818 research outputs found

    Reclaiming the Ministry of Teaching in the Missional Setting

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    The dynamics of postmodernism and American secularism make Christ’s Great Commission difficult to fulfill. A thorough study of Matthew 28:18-20 establishes that the mandate is still valid, and that missional communities must get creative in fulfilling it. Mindful that the command to make disciples is accomplished by both baptism and teaching, this paper argues that Christians would be more effective if they taught unbelievers before their conversions. The engagement with the unchurched, de-churched, and religiously allergic is termed “missional teaching” and is carried out through informal but informative conversation. This paper examines the apparent resistance to missional teaching coming both from the target group of the unchurched and potential teachers themselves. The San Francisco Bay Area is highlighted as a microcosm of the larger missional context. It was found that certain major shifts in attitude and method would enable churches to overcome their mental and institutional objections to missional teaching. To do so, however, the bridge between the Kingdom of God and the “world of the unchurched” must be crossed. The most important shift, described at length, is replacing traditional teaching paradigms with creative alternatives suggested by experiential, dialogic, and subject-centered learning theories. Applying Scripture and educational theory to the problem, this paper proposes a general framework for missional teaching in informal settings, “third places,” promoting three models: apprenticeship, storytelling, and the joint adventure. The paper reports the result of collaboration with the Northern California site of Fuller Theological Seminary to equip missional leaders for the work of the Kingdom. Missional qualities and skills were identified and a course designed and taught to develop them in Bay Area Fuller students. The experiment demonstrates that theological education has a contribution to make toward improved missional teaching, if it translates theory into practice and enables individuals to improvise in the missional setting. Content Reader: Kurt Fredrickson, Ph

    Short-patch correction of C/C mismatches in human cells

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    We examined whether the human nucleotide excision repair complex, which is specialized on the removal of bulky DNA adducts, also displays a correcting activity on base mismatches. The cytosine/cytosine (C/C) lesion was used as a model substrate to monitor the correction of base mismatches in human cells. Fibroblasts with different repair capabilities were transfected with shuttle vectors that contain a site-directed C/C mismatch in the replication origin, accompanied by an additional C/C mismatch in one of the flanking sequences that are not essential for replication. Analysis of the vector progeny obtained from these doubly modified substrates revealed that C/C mismatches were eliminated before DNA synthesis not only in the repair-proficient background, but also when the target cells carried a genetic defect in long-patch mismatch repair, in nucleotide excision repair, or when both pathways were deleted. Furthermore, cells deficient for long-patch mismatch repair as well as a cell line that combines mismatch and nucleotide excision repair defects were able to correct multiple C/C mispairs, placed at distances of 21-44 nt, in an independent manner, such that the removal of each lesion led to individual repair patches. These results support the existence of a concurrent short-patch mechanism that rectifies C/C mismatche

    Online-Informationssystem fĂĽr die Phytotherapie bei Tieren

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    Die Phytotherapie gewinnt auch in der Veterinärmedizin zunehmend an Beliebtheit. Um das therapeutische Potenzial der Arzneipflanzen auszuschöpfen und deren sicheren Einsatz zu gewährleisten, bedarf es aber besonderer Kenntnisse der wirksamen Pflanzenteile beziehungsweise Zubereitungen. Unsachgemässe Anwendungen und Überdosierungen von Arzneipflanzen können toxisch sein. Deshalb haben wir mit www.phytoarznei.ch eine Entscheidungshilfe geschaffen, die online einen raschen Zugriff auf das aktuelle Wissen zu Arzneipflanzen und deren Gebrauch bei Tieren erlaubt. Dieses ­Informationssystem basiert auf der verfügbaren Fach­literatur, die nach kritischer Auswertung in eine strukturierte Datenbank eingebracht wurde. Für jede Arz­neipflanze beziehungsweise pflanzliche Droge sind therapeutische Indikationen, Anwendungsarten, organoleptische Eigenschaften, Inhaltsstoffe, pharmakologische Wirkungen, Dosierungen, Behandlungsdauer, Toxizität, gesetzliche Vorschriften bei Nutztieren sowie Dopingrelevanz aufgeführt. Zwei Suchprogramme gewährleisten einen benutzerfreundlichen Zugang, entweder durch die Eingabe des Pflanzennamens, des Drogennamens bzw. der Inhaltsstoffe der Pflanze in einem Suchfeld oder durch die Auswahl der gewünschten Tierspezies sowie therapeutischen Anwendung aus entsprechenden Dropdown-Listen. Diese Datenbank zu Arzneipflanzen ist mit der Giftpflanzendatenbank der Universität Zürich und, falls entsprechende Fertigpräparate vorliegen, mit dem Schweizerischen Tierarzneimittelkompendium sowie einem Verzeichnis von Veterinärprodukten verknüpft

