2,059 research outputs found

    The Non-Mechanical Beam Steering of Light in Reflective Inverse Diffusion

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    Wavefront shaping is a technique that uses spatial light modulators to conjugate the phase of light incident on a rough surface, such that the light will refocus after reflection. This refocusing effect is called reflective inverse diffusion. There currently are two different approaches used to achieve reflective inverse diffusion: iterative methods and matrix methods. Iterative methods find one phase mask which allows for reflected light to be focused at a single, specific position, with results that are immediately available and continuously improving. Matrix methods calculate the complex matrix which describes the rough surface and allows for reflected light to be focused at many positions after reflection and at multiple spots simultaneously. However, matrix methods are susceptible to decreased performance in a noisy system, and their results are not immediately available. This thesis provides an alternative to the current paradigm of choosing between iterative methods and matrix methods by showing that beam steering can be integrated into existing iterative methods, giving them the multiple-spot capabilities of matrix methods. For a focal plane system, a genetic algorithm not previously used for reflective inverse diffusion is used to find a phase mask that focuses light to one point. Circular shifts are then applied to the phase mask that create phase tilts at the rough surface and steer the reflected spot at the cost of decreased enhancement with a larger shift

    Photometric Properties of Lyman-break Galaxies at z=3 in Cosmological SPH Simulations

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    We study the photometric properties of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) formed by redshift z=3 in a set of large cosmological smoothed-particle hydrodynamics simulations of the Lambda cold dark matter (CDM) model. Our numerical simulations include radiative cooling and heating with a uniform UV background, star formation, supernova feedback, and a phenomenological model for galactic winds. Analysing a series of simulations of varying boxsize and particle number allows us to isolate the impact of numerical resolution on our results. We compute spectra of simulated galaxies using a population synthesis model, and derive colours and luminosity functions of galaxies at z=3 after applying local dust extinction and absorption by the intergalactic medium (IGM). We find that the simulated galaxies have U-G and G-R colours consistent with observations, provided that intervening absorption by the IGM is applied. The observed properties of LBGs, including their number density, colours, and luminosity functions, can be explained if LBGs are identified with the most massive galaxies at z=3, having typical stellar mass of M_{star} ~ 1e10 Msun/h, a conclusion broadly consistent with earlier studies based on hydrodynamic simulations of the Lamda CDM model. We also find that most simulated LBGs were continuously forming stars at a high rate for more than one Gyr up until z=3, but with numerous starbursts lying on top of the continuous component. Interestingly, our simulations suggest that more than 50% of the total stellar mass and star formation rate in the Universe are accounted for by galaxies that are not detected in the current generation of LBG surveys.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Error in AB magnitude calculation corrected. Figures in the original published version in MNRAS contain error except Fig.5 & 6, but the basic conclusions are unchanged. Higher resolution version available at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~knagamine/lbg.ps.g

    Muon-spin-relaxation and magnetic-susceptibility studies of effects of the magnetic impurity Ni on the Cu-spin dynamics and superconductivity in La_2-x_Sr_x_Cu_1-y_Ni_y_O_4_ with x = 0.13

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    Effects of the magnetic impurity Ni on the Cu-spin dynamics and superconductivity have been studied in La_2-x_Sr_x_Cu_1-y_Ni_y_O_4_ with x = 0.13 changing y finely up to 0.10. Compared with the case of the nonmagnetic impurity Zn, it has been found from the muon-spin-relaxation measurements that a large amount of Ni is required to stabilize a magnetic order of Cu spins. However, the evolution toward the stabilization of the magnetic order with increasing impurity concentration is qualitatively similar to each other. The area of the non-superconducting and slowly fluctuating or static region of Cu spins around Ni has been found to be smaller than that around Zn, suggesting that the pinning of rather long-ranged dynamical spin correlation such as the so-called dynamical stripe by Ni is weaker than that by Zn. This may be the reason why Zn destroys the superconductivity in the hole-doped high-T_c_ cuprates more markedly than Ni.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Massive galaxies in cosmological simulations: UV-selected sample at redshift z=2

