188 research outputs found

    Digital real estate: a review of the technologies and tools transforming the industry and society

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    © 2023 The Author(s); Shantou University. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Real estate plays a crucial role in driving national economies. However, the process of transferring properties and engaging with various stakeholders can be hindered by a lack of adequate information, complex procedures, and excessive paperwork. The advent of digital real estate has revolutionized the industry and how stakeholders interact. The present study aims to conduct a bibliometric and systematic review of digital real estate, utilizing historical, institutional, country, and keyword analyses for the bibliometric review and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines for the systematic review. Through thematic analysis, the study identified four key themes for transforming digital real estate: information communication technologies, data collection technologies, data networking tools, and digital decision-making systems. Additionally, the study proposes a digital real estate transformation framework that can assist stakeholders, urban planners, and decision-makers in embracing digital tools and technologies. The study concludes that digital real estate has the potential to revolutionize future urban planning and real estate development through the use of decision support systems and advanced technologies.Peer reviewe

    Molecular study of Apolipoprotein E gene in familial hypercholesterolemic families

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    AbstractBackground: Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is understood to be one in all the foremost common hereditary disease and critically associated with Coronary heart condition worldwide. FH is taken into account to be caused because of mutations and polymorphisms within the apolipoprotein E (Apo E) cistron. Exaggerated level of density compound protein LDL-C is that the hallmark of this malady.Methodology: Seven hypercholesterolemic families were chosen for this study. Case history was taken and pedigree was created in person by visiting every family. Exon3 and exon4 regions of ApoE cistron were amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR).After successful amplification, both citrons were sequenced. Single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) results were obtained to support the different pattern of single strand polymorphism of studied samples.Results: The sequencing results of probands from all the seven families showed that six out of seven have Apo E three isoform whereas one family showed change within the sequence from T to C at 112 sequence position of processed macromolecule resulted in amino acid that represents it as Apo E4 isoform.Conclusion: Our findings show that Apo E3 is more prevalent than Apo E4 and other isoforms in studied population of Pakistan

    Can Common Stocks Provide Hedge against Inflation? Evidence from SAARC Countries

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    The theory says that if stocks provide an effective hedge against inflation then the effect of expected inflation should be compensated in the form of nominal stock return. As Fisher Hypothesis (1930) concluded that nominal expected return on a security is a function of expected inflation rate as well as expected real interest rate. Bodie (1976) worked on Fisher Hypothesis and found that actual nominal return depends on expected and unexpected inflation rates and also it depends on expected and unexpected nominal returns. According to Geske and Roll (1983) a positive relationship exists between stock returns and inflation, based on the assumption that securities represent claims on real assets. When there is an increase in rate of inflation, it is expected that prices of real assets will also rise, thereby improving the value of securities representing a claim on such real assets. We found that various studies in this area reported against the hypothesis, showing a negative relationship between the two. However, certain other studies support the theory asserting that the relationship existing between stock returns and inflation is positive. While the negative relationship between inflation and stock return is against the theory, negative results have led to formation of hypothesis such as tax augmented hypothesis. The tax augmented hypothesis states that when we deduct tax from the stock returns, their relationship with inflation tends to get negative as the quantum and rate of taxes also rise along with inflation. This hypothesis also opines that initial researcher did not consider the tax impact when they were empirically testing the relationship between stock returns and inflation

    Accounting for the Effects of Oil Prices on Exchange Rate in Nigeria: Empirical Evidence from Linear and Non-Linear ARDL Models

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    This study empirically examines the impact oil prices on the exchange rate in Nigeria. Time series annual dataset spanning 1980 to 2018 was estimated using the linear and nonlinear ARDL model developed by Pesaran and Shin, (1998) & Pesaran, et al. (2001) and Shin, et al. (2014); where oil prices, nominal exchange rate, interest rate, and oil revenue serves as the variables for analysis.  From the result of the linear-ARDL models both the long run and short-run revealed that oil price has positive and significant impact on exchange rate. Similarly, the nonlinear model also revealed that, both in the long run and short-run, the depreciating effect of a fall in oil price is stronger than an appreciating effect of a arise in oil price of an equal magnitude. This, we argue, reflects the dependency of the economy on oil.  One policy implication of this finding is that stability of oil prices and oil revenue is critical for the stability of the domestic currency and, hence, prices. It is, therefore, recommended that authorities should focus on resolving the production difficulties in the Nigeria’s oil industry as a means of reducing the current revenue volatility

    Ebola, the Negative Stranded RNA Virus

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    Ebola virus (EBV) is a deadly virus that has resulted in a number of deaths during its outbreaks in Africa in 2014–2016 and 2018–2019. This virus causes a hemorrhagic fever like other pathogenic viruses of the Filoviridae family with high mortality rate. The exact reservoir of the ebola virus is not known, but different mammal groups are the source from which it is transferred to the human population. The transmission among the human population is through body fluids of patients and also through aersol droplets in the air. The role of different glycoproteins in the budding formation has helped a lot in understanding the physiology of the ebola virus. Most of these viral glycoproteins synthesis and the replication enzymes offer a good inhibitory target for drug design against the ebola virus. Recently, different groups have claimed the development of a successful vaccine for the ebola virus. However, the availability of the vaccines to the poor population of Africa and other parts of the world is still not practical