    Prolonged decrease in heart rate variability after elective hip arthroplasty

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    The pattern of postoperative heart rate variability may provide insight into the response of the autonomic nervous system to anaesthesia and surgery. We have obtained spectral (fast Fourier transform) and non-spectral indices of heart rate variability from electrocardiographic recordings, sampled during continuous perioperative Holter monitoring in 15 otherwise healthy patients with an uncomplicated postoperative course, undergoing elective hip arthroplasty with either spinal or general anaesthesia. In both groups, total spectral energy (0.01-1 Hz), low-frequency spectral energy (0.01-0.15 Hz) and high-frequency spectral energy (0.15-0.40 Hz) decreased after surgery to 32% (95% confidence interval (Cl) 10.5; P <0.01), 29% (95% Cl 12.5; P <0.07; and 33% (95% Cl 12.5; P <0.01) of their preoperative values, respectively, and these indices remained suppressed for up to 5 days. Non-spectral indices decreased to a similar extent. These findings indicate a substantial and prolonged postoperative decrease in both parasympathetic and sympathetic influence on the sinus nod

    Ergebnisse einer Umfrage zur ­Verschreibung von Antibiotika in der ­Veterinärmedizin

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    English Outcome of a survey on antibiotic prescribing in veterinary medicine As part of the national strategy on antibiotic resistance (StAR), a therapy guide for the prudent prescription of antimicrobial agents in animals was developed. To facilitate its implementation in the veterinary practice, the therapy recommendations contained therein have been translated to the user-friendly decision support AntibioticScout.ch. In this context, we conducted a non-representative survey to assess the level of awareness as well as usage of this guide and the AntibioticScout.ch decision support. Based on case studies with typical diseases in dogs, cats and cattle, it was shown that the veterinarians participating in the survey strive to handle antibiotics responsibly and to prescribe them with restraint. Nevertheless, the survey points to possible improvements in the antibiotic therapy. In particular, the StAR guidelines or AntibioticScout.ch can be useful to the practicing veterinarians for taking into account all relevant decision criteria in the optimal selection of a suitable antimicrobial agent. Keywords: AntibioticScout; Decision support; Prescribing behavior; Survey; Veterinary medicine Deutsch Ergebnisse einer Umfrage zur ­Verschreibung von Antibiotika in der ­Veterinärmedizin Im Rahmen der nationalen Strategie Antibiotikaresistenzen (StAR) wurde ein Therapieleitfaden für die umsichtige Verschreibung von antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen bei Tieren erarbeitet. Um dessen Umsetzung in der tierärztlichen Praxis zu erleichtern, sind die darin enthaltenen Therapieempfehlungen in die benutzerfreundliche Entscheidungshilfe AntibioticScout.ch überführt worden. In diesem Zusammenhang haben wir eine nicht-repräsentative Umfrage durchgeführt um Bekanntheitsgrad und Nutzung dieses Leitfadens bzw. der Entscheidungshilfe AntibioticScout.ch einzuschätzen. Anhand von Fallbeispielen mit typischen Erkrankungen bei Hunden, Katzen und Rindern zeigte sich, dass die an der Befragung teilnehmenden Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte bestrebt sind, verantwortungsvoll mit Antibiotika umzugehen und diese Wirkstoffe zurückhaltend zu verschreiben. Trotzdem weist die Umfrage auf Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten in der Antibiotikatherapie hin. Der StAR-Therapieleitfaden und AntibioticScout.ch können insbesondere für die Berücksichtigung aller relevanten Entscheidungskriterien bei der optimalen Auswahl eines geeigneten antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffes der Tierärzteschaft dienlich sein. Schlüsselwörter: AntibioticScout; Entscheidungshilfe; ­Umfrage; Verschreibungsverhalten; Veterinärmedizin Français Résultats d’une enquête sur la ­prescription d’antibiotiques en ­médicine vétérinaire Dans le cadre de la stratégie nationale de résistance aux antibiotiques (StAR), un guide thérapeutique pour la prescription prudente d'agents antimicrobiens chez les animaux a été élaboré. Pour faciliter son application dans la pratique vétérinaire, les recommandations thérapeutiques qu'il contient ont été transférées dans l'aide à la décision conviviale en-ligne AntibioticScout.ch. Dans ce contexte, nous avons mené une enquête non représentative pour évaluer le niveau de connaissance et l’utilisation de ce guide de l'aide à la decision AntibioticScout.ch. Sur la base d'études de cas portant sur des maladies typiques des chiens, des chats et des bovins, il a été démontré que les vétérinaires participant à l'enquête s'efforcent d’ utiliser les antibiotiques de manière responsable et de les prescrire avec modération. Néanmoins, l'enquête met en évidence les améliorations possibles de la thérapie antibiotique. Le guide thérapeutique StAR ou AntibioticScout.ch peut être particulièrement utile à la profession vétérinaire pour prendre en compte tous les critères de décision pertinents dans la sélection optimale d'un agent antimicrobien approprié. Mots-clés: AntibioticScout; aide à la décision; enquéte; comportement de prescription; médecine vétérinaire Italiano Risultati di un sondaggio sulla ­prescrizione di antibiotici in medicina veterinaria Come parte della strategia nazionale di resistenza agli antibiotici (StAR), è stata sviluppata una guida terapeutica per la prescrizione prudente di agenti antimicrobici negli animali. Per facilitarne l'attuazione nella pratica veterinaria, le raccomandazioni terapeutiche ivi contenute sono state trasferite nell'aiuto decisionale di facile utilizzo AntibioticScout.ch. In questo contesto, abbiamo condotto un sondaggio non rappresentativo per valutare il livello di conoscenza e l’utilizzo di questa guida e del supporto decisionale AntibioticScout.ch. Sulla base di studi di casi con malattie tipiche di cani, gatti e bovini, è stato dimostrato che i veterinari che hanno partecipato all'indagine si sforzano di gestire gli antibiotici in modo responsabile e di prescriverli con moderazione. Tuttavia, il sondaggio indica possibili miglioramenti nella terapia antibiotica. La guida alla terapia StAR o AntibioticScout.ch può essere particolarmente utile ai professionisti veterinari per tenere conto di tutti i criteri decisionali rilevanti nella scelta ottimale di un agente antimicrobico adatto. Parole chiavi: AntibioticScout; supporto alle decisioni; sondaggio; comportamento prescrittivo; medicina veterinari

