308 research outputs found

    Significance of Stabilometry for Assessing Postoperative Body Sway in Patients with Cervical Myelopathy

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    [Study Design] Prospective study. [Purpose] To examine the changes in body sway using stabilometry in patients who underwent cervical laminoplasty for cervical myelopathy. [Overview of Literature] Although the patients of cervical myelopathy complain body sway there are few report to examine body sway objectively. [Methods] Patients who received treatment for cervical myelopathy between October 2010 and February 2013 were included. Twenty-one patients underwent cervical laminoplasty (myelopathy group). Body sway was assessed using stabilometry, wherein patients stood on a stabilometer with their eyes closed for 30 seconds. The Romberg ratio, outer peripheral area (OPA) with eyes closed (cm2), and total locus length per unit area (L/A) with eyes closed (/cm) were examined. Examinations were performed preoperatively (at baseline) and at 8 weeks postoperatively. Examination results of patients in the myelopathy group were compared with those of 17 healthy individuals (control group). Clinical symptoms were evaluated using the Japanese Orthopaedic Association scale score (JOA score) and the timed up and go (TUG) test. [Results] In the myelopathy and control groups, the mean baseline Romberg ratio, OPA, and L/A were 2.3±1.2, 8.9±5.5 cm2, and 14.2±5.3/cm and 1.4±1.0, 4.3±2.8 cm2, and 23.7±10.1/cm, respectively. Eight weeks after laminoplasty, only L/A showed significant improvement from baseline in the myelopathy group (23.2±10.1 to 16.8±7.9; p=0.03). The Romberg ratio and OPA showed improvement in the myelopathy group, but the changes were not statistically significant. JOA scores and TUG test results in this group significantly improved from baseline to 8 weeks after laminoplasty (12.7 to 13.4 and 10.8 to 8.0 seconds, respectively; both p<0.05). [Conclusions] L/A is a useful parameter for measuring body sway to assess the recovery of body sway after laminoplasty

    Muscle strength in rheumatoid elbow: quantitative measurement and comparison to Larsen's X-ray grade

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    Accurate assessment of elbow function is important to determine the total ability of the arm. The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between isometric muscle strength of the elbows of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and Larsen's X-ray evaluation. Fifty-six elbows of 45 RA patients aged 47 to 77 years (mean age, 63 years) were tested. Muscle strength was measured with an isometric torque-cell dynamometer. Test-retest reliability of the dynamometer was proven by measuring 12 elbows of 6 healthy young men. In RA patients, elbow flexion and extension strength decreased in proportion to increases in the severity of Larsen's grades from Grade 1 to 4. However, Grade 5 elbows had greater muscle strength than those in Grade 4. Forearm pronation and supination strength also decreased in proportion to increases in the severity of Larsen's grades from Grade 1 to 5. This quantitative study made it clear that the muscle strength of RA patients' elbows almost completely correlates to X-ray finding according to the grade of Larsen's evaluation based on X-rays. With regard to muscle strength of postoperative elbows, both flexion strength and supination strength after total elbow replacement (TER) were about two times greater than before TER, and after synovectomy it was as great as those in non-operative RA patients of Grade 2.</p

    Reactivity of IgE in fish-allergic patients to fish muscle collagen

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    ABSTRACTBackground: In addition to parvalbumin, the well- known major allergen in fish, collagen was recently identified as a new allergen in the muscle of bigeye tuna and in the skin of several species of fish. The aim of the present study was to evaluate fish muscle colla- gens for their reactivity with IgE in fish-allergic patients and antigenic cross-reactivity.Methods: Collagen was purified from the white muscle of five species of fish (Japanese eel, alfonsin, mackerel, skipjack and bigeye tuna) by acid extraction and salt precipitation, whereas parvalbumin was purified from bigeye tuna by gel filtration and reverse- phase HPLC. The IgE reactivities to collagen and parvalbumin were examined by ELISA, whereas antigenic cross-reactivity among fish muscle collagens was investigated by ELISA inhibition experiments.Results: When 15 sera from fish-allergic patients were subjected to ELISA using bigeye tuna collagen and parvalbumin, 10 sera reacted only to parvalbumin, two reacted only to collagen, two reacted to both collagen and parvalbumin and one reacted to neither collagen nor parvalbumin. The sera containing specific IgE to bigeye tuna collagen also reacted to collagens from the other four species of fish. In the ELISA inhibition experiments, bigeye tuna collagen inhibited the binding of IgE not only to bigeye tuna collagen, but also to that from the other four species of fish, suggesting cross-reactivity among the collagens from five species of fish.Conclusions: These results demonstrate that some Japanese fish-allergic patients have specific IgE to fish muscle collagen and that fish muscle collagen is a cross-reactive allergen among various species of fish

    Adequacy and Long-Term Prognosis of Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release

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    Forty-one hands of 37 patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome treated by endoscopic carpal tunnel release (ECTR) were followed up for more than one year after surgery. Surgical results were evaluated using Kelly's criteria, the Semmes-Weinstein test, the static and moving 2-point discrimination tests, tip-pinch strength, and motor and sensory nerve conduction studies. Clinical results, according to Kelly's criteria three months after surgery, were excellent or good in 36 hands, and fair or poor in five hands. No recovery was evident at six months and 12 months after surgery in fair and poor hands. Based on these findings, we conclude that a neurolysis of the median nerve and release of constriction of the thenar muscle branch should be performed using the conventional open technique for patients with poor results three months after ECTR if the patients are dissatisfied with ECTR results</p

    Rotationplasty for patients with osteosarcoma around the knee joint.

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    The results of rotationplasty for patients with osteosarcoma around the knee joint are presented. After an average observation period of 13.3 months, there has been no local recurrence or metastasis. The ankle joints (the new knee joints) of the patients were able to support their body weight with an average range of motion of 75 degrees. All patients could walk well without crutches and without risk of the giving way phenomenon. The average rate of the functional evaluation according to the re-modified system by Enneking was 84.5% (range, 80.0-86.7%). No patient had psychological trouble in accepting the shortened and rotated extremity. The results show that rotationplasty is a useful reconstructive method for the treatment of osteosarcoma around the knee joint.</p

    Tetrodotoxin/Saxitoxins Selectivity of the Euryhaline Freshwater Pufferfish Dichotomyctere fluviatilis

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    The present study evaluated differences in the tetrodotoxin (TTX)/saxitoxins (STXs) selectivity between marine and freshwater pufferfish by performing in vivo and in vitro experiments. In the in vivo experiment, artificially reared nontoxic euryhaline freshwater pufferfish Dichotomyctere fluviatilis were intrarectally administered a mixture of TTX (24 nmol/fish) and STX (20 nmol/fish). The amount of toxin in the intestine, liver, muscle, gonads, and skin was quantified at 24, 48, and 72 h. STX was detected in the intestine over a long period of time, with some (2.7–6.1% of the given dose) being absorbed into the body and temporarily located in the liver. Very little TTX was retained in the body. In the in vitro experiments, slices of intestine, liver, and skin tissue prepared from artificially reared nontoxic D. fluviatilis and the marine pufferfish Takifugu rubripes were incubated in buffer containing TTX and STXs (20 nmol/mL each) for up to 24 or 72 h, and the amount of toxin taken up in the tissue was quantified over time. In contrast to T. rubripes, the intestine, liver, and skin tissues of D. fluviatilis selectively took up only STXs. These findings indicate that the TTX/STXs selectivity differs between freshwater and marine pufferfish