7 research outputs found

    The Impact of Switch Leadership on Project Success: Empirical Evidence from UAE

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    This research project documents an empirical analysis of the switch leadership in project management practices in U.A.E. This is an examination study for which 50 projects were studied representing in U.A.E. The main objective of this research is to study the project leadership phenomenon whereas the impact of switch leadership that plays a pivotal role in achieving project success whiles the inclusion of project manager’s experience. Since the U.A.E has a diverse working environment and it is multicultural research study that represents the present day project environment in U.A.E. The results from the analysis of data obtained through questionnaires, which further explores the degree of impact of switch leadership between distinctive leadership styles and project success and also it was discovered that project manager’s experience does not significantly moderates the relationship between switch leadership and project success. At the end the researcher provides suggestive recommendations for switch in leadership styles displaying the impact on project success

    Leadership Styles in the Maintenance Industry of UAE: A Focus Group Analysis

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    The primary objective of this qualitative research is to identify and study various leadership styles in the maintenance industry of UAE. The researcher used focus group as a method of data collection. 8 senior officers from the various reputed maintenance companies were invited for the deliberation on the leadership styles being practiced in the various management hierarchies of such companies. The researcher also investigated success level of various leadership styles in terms of employee motivation and moral. The researcher guided the Focus Group Members discussion around these areas, took notes, and finally complied all the views in a report format. Study revealed that Top level management practicing autocratic style of leadership that is not yielding the desired results of higher motivation level and subordinates are also not really happy with it. Targets and being achieved but corporate citizenship feel is missing in the subordinates. Middle level management is practicing almost all types of leadership styles but team leadership is most commonly used by middle level management, subordinates are generally happy with it. Lower level management using autocratic leadership style in order to control the field staff; however field staff never felt happy with it as they feel bad when always engineers / supervisors imposing their decisions on them and being the work floor workers, their suggestions are not taken care of.</jats:p

    Emotional Intelligence And Its Impact On Service Quality Empirical Evidence From The Pakistani Banking Sector

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    Emotional intelligence and service quality--this study was designed to examine the relationship between the said two variables. While using teacher made tools from the body of knowledge, data was collected through a self administered questionnaire from the officers of two leading banks in Pakistan; one was foreign bank that paid more attention to the improvement of service quality and the other one was well reputed, fastest growing local bank, did not spend much on quality issues as was the practice in foreign bank. SPSS version 12 was used for data analysis. The empirical analysis revealed that emotional intelligence is a strong predictor of service quality in case of foreign banking in Pakistan

    Service Quality And Its Impact On Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Evidence From The Pakistani Banking Sector

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    This comparative research was designed to investigate the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in the Pakistani banking sector. Hypothesis developed for the study was higher level of service quality leads to higher level of customer satisfaction. A sample of two hundred respondents, (one hundred from a foreign bank and one hundred from a public sector / nationalized bank located in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad) was drawn on the basis of simple random sampling. Various constructs of SERVQUAL model developed by Zeithaml and Bitner (1996) and five point customer satisfaction tool developed by Taylor and Baker (1994) were adopted and used for data collection. Data were analyzed through SPSS version 14. Results of the regression analysis indicated that service quality was proved to be a strong predictor of customer satisfaction in case of the foreign bank with the R2 value of 0.644 accepting research hypothesis and rejecting null hypothesis as compared value R2 of 0.156 that does not support the research hypothesis in case of public sector bank. The study concluded that service quality, if managed effectively, can contribute significantly towards customer satisfaction

    Total Quality Management A Recommended Strategy For The Pakistani Banking Sector

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    Keeping in view the significance of TQM in todays competitive banking environment, the study was designed to look into the quality implementation level of commercial banks in Pakistan. Main offices of all commercial banks operating in Pakistan were contacted and were asked about the level of implementation of TQM in their bank; whether the quality implementation is at its introductory, middle, final or fully implemented stage. The data indicated that majority of the banks in Pakistan are at the introductory stage where as almost one fifth claim having TQM fully implemented. The situation highlights the level of effort put by management of banks operating in Pakistan and initiatives taken by them in respect of quality management. The findings of the study may be passed on to Central Bank for further necessary action and follow up

    How do Companies Promote Luxury Brands in United Arab Emirates?

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    Luxury – a word most brands would want to be characterized as. Being a social marker, luxury brands play a key role in the creation of human identity – it influences how they dress and enables them to signify a certain lifestyle. In the past it was fairly easy to brand luxury, as competition was moderate and consumers were quite easy to define and the tendency of consumers to remain loyal and uncritical towards a single-brand.[1] Keeping the above in view, the study was designed to analyze the promotional strategies of three well known automotive brands present in United Arab Emirates. The study indicated that the companies used almost the same modes and mediums for promoting their respective brands. [1] Reference: Kapferer &amp; Bastien, 2009, p. 18 &amp; Okonkwo, 2007, p. 3, 6

    Impact of employee’s job satisfaction on organizational performance.

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    Employee attitude is very important for management to determine the behavior of workers in the organization. The usually judgment about employees is that “A satisfied worker is a productive worker”. If employees are satisfied then it will create a pleasant atmosphere within the organization to perform in a better and efficient manner, therefore, job satisfaction and its relation with organizational performance has become a major topic for research studies. The specific problem covered in this study is to scrutinize the impact of job satisfaction on organizational performance. It considered which rewards (intrinsic and extrinsic) determine job satisfaction of an employee and its relation with organizational performance. It also reviewed the influence of age, sex and experience of employees on level of job satisfaction. It also covered and investigated different events which can satisfy the employees on jobs, their retention in the job, and why employees stay and leave the organization. Data were collected through conducting detailed field survey using questionnaires from different employee (exit interview of outgoing employees) groups like management, senior managers, managers, professionals and support staff from five profit/non-profit sector organizations. The data analysis shows that there exists positive correlation between job satisfaction and organizational performance