1,338 research outputs found

    Dynamical vs. Auxiliary Fields in Gravitational Waves around a Black Hole

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    The auxiliary/dynamic decoupling method of hep-th/0609001 applies to perturbations of any co-homogeneity 1 background (such as a spherically symmetric space-time or a homogeneous cosmology). Here it is applied to compute the perturbations around a Schwarzschild black hole in an arbitrary dimension. The method provides a clear insight for the existence of master equations. The computation is straightforward, coincides with previous results of Regge-Wheeler, Zerilli and Kodama-Ishibashi but does not require any ingenuity in either the definition of variables or in fixing the gauge. We note that the method's emergent master fields are canonically conjugate to the standard ones. In addition, our action approach yields the auxiliary sectors.Comment: 26 page

    Energy and Vorticity Spectra in Turbulent Superfluid 4^4He from T=0T=0 to TλT_\lambda

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    We discuss the energy and vorticity spectra of turbulent superfluid 4^4He in all the temperature range from T=0T=0 up to the phase transition "λ\lambda point", Tλ2.17T_\lambda\simeq 2.17\,K. Contrary to classical developed turbulence in which there are only two typical scales, i.e. the energy injection LL and the dissipation scales η\eta, here the quantization of vorticity introduces two additional scales, i.e the vortex core radius a0a_0 and the mean vortex spacing \ell. We present these spectra for the super- and normal-fluid components in the entire range of scales from LL to a0a_0 including the cross-over scale \ell where the hydrodynamic eddy-cascade is replaced by the cascade of Kelvin waves on individual vortices. At this scale a bottleneck accumulation of the energy was found earlier at T=0T=0. We show that even very small mutual friction dramatically suppresses the bottleneck effect due to the dissipation of the Kelvin waves. Using our results for the spectra we estimate the Vinen "effective viscosity" ν\nu' in the entire temperature range and show agreement with numerous experimental observation for ν(T)\nu'(T).Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Shuffle on array languages generated by array grammars

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    Motivated by the studies done by G. Siromoney et al. (1973) and Alexan- dru Mateescu et al. (1998) we examine the language theoretic results related to shuf- fle on trajectories by making use of Siromoney array grammars such as (R : R)AG, (R : C F )AG, (C F : R)AG, (C F : C F )AG, (C S : R)AG, (C S : C S)AG and (C F : C S)AG which are more powerful than the Siromoney matrix grammars (1972) and are used to make digital pictures


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    Abstract Title: Correlation of total antioxidant status (TAS) with DNA damage in HIV/AIDS patients. Background: The antioxidant deficiency in HIV-positive populations is probably due to increased utilization of antioxidant micronutrients because of increased oxidative stress rather than to inadequate dietary intake [1].  Objectives: The study had 2 principal objectives. The first was to determine total antioxidant status (TAS) and DNA damage in HIV /AIDS patients on varying antiretroviral therapy(ART)  and those not on ART. The second objective was to ascertain whether there is any correlation between TAS and oxidative DNA damage in these patients. Design: This was a cross-sectional study involving 300 HIV positive and 100 HIV-negative subjects aged 20–60 yrs. Results: The varying ART has not have much effect on TAS levels but there was different levels of DNA damage in ART first line, ART second line and ART not yet started patients. There is a negative correlation between TAS & DNA damage. Conclusions: In this study, we observed that ART plays a significant role in the oxidative DNA damage. Decreased TAS is associated with increased DNA damage. Â

    Dynamical excitation of space-time modes of compact objects

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    We discuss, in the perturbative regime, the scattering of Gaussian pulses of odd-parity gravitational radiation off a non-rotating relativistic star and a Schwarzschild Black Hole. We focus on the excitation of the ww-modes of the star as a function of the width bb of the pulse and we contrast it with the outcome of a Schwarzschild Black Hole of the same mass. For sufficiently narrow values of bb, the waveforms are dominated by characteristic space-time modes. On the other hand, for sufficiently large values of bb the backscattered signal is dominated by the tail of the Regge-Wheeler potential, the quasi-normal modes are not excited and the nature of the central object cannot be established. We view this work as a useful contribution to the comparison between perturbative results and forthcoming ww-mode 3D-nonlinear numerical simulation.Comment: RevTeX, 9 pages, 7 figures, Published in Phys. Rev.

    A case of near miss maternal mortality

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    Eclampsia is a common cause of maternal morbidity and at times, mortality. Usually patients show dramatic improvement soon after delivery. But rarely eclampsia, dealt by obstetricians often, can herald an underlying life-threatening disease process requiring intensive care support and multi- disciplinary care. Such a case is being reported here

    Probability distribution of residence-times of grains in sandpile models

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    We show that the probability distribution of the residence-times of sand grains in sandpile models, in the scaling limit, can be expressed in terms of the survival probability of a single diffusing particle in a medium with absorbing boundaries and space-dependent jump rates. The scaling function for the probability distribution of residence times is non-universal, and depends on the probability distribution according to which grains are added at different sites. We determine this function exactly for the 1-dimensional sandpile when grains are added randomly only at the ends. For sandpiles with grains are added everywhere with equal probability, in any dimension and of arbitrary shape, we prove that, in the scaling limit, the probability that the residence time greater than t is exp(-t/M), where M is the average mass of the pile in the steady state. We also study finite-size corrections to this function.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, extra file delete