177 research outputs found

    Induction of Specific CD8+ T Cells against Intracellular Bacteria by CD8+ T-Cell-Oriented Immunization Approaches

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    For protection against intracellular bacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Listeria monocytogenes, the cellular arm of adaptive immunity is necessary. A variety of immunization methods have been evaluated and are reported to induce specific CD8+ T cells against intracellular bacterial infection. Modified BCG vaccines have been examined to enhance CD8+ T-cell responses. Naked DNA vaccination is a promising strategy to induce CD8+ T cells. In addition to this strategy, live attenuated intracellular bacteria such as Shigella, Salmonella, and Listeria have been utilized as carriers of DNA vaccines in animal models. Vaccination with dendritic cells pulsed with antigenic peptides or the cells introduced antigen genes by virus vectors such as retroviruses is also a powerful strategy. Furthermore, vaccination with recombinant lentivirus has been attempted to induce specific CD8+ T cells. Combinations of these strategies (prime-boost immunization) have been studied for the efficient induction of intracellular bacteria-specific CD8+ T cells

    Immune Responses Against Mycobacterium

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    Transparent Exopolymer Particles in Deep Oceans: Synthesis and Future Challenges

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    Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) are a class of abundant gel-like particles that are omnipresent in seawater. While versatile roles of TEP in the regulation of carbon cycles have been studied extensively over the past three decades, investigators have only recently begun to find intriguing features of TEP distribution and processes in deep waters. The emergence of new research reflects the growing attention to ecological and biogeochemical processes in deep oceans, where large quantities of organic carbon are stored and processed. Here, we review recent research concerning the role of TEP in deep oceans. We discuss: (1) critical features in TEP distribution patterns, (2) TEP sources and sinks, and (3) contributions of TEP to the organic carbon inventory. We conclude that gaining a better understanding of TEP-mediated carbon cycling requires the effective application of gel theory and particle coagulation models for deep water settings. To achieve this goal, we need a better recognition and determination of the quantities, turnover, transport, chemical properties, and microbial processing of TEP

    Geographic Variation of Particle Size Distribution in the Kuroshio Region: Possible Causes in the Upper Water Column

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    Particle size distribution (PSD) in the ocean is a fundamental property that influences carbon export and food webs; however, PSD variation and its causes in oligotrophic oceans are not entirely clear. Here, we used Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry to investigate PSD (size range 5.2–119 μm) and related variables at 11 stations in the surface layer (0–20 m) of the Kuroshio region of the western North Pacific, where strong current causes dynamic hydrographic and ecological conditions. PSD slopes (range –3.2 to –4.2), derived from the power law model, were steeper at onshore stations and flatter at oligotrophic stations located offshore and at lower latitudes. Notably, slopes tended to become steeper with increasing chlorophyll a concentration, opposing the generally observed relationship between the two variables, whereas they became flatter with increasing transparent exopolymer particle (TEP) concentration. Possible explanations of the above results are localized occurrence of nanophytoplankton and TEP facilitation of particle aggregation. The results support the hypothesis that PSD slopes are controlled by a multitude of factors, including phytoplankton community dynamics and aggregation processes. To determine whether TEP-induced particle aggregation enhances or suppresses carbon export, we need a better understanding of the nature (porosity, density, and sinking velocity) of aggregates in oligotrophic oceans

    Seasonal and site-specific variability in terrigenous particulate organic carbon concentration in near-shore waters of Lake Biwa, Japan

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    Identifying sources of particulate organic matter (POM) is important for clarifying fundamental mechanisms by which lake food webs are sustained. We determined carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of POM in near-shore waters of Lake Biwa, a large, meso-eutrophic lake in Japan, to estimate relative contributions of terrigenous particulate organic carbon (T-POC), plankton-derived POC (P-POC) and epilithon-derived POC (E-POC) to POC in near-shore waters. Samples were collected during different months (November, February, May and July) at 29 sites located near the mouth of tributary rivers with different discharge and catchment land use. The data revealed that POC mainly consisted of P-POC and T-POC, with relative contributions varying widely over season and among locations. E-POC generally contributed little to the near-shore POC. Path analyses revealed that the concentration of riverine POC whose isotopic signatures were similar to those of rice straws increased with a larger %paddy field area in the catchment of tributary rivers, which subsequently enhanced T-POC inputs to near-shore waters through riverine transportation. Furthermore, our results suggested that T-POC contribution was influenced, with a time lag, by wave-driven turbulence and shore topography, which appear to affect sedimentation and resuspension of T-POC

