19 research outputs found

    Kystsoneplan for Sunnhordaland. Regionalplan for akvakultur Del 3: Konkurrerende bruker- og verneinteresser

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    Rapporten presenterer de viktigste bruker- og verneinteresser i kystsonen i Sunnhordaland. Hensikten er å gi en regional oversikt over aktivitetene i kystsonen som kan benyttes som et underlag for å vurdere i hvor stor grad det er konkurranse om ressurser og lokaliteter mellom akvakultur og andre interesser. Det er foretatt en analyse av konfliktpotensiale i 188 lokaliteter i regionen som er vurdert som egnet for mæroppdrett i sjø. Det er også gitt en vurdering av konfliktene i vassdrag når det gjelder settefiskproduksjon

    Kystsoneplan for Sunnhordaland. Regional plan for akvakultur. Del 1: Metoder for kartlegging av arealbruksinteresser og ressurser i Sunnhordaland

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    Kystsoneplan for Sunnhordaland er et ressursregistrerings- og utrednings-/planprosjekt spesielt rettet mot akvakultursektoren. Det har også vært et mål å kartlegge flest mulig andre brukerinteresser for å kunne foreta en samordnings- og konfliktvurdering. I utgangspunktet var både metode- og datagrunnlag svært mangelfullt. Et viktig mål innen prosjektet har vært å velge ut, videreutvikle og eventuelt finne fram til nye metoder for innsamling og analyse av relevante data til bruk i kommunal og regional kystsoneplanlegging. Denne rapporten gir en samlet oversikt over sentrale metoder og kriteriesett som er nyttet

    Healthier Goats disease eradication programme : a healthy initiative

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    The Norwegian Goat Health Services (NGHS) initiated the Healthier goats disease eradication programme – Healthier Goats (HG) in 2002. The objectives of HG was to eradicate and control the three contagious diseases caseous lymphadenitis (CLA), caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) and caprine paratuberculosis, all present at a high prevalence and believed to cause severe production losses and impair animal welfare in affected herds and thus to be detrimental for the goat industry in Norway. HG is reported to show positive results with regard to health status, animal welfare and production results for the animals and herds participating in the programme. A very low number of herds (1.2%) have been re-infected with the abovementioned diseases, after eradication. At present time, all dairy goat herds have undertaken disease eradication through HG and the total volume of goat milk distributed by TINE Dairies SA now comes solely from farms that have completed disease eradication. The main objectives of the present PhD-study was to provide documentation for the effect of the HG on health and production in Norwegian milk goat herds, to evaluate the potential effect of HG on direct economical outcome for the farmer, and to evaluate the diagnostic tools used in the HG. The final objective was to investigate the risk of spreading CLA between sheep and goats by contact on pasture by prevalence testing of sheep flocks in close contact with goat herds. The four different studies constituting the basis for this thesis were established and conducted between 2007 and 2011. Three of the studies (Paper II-IV) are published in international peer reviewed journals, and the fourth (Paper I) has recently been submitted for publication. Different methods were applied for the individual studies. The study of the financial effect of HG for the farmers was conducted as a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) using stochastic simulation to account for uncertainty and variation in the parameters. The modelling of lactation curves was conducted applying a data-driven approach using mixed-effects regression models and implementing spline functions due to the non-linear nature of lactation. The evaluation of the two Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) tests for the detection of CAE and CLA was conducted comparing individual animal tests with herd level testing, i.e. bulk tank milk (BTM) testing. The use of BTM in the surveillance of the dairy goat population after disease eradication was assessed. Finally, the investigation of pasture areas and contact between sheep and goats considering the possible spread of CLA infection was conducted using a questionnaire. This included the recording of pasture information on maps and the subsequent analysis with a Geographic Information System (GIS; ArcGIS©9.1). The material for the four studies comes from different sources, including the Goat Milk Recording System (GMRS), the Efficiency Control Database for Goats (ECDG), serological and BTM test results and serological samples from sheep, questionnaires and map recordings, among others. The present project revealed that HG as conducted with governmental support has a beneficial financial effect for the farmers in that the net present value (NPV) of investments becomes positive over less than a 10 years investment-horizon. Furthermore, the study of lactation curves revealed that the total milk yield in a lactation increased with over 20% from before to after enrolling in HG, controlling for the general development of milk yield over time, independent of HG. The evaluation of the BTM ELISA tests showed that both tests were suitable for application as a first-step surveillance tool with further follow-up testing at individual level within the herd, when deemed necessary. It can be further concluded that without the substantial financial support from the government HG would have been much less beneficial and would have faced greater challenges in recruiting farmers/herds than what has been the case with governmental support. When that is said, the monetary support is not the sole success factor in this programme. The initiative and will to succeed characterise the dairy goat farmers enrolled in HG. Other success criteria are believed to include good cooperation between field veterinarians, the project management, the TINE Dairies advisors and the farmers themselves. HG has proven that it is possible to eradicate three major infections from a national dairy goat population. It is reasonable to believe that experience from this programme should have implications when establishing other disease eradication strategies in Norway, but can also be of relevance in other parts of the world and for other species

    Norsk Kystsonekart. Kartlegging av arealbruk. Prosjektrapport nr 2

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    Fysisk planlegging i kystsonen må bl. a. bygge på en oversikt over eksisterende arealbruk. Det omtales hvilke arealbruksformer som synes mest aktuelle å kartlegge, hvordan data kan skaffes og hvordan en kan presentere informasjonen. Kartlegging av arealbruk på sjøen reiser en del nye problemstillinger, bl. a. m.h.t. ajourføring og fullstendighet i kartene, og vansker med nøyaktig å avgrense en rekke av arealbruksformene. Rapporten retter seg i hovedsak mot et detaljeringsnivå tilsvarende innenfor en kommune.Norges Fiskeriforskningsråd (NFFR

    Achievements of an eradication programme against caprine arthritis encephalitis virus in South Tyrol, Italy.

