326 research outputs found

    Analysis of Air Quality Parameters to Assess the Impact on Layers in Poultry Farms using Deep Learning

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    The food security has increased the agriculture production due to satisfying demand of ever-growing population. Due to this growth in population, the demand of protein also increased. A significant amount of population depends upon the chicken and egg to fulfil the demand of protein. The meat and egg production depends on the quality of poultry farming. The presence of air contaminants causes poor air quality within the poultry house which affects health of layers, production of eggs and workers in poultry farm. The proposed work uses data analysis approach and machine learning concept to automatize the process of air quality monitoring in poultry farms. A Convoluted Neural Network Long Short-Term Memory model, along with bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory model is proposed to improve the forecasting performance. This method predicts the Air Quality Index based on air quality parameters. The proposed approach is tested on poultry farm air quality dataset which is collected from different poultry farms. Finally, the obtained performance is compared with existing techniques in terms of RMSE, MAE, MAPE and correlation coefficient

    Energy-aware strategy for data forwarding in IoT ecosystem

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is looming technology rapidly attracting many industries and drawing research attention. Although the scale of IoT-applications is very large, the capabilities of the IoT-devices are limited, especially in terms of energy. However, various research works have been done to alleviate these shortcomings, but the schemes introduced in the literature are complex and difficult to implement in practical scenarios. Therefore, considering the energy consumption of heterogeneous nodes in IoT eco-system, a simple energy-efficient routing technique is proposed. The proposed system has also employed an SDN controller that acts as a centralized manager to control and monitor network services, there by restricting the access of selfish nodes to the network. The proposed system constructs an analytical algorithm that provides reliable data transmission operations and controls energy consumption using a strategic mechanism where the path selection process is performed based on the remaining energy of adjacent nodes located in the direction of the destination node. The proposed energy-efficient data forwarding mechanism is compared with the existing AODV routing technique. The simulation result demonstrates that the protocol is superior to AODV in terms of packet delivery rate, throughput, and end-to-end delay


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    While Internet has been extremely advantageous in connecting people and providing a platform for expression of  one’s views and opinions, on the other hand it has even at times lead to abuse of this platform by some necessitating legal regulation. Freedom of speech and expression being a fundamental right is legally enforceable even against the State and its agencies but the same can be legally restricted under certain ‘reasonable grounds’. This paper aims to analyse the existing law framework in this regard, with the object of identifying legal provisions which on one hand protects freedom of speech and expression on cyber space and on the other hand, the legal restrictions imposed for such freedom. Though the paper makes a brief assessment of the concerned legal aspect from international perspective in brief, it focuses largely on Indian law framework in this regard

    Pollen morphology of Quercus (subgenus Quercus, section Quercus) in Iran and its systematic implication

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    Computerization in the Reactor Research Centre Library: a case study

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    Computerization of Library functions has many advantages over the manual methods if the areas to be computerized are chosen judiciously. A case study, of the different areas of the Reactor Research Centre's Library that have been computerized, is presented. The various programs that have been used, the options that have been taken for choosing the required output listings and the searches that are being conducted are described. The other areas, where proformas have been developed in high level languages like Fortran and PL1 are briefly dealt with. The factors that influenced this Library to computerise its functions are enumerated. It is observed that a specific, mission oriented, small database is more efficient for rendering information services in special Libraries than using large, commercially available databases

    Assessment of periodontal health status among Koraga tribes residing in Mangalore taluk: a cross sectional study

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     Background: To assess the periodontal health status among Koraga tribal community residing in Mangalore Taluk.Methods: The study subjects comprised of 400 Koraga tribal’s in the age range of 20-55 years living in Mangalore Taluk. The data regarding oral hygiene practices prevalent in the tribal population was collected by interviewing. Intra oral examination was carried out by using mouth mirror and CPI probe and included simplified oral hygiene index (OHI-S), community periodontal index (CPI), loss of attachment and dental aesthetic index (DAI).Results: Of the total population examined, 81% brushed once daily with 34% of the subjects using tooth paste and brush as oral hygiene aid while, the rest of them used a combination, with other indigenous methods. Majority of them used tobacco in the smokeless form (36%). The oral hygiene status was poor in 56% of the subjects. The present study showed that majority of the Koragas suffered from various gingival and periodontal diseases as assessed by community periodontal index. The dental aesthetic index indicated that 37.5 % of study subjects had very severe malocclusion.Conclusions: This group of people has a poor oral hygiene and periodontal status because they are deprived of the awareness and availability of treatment facilities. Their inappropriate oral hygiene practices, inadequate dental health resources and low socio-economic status are the major factors in this population to cause increased prevalence of periodontal disease

