delivery participants, which allows reducing the costs of all them through the optimal use of resources related to delivery and increasing the competitive advantages of products. Taking into account the strengthening of cooperation between road and rail transport, under modern conditions, combined transport within the international transport corridor is proposed as an alternative option to promote cargo flow in the supply chain. As a result of experimental studies carried out on the basis of the simulation model of the delivery process in the Petri Nets, the time characteristics of technological processes under alternative schemes depending on the input parameters of the model have been determined. A comparative assessment of alternative delivery schemes based on mathematical models has made it possible to establish that the rational scheme for the delivery of export cargo from Ukraine to Germany via the Pan-European Corridor III is the Rolling Highway technology, which ensures compliance with the cargo owner's requirements for delivery time and cost established by the contract. The proposed approach is recommended as a tool for making managerial decisions when planning and organising the delivery of export cargoes from Ukraine to the EU countries in order to effectively manage supply chains by minimising the cost of delivery and environmental damage.

    Формування методологічних рівнів оцінки системної ефективності міського громадського пасажирського транспорту

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    The need of the investigation of the efficiency of the city public passenger transport was substantiated from the positions of a system approach. The principles of the system approach are implemented by representing the city public passenger transport as a constituent element of the city environment at the metasystem level. On the basis of the defined stages, the methodological levels of the city public passenger transport assessment were defined, the analysis of the inter-level connections was carried out and the principles of its systematic assessment of its functioning efficiency were formulated. On the basis of the synthesis of the inter-level parameters of the efficiency assessment and the quantification of the advantages of the elements states, taking into consideration the conditions of accounting the function of the increment in the  metasystem effectiveness, the formalization of the constituent elements of the assessment of the city public passenger transport system efficiency was presented.The presented approach to the assessment of the city public passenger transport efficiency opens up the new opportunities in terms of understanding the problems of functioning efficiency increase and is based on the accounting conditions of forming the effective state of the whole metasystem.By the investigation results, the expediency of determining the hierarchical forms – composition, structure, organization and metasystem – as the methodological levels of investigating the city public passenger transport was established.The proposed levels and the formalization of the conditions of the inter-level influence reflect the terms of the formation of the purpose hierarchy of the city public passenger transport functioning in the city environment; they form the basis for designing the functional  strategies of the transport system development and creating the analytical models of the formation of the organizational and managerial aspects of its functioning.Выделены методологические уровни исследования городского общественного пассажирского транспорта, проведён анализ межуровневых связей, сформированы принципы системной оценки эффективности его функционирования. Представлена формализация составляющих элементов оценки системной эффективности городского общественного пассажирского транспорта путем синтеза межуровневых оценочных параметров эффективности и квантификации преимуществ состояний элементов с учетом условий учета функции приращения эффективности метасистемы.Виділені методологічні рівні дослідження міського громадського пасажирського транспорту, проведений аналіз міжрівневих зв’язків, сформовані принципи системної оцінки ефективності його функціонування. Представлена формалізація складових елементів оцінки системної ефективності міського громадського пасажирського транспорту шляхом синтезу міжрівневих оціночних параметрів ефективності та квантифікації переваг станів елементів з урахуванням умов обліку функції прирощення ефективності метасистеми