5 research outputs found

    Localization behavior of vibrational modes in granular packings

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    We study the localization of vibrational modes of frictionless granular media. We introduce a new method, motivated by earlier work on non-Hermitian quantum problems, which works well both in the localized regime where the localization length ξ\xi is much less than the linear size LL and in the regime ξ\xi grater or of order LL when modes are extended throughout our finite system. Our very lowest frequency modes show "quasi-localized" resonances away from the jamming point; the spatial extent of these regions increases as the jamming point is approached, as expected theoretically. Throughout the remaining frequency range, our data show no signature of the nearness of the jamming point and collapse well when properly rescaled with the system size. Using Random Matrix Theory we derive the scaling relation ξ\xi ~ Ld/2L^{d/2} for the regime ξ\xi >> LL in dd dimensions.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Heat transport in model jammed solids

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    We calculate numerically the normal modes of vibrations in 3D jammed packings of soft spheres as a function of the packing fraction and obtain the energy diffusivity, a spectral measure of transport that controls sound propagation and thermal conductivity. The crossover frequency between weak and strong phonon scattering is controlled by the coordination and shifts to zero as the system is decompressed towards the critical packing fraction at which rigidity is lost. Below the crossover, the diffusivity displays a power-law divergence with inverse frequency, which suggests that the vibrational modes are primarily transverse waves, weakly scattered by disorder. Above it, a large number of modes appear whose diffusivity plateaus at a nearly constant value independent of the inter-particle potential, before dropping to zero above the Anderson localization frequency. The thermal conductivity of a marginally jammed solid just above the rigidity threshold is calculated and related to the one measured experimentally at room temperature for most glasses.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Critical jamming of frictional grains in the generalized isostaticity picture

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    While frictionless spheres at jamming are isostatic, frictional spheres at jamming are not. As a result, frictional spheres near jamming do not necessarily exhibit an excess of soft modes. However, a generalized form of isostaticity can be introduced if fully mobilized contacts at the Coulomb friction threshold are considered as slipping contacts. We show here that, in this framework, the vibrational density of states (DOS) of frictional discs exhibits a plateau when the generalized isostaticity line is approached. The crossover frequency to elastic behavior scales linearly with the distance from this line. Moreover, we show that the frictionless limit, which appears singular when fully mobilized contacts are treated elastically, becomes smooth when fully mobilized contacts are allowed to slip.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR