11 research outputs found


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    Background: Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum L) is receiving global attention as a functional food due to its unique nutritional and medicinal properties as anti-diabetic, hypocholesterolemic, antipyretic, anti-carcinogenic and seasoning and flavoring agent. Materials and Methods: Seeds of indigenous fenugreek accessions were collected from three different ecological regions (Al-Dakhaliyah, Al¬Dhahirah, and Al-Batinah) of Sultanate of Oman. The samples were analyzed for proximate chemical composition, phytochemical contents and antioxidant properties. Results: Only significant (

    Isolation and identification of pathogenic fungi and oomycetes associated with beans and cowpea root diseases in Oman

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    The purpose of this study was to characterize fungal and oomycete species associated with root diseases of Phaseolus vulgaris, Vigna unguiculata, V. radiata and Vicia faba in Oman. Root samples were collected from plants suffering from weakened growth and yellowing symptoms. Fungal species were isolated on 2.5% potato dextrose agar amended with 10 mg l−1 rifampicin and 200 mg l−1 of ampicillin and identification was based on sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region of the ribosomal RNA gene (ITS rRNA), glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH), translation elongation factor-1 alpha (TEF), beta-tubulin (TUB), calmodulin (CMD), actin (ACT). Isolations yielded 204 fungal isolates belonging to nine different genera, with most isolates belonging to Alternaria and Fusarium. Molecular identification revealed that the isolates belong to 20 fungal species, the most dominant of which was Alternaria alternata. Pathogenicity tests were conducted on each plant species. The inoculations on P. vulgaris revealed that Pythium aphanidermatum induced rotting, damping-off and wilt symptoms while Fusarium equiseti induced yellowing symptoms on the leaves. Rhizoctonia solani produced lesions and root rot on Vigna unguiculata while Curvularia muehlenbeckiae and Curvularia caricae-papayae produced root lesions on the roots of V. unguiculata and V. radiata, respectively. Alternaria alternata produced brown symptoms on the tap root of Vicia faba. P. aphanidermatum resulted in a significant reduction in the fresh weight, dry weight and shoot length of Phaseolus vulgaris. The study shows that several fungal species can be found associated with the roots of beans and Vigna unguiculata in Oman and can result in varying disease symptoms. This is the first report of root lesions produced by Curvularia muehlenbeckiae on the roots of V. unguiculata and by C. caricae-papayae on V. radiata worldwide

    <smarttagtype namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" name="country-region"><smarttagtype namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" name="place"> Molecular characterization of <i style="">Begomovirus</i> infecting sweet pepper in Oman </smarttagtype></smarttagtype>

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    45-51 Whitefly transmitted tomato yellow leaf curl is one of the most devastating viral disease of cultivated sweet pepper (Capsicum frutescens grossum) and other vegetables in Oman. Infected sweet pepper plants showed typical begomovirus symptoms as upward leaf curling, interveinal and leaf chlorosis, and growth stunting. Begomovirus infecting sweet pepper in Oman was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using begomovirus specific degenerate primers (PAL1v1978/PAR1c496 and AV494/AC1048). Core region (74-604 bp) of coat protein gene of the begomovirus was amplified by PCR with tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) specific degenerate primers (TycpV369/TycpC1023). Core region of coat protein gene contains highly conserved regions and is used to identify the begomovirus infecting sweet peppers. Virus identification was performed by percent sequence identity and parsimony analysis using core coat protein gene sequences of sweet pepper virus with complete genome, core region of coat protein and coat protein gene sequences from reference begomoviruses. The core region sequence identity of coat protein gene of sweet pepper virus from Oman was 92.2, 96.5, 94.0, 93.8, and 96.5% with TomGV-Lebanon, TYLCV-Guadeloupe, TYLCV-Israel, TYLCV-Kuwait, and TYLCV-Mexico, respectively. Phylogenetic trees and percent sequence identity with reference to begomoviruses permitted the identification of sweet pepper virus as TYLCV based on tree position and extent of sequence identity. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that sweet pepper tomato yellow leaf curl virus clustered with its closest relatives from Middle East regions but formed a separate strain. </smarttagtype

    Complete chloroplast genomes of medicinally important Teucrium species and comparative analyses with related species from Lamiaceae

