38 research outputs found

    Investigation into Systematized Teaching Method Between a University and Attached School in Teacher Training for Teaching Technology.

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    教育実習は教員逊成における教科に関しおの専門的知識実践的指導力の育成に倧きく関わるず考えられおいる。たた単数の専任教員が指導する技術科においお倧孊・孊郚ず孊校珟堎の連携は非垞に重芁である。本研究では教育実習における技術科教員逊成のための䜓系的な指導方法を怜蚎・詊行するこずを目的ずし到達目暙および指導方法の怜蚎ず孊生が教育実習時に自己評䟡するための「授業評䟡チェックシヌト」を開発した。授業評䟡チェックシヌトは技術科の教育実習で身に付けられる実践的指導力を敎理し授業芳察孊習指導案の䜜成暡擬授業授業実践時に甚いるこずができるように構成した。そしおこの授業評䟡チェックシヌトを甚いた指導方法を附属孊校で統䞀し教育実習関連科目での芳察実習や授業実践の堎面で実践した。その結果期制の教育実習においお附属孊校教員がそれぞれの到達目暙や方法をもずに孊生に指導するこずができそれぞれの孊校で䞀貫した指導ができた。「授業評䟡チェックシヌト」を甚いるこずで技術科教員ずしお身に付けるべき資質や胜力を孊生が自己分析するこずができ実践的指導力の向䞊に貢献できるず考えられる。The purpose of this study is to examine the teaching method for student teachers of technology in teaching practice. We developed a “Lesson Evaluation Check Sheet” for student teachers of technology to self-evaluate lessons at the time of educational practice. This sheet was constructed so that practical leadership skills acquired in the teaching practice of the technical department can be categorized and used for lesson observation and lesson practice. We used this sheet in observation practice and teaching practice in the courses related to teaching practice. As a result, attached school teachers were able to instruct students based on our methods in their teaching practice. Furthermore, students were able to self-evaluate the qualities and abilities the students should possess using the “Lesson Evaluation Check Sheet”. We believe that this check sheet will contribute to improving students’ practical leadership skills

    The regulatory function of the upstream sequence of the beta-conglycinin alpha subunit gene in seed-specific transcription is associated with the presence of the RY sequence

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    β-conglycinin, a major component of seed-storage proteins in soybean, comprises three subunits: α, α', and β. Expression of these genes is spatially regulated in a stringent manner and occurs during seed development. To understand the mechanisms that control expression of the α subunit gene, we analyzed the nucleotide sequence of the 2.9-kb region upstream of the gene. The upstream sequence up to –1357 or a series of its 5'-deleted derivatives was fused to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene. These reporter gene constructs were introduced into Arabidopsis thaliana plants via Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. Prominent GUS activity was detected in developing seeds of the T3 generation when 245 bp or longer sequences of the upstream region were fused to the GUS gene. We found a clear association of decreased GUS activity with a stepwise deletion of a region containing the RY sequence from the original construct. These results are consistent with the notion that multiple sequence elements including the RY sequences are involved in the seed-specific transcriptional activation of the β-conglycinin α subunit gene in soybean

    Genecological studies on the varietal differentiation of some crop plants

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    This experiment was started at the same time of the experiment 3 with the same purpose and continued to fifth generations. In 1939, 34 samples of 7 rape varieties were recollected from the central and five local rape breeding centers where they settled during the past 10 years propagated by self pollinated seeds under paraffin paper bag or victoria lawn cage. Two to six individuals of each local strain representing earliest or latest flowering time were treated year after year. Throughout the progeny test such agronomic characteristics as date of flowering, plant height, number of first order branches, length of ear, size of seedling before transplanting, seed yield per plant, leaf color, waxiness and degree of anthocyan pigmentation were compared among local strains or intra-local lines. The same variation as found in wheat experiment was recognized in this case, that is, some varieties showed small variation among local strains or intra-local lines, however, others deviated greatly. Usually, early flowering type developed in the materials collected from southern regions, and late flowering line separated in the northern stations. From this experiment the author concluded that delivered rape varieties have been continuing to differentiate to new ecotypes reconstructing their genetic composition to adapt their new habitats. In conclusion, the author discussed the development of genecological studies in Japan and abroad or studies of varietal differentiation of main crop plant. Finally, he emphasized that in case of seed raising and propagation of crop plant variety, special attention should be given to the fact that the variety was not static but dynamic, usually has been reconstructing its genetic constitution and differentiating into new ecotype adapting to its new habitats.この実隓は小麊に関する実隓ずほが同様な意図ず䌁画のもずに,菜皮の7品皮を甚いお1937幎秋着手され,5ヵ幎間にわた぀お遂行されたものである