    Predictors of obesity among post graduate trainee doctors working in a tertiary care hospital of public sector in Karachi, Pakistan

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    Objectives: To identify the predictors of obesity among post graduate trainee doctors working in a tertiary care hospital of public sector at Karachi, Pakistan.Methods: A cross sectional analytical study was conducted at one of the tertiary care hospitals of public sector in Karachi. Information was collected from 117 post graduate trainee doctors via pre-tested self administered questionnaire and standard tools were used for height and weight measurement. Obesity was defined as body mass index (BMI) \u3e or =23 by using South Asian cut-off points. SPSS version 16 was used for data analysis, and logistic regression technique was applied to come up with predictors of obesity.Results: Frequency of overweight and obesity among doctors was 31.6% and 28.2% respectively. Nearly, 18% were using tobacco and family history of obesity was present in 44%. Approximately 64% doctors were taking lunch outside home, 76% were taking tea at least once a day, 59% were taking snacks between meals and 50% were physically inactive. Predictors of obesity among doctors include; taking lunch outside home OR = 7.11 (2.28-22.09), snacks between meals OR = 5.36 (1.51-19.03), tea OR = 7.85 (1.63-37.63), physical activity OR = 0.18 (0.05-0.57), increase duration of training OR = 1.7 (1.15-2.49), family history of obesity OR = 3.35 (1.11-10.08) and male gender OR = 3.83 (1.07-13.72).Conclusion: Frequency of overweight and obesity was high among post graduate trainee doctors. Taking lunch outside home, snacks and tea intake between meals, increase duration of training, family history of obesity, male gender and lack of physical activity were found to be predictors of obesity among doctors

    Zika Virus, Microcephaly and its Possible Global Spread

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    Zika virus is an arbovirus that is spreading at an alarming state in the American continents and now in Asian countries. The Aedes mosquitoes are the vectors for the spread of this virus beside other ways of transmission. Currently, there are no vaccines or drugs available for its treatment. The Zika virus–related microcephaly cases are reported in fetuses of pregnant women who got this viral infection. However, the exact mechanism of Zika virus and microcephaly is still not established. Here we review Zika virus epidemiology, its unusual relationship with microcephaly in fetuses and current scientific research progress on it

    Towards the Design of a Synchronous Virtual Learning System

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    The field of education has undoubtedly been affected by the penetrating influence of information and communication technology, characterized by improved access to the internet, and the increasing use of computing devices. However, education in Africa generally and specifically in Nigeria and other developing countries still face a 21st Century challenge in making education available and accessible to all. To this end therefore, this paper presents a conceptual approach, as to how tailor made e-learning services could be realized and integrated with a real time video conference server and any existing learning management system in order to facilitate a synchronous virtual learning environment in making education accessible and available to both remote students (distance learning students) and onsite users in Universities and other related educational institutes. It proposes a functional framework to exemplify educational services such as file sharing to enhance collaboration, a digital resource center for retrieval of both free and paid relevant academic resource. A conference room for real time classroom participation which learning platform should provide in order to enhance both teaching and learning performance of course instructors and their students respectively is also proposed. It provides an operational design which describes how custom made e-learning portal integrated with an Open source Video Conference server could be realized, in facilitating a synchronous virtual learning service. Furthermore, it proposes a Virtual Learning Network architecture to show how both remote and onsite students could optimize quality network access in realizing these electronic learning services

    Enhanced Degradation of Dyes present in Textile Effluent by Ultrasound Assisted Electrochemical Reactor

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    Textile industry being the backbone of any country plays a very essential part in the development of the country. The treatment of chemical dyes present in textile wastewater and its reuse for irrigational purposes has become a major concern for the researchers. The present study emphasis on proper degradation of commonly used reactive blue (RB) 19 dye present in textile effluents using ultrasound assisted electrochemical reactor technique and presenting the analysis of microparticles present in dyes and its quantitative composition before and after treatment by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images at high magnification. The investigation was carried out using various parameters such as Concentration, pH and reaction rate. The testing setup also includes UV absorbance spectrophotometer, ultrasonic bath, DC power supply, weighing balance, suction apparatus, and thermometer. Our studies show that the Optimum dye degradation (i.e. 82.3 %) was achieved at time 120 minutes with pH of 3.22 for 50 ppm of solution and the maximum degradation (i.e. 85%) was achieved at 40 0C using acid (HCl) and Base (NaOH) in equal amounts after 120 minutes for solution of 30ppm. The work efficiency includes saving time, money and degrading the dyes from wastewater before toxic sludge formation
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