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    Teucrium is one of the most economically and ecologically important genera in the Lamiaceae family; however, it is currently the least well understood at the plastome level. In the current study, we sequenced the complete chloroplast (cp) genomes of T. stocksianum subsp. stenophyllum R.A.King (TSS), T. stocksianum subsp. stocksianum Boiss. (TS) and T. mascatense Boiss. (TM) through next-generation sequencing and compared them with the cp genomes of related species in Lamiaceae (Ajuga reptans L., Caryopteris mongholica Bunge, Lamium album L., Lamium galeobdolon (L.) Crantz, and Stachys byzantina K.Koch). The results revealed that the TSS, TS and TM cp genomes have sizes of 150,087, 150,076 and 150,499 bp, respectively. Similarly, the large single-copy (LSC) regions of TSS, TS and TM had sizes of 81,707, 81,682 and 82,075 bp, respectively. The gene contents and orders of these genomes were similar to those of other angiosperm species. However, various differences were observed at the inverted repeat (IR) junctions, and the extent of the IR expansion into ψrps19 was 58 bp, 23 bp and 61 bp in TSS, TS and TM, respectively. Similarly, in all genomes, the pbsA gene was present in the LSC at varying distances from the JLA (IRa-LSC) junction. Furthermore, 89, 72, and 92 repeats were identified in the TSS, TM and TS cp genomes, respectively. The highest number of simple sequence repeats was found in TSS (128), followed by TS (127) and TM (121). Pairwise alignments of the TSS cp genome with related cp genomes showed a high degree of synteny. However, relatively lower sequence identity was observed when various coding regions were compared to those of related cp genomes. The average pairwise divergence among the complete cp genomes showed that TSS was more divergent from TM (0.018) than from TS (0.006). The current study provides valuable genomic insight into the genus Teucrium and its subspecies that may be applied to a more comprehensive study

    α-Glucosidase Inhibition and Molecular Docking Studies of Natural Brominated Metabolites from Marine Macro Brown Alga Dictyopteris hoytii

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    Bioassay guided isolation of the methanolic extract of marine macro brown alga Dictyopteris hoytii afforded one new metabolite (ethyl methyl 2-bromobenzene 1,4-dioate, 1), one new natural metabolite (diethyl-2-bromobenzene 1,4-dioate, 2) along with six known metabolites (3&ndash;8) reported for the first time from this source. The structure elucidation of all these compounds was achieved by extensive spectroscopic techniques including 1D (1H and 13C) and 2D (NOESY, COSY, HMBC and HSQC) NMR and mass spectrometry and comparison of the spectral data of known compounds with those reported in literature. The in vitro &alpha;-glucosidase inhibition studies confirmed compound 7 to be the most active against &alpha;-glucosidase enzyme with IC50 value of 30.5 &plusmn; 0.41 &mu;M. Compounds 2 and 3 demonstrated good inhibition with IC50 values of 234.2 &plusmn; 4.18 and 289.4 &plusmn; 4.91 &mu;M, respectively, while compounds 1, 5, and 6 showed moderate to low inhibition. Furthermore, the molecular docking studies of the active compounds were performed to examine their mode of inhibition in the binding site of the &alpha;-glucosidase enzyme

    The Genus <i>Xanthagaricus</i>: An Updated Global Species Distribution and Phylogeny with the Description of Two New Species from Oman

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    Xanthagaricus is a saprotrophic mushroom genus with small-sized basidiomata in the family Agaricaceae (Agaricales). Prior to this study, 26 species belonging to this genus have been described and published. In this study, we reported Xanthagaricus for the first time from Oman with the description of two new species. Basidiomata of the new species Xanthagaricus appendiculatus and X. omanicus were collected during the monsoon rains of summer in 2018 in the southern coastal region of Oman. Species descriptions are based on morphological and molecular characterization. Phylogenetic analyses based on internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 = ITS) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA clustered the new species in the Xanthagaricus clade with strong statistical support. The new species Xanthagaricusappendiculatus can be distinguished from other species by its purplish pileus with umbonate disc and X. omanicus with the largest pileus (70–90 mm diameter) among the known species of the genus. A detailed description, photographs, line drawings, and a phylogenetic tree showing the position of both new species are provided. A dichotomous key to the known taxa of Xanthagaricus is proposed. Morphological comparisons of new species with known Xanthagaricus taxa are provided. Our observations highlight the diversity of Xanthagaricus and other lepiotaceous mushrooms in southern Oman and further document the need for additional systematic focus on the region’s fungi

    Micropsalliota ventricocystidiata Al-Sadi & S. Hussain 2022, sp. nov.

