293 research outputs found

    Optimizing the spin sensitivity of grain boundary junction nanoSQUIDs -- towards detection of small spin systems with single-spin resolution

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    We present an optimization study of the spin sensitivity of nanoSQUIDs based on resistively shunted grain boundary Josephson junctions. In addition the dc SQUIDs contain a narrow constriction onto which a small magnetic particle can be placed (with its magnetic moment in the plane of the SQUID loop and perpendicular to the grain boundary) for efficient coupling of its stray magnetic field to the SQUID loop. The separation of the location of optimum coupling from the junctions allows for an independent optimization of the coupling factor ϕμ\phi_\mu and junction properties. We present different methods for calculating ϕμ\phi_\mu (for a magnetic nanoparticle placed 10\,nm above the constriction) as a function of device geometry and show that those yield consistent results. Furthermore, by numerical simulations we obtain a general expression for the dependence of the SQUID inductance on geometrical parameters of our devices, which allows to estimate their impact on the spectral density of flux noise SΦS_\Phi of the SQUIDs in the thermal white noise regime. Our analysis of the dependence of SΦS_\Phi and ϕμ\phi_\mu on the geometric parameters of the SQUID layout yields a spin sensitivity Sμ1/2=SΦ1/2/ϕμS_\mu^{1/2}=S_\Phi^{1/2}/\phi_\mu of a few μB/Hz1/2\mu_{\rm{B}}/\rm{Hz^{1/2}} (μB\mu_B is the Bohr magneton) for optimized parameters, respecting technological constraints. However, by comparison with experimentally realized devices we find significantly larger values for the measured white flux noise, as compared to our theoretical predictions. Still, a spin sensitivity on the order of 10 μB/Hz1/210\,\mu_{\rm B}/\rm{Hz^{1/2}} for optimized devices seems to be realistic.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Superconductor Science and Technology (submitted

    Phase-sensitive evidence for dx2-y2-pairing symmetry in the parent-structure high-Tc cuprate superconductor Sr1-xLaxCuO2

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    Even after 25 years of research the pairing mechanism and - at least for electron doped compounds - also the order parameter symmetry of the high transition temperature (high-Tc) cuprate superconductors is still under debate. One of the reasons is the complex crystal structure of most of these materials. An exception are the infinite layer (IL) compounds consisting essentially of CuO2 planes. Unfortunately, these materials are difficult to grow and, thus, there are only few experimental investigations. Recently, we succeeded in depositing high quality films of the electron doped IL compound Sr1-xLaxCuO2 (SLCO), with x approximately 0.15, and on the fabrication of well-defined grain boundary Josephson junctions (GBJs) based on such SLCO films. Here we report on a phase sensitive study of the superconducting order parameter based on GBJ SQUIDs from a SLCO film grown on a tetracrystal substrate. Our results show that also the parent structure of the high-Tc cuprates has dx2-y2-wave symmetry, which thus seems to be inherent to cuprate superconductivity.Comment: Submitted to PRL, 5 pages, 3 figures, supplementary information included (4 pages, 4 figures

    The Schwarzhorn Amphibolite (Eastern Ratikon, Austria): an Early Cambrian intrusion in the Lower Austroalpine basement

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    The Alpine nappe stack in the Penninic-Austroalpine boundary zone in the Ratikon (Austria) contains a 4x1 km tectonic sliver of meta-diorite, known as the Schwarzhorn Amphibolite. It was deformed and metamorphosed in the amphibolite facies and is unconformably overlain by unmetamorphic Lower Triassic sandstone, indicating pre-Triassic metamorphism. Cataclastic deformation and brecciation of the amphibolite is related to normal faulting and block tilting during Jurassic rifting. Zircon dating of the Schwarzhorn Amphibolite using LA-ICP-MS gave a U-Pb age of 529+9/-8 Ma, interpreted as the crystallization age of the protolith. Geochemical characteristics indicate formation of the magmatic protolith in a supra-subduction zone setting. The Cambrian protolith age identifies the Schwarzhorn Amphibolite as a pre-Variscan element within the Austroalpine basement. Similar calc-alkaline igneous rocks of Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian age are found in the Upper Austroalpine Silvretta Nappe nearby and in several other Variscan basement units of the Alps, interpreted to have formed in a peri-Gondwanan active-margin or island-arc setting