    Genecological studies on the varietal differentiation of some crop plants I. Experiment on the differentiation of earing date and some other important agronomic characters of the \u22Asahi \u22 strains, a famous lowland rice variety, Oryza sativa L.

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    In this experiment, the author analyzed the degree of variation of some main agronomic characters of \u22Asahi \u22 strains, one of the famous lowland rice variety, which were discovered in 1909 by a diligent farmer in Kyoto Prefecture as a mutant of the \u22 Hinode \u22, and spread widely for its superior characteristics covering one sixth of the lowland area of Japan proper - namely 530,000 hectares?during the next 27 years. In 1941, 85 samples were collected from 29 agricultural experiment stations or university farm of Japan proper or abroad, Formosa and Korea. These were already separated into 32 different strain names by pure line selection at the delivered stations. Selected seeds of these samples were sown under four different cultural conditions, that is, (I) early direct sowing in Wagner\u27s pot in greenhouse ; (II) late sowing and transplanting in outdoor lowland rice field ; (III) median sowing and densely transplanting in properly wetted field of wooden box coated with thin zinc plate; (IV) the same condition as (III) except 8 hours\u27 short day treatment during 26 days after one month from transplanting. (1) The earing dat e of collected local strains varied greatly according to each cultural condition even among the strains of same name. The gap between the earliest date of earing and the latest one extended to 23, 16, 26 and 12 days repectively for (I), (II), (III) and (IV) cultural conditions. From three correlation tables, namely, between the earing date of (I) and (II), (III) and (IV) and between the differences of growing period from sowing to earing date of (I) and (II), and (III)\u27-(IV), total 85 local strains were classified into 6, 4 and 7 groups respectively. From these results the author found the tendency of differentiation of earing behavior that in the higher latitude regions earlier types were apt to be separated and in the lower latitude