    To incise or not and where: SET-domain methyltransferases know

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    The concept of the histone code posits that histone modifications regulate gene functions once interpreted by epigenetic readers. A well-studied case is trimethylation of lysine 4 of histone H3 (H3K4me3), which is enriched at gene promoters. However, H3K4me3 marks are not needed for the expression of most genes, suggesting extra roles, such as influencing the 3D genome architecture. Here, we highlight an intriguing analogy between the H3K4me3-dependent induction of double-strand breaks in several recombination events and the impact of this same mark on DNA incisions for the repair of bulky lesions. We propose that Su(var)3–9, Enhancer-of-zeste and Trithorax (SET)-domain methyltransferases generate H3K4me3 to guide nucleases into chromatin spaces, the favorable accessibility of which ensures that DNA break intermediates are readily processed, thereby safeguarding genome stability

    Annual post-market environmental monitoring (PMEM) report on the cultivation of genetically modified maize MON 810 in 2014 from Monsanto Europe S.A.

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the European Food Safety Authority (GMO Panel) assessed the annual post-market environmental monitoring (PMEM) report for the 2014 growing season of maize MON 810 provided by Monsanto Europe S.A. The GMO Panel concludes that the insect resistance monitoring data do not indicate a decrease in susceptibility of field Iberian populations of corn borers to the Cry1Ab protein over the 2014 season. However, as the methodology for insect resistance monitoring remained unchanged compared to previous PMEM reports, the GMO Panel reiterates its previous recommendations for improvement of the insect resistance management plan. The GMO Panel considers that the farmer alert system to report complaints regarding product performance could complement the information obtained from the laboratory bioassays, but encourages the consent holder to provide more information in order to be in a position to appraise its usefulness. The data on general surveillance activities do not indicate any unanticipated adverse effects on human and animal health or the environment arising from the cultivation of maize MON 810 cultivation in 2014. The GMO Panel reiterates its previous recommendations to improve the methodology for the analysis of farmer questionnaires and conduct of the literature review in future annual PMEM reports on maize MON 810. The GMO Panel urges the consent holder to consider how to make best use of the information recorded in national registers to optimise sampling for farmer questionnaires, and requests to continue reviewing and discussing relevant scientific publications on possible adverse effects of maize MON 810 on rove beetles. Also, the GMO Panel encourages relevant parties to continue developing a methodological framework to use existing networks in the broader context of environmental monitorin