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    We study the properties of galaxies at z=2 in a Lambda CDM universe, using two different types of hydrodynamic simulation methods (Eulerian TVD and SPH) and a spectrophotometric analysis in the Un, G, R filter set. The simulated galaxies at z=2 satisfy the color-selection criteria proposed by Adelberger et al. (2004) when we assume Calzetti extinction with E(B-V)=0.15. We find that the number density of simulated galaxies brighter than R<25.5 at z=2 is about 2e-2 h^3/Mpc^3, roughly one order of magnitude larger than that of Lyman break galaxies at z=3. The most massive galaxies at z=2 have stellar masses >~1e11 Msun, and their observed-frame G-R colors lie in the range 0.0<G-R<1.0. They typically have been continuously forming stars with a rate exceeding 30 Msun/yr over a few Gyrs from z=10 to z=2, although the TVD simulation indicates a more sporadic star formation history than the SPH simulations. Of order half of their stellar mass was already assembled by z~4. The reddest massive galaxies at z=2 with G-R >= 1.0 and Mstar>1e10 Msun/h finished the build-up of their stellar mass by z~3. Interestingly, our study suggests that the majority of the most massive galaxies at z=2 should be detectable at rest-frame UV wavelengths, contrary to some recent claims made on the basis of near-IR studies of galaxies at the same epoch, provided the median extinction is less than E(B-V)<0.3. However, our results also suggest that the fraction of stellar mass contained in galaxies that pass the color-selection criteria could be as low as 50% of the total stellar mass in the Universe at z=2. Our simulations suggest that the missing stellar mass is contained in fainter (R>25.5) and intrinsically redder galaxies. Our results do not suggest that hierarchical galaxy formation fails to account for the massive galaxies at z>=1. (abridged)Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to ApJ. Error in AB magnitude calculation corrected. Higher resolution version available at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~knagamine/redgal.ps.g

    Massive galaxies at redshift 2 in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations

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    We study the properties of galaxies at z=2 in a Lambda cold dark matter universe, using two different types of hydrodynamic simulation methods -- Eulerian TVD and smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) -- and a spectrophotometric analysis in the U_n, G, R filter set. The simulated galaxies at z=2 satisfy the color-selection criteria proposed by Adelberger et al. (2004) and Steidel et al. (2004) when we assume Calzetti extinction with E(B-V)=0.15. We find that the number density of simulated galaxies brighter than R<25.5 at z=2 is about 1e-2 h^3 Mpc^-3 for E(B-V)=0.15, which is roughly twice that of the number density found by Erb et al. (2004) for the UV bright sample. This suggests that roughly half of the massive galaxies with M*>10^{10} Msun/h at z=2 are UV bright population, and the other half is bright in the infra-red wavelengths. The most massive galaxies at z=2 have stellar masses >= 10^{11-12} Msun. They typically have been continuously forming stars with a rate exceeding 30 Msun/yr over a few Gyrs from z=10 to z=2, together with significant contribution by starbursts reaching up to 1000 Msun/yr which lie on top of the continuous component. TVD simulations indicate a more sporadic star formation history than the SPH simulations. Our results do not imply that hierarchical galaxy formation fails to account for the observed massive galaxies at z>=1. The global star formation rate density in our simulations peaks at z>=5, a much higher redshift than predicted by the semianalytic models. This star formation history suggests early build-up of the stellar mass density, and predicts that 70 (50, 30)% of the total stellar mass at z=0 had already been formed by z=1 (2, 3). Upcoming observations by Spitzer and Swift might help to better constrain the star formation history at high redshift.Comment: 4 pages, Kluwer style files included. To appear in "Starbursts - from 30 Doradus to Lyman break galaxies" (IoA, Cambridge UK, Sep 2004; talk summary), Astrophysics & Space Science Library, eds. de Grijs R., Gonzalez Delgado R.M. (Kluwer: Dordrecht

    Beam Formation and Vernier Steering off of a Rough Surface

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    Wavefront shaping can refocus light after it reflects from an optically rough surface. One proposed use case of this effect is in indirect imaging; if any rough surface could be turned into an illumination source, objects out of the direct line of sight could be illuminated. In this paper, we demonstrate the superior performance of a genetic algorithm compared to other iterative feedback-based wavefront shaping algorithms in achieving reflective inverse diffusion for a focal plane system. Next, the ability to control the pointing direction of the refocused beam with high precision over a narrow angular range is demonstrated, though the challenge of increasing the overall scanning range of the refocused beam remains. The method of beam steering demonstrated in this paper could act as a vernier adjustment to a coarse adjustment offered by another method
