107 research outputs found

    Functional dynamics of resident alveolar macrophages in a mouse model of allergic asthma

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    Cholesterol-sensing liver X receptors stimulate Th2-driven allergic eosinophilic asthma in mice

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    Introduction: Liver X receptors (LXRs) are nuclear receptors that function as cholesterol sensors and regulate cholesterol homeostasis. High cholesterol has been recognized as a risk factor in asthma; however, the mechanism of this linkage is not known. Methods: To explore the importance of cholesterol homeostasis for asthma, we investigated the contribution of LXR activity in an ovalbumin- and a house dust mite-driven eosinophilic asthma mouse model. Results: In both models, airway inflammation, airway hyper-reactivity, and goblet cell hyperplasia were reduced in mice deficient for both LXR and LXR isoforms (LXR-/--/-) as compared to wild-type mice. Inversely, treatment with the LXR agonist GW3965 showed increased eosinophilic airway inflammation. LXR activity contributed to airway inflammation through promotion of type 2 cytokine production as LXR-/--/- mice showed strongly reduced protein levels of IL-5 and IL-13 in the lungs as well as reduced expression of these cytokines by CD4(+) lung cells and lung-draining lymph node cells. In line herewith, LXR activation resulted in increased type 2 cytokine production by the lung-draining lymph node cells. Conclusions: In conclusion, our study demonstrates that the cholesterol regulator LXR acts as a positive regulator of eosinophilic asthma in mice, contributing to airway inflammation through regulation of type 2 cytokine production

    E-cadherin expression in macrophages dampens their inflammatory responsiveness in vitro, but does not modulate M2-regulated pathologies in vivo

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    IL-4/IL-13-induced alternatively activated macrophages (M(IL-4/IL-13), AAMs or M2) are known to express E-cadherin, enabling them to engage in heterotypic cellular interactions and IL-4-driven macrophage fusion in vitro. Here we show that E-cadherin overexpression in Raw 264.7 macrophages inhibits their inflammatory response to LPS stimulation, as demonstrated by a reduced secretion of inflammatory mediators like interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and nitric oxide (NO). To study the function of E-cadherin in M(IL-4/IL-13) macrophages in vivo, we generated macrophage-specific E-cadherin-deficient C57BL/6 mice. Using this new tool, we analyzed immunological parameters during two typical AAM-associated Th2-driven diseases and assessed Th2-associated granuloma formation. Although E-cadherin is strongly induced in AAMs during Taenia crassiceps helminth infections and allergic airway inflammation, its deletion in macrophages does not affect the course of both Th2 cytokine-driven diseases. Moreover, macrophage E-cadherin expression is largely redundant for granuloma formation around Schistosoma mansoni ova. Overall, we conclude that E-cadherin is a valuable AAM marker which suppresses the inflammatory response when overexpressed. Yet E-cadherin deletion in macrophages does not affect M(LPS+IFN gamma) and M(IL-4) polarization in vitro, nor in vivo macrophage function, at least in the conditions tested

    Inflammatory monocytes regulate Th1 oriented immunity to CpG adjuvanted protein vaccines through production of IL-12

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    Due to their capacity to skew T cell responses towards Th1 oriented immunity, oligonucleotides containing unmethylated CpG motifs (CpG) have emerged as interesting adjuvants for vaccination. Whereas the signalling pathways in response to CpG mediated TLR9 activation have been extensively documented at the level of the individual cell, little is however known on the precise identity of the innate immune cells that govern T cell priming and polarisation to CpG adjuvanted protein antigens in vivo. In this study, we demonstrate that optimal induction of Th1 oriented immunity to CpG adjuvanted protein vaccines requires the coordinated actions of conventional DCs and of monocytes. Whilst conventional DCs were required for antigen presentation and initial T cell priming, monocytes constitute the main source of the Th1 polarising cytokine IL-12