115 research outputs found

    Physiology and pathology of T-cell aging

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    Acquired immune function shows recognizable changes over time with organismal aging. These changes include T-cell dysfunction, which may underlie diminished resistance to infection and possibly various chronic age-associated diseases in the elderly. T-cell dysfunction may occur at distinct stages, from naive cells to the end stages of differentiation during immune responses. The thymus, which generates naive T cells, shows unusually early involution resulting in progressive reduction of T-cell output after adolescence, but peripheral T-cell numbers are maintained through antigen-independent homeostatic proliferation of naive T cells driven by the major histocompatibility complex associated with self-peptides and homeostatic cytokines, retaining the diverse repertoire. However, extensive homeostatic proliferation may lead to the emergence of dysfunctional CD4+ T cells with features resembling senescent cells, termed senescence-associated T (SA-T) cells, which increase and accumulate with age. In situations such as chronic viral infection, T-cell dysfunction may also develop via persistent antigen stimulation, termed exhaustion, preventing possible immunopathology due to excessive immune responses. Exhausted T cells are developed through the effects of checkpoint receptors such as PD-1 and may be reversed with the receptor blockade. Of note, although defective in their regular T-cell antigen-receptor-mediated proliferation, SA-T cells secrete abundant pro-inflammatory factors such as osteopontin, reminiscent of an SA-secretory phenotype. A series of experiments in mouse models indicated that SA-T cells are involved in systemic autoimmunity as well as chronic tissue inflammation following tissue stresses. In this review, we discuss the physiological aspects of T-cell dysfunction associated with aging and its potential pathological involvement in age-associated diseases and possibly cancer

    Stabilization of iron regulatory protein 2, IRP2, by aluminum

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    AbstractIron regulatory protein 2 (IRP2) is one of the central regulators of iron homeostasis. IRP2 regulates expression of molecules involved in iron metabolism by binding to iron responsive elements (IREs) in the transcripts of those molecules in iron depletion. IRP2 is regulated by the accelerated degradation initiated by the iron-catalyzed oxidation. Here we report that aluminum antagonizes the iron-induced decrease in IRE binding activity of IRP2. Aluminum also inhibits iron-induced oxidation of IRP2 in vitro. These results suggest that aluminum stabilizes IRP2 by interfering with the iron-catalyzed oxidation, which results in perturbation of iron metabolism

    Rap Signaling in Normal Lymphocyte Development and Leukemia Genesis

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    Although Rap GTPases of the Ras family remained enigmatic for years, extensive studies in this decade have revealed diverse functions of Rap signaling in the control of cell proliferation, differentiation, survival, adhesion, and movement. With the use of gene-engineered mice, we have uncovered essential roles of endogenous Rap signaling in normal lymphocyte development of both T- and B-lineage cells. Deregulation of Rap signaling, on the other hand, results in the development of characteristic leukemia in manners highly dependent on the contexts of cell lineages. These results highlight crucial roles of Rap signaling in the physiology and pathology of lymphocyte development

    Hassall’s corpuscles induce thymic IFNα expression

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    Hassall’s corpuscles (HCs) are composed of cornifying, terminally differentiated medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) that are developed under the control of Aire. Here, we demonstrated that HC-mTECs show features of cellular senescence and produce inflammatory cytokines and chemokines including CXCL5, thereby recruiting and activating neutrophils to produce IL-23 in the thymic medulla. We further indicated that thymic plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) expressing IL-23 receptors constitutively produced Ifna, which plays a role in single positive (SP) cell maturation, in an Il23a-dependent manner. Neutrophil depletion with anti-Ly6G antibody injection resulted in a significant decrease of Ifna expression in the thymic pDCs, suggesting that thymic neutrophil activation underlies the Ifna expression in thymic pDCs in steady state conditions. A New Zealand White mouse strain showing HC hyperplasia exhibited greater numbers and activation of thymic neutrophils and pDCs than B6 mice, whereas Aire-deficient B6 mice with defective HC development and SP thymocyte maturation showed significantly compromised numbers and activation of these cells. These results collectively suggested that HC-mTECs with cell-senescence features initiate a unique cell activation cascade including neutrophils and pDCs leading to the constitutive IFNα expression required for SP T-cell maturation in the thymic medulla

    cis interaction of CD153 with TCR/CD3 is crucial for the pathogenic activation of senescence-associated T cells