    A generalized approach to content creation using knowledge base systems

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    Library and information Institutions and centers all over the world are attempting to convert their holding into electronic storage. Collections of library document are accessed by users for their analytical and interpretational activities in research, academic consultation occupations and developmental work. Quickly finding an article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base through search by using content keywords and query words is an essential requirement of the present era. Using the keywords and query words that are listed in one article may help find other articles that have similar content. However, some query words are only used for older content and may not help you find the most current information.Protégé is a free, open source ontology editor and knowledgebase framework.The Protégé platform supports two main ways of modeling ontology’s via the Protégé-Frames and Protégé-OWL editors. Protégé ontologies can be exported into a variety of formats. It works on the principles of using classes, slots, forms, instances, queries. Classes can have subclasses. Slots are the templates for each class through which data can be entered. Forms set the indexed instance set up. Instances are the data entry display forms using the defined slots. Queries are the search mechanisms through the metadata. Content creation is the ultimate unit of information. It has tremendous use in day-to-day life.It has significant role in decision making. The need of content management system started appearing effectively and efficiently since time immemorial. For creating an knowledge based system, the system designer has to select 4 basic elements. They are: Cards (Records), Thesaurus, Class no, Indexing. These components of the system are connected to the scope and application of the subject matter to which the content belongs to. The components are data about the content assertions . In this way it is easier to store, organize, process and retrieve the information. The Content Knowledge Base guided search allows users to find precise content technical information, Developer Centered articles, and information service. The institutional guided search functionality lets users fine-tune their queries based on established categories

    Legal Academia and Legal Aid Clinics: The Two Invisible Pillars for Dispute Resolution

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    Justice delivery in a society depends on its legal framework and the institutional framework through which such justice is delivered. Law Schools through which legal education is delivered play a crucial role in the justice delivery system in a country. In India, different formats of legal educational institutions are found, all of which have their own conception of ‘justice’ and have adopted their own mode of delivering legal education in order to cater to the need of the ‘justice’ delivery system of the country. Two important limps of legal education are the legal academia and the Legal aid clinics. Restriction on engaging these resources for dispute resolution is not only a waste of intellectual resources but also a burden on society. The current paper focuses on different ways to engage the above limps as a catalyst to expedite justice delivery

    Laboratory Diagnosis of Meningitis

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    Study of tamoxifen associated endometrial changes in women with breast cancer: a prospective study

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    Background: Studies have estimated that women with breast cancer on tamoxifen therapy have a greater risk of developing endometrial cancer. We undertook this study to correlate the ultrasonographic findings, hysteroscopy findings and endometrial pathology in breast cancer patients on tamoxifen. Methods: This was a prospective study conducted over a period of two years. Patients of histologically proven breast cancer on tamoxifen treatment for more than a year were taken into the study. Transvaginal ultrasonography and hysteroscopic biopsy (if endometrial thickness on TVS was 8mm or more) was performed. SPSS software was used for statistical analysis of data. Results: 23 patients had an endometrial thickness between 5-10 mm. 23 between 10.1-15 mm, 13 between 15.1-20 mm and only 1 patient had an ET of more than 20 mm with a mean of 12.27 mm. On Hysteroscopy 24 patients (51%) had a bald endometrium, 14 (29.8%) had hyperplastic endometrium and 9 (19.2%) had polypoid endometrium. On endometrial biopsy, 19 patients had atrophic endometrium, 14 had polypoid endometrium, 11 had non secretory and 7 had secretory endometrium, 1 patient had disordered proliferative endometrium, 1 as hyperplasia without atypia and 1 with complex hyperplasia. 2 were reported as adenocarcinoma. Conclusions: Usage of tamoxifen is warranted in view of its benefits outweighing its risks, the need of a screening program for patients who receive tamoxifen for a prolonged period and the need for a hysteroscopic biopsy when the endometrial thickness is more than 8mm especially in the symptomatic patients