    Nitrogen and oxygen isotope measurements of nitrate to survey the sources and transformation of nitrogen loads in rivers

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    This paper reviews the studies on evaluation of river environments in terms of water pollution, ecosystem disturbances, excess nutrient (nitrogen) loads, and developments in the isotopic measurements of nitrate and present an update and future perspectives regarding the application of nitrate isotopes to river nutrient assessments. Then, we present the advantages of simultaneous measurement of the nitrogen and oxygen isotopes of nitrate in streamwaters.Dual isotope measurement has recently been used to identify the sources and paths of nitrogen loading in several stream systems. The most recently developed high-resolution denitrifier method is a promising tool with which to investigate the detailed spatial and temporal variation and mechanisms of nitrogen loading and transformation in rivers

    Temporal variations in concentrations of dissolved combined and free amino acids during an autumnal phytoplankton bloom in the Chukchi Shelf, western Arctic Ocean

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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム分野横断セッション:[IA] 急変する北極気候システム及びその全球的な影響の総合的解明―GRENE北極気候変動研究事業研究成果報告2015―11月19日(木) 国立極地研究所1階交流アトリウ

    Photosynthetic Energy Conversion: Hydrogen Photoproduction by Natural and Biomimetic Means

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    The main function of the photosynthetic process is to capture solar energy and to store it in the form of chemical fuels. Many fuel forms such as coal, oil and gas have been intensively used and are becoming limited. Hydrogen could become an important clean fuel for the future. Among different technologies for hydrogen production, oxygenic natural and artificial photosynthesis using direct photochemistry in synthetic complexes have a great potential to produce hydrogen as both use clean and cheap sources - water and solar energy. Photosynthetic organisms capture sunlight very efficiently and convert it into organic molecules. Artificial photosynthesis is one way to produce hydrogen from water using sunlight by employing biomimetic complexes. However, splitting of water into protons and oxygen is energetically demanding and chemically difficult. In oxygenic photosynthetic microorganisms water is splitted into electrons and protons during primary photosynthetic processes. The electrons and protons are redirected through the photosynthetic electron transport chain to the hydrogen-producing enzymes-hydrogenase or nitrogenase. By these enzymes, e- and H+ recombine and form gaseous hydrogen. Biohydrogen activity of hydrogenase can be very high but it is extremely sensitive to photosynthetic O2. At the moment, the efficiency of biohydrogen production is low. However, theoretical expectations suggest that the rates of photon conversion efficiency for H2 bioproduction can be high enough (> 10%). Our review examines the main pathways of H2 photoproduction using photosynthetic organisms and biomimetic photosynthetic systems and focuses on developing new technologies based on the effective principles of photosynthesis

    Effectiveness of 18F-FDG PET/CT in finding lung metastasis from a retroperitoneal paraganglioma

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    A 50-year-old woman was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia on general medical examination. Further, contrast-enhanced abdominal CT and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a large hypervascular mass with internal degeneration and necrosis in the retroperitoneal space. She was referred to our hospital for further evaluation and treatment. Because the paraganglioma was most likely as the imaging diagnosis, 123I-MIBG scintigraphy was performed. It revealed the marked abnormal accumulation in the retroperitoneal lesion indicating the paraganglioma and no other abnormal accumulation was noted. Several plasma catecholamines and their urinary metabolites were normal. On the subsequent 18F-FDG PET/CT, high FDG uptake was found in the retroperitoneal lesion (SUVmax=38). FDG uptake was also found in a small nodule at the base of the lower lobe of the right lung (SUVmax= 9.8). Contrast-enhanced imaging revealed a hypervascular nodule at the base of the right lung, suggesting pulmonary metastasis of a paraganglioma. The abdominal lesion and right lung nodule were excised, and retroperitoneal paraganglioma and pulmonary metastasis were diagnosed based on the pathology findings. In this case, 18F-FDG PET/CT was useful in the search for paraganglioma metastasis. We report a relationship between 123I-MIBG accumulation and 18F-FDG uptake in paraganglioma and review the relevant literature