districts later types were selected. (2) The leaf number of main culm varied from 14.0 to 16.3 in (I) and from 12.8 to 15.0 in (II), then the differences of most and least leaf number of tested local strains showed more than 2 in each condition. This facts confirmed the differentiation of earing behavior. (3) Wide variation was detected in culm length, that is, 82-122 cm in (I) and 32--82cm in (II), the differences between shortest and tallest strains were 40 and 50 cm in each case. From the correlation table between (I) and (II) total 85 local strains were classified into 7 groups, and he can ascertain the phylogenetic differentiation of culm length. (4) Ear length also showed wide variation, between 18.1 cm and 22.5 cm in (I) and from 8.8 cm to 19.9 cm in (II), but he could not divide clear groups, although the phylogenetic differentiation was found between strains of different name. (5) Tillering number per plant at the most tillering stage varied from 16 to 23 in (I), and the number of ear per plant at harvesting time in (II) deviated from 6 to 14, but he could not grouping the tested strains in different types, although clear defferentiation was found for the tillering behavior. (6) According to the yield capacity, 85 strains tested w ere classified into 4 groups from the correlation table between (I) and (II) of the air-dried total weight. In this case the magnitude of variation extended from 113 g to 264 g in (I) and 110 g to 360 g in (II). He supposed these variation to be caused by the phylgenetic differentiation and the after-effect of the environmental conditions of localities where seed samples were collected. (7) Weight of 1000 unhulled grains varied from 18.6 g to 25.1 g among collected samples, but this variation diminished to from 21.4 g. to 25.1 g among harvested samples in greenhouse condition. In this case such interesting phenomena was ascertained as decrease of grain size was large on the samples collected from far distant localities from original center, that is, warmer low latitude regions or cooler high latitude ones. (8) Awndness is one of the characters which is taken to discriminate varietal differences of rice plant. But this character largely deviates by