5 research outputs found

    How Classroom Assessment Affects Science and Mathematics Achievement?:Findings from TIMSS 2015

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    In this study, it is aimed to examine the effect of classroom assessment on science and mathematics achievements. For this purpose, hierarchi-cal linear modeling (HLM) is performed using variables of like learning science/maths, engage teaching in science/maths, confidence in science/maths, and home resources for learning variables at the student level, and experience, education level, homework, and assessment at the teacher level. The sample of the study consists of 4th grade students who participated in TIMSS 2015 in Turkey. According to the findings; 36% of variance in science achievement, and 40% of variance in mathematics achievement are due to variability between classes. In a random coef-ficient model, all student variables were found to be statistically significant predictors of science and mathematics achievement. Among these variables, the greatest effect size is self-confidence variability. Only the teacher variables are added according to the Means as the outcome model; the teacher’s experience and emphasis to national achievement tests of monitoring students’ progress had a statistically significant effect on science and mathematics achievement. Finally, according to the intercept and slopes of the outcomes model, the most important variable is the emphasis to national achievement tests of monitoring students’ progress in both science and mathematics

    Bireyselleştirilmiş Bilgisayarlı Test Uygulamalarında Madde Kullanım Sıklığı Kontrol Yöntemlerinin İncelenmesi

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    It has been seen that some issues that could imperil the validity of the tests are arisen after the Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) administrations have been preferred recently. These issues such as skewness of the item pool utilization, the possibility of remembering the over-exposed items by examinees, not being able to progress the sustainability of item pool are caused to add new a component to CAT. Therefore item exposure control methods have been developed in order to ensure test security and to make the use of item pool more efficient. This study aims at investigating the various item exposure control methods in CAT under dichotomously IRT model by using different item pool characteristics and item selection methods in terms of measurement presicion and test security.Bireyselleştirilmiş bilgisayarlı test (BBT) uygulamalarının gün geçtikçe daha fazla tercih edilmesiyle birlikte testlerin geçerliğini tehlikeye düşürebilecek bazı sorunların da beraberinde geldiği görülmektedir. Uygulamalarda madde havuzunun çarpık kullanılması, sık kullanılan maddelerin kişiler tarafından hatırlanabilmesi, madde havuzu kullanımı sürekliliğinin sağlanamaması gibi durumların meydana gelmesi BBT sürecine yeni bir bileşenin eklenmesine sebep olmuştur. Bu nedenle test güvenliğini sağlayabilmek ve madde havuzunun kullanımını daha verimli hale getirebilmek için madde kullanım sıklığı kontrol yöntemleri geliştirilmiştir. Bu araştırmada da, çeşitli madde kullanım sıklığı kontrol yöntemlerinin, madde seçme yöntemi ve madde havuzu özelliklerine göre ölçme kesinliğine ve test güvenliğine olan etkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır

    Öğretmen Adaylarının Başarılarının Değerlendirilmesinde Tercih Ettikleri Ölçme Araçlarının Belirlenmesi

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    The aim of this study is to determine the measurement tool preferences of pre-service teachers for the evaluation of their achievement via sorting judgments scaling method. In the study, an instrument was developed and used to collect data about the education faculty students’ assessment preferences. By using this instrument, pre-service teachers were asked to state their assessment preferences among the eight measurement tools given to them. The sample of the study was 163 pre-service students from five different departments of Faculty of Education of Hacettepe University in 2010-2011 academic year. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that the true-false test were the most preferred tools; on the other hand, performance tasks were the least preferred ones. When the results of the study examined deeply, it was found that the classical measurement tools were preferred more than the alternative tool