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    老化T細胞が自己免疫病や慢性炎症疾患を引き起こすメカニズムを解明 --老化関連疾患克服への新しいアプローチ--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-09-22.With age, senescence-associated (SA) CD4+ T cells that are refractory to T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation are increased along with spontaneous germinal center (Spt-GC) development prone to autoantibody production. We demonstrate that CD153 and its receptor CD30 are expressed in SA-T and Spt-GC B cells, respectively, and deficiency of either CD153 or CD30 results in the compromised increase of both cell types. CD153 engagement on SA-T cells upon TCR stimulation causes association of CD153 with the TCR/CD3 complex and restores TCR signaling, whereas CD30 engagement on GC B cells induces their expansion. Administration of an anti-CD153 antibody blocking the interaction with CD30 suppresses the increase in both SA-T and Spt-GC B cells with age and ameliorates lupus in lupus-prone mice. These results suggest that the molecular interaction of CD153 and CD30 plays a central role in the reciprocal activation of SA-T and Spt-GC B cells, leading to immunosenescent phenotypes and autoimmunity

    Adult Thymic Medullary Epithelium Is Maintained and Regenerated by Lineage-Restricted Cells Rather Than Bipotent Progenitors

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    Medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) play an essential role in establishing self-tolerance in T cells. mTECs originate from bipotent TEC progenitors that generate both mTECs and cortical TECs (cTECs), although mTEC-restricted progenitors also have been reported. Here, we report in vivo fate-mapping analysis of cells that transcribe β5t, a cTEC trait expressed in bipotent progenitors, during a given period in mice. We show that, in adult mice, most mTECs are derived from progenitors that transcribe β5t during embryogenesis and the neonatal period up to 1 week of age. The contribution of adult β5t+ progenitors was minor even during injury-triggered regeneration. Our results further demonstrate that adult mTEC-restricted progenitors are derived from perinatal β5t+ progenitors. These results indicate that the adult thymic medullary epithelium is maintained and regenerated by mTEC-lineage cells that pass beyond the bipotent stage during early ontogeny

    CD153/CD30 signaling promotes age-dependent tertiary lymphoid tissue expansion and kidney injury

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    高齢者腎臓病を悪化させる原因細胞・分子の同定に成功. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-11-30.A new drug target for kidney disease. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-11-30.Tertiary lymphoid tissues (TLTs) facilitate local T- and B-cell interactions in chronically inflamed organs. However, the cells and molecular pathways that govern TLT formation are poorly defined. Here we identify TNF superfamily CD153-CD30 signaling between two unique age-dependent lymphocyte subpopulations, CD153⁺PD-1⁺CD4⁺ senescence-associated T (SAT) cells and CD30+T-bet+ age-associated B cells (ABCs), as a driver for TLT expansion. SAT cells, which produced ABC-inducing factors IL21 and IFNγ, and ABCs progressively accumulated within TLTs in aged kidneys after injury. Notably, in kidney injury models, CD153 or CD30 deficiency impaired functional SAT cell induction, which resulted in reduced ABC numbers and attenuated TLT formation with improved inflammation, fibrosis and renal function. Attenuated TLT formation after transplantation of CD153-deficient bone marrow further supported the importance of CD153 in immune cells. Clonal analysis revealed that SAT cells and ABCs in the kidneys arose from both local differentiation and recruitment from the spleen. In the synovium of aged rheumatoid arthritis patients, T peripheral helper/T follicular helper cells and ABCs also expressed CD153 and CD30, respectively. Together, our data reveal a previously unappreciated function of CD153-CD30 signaling in TLT formation and propose targeting CD153-CD30 signaling pathway as a therapeutic target for slowing kidney disease progression

    Heterogeneous fibroblasts underlie age-dependent tertiary lymphoid tissues in the kidney

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common clinical condition defined as a rapid decline in kidney function. AKI is a global health burden, estimated to cause 2 million deaths annually worldwide. Unlike AKI in the young, which is reversible, AKI in the elderly often leads to end-stage renal disease, and the mechanism that prevents kidney repair in the elderly is unclear. Here we demonstrate that aged but not young mice developed multiple tertiary lymphoid tissues (TLTs) in the kidney after AKI. TLT size was associated with impaired renal function and increased expression of proinflammatory cytokines and homeostatic chemokines, indicating a possible contribution of TLTs to sustained inflammation after injury. Notably, resident fibroblasts from a single lineage diversified into p75 neurotrophin receptor(+) (p75NTR(+)) fibroblasts and homeostatic chemokine-producing fibroblasts inside TLTs, and retinoic acid-producing fibroblasts around TLTs. Deletion of CD4(+) cells as well as late administration of dexamethasone abolished TLTs and improved renal outcomes. Importantly, aged but not young human kidneys also formed TLTs that had cellular and molecular components similar to those of mouse TLTs. Therefore, the inhibition of TLT formation may offer a novel therapeutic strategy for AKI in the elderly.</p