cultural conditions. In this experiment, among 85 strains entirely awnless strains were counted only 11 in (I), 44 in (III) and 78 in (IV). Notwithstanding such large fluctuation, phylogenetical differentiation of awn character in \u22Asahi \u22 strains were strictly recognized. (9) Furthermore according to those characteristics of ear as number of ear nodes, number of primary rachis, number of secondary rachis, number of caryopsis per primary or secondary rachis, and length of peduncle, large variations were detected among tested strains. It is supposed that these variations were expressed by different genetic constitution. (10) From this experiment, the author concluded hat one mutant strain \u22Asahi \u22 diverged into many different ecotypes during past 30 years through severe selection procedure in their settled regions.蟲孊においお䜜物の品皮ず呌ばれるものは怍物孊においお䞀般に生態型ず呌がれる皮の埮现区分に該圓する堎合が倚く,栜培幎月の長いものほど,たた,栜培地域の広いものほど数倚くの品皮が存圚するずされおいる.したが぀お,これら倚数の珟存品皮がいかにしお成立したかを明らかにするこずは,結局生態型の分化過皋を明らかにするこずず芏を䞀にするずいうこずができよう.皮生態孊の教えるずころに埓えば生物の生態型には,気候型,土壌型,生物型が区別され(Turesson,Clausen),蟲䜜物の堎合にはさらに耕皮生態塑が存圚するこずが予想される(寺尟,盛氞).䟋えば,北海道,東北地方に栜培される氎皲の極早生品皮は該地方の䜎枩長日条件䞋で生育を完了できるような高感枩性,䜎感光性を獲埗した気候生態型ず芋るこずができる(和田ほか).麊類における秋播型,春播型(和田・秋浜,柿厎・鈎朚),倧小豆における倏型,秋型(束本,河原,æ°žç”°,有賀)の劂きは,栜培時期の日長,枩床に恰適するように分化成立した気候型の著䟋ず芋るこずができる.たた,日本産暖地小麊品皮の難穂発芜性(近藀・高橋,竹䞊,小島)のごずきも収穫期に遭遇する梅雚期の雚害を軜枛するように淘汰遞抜された気候生態型ずみるこずができよう.土壌型の䟋ずしおは,茚城県の石岡詊隓地で育成された関東の措積台地向きの倧豆蟲林2号,鳥取県倧山地方の圚来皮から遞出された匷酞性燐酞欠乏土壌向きのヒラキコムギを指摘するこずができるが,さらに顕著な䟋ずしおは需根䜜物の倧根品皮に求めるこずができる.すなわち,関東平野の膚軟で通気性のよい耕土の深い火山灰地垯に成立した長倧な緎銬倧根,尟匵平野の重い沖積土地垯に成立した倧型で根郚抜出床の甚だしい宮重倧根,近畿の重粘土地垯で育成された䞞型の聖護院倧根,朚曜川沿岞の砂質で耕土の極めお深い守口地方に䜜られる著るしく现長い守口倧根,硝酞の小瀫に富み通気保氎力に優れ,か぀,冬季枩暖で生育適枩期間の長い桜島に成立した桜島倧根などは䜕れも栜培地の土壌の理孊性に適応した生育型を瀺しおいるず芋るこずができるし(篠原),さらに各皮䜜物にみられる耐病虫性品皮の成立は生物生態型ずみなすこずができる.むネにおける氎皲,陞皲あるいは也皲の分化(原島,泉,小倉),日本型,ゞャバ型,印床型の分化(束尟)たたは倧陞型,熱垯島型,枩垯島型の分化(岡)は䞊蚘の䞉生態芁玠に加えお倚分に栜培地域の耕皮芁玠が働いお成立した分化型ずみるこずができよう.皮生態孊は1922幎以降ス゚ヌデンのTuressonによ぀お開拓され,さらにアメリカ合衆囜においおClausen䞀掟によ぀お広汎な研究が䌁おられた.わが囜においおも盛氞博士を始め蟲孊畑の諞先茩(寺尟,野口)によ぀お広く玹介され,その考え方は䞻芁䜜物の組織的な育皮機構に採択された.皮生態孊の目暙ずするずころは,皮の遺䌝孊的立地型ぞの分化,すなわち,環境ず生態型成立ずの関係を究明するこずで,究極の目的ずするずころは生物の個䜓矀組成の掚移を察象ずする実隓進化孊の䞀分野ずみなすこずができる.翻っおわが囜における䞻芁䜜物の品皮の成立あるいは採択を通芧しおみるず,公立の蟲事詊隓研究機関の蚭立以前には専ら圓業者の採皮たたは抜穂操䜜によ぀お遞出された地方皮に䟝存しおいた.