    Aquatic Hyphomycete Species Are Screened by the Hyporheic Zone of Woodland Streams

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    Aquatic hyphomycetes strongly contribute to organic matter dynamics in streams, but their abilities to colonize leaf litter buried in streambed sediments remain unexplored. Here, we conducted field and laboratory experiments (slow-filtration columns and stream-simulating microcosms) to test the following hypotheses: (i) that the hyporheic habitat acting as a physical sieve for spores filters out unsuccessful strategists from a potential species pool, (ii) that decreased pore size in sediments reduces species dispersal efficiency in the interstitial water, and (iii) that the physicochemical conditions prevailing in the hyporheic habitat will influence fungal community structure. Our field study showed that spore abundance and species diversity were consistently re- duced in the interstitial water compared with surface water within three differing streams. Significant differences occurred among aquatic hyphomycetes, with dispersal efficiency of filiform-spore species being much higher than those with compact or branched/tetraradiate spores. This pattern was remarkably consistent with those found in laboratory experiments that tested the influence of sediment pore size on spore dispersal in microcosms. Furthermore, leaves inoculated in a stream and incubated in slow-filtration columns exhibited a fungal assemblage dominated by only two species, while five species were codominant on leaves from the stream-simulating microcosms. Results of this study highlight that the hyporheic zone exerts two types of selec- tion pressure on the aquatic hyphomycete community, a physiological stress and a physical screening of the benthic spore pool, both leading to drastic changes in the structure of fungal community

    Scientific Opinion on a request from the European Commission related to the prolongation of prohibition of the placing on the market of genetically modified oilseed rape event GT73 for import, processing and feed uses in Austria

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA GMO Panel) evaluated the documentation provided by Austria to support the prolongation of the safeguard clause measure prohibiting the placing on the market of the genetically modified oilseed rape event GT73 for import, processing and feed uses in Austria. The EFSA GMO Panel assessed whether the submitted documentation comprised new scientific information that would change or invalidate the conclusions of its previous risk assessments on oilseed rape GT73. The EFSA GMO Panel also considered the relevance of the concerns raised by Austria in the light of the most recent data published in the scientific literature. The authorised uses of oilseed rape GT73 exclude cultivation, but data on gene flow, persistence and invasiveness derived from cultivation were considered as a worst case, representing conditions where exposure and potential impact are expected to be the highest, to assess possible environmental impacts resulting from seed import spills. In the documentation provided by Austria and in the scientific literature, the EFSA GMO Panel could not identify new scientific evidence that indicates that the import, processing and feed uses of oilseed rape GT73 in the EU pose a significant and imminent risk to the environment. The EFSA GMO Panel does not consider the occurrence of occasional feral oilseed rape GT73 plants, pollen dispersal and consequent cross-pollination as environmental harm in itself. In conclusion, the EFSA GMO Panel considers that, based on the documentation supplied by Austria and a review of recent scientific literature, there is no specific scientific evidence in terms of risk to the environment that would support the notification of a safeguard clause measure under Article 23 of Directive 2001/18/EC nor its prolongation, and that would invalidate its previous risk assessments of oilseed rape GT73

    Scientific Opinion on a request from the European Commission for the assessment of the new scientific elements supporting the prolongation of prohibition of the placing on the market of maize MON 863 for food and feed purposes in Austria

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    Austria notified the European Commission of its new scientific elements justifying the prolongation for three additional years of the implementation of a national safeguard measure prohibiting the placing on the market of genetically modified maize MON 863 in Austria. Subsequently, the European Commission asked the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to assess the new scientific information supporting the prolongation of the prohibition. Having considered the information provided by Austria and all relevant scientific publications, the EFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO Panel) concluded that the new scientific elements submitted by the Austrian Authorities do not lead EFSA to reconsider the conclusions in its opinions on maize MON 863
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