3,246 research outputs found

    Formulation of cosmic-ray solar daily variation and its seasonal variation, produced from generalized stationary anisotropy of solar origin

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    In previous papers, a formulation was presented of cosmic ray daily variations produced from solar anisotropies stationary through a year, and also of their annual (or seasonal) modulation caused by the annual variation of the rotation axis of the Earth relative to that of the Sun. These anisotropies are symmetric for an arbitrary rotation around an axis. From observations of the tri-diurnal variation, it has been suggested that solar anisotropies also contain some axis-asymmetric term of the third order with respect to the IMF-axis. This suggestion has recently found support in a theoretical study by Munakata and Nagashima. According to their results, the terms of axis-asymmetry with respect to IMF-axis appear also in the 2nd order anisotropy, together with some different kinds of axis-symmetric terms. The contribution of these anisotropies to the daily variation is different from that of those discussed previously. The above mentioned formulation is extended to a case of a generalized anisotropy

    Analytic Approach to the Cloud-in-cloud Problem for Non-Gaussian Density Fluctuations

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    We revisit the cloud-in-cloud problem for non-Gaussian density fluctuations. We show that the extended Press-Schechter (EPS) formalism for non-Gaussian fluctuations has a flaw in describing mass functions regardless of type of filtering. As an example, we consider non-Gaussian models in which density fluctuations at a point obeys a \chi^2 distribution with \nu degrees of freedom. We find that mass functions predicted by using an integral formula proposed by Jedamzik, and Yano, Nagashima and Gouda, properly taking into account correlation between objects at different scales, deviate from those predicted by using the EPS formalism, especially for strongly non-Gaussian fluctuations. Our results for the mass function at large mass scales are consistent with those by Avelino and Viana obtained from numerical simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 7 EPS files, submitted to Ap

    Galaxies in SDSS and DEEP2: a quiet life on the blue sequence?

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    In the six billion years between redshifts z=1 and z=0.1, galaxies change due to the aging of their stellar populations, the formation of new stars, and mergers with other galaxies. Here I explore the relative importance of these various effects, finding that while mergers are likely to be important for the red galaxy sequence they are unlikely to affect more than 10% of the blue galaxy sequence. I compare the galaxy population at redshift z=0.1 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to that at z=1 from the Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe 2. Galaxies are bluer at z=1: the blue sequence by about 0.3 mag and the red sequence by about 0.1 mag, in redshift z=0.1 (u-g) color. I evaluate the change in color and in the luminosity functions of the two sequences using some simplistic stellar population synthesis models. These models indicate that the luminous end of the red sequence fades less than passive evolution allows by about 0.2 mag. Due to a lack of luminous blue progenitors, ``dry'' mergers betweeen red galaxies then must create the luminous red population at z=0.1, if stellar population models are correct. The blue sequence colors and luminosity function are consistent with a reduction in the star-formation rate since redshift z=1 by a factor of about three, with no change in the number density to within 10%. These results restrict the number of blue galaxies that can fall onto the red sequence by any process, and in particular suggest that if mergers are catastrophic events they must be rare for blue galaxies.Comment: submitted to ApJ, summary and viewgraphs available at http://cosmo.nyu.edu/blanton/deep2sdss

    IMF-sense-dependent cosmic ray anisotropy produced from diffusion-convection in heliosphere

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    It was demonstrated that an interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) sense dependent 2nd order anisotropy is produced by the diffusion convection of cosmic rays in the heliomagnetosphere. The result implies that the anisotropy cannot be expressed only by the pitch angle with respect to the IMF axis

    Sub-Zero Alteration in an Isotopically Heavy Brine Preserved in a Pristine H Chondrite Xenolith

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    Introduction: Brecciated H chondrites host a variety of xenoliths, including unshocked, phyllo- silicate-rich carbonaceous chondrites (CCs). The brecciated H chondrite Zag (H3-6) is one of two chondrites to host macroscopic (1 - 5mm), xenolithic crystals of halite (NaCl) with aqueous fluid inclusions and organics. A ~1cm CC xenolith in Zag (Zag clast) has mineralogy similar to CI chondrites, but it has a unique bulk oxygen isotopic composition among all meteorites ((exp 17)O = 1.49 0.04 , (exp 18)O = 22.38 0.17 ). The Zag clast encloses halite in its matrix, linking the coarse, matrix halite and the xenolith to the same parent object, suggested to be hydrovolcanically active. Its bulk C and N contents are the highest among chondrites and bulk (exp 15)N is similar to CR chondrites and Bells. Insoluble organic material (IOM) in the Zag clast has D and (exp 15)N hotspots, also similar to CR chondrites and Bells (C2-ung.). We provide further isotopic characterization of the Zag clast to constrain the formation temperature and origin of its primary and secondary components

    Infrared Spectral Energy Distribution of Galaxies in the AKARI All Sky Survey: Correlations with Galaxy Properties, and Their Physical Origin

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    We have studied the properties of more than 1600 low-redshift galaxies by utilizing high-quality infrared flux measurements of the AKARI All-Sky Survey and physical quantities based on optical and 21-cm observations. Our goal is to understand the physics determining the infrared spectral energy distribution (SED). The ratio of the total infrared luminosity L_TIR, to the star-formation rate (SFR) is tightly correlated by a power-law to specific SFR (SSFR), and L_TIR is a good SFR indicator only for galaxies with the largest SSFR. We discovered a tight linear correlation for normal galaxies between the radiation field strength of dust heating, estimated by infrared SED fits (U_h), and that of galactic-scale infrared emission (U_TIR ~ L_TIR/R^2), where R is the optical size of a galaxy. The dispersion of U_h along this relation is 0.3 dex, corresponding to 13% dispersion in the dust temperature. This scaling and the U_h/U_TIR ratio can be explained physically by a thin layer of heating sources embedded in a thicker, optically-thick dust screen. The data also indicate that the heated fraction of the total dust mass is anti-correlated to the dust column density, supporting this interpretation. In the large U_TIR limit, the data of circumnuclear starbursts indicate the existence of an upper limit on U_h, corresponding to the maximum SFR per gas mass of ~ 10 Gyr^{-1}. We find that the number of galaxies sharply drops when they become optically thin against dust-heating radiation, suggesting that a feedback process to galaxy formation (likely by the photoelectric heating) is working when dust-heating radiation is not self-shielded on a galactic scale. Implications are discussed for the M_HI-size relation, the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation, and galaxy formation in the cosmological context.Comment: 29 pages including 28 figures. matches the published version (PASJ 2011 Dec. 25 issue). The E-open option was chosen for this article, i.e., the official version available from PASJ site (http://pasj.asj.or.jp/v63/n6/630613/630613-frame.html) without restrictio