明治初䞭期に囜立および府県立の蟲事詊隓堎が蚭立されるにおよび,圓初は専らこれら地方皮の蒐集比范による,いわゆる品皮比范詊隓によ぀お優良品皮の発芋増殖がずり䞊げられた.明治末期より倧正幎間は䞻ずしお,デンマヌクのJohansen(1903)の研究に基く玔系説が品皮改良手段にずり䞊げられ,既存品皮に぀いお広範な分離育皮が行なわれお著しい成果を玍めた(寺尟,竹厎).メンデリズムの再発芋を応甚した亀雑育皮法のきざしは,明治末期に䞀郚機関でずり䞊げられおいたが,本柊的な掻甚は昭和の初めにむネ,コムギなどの䞻芁䜜物に関する党囜を䞀䞞ずした育皮組織が確立された以埌になるずいうこずができよう.すなわち,蟲林省においおはむネ,コムギなどの優良新品皮を育成するために,氎皲にいお昭和2幎,党囜を気候,土質などの盞違により,8生態区に分ち,各生態区ごずに䞀地方詊隓堎を指定しお経費の党額を亀付し,蟲林省蟲事詊隓堎ず育皮操䜜過皋を分担協力しお詊隓事業を斜行する育皮組織,すなわち,いわゆる指定詊隓地制床を蚭けた.この組織は䞀䞔昭和22幎床に本省盎蜄の蟲事改良実隓所制床に改組されたが,さらに,昭和26幎床にいた぀お,蟲事詊隓研究機関の敎備統合を機ずしお,倧郚分は地域蟲業詊隓堎に移管統合され,䞀郚には指定詊隓堎を残し,新たに補助事業ずしお特性怜定詊隓制床を創蚭しお育皮機構の充実を蚈るこずずな぀た.しかしおこれらの小数特定の育成地で育成遞出された薪品皮は実甚的玔系ずみなされお登録され,各県の原皮配垃組織を通じお関係地域の実際栜培者に配垃増殖されるこずになるのである.このように,ある䞭心地から䌝播移動された新品皮はその遺䌝組成を倉えるこずなく氞続するものであろうか,あるいは䌝播先における栜培期間の経過に䌎぀お,なんらかの分化倉貌を呈するものであろうか.このこずは極めお重芁な問題であるにもかかわらず,この方面に関する研究は絶無ずいっおも過蚀ではない.珟圚䞻芁䜜物の薪品皮育成は専ら亀雑育皮法によ぀お実斜されおいるが,亀雑育皮の成功する基底には遺䌝子の結合を可胜ならしめる優良圢質を支配する因子の存圚が先駆しなければならない.も぀ずも,亀雑手段によ぀お補足因子の結合や超越分離Transgressivesegregationの珟象をみる堎合も少なくないが,蚈画的な亀雑育皮が成功するためには,特定環境に恰適した各皮優良圢質の母材が枩存されおいなければならない.今日の遺䌝孊では䜜物の実甚圢質には蚈枬しきれぬ皋の倚数の因子が関䞎するずする埮動因子説Polygenetheory(Mather,酒井)が重芖されおいる.これらの倚数の因子は,はたしおいかにしお成立保存されたものであろうか.実際メンデリズムの発芋以前に自然力ず圓業者のたえざる努力ずによ぀お,すでに䞻芁䜜物に぀いはお倚数の品皮が遞出されおいたこずは誰しも認める所であり,これら玠材の存圚によ぀お,はじめお今日の亀雑育皮による成果が発揮されおきたずい぀おも過蚀ではあるたい.たた,今日の進化孊説では生物の皮たたは䜜物の品皮は固定䞍倉のものではなく(Sin・skaya),動的なもので環境に支配されお,たえず倉動分化しおゆくものであるずゆうこずは広く認められた事実である.したが぀お環境が進化に察しお果す圹割は軜芖するこずはできない.われわれの取り扱う䜜物の品皮も自然環境ならびに栜培条件の支配をうけおたえず進化ぞの分化をたど぀おいるものず考えるこずができる.このような芳点に立぀お,筆者は,䞀旊成立した䜜物の品皮が発祥地を離れお薪しい立地条件に栜培を続けられた堎合に,その遺䌝組成がいかなる倉盞を瀺すかを若干の䜜物に぀いお分析し,品皮の分化過皋に関する䞀連の結果を玍めたので,その抂芁を取りたずめ参考に䟛するこずにした.本報告では,たず氎皲本報日之出皮の突然倉異物ずしお発珟し,30幎の問に関東以南の各地で栜培され,すでに異な぀た各皮の品皮名が附されおいる旭系品皮に぀いお,党囜29ヵ所から集めた85資料を䟛詊し,前述の皮生態孊的芋地から環境条件を異にした堎合の諞圢質の発珟状態を調査し,各系統の分類をなすず共に,その分化の様盞を怜蚎した結果を述べ,぀いで亀雑育皮法によ぀お育成され成立幎次ず分垃地域を若干異にする氎皲陞矜132号,および氎皲蟲林1号を材料に䟛しお同様の詊隓を行な぀た成瞟を述べる.さらに冬䜜物ずしおコムギおよびナタネをずり䞊げ,組織的な育皮事業が開始された圓初,育皮組織の第1次過皋を担圓した蟲林省蟲事詊隓堎鎻巣詊隓地から各指定詊隓地および若干の地方詊隓堎に配垃された数品皮ず぀を10幎埌に蒐集しお,九州倧孊蟲孊郚育皮孊研究宀付属の実隓圃堎で同䞀条件䞋で栜培比范し,同䞀品皮の各皮特性にみられた倉異の様盞を怜蚎した結果を述べ,これらの結果に基づいお䜜物品皮の分化に関する考察を詊みた.この研究の䞀郚は䞈郚省科孊研究費の揎助を仰いで行なわれたものであり,たた,本研究の蚈画実斜に圓぀おは恩垫盛氞俊倪郎博士のたえざる埡指導埡鞭蜄を仰いだこずを特蚘しお深厚の謝意を衚するずずもに,実隓材料の送付を蟱うした関係各䜍ならびに材料の栜培,調査に際しお寄せられた石川䞈雄君,八尋重明君,成瞟の取りたずめに際しおの倧村歊君,片山平君,池田䞀君,その他の研究宀各䜍の協力に察しお深い謝意を衚するものである