    Comparison of Whole Blood RNA Preservation Tubes and Novel Generation RNA Extraction Kits for Analysis of mRNA and MiRNA Profiles

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    Background: Whole blood expression profiling is frequently performed using PAXgene (Qiagen) or Tempus (Life Technologies) tubes. Here, we compare 6 novel generation RNA isolation protocols with respect to RNA quantity, quality and recovery of mRNA and miRNA. Methods: 3 PAXgene and 3 Tempus Tubes were collected from participants of the LIFE study with (n=12) and without (n=35) acute myocardial infarction (AMI). RNA was extracted with 4 manual protocols from Qiagen (PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit), Life Technologies (MagMAX for Stabilized Blood Tubes RNA Isolation Kit), and Norgen Biotek (Norgen Preserved Blood RNA Purification Kit I and Kit II), and 2 (semi-) automated protocols on the QIAsymphony (Qiagen) and MagMAX Express-96 Magnetic Particle Processor (Life Technologies). RNA quantity and quality was determined. For biological validation, RNA from 12 representative probands, extracted with all 6 kits (n=72), was reverse transcribed and mRNAs (matrix metalloproteinase 9, arginase 1) and miRNAs (miR133a, miR1), shown to be altered by AMI, were analyzed. Results: RNA yields were highest using the Norgen Kit I with Tempus Tubes and lowest using the Norgen Kit II with PAXgene. The disease status was the second major determinant of RNA yields (LIFE-AMI 11.2 vs. LIFE 6.7 mu g, p < 0.001) followed by the choice of blood collection tube. (Semi-) automation reduced overall RNA extraction time but did not generally reduce hands-on-time. RNA yields and quality were comparable between manual and automated extraction protocols. mRNA expression was not affected by collection tubes and RNA extraction kits but by RT/qPCR reagents with exception of the Norgen Kit II, which led to mRNA depletion. For miRNAs, expression differences related to collection tubes (miR30b), RNA isolation (Norgen Kit II), and RT/qRT reagents (miR133a) were observed. Conclusion: We demonstrate that novel generation RNA isolation kits significantly differed with respect to RNA recovery and affected miRNA but not mRNA expression profiles

    Expression and regulation of CCL18 in synovial fluid neutrophils of patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by the recruitment of leukocytes and the accumulation of inflammatory mediators within the synovial compartment. Release of the chemokine CCL18 has been widely attributed to antigen-presenting cells, including macrophages and dendritic cells. This study investigates the production of CCL18 in polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN), the predominant cell type recruited into synovial fluid (SF). Microarray analysis, semiquantitative and quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction identified SF PMN from patients with RA as a novel source for CCL18 in diseased joints. Highly upregulated expression of other chemokine genes was observed for CCL3, CXCL8 and CXCL10, whereas CCL21 was downregulated. The chemokine receptor genes were differentially expressed, with upregulation of CXCR4, CCRL2 and CCR5 and downregulation of CXCR1 and CXCR2. In cell culture experiments, expression of CCL18 mRNA in blood PMN was induced by tumor necrosis factor α, whereas synthesis of CCL18 protein required additional stimulation with a combination of IL-10 and vitamin D3. In comparison, recruited SF PMN from patients with RA were sensitized for CCL18 production, because IL-10 alone was sufficient to induce CCL18 release. These results suggest a release of the T cell-attracting CCL18 by PMN when recruited to diseased joints. However, its production is tightly regulated at the levels of mRNA expression and protein synthesis
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