479 research outputs found

    Individuelle und strukturelle Faktoren der Mitgliederbindung im Sportverein

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    Zusammenfassung: In diesem Beitrag werden Bedingungen analysiert, die die Mitgliederbindung in Sportvereinen beeinflussen. Neben individuellen Merkmalen interessieren dabei auch die Strukturbedingungen der Sportvereine, die im Zusammenhang mit der individuellen Wahlhandlung zwischen stabiler Mitgliedschaft oder Austritt stehen. Der Einfluss der Individual- und Kontextebene auf die Mitgliederbindung in Sportvereinen wird anhand unterschiedlicher Mehrebenenmodelle geschätzt. Die Analysen machen deutlich, dass sich die dauerhafte Mitgliedschaft in Sportvereinen nicht allein auf individuelle Merkmale der Mitgliedschaft, wie eine ausgeprägte Verbundenheit, ein positiv wahrgenommenes soziales Miteinander, die Zufriedenheit mit der Vereinsarbeit sowie die ehrenamtliche Mitarbeit zurückführen lässt. Darüber hinaus nehmen vereinsspezifische Strukturbedingungen Einfluss auf die Mitgliederbindung, wobei in ländlich geprägten Sportvereinen und in Vereinen, die Geselligkeit explizit fördern und in denen das Vereinsziel sportlicher Erfolg eher eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt, die Austrittswahrscheinlichkeit geringer is

    Sport treiben ein Leben lang?: Einfluss der Sportkarriere der 1.Lebenshälfte auf das Sportengagement im mittleren und späten Erwachsenenleben

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    Zusammenfassung: Aktuelle demographische Entwicklungen rücken Fragen nach den Einflussfaktoren der Sportbeteiligung von Menschen in der 2.Lebenshälfte in den Mittelpunkt sportwissenschaftlichen Interesses. Aufgrund der vielfältigen Lebenserfahrungen dieser Altersgruppe stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit die sportliche Vorgeschichte das aktuelle Sportengagement beeinflusst. Ausgehend vom Ansatz der Lebensverlaufsforschung wurden hierzu Personen ab dem 50.Lebensjahr zu ihrem aktuellen und früheren Sportengagement im retrospektiven Längsschnitt befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass insbesondere ein langjähriges Sportengagement in der 1.Lebenshälfte sowie sportliche Aktivitäten im frühen Erwachsenenalter den Verlauf des Sportengagements in der 2.Lebenshälfte positiv beeinflussen. Darüber hinaus weisen Perioden- und Kohorteneffekte darauf hin, dass die lebenszeitlichen Abhängigkeiten des Sportengagements unter dem moderierenden Einfluss des sozialen Faktors Geschlecht sowie gesellschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen stehe

    Friendships in Integrative Settings: Network Analyses in Organized Sports and a Comparison with School

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    Social networks affect health. In this empirical study, friendship networks in integrative organized sports were examined and then compared with friendship networks in integrative school. Relevant factors for friendship network formation were investigated, with a particular interest in the relevance of intellectual disability. Advanced social network analysis was performed using exponential random graph modeling (ERGM) on individual attributes and dyadic factors, while controlling for network structures. A meta-analysis of estimated ERGMs in each setting, organized sports and school, was conducted. When controlling for all other included factors, intellectual disability is not relevant for friendship networks in organized sports. Athletic ability and gender homophily are relevant factors, while language and similarity in athletic ability are not. Contrary to the results for organized sports, intellectual disability and speaking a foreign language at home are negative factors in friendship networks at school. Athletic ability is important in both settings. Regarding dyadic factors, gender homophily is important in both settings, but similarity in athletic ability is not. To foster the psychosocial health of children with intellectual disabilities, they should be encouraged to participate in integrative organized sports as, there, they are part of friendship networks in a manner equal to their peers without an intellectual disability

    Barriers to Sport Participation Faced by Ethiopian and Eritrean Migrant Women in Switzerland

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    Global migration (both forced and voluntary) has intensified the interaction between existing and emerging cultures. Sport has gained recognition as an effective tool for enhancing migrants’ overall wellbeing, active participation, and social integration. However, a growing number of studies have shown that migrant women have the lowest rate of sport participation, especially in organized clubs. These findings have brought the accessibility and inclusion of existing sport structure and culture in host countries into question. Using the six-factor model of constraints by Tsai and Coleman (1999), this study explored the barriers that hinder Ethiopian and Eritrea migrant women (EEMW) from participating in sport in Switzerland. Thematic analysis (Braun et al., 2016) was applied to analyze semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions (n=12, 18-51 years old) to understand the interplay between barriers to sport participation and their influence on social integration. The study found that socio- cultural differences from the host community, discrimination, the high cost of sport participation, and structural barriers were influential factors hindering the participation of EEMW. Thus, interactive sport participation among EEMW must be promoted by supportive, multicultural settings to better integrate these women into Swiss society

    Correlations between motor competencies, physical activity and self-concept in children with intellectual disabilities in inclusive education.

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    BACKGROUND Reciprocal relationships exist between motor competencies, physical activity and self-concept. AIMS Using a structural equation model, this study examined whether these relationships also appear in children with intellectual disabilities, how they can be validly measured, and if there are differences between children with and without intellectual disabilities. MATERIALS & METHODS Data from a cross-sectional research project involving 121 children with intellectual disabilities and 1721 without intellectual disabilities were analysed. RESULTS The results demonstrate that reciprocal relationships also apply to children with intellectual disabilities and can be elucidated if inverse items are omitted. DISCUSSION Children with intellectual disabilities have less developed motor competencies and are less physically active but have a higher general self-concept compared to children without intellectual disabilities. The sport-related ability self-concept of both groups is comparable. CONCLUSIONS The results are broadly consistent with extant research and illustrate that the development of motor competencies, physical activity and self-concept in children with intellectual disabilities must be encouraged

    Sport and leisure-time physical activity over the life course

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    It is desirable to get as many people as possible to engage in long-term leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) due to the health-enhancing effects. Although the proportion of individuals who are physically active in their leisure time appears to have increased in Switzerland in the past years (e.g., Lamprecht et al., 2020), little is known so far about the dynamic of change in LTPA trajectories over the life course. LTPA trajectories of 1,456 Swiss resi- dents aged 35 to 76 years (random sampling) were reconstructed with the help of a retrospective telephone interview (CATI method). To address the dif- ficulties of retrospective data collection, the article presents the careful development of the questionnaire on the basis of current evidence. The majority of the respondents (approx. 73%) show a long-term LTPA without dropout (dropout = LTPA less than once a week over one year and longer), only a minority of whom (approx. 18%) took up their LTPA after the age of 20. In addition, there is also a group with a somewhat unstable LTPA trajectory (approx. 24%) that includes at least one dropout. For members of the latter group, the longer the inactive episode lasted, the lower were their chances of entering an LTPA. While the different LTPA trajectory groups differed only slightly with regard to socioeconomic characteristics, analyses of their sport- and physical activity-related history reveal that self-organized LTPA in child- hood and youth may be seen as a success factor for lifelong LTPA. The pro- portion of people practicing (long-term) LTPA is presumably overrepresented in the sample. This limitation should be taken into account, but analyses of possible advantageous conditions of long-term or lifelong LTPA are neverthe- less possible. The results indicate a demand for more specific theories related to the causality behind the observable LTPA behavio

    Langfristiger Lernprozess: Integration von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Sportvereinen

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