    Genetical and physiological studies on the dwarf mutants of the rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) : III. Effects of gibberellin A₃ on dwarf mutants of rice plants

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    The effect of gibberellin A, (GA,) on different dwarf rice mutants was investigated by the measurements of the length of the coleoptile and the seedling height when seeds were soaked in the solution, and of the culm length when plants were sprayed with it. In Kotake-tamanishiki, the coleoptile, the seedling height and the culm length were remarkably elongated by GA, solution. On the contrary, Tankan-shirasasa is less responsive to this chemical solution and showed little increase of growth. The other dwarf types and normal type showed the intermediate response between Kotake-tamanishiki and Tankanshirasasa. It was also confirmed that the Kotake-tamanishiki type selected from the F, population showed similar response to GA,. These results may suggest that the action of the dwarf gene in Kotake-tamanishiki is closely related to the metabolism of gibberellin-like substance

    Genetical and physiological studies on the dwarf mutants of the rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) : IV. The amounts of gibberellin-like substances in the dwarf mutants of rice plants

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    The existence of gibberellin-like substances in ethanol extracts of the seedlings, the upper leaves at the internode elongating stage and the etiolated seedlings grown in darkness of dwarf and normal varieties of rice plants were examined by paper chromatography with ammonical iso-propanol. The effects of the darkness and GA, on the internode elongation of these plants were also investigated. In the seedling stage, the gibberellin-like substance (Rf 0.4-0.7) was found in both dwarf and normal rice plants and this substance corresponded to GA,. However, its amounts differed from each other. Specifically, Daikoku contained more this growth promoting substance than Kotake-tamanishiki. In all the dwarf varieties used in the present experiment and in the normal variety “Kinmaze”, an inhibiting substance was found in the region of Rf value 0.8-1.0. This substance was especially pronounced in “Daikoku”. On the other hand, another growth promoting substance appeared in the region of Rf value 0.0-0.3. Extracts of the upper leaves in the internode elongating stage contained two growth promoting substances in both dwarf and normal rice varieties (Rf 0.0-0.3 and 0.4-0.7). It was found that there was no difference between dwarf and normal rice plants in the amounts of GA3, but the other gibberellin-like substance (Rf 0.0-0.3) was more abundant in normal than in dwarf rice plants. In the dark condition, the dwarf type, ” Tankan-shirasasa ‘0 shows a great elongation of the internode that is nearly equal to the normal type, but in this dwarf type the elongation of the internode is not promoted by the GA, treatment. The amount of gibberellin-like substance (Rf 0.4-0.7) in the dwarf types grown in the dark was not different from that of the normal ones. These results may suggest that the dwarf gene of the dwarf rice variety “Tankan-shirasasa” is closely connected with the elongation of the lower internode, and that the elongation of it was promoted by a gibbercllin-like substance (Rf O&0.3), although in this variety this substance was disturbed by light illumination

    Genetical and physiological studies on the dwarf mutants of rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) : II. Effect of auxin to dwarf rice plants

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    Effects of auxin to dwarf mutants of rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) were examined by the measurement of length in coleoptile and by the increment of angle between laminae and sheaths of excised leaves in rice plant. In order to investigate the effect of auxin to coleoptile of dwarf rice plants, seeds of these varieties were soaked in auxin solution and distilled water, and sown on 0.6 agar. After growth in the dark for 6 days at 300℃ the coleoptile length was measured. From measurement of angles between laminae and sheaths in excised leaves floated on distilled water, it is suggested that level of endogenous auxin was higher in normal than in dwarf rice plants. There were differences among the dwarf types in response to auxin. Namely, Daikoku, Bunketsu-to and Waisei-shirasasa responded more to IAA (Indole acetic acid) than other dWarf types in both treaments described above. Bunketsu-to and Waisei-shirasasa showed especially a great response to NAA (Napthalen acetic acid) in both treatments. Daikoku showed a great response to NAA in length of coleoptile, but did not in lamina joint test. Other dwarf types and normal type are small in response to auxin including both treatments. Bunketsu-to showed a striking elongation of a main culm by the decapitation of tiller and by the treatment with NAA spray. From these results, it is supposed that the action.of dwarf gene in Bunketsu-to is closely connected with development of tiller and with auxin metabolism.むネの鞘葉,ラミナゞョむント(葉身基郚)によ぀お矮性皲に察するオヌキシンの䜜甚が怜蚎された. 1) 矮性皮は正垞皮に比しお䜓内オヌキシンの含量が䜎く,倧黒および矮性癜笹ではその傟向が顕著であ぀た. 2) 倧黒,分け぀皲,矮性癜笹はIAA(むンドヌル酢酞)およびNAA(ナフタレン酢酞)に察する反応が倧きく,小䞈玉錊,短皈癜笹および正垞皮の蟲林18号は小か぀た. 3) 分け぀皲はNAA散垃凊理および分け぀芜の剪陀によ぀お䞻皈の著しい䌞長がみられた.このこずは分け぀皲を支配する矮性遺䌝子の䜜甚ず分け぀芜の発生,さらにオヌキシン代謝ずの間に密接な関係があるこずを瀺唆するものであろう