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    Small ruminant lentivirus infections in goats affect both production and animal welfare. This represents a threat to the qualitative and quantitative growth of goat farming, recently observed in mountainous regions such as the Autonomous Province of Bolzano - South Tyrol (Italy). To monitor and eradicate the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus in this goat population, a compulsory eradication campaign was launched, based on a strict census of small ruminants and yearly serological testing of all animals, followed by the consequent culling of seropositive individuals. The campaign succeeded in completely eliminating cases of clinical disease in goats, while drastically reducing the seroprevalence at the herd as well as individual animal level. The serological outcome of the introduced control measures was determined using commercially available ELISA kits, demonstrating their suitability for use in this type of campaign, aimed at reducing seroprevalence as well as clinical manifestations of these infections. However, this clear success is diminished by the failure to achieve a complete eradication of these viruses. The reasons leading to the observed tailing phenomenon and the occurrence of new infections in already sanitised flocks are discussed and implementation of further measures are proposed

    The Norwegian Healthier Goats programme - A financial cost-benefit analysis

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the profitability to dairy goat farmers of participating in the Healthier Goats disease control and eradication programme (HG), which was initiated in 2001 and is still running. HG includes the control and eradication of caprine arthritisencephalitis (CAE), caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) and paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) in Norwegian goat herds. The profitability of participation was estimated in a financial cost-benefit analysis (CBA)using partial budgeting to quantify the economic consequences of infectious disease control through HG versus taking no action. Historical data were collected from 24 enrolled dairy goat herds and 21 herds not enrolled in HG, and supplemented with information from a questionnaire distributed to the same farmers. Expert opinions were collected to arrive at the best possible estimates. For some input parameters there were uncertainty due to imperfect knowledge, thus these parameters were modelled as PERT probability distributions and a stochastic simulation model was built. The CBA model was used to generate distributions of net present value (NPV) of farmers' net cash flows for choosing to enroll versus not enrolling. This was done for three selected milk quota levels of 30 000 L, 50 000 L and 70 000 L, and both for before and after the introduction of a reduced milk price for the non-enrolled. The NPVs were calculated over time horizons of 5, 10 and 20 years using an inflation-adjusted discount rate of 2.8% per annum. The results show that participation in HG on average was profitable over a time horizon of 10 years or longer for quota levels of 50 000 L and 70 000 L, although not without risk of having a negative NPV. If farmers had to pay all the costs themselves, participation in HG would have been profitable only for a time horizon beyond 20 years. In 2012, a reduced milk price was introduced for farmers not enrolled in HG, changing the decision criteria for farmers, and thus, the CBA. When the analysis was altered to account for these changes, the expected NPV was positive over five years for the 50 000 L quota, indicating an increased profitability of enrolling in HG. The sensitivity analysis showed that particular attention should be paid to work load and investment costs when planning for disease control programmes in the future

    Arktisk storfekjøttproduksjon

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    Produksjonen av storfekjøtt i Norge kjennetegnes bl.a. av stor variasjon med hensyn til fjøsbygg, driftssystemer, driftsrutiner og beiteforhold. Vi har besøkt 30 gårdsbruk og spurt produsentene selv om hva som er de viktigste suksessfaktorene for god produksjon og dyrevelferd i storfekjøttproduksjonen. I en serie på tre NIBIO-POPer publiseres resultater fra prosjektene «Arktisk storfekjøttproduksjon » (Hansen & Jørgensen 2016) og «Storfekjøttproduksjon i fjellregionen» (Berge m.fl. 2017). Dette er den andre, hvor vi deler bøndenes anbefalinger for god dyrevelferd og trygg produksjon. Målgruppa er storfekjøttprodusenter, spesielt de som er i etableringsfasen

    1. Anbefalinger for driftsløsninger og bygninger

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    Produksjonen av storfekjøtt i Norge kjennetegnes bl.a. av stor variasjon med hensyn til fjøsbygg, driftssystemer, driftsrutiner og beiteforhold. Vi har besøkt 30 gårdsbruk og spurt produsentene selv om hva de mener er de viktigste suksessfaktorene for god produksjon og dyrevelferd i storfekjøttproduksjonen. I en serie på tre NIBIO-POPer publiseres resultater fra prosjektene «Arktisk storfekjøttproduksjon» (Hansen & Jørgensen 2016) og «Storfekjøttproduksjon i fjellregionen» (Berge m.fl. 2017). Dette er den første, hvor vi deler bøndenes anbefalinger for gode driftsløsninger og bygninger som de selv har erfart fungerer. Målgruppa er storfekjøttprodusenter, spesielt de som er i etableringsfasen