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    Micropsalliota ventricocystidiata Al-Sadi & S. Hussain, sp. nov. (Figs. 3, 4) MycoBank no: MB842602 Diagnosis: Micropsalliota ventricocystidiata can be distinguished from other species by its: medium-sized basidiomata with hemispheric pileus, covered with reddish-brown squamules, basidiospores amygdaliform to oblong, measuring 7.5–8.5 × 4.5–5.0 µm, with ventricose cheilocystidia. Etymology: The specific epithet “ ventricocystidiata ” refers to the ventricose shape of the cheilocystidia of the new species. Type: Oman, Dhofar, Gogob, 17°18′28.9″ N and 54°06′27.6″ E under the trees of Anogeissus dhofarica, 2 Sept 2018, N. Al Dhanki, S. Al Salami, M. Al Jahwari and I. Al Sabahi, GOB-002 (holotype SQUH-GOB002; GenBank accession: ITS = OM 397374, 28 S = OM 630413). Description:Pileus 30–55 mm diam, at young stage ovoid to parabolic, as the pileus opened becoming hemispheric, at mature stage convex to plano-convex; surface finely squamulose, squamules more or less triangular or granular, slightly erect, concentrated at the center, sparse towards the margin, light reddish-brown (2.5YR 5/4–2.5YR 6/4) to moderate reddish-brown (7.5R 3/4–7.5R 3/6) on a white background; margins slightly scalloped. Lamellae free, crowded (25–30 per centimeter), ventricose, reddish-gray (7.5YR 6/2), with 1–5 series of lamellulae, becoming lightbrown (5YR 6/4) with age. Stipe 40–70 × 7–10 mm, central, equal, hollow, surface granulose, granules white, sparce above the annulus, more concentrated below the annulus, on a white background; annulus single layered, membranous, ascendant, white, smooth on both surfaces. Context white, unchanged on handling. KOH reaction reddish-brown on pileus. Odor and taste not recorded. Basidiospores [60/2/2] (7.0)7.5–8.5(9.0) × (4.0)4.5–5.0(5.5) µm, on average 8.2 × 4.8 µm, Q = 1.6–1.86, av. Q = 1.7, ellipsoid to amygdaliform with acute apex in side view, oblong to sub-cylindrical in frontal view, smooth, brownish in 5% KOH, germ-pore absent. Basidia 20–26 × 8–9.5 µm, clavate, hyaline, smooth, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 36–46 × 9.5–16 µm, mostly ventricose, rarely sub-cylindrical, abundant, smooth, hyaline. Pleurocystidia absent. Pileus covering is a cutis with septate hyphae, 10–15 µm diam, rarely branched, terminal cells 51–67 × 10–12 µm with acute apex, pale brownish in KOH. Clamp connections absent. ......continued on the next page Habitat and distribution: Scattered in small groups, saprotrophic, on humus rich soil with dead leaves and wood under the trees of Anogeissus dhofarica. So far only known from southern Oman. Additional specimens examined: Oman, Dhofar, Attir, on a shady place with plenty of liverworts, 5 Sept 2018, N. Al Dhanki, S. Al Salami, M. Al Jahwari and I. Al Sabahi, ATR-004 (SQUH-ATR004; GenBank accession: ITS = OM 397373, 28 S = OM 630414). Notes: The new species Micropsalliota ventricocystidiata is characterized by a medium-sized basidiomata with hemispheric to plano-convex pileus, covered with reddish-brown squamules; basidiospores amygdaliform with obtuse apex in side view, oblong in face view, measuring 7.5–8.5 × 4.5–5.0 µm and the cheilocystidia mostly ventricose, rarely more or less subcylindrical. ML phylogenetic analyses revealed that the closely related species of M. ventricocystidiata are: M. suthepensis, M. megaspora, M. repanda and M. sp. (SDJ 2021-8-9) an undescribed species from China. Micropsalliota suthepensis, described from Thailand, differs from M. ventricocystidiata by (i) its smaller pileus (10–20 mm diam) with violet squamules (ii) smaller spores (5–6 × 3–3.5 µm) that are somewhat similar in shape and have apical thickening, and (iii) cheilocystidia clavate with non-capitate apex (Zhao et al. 2010). Micropsalliota megaspora, also described from Thailand, differs in its small sized basidiomata, smaller spores (5.2–6.5 × 3.4–4 µm) and pyriform shaped cheilocystidia (Zhao et al. 2010). Micropsalliota repanda, originally described from Togo, differs from the new species by its pinkish pileal fibrils with clavate cheilocystidia (Heinemann 1980). Morphological comparison of the new species with regards to other species of Micropsalliota are further sorted in detail in Table 2. Morphologically, the new species M. ventricocystidiata is similar to M. digitatocystis R.L. Zhao, J.X. Li & M.Q. He (2021: 171), a recently described species from China (Li et al. 2021). Both species share the reddish-brown pileal squamules. On the basis of basidiospores morphology, both species can be differentiated. Basidiospores in M. digitatocystis are mostly ellipsoid to amygdaliform and comparatively smaller (5.8–7.4 × 4–4.6 µm; Li et al. 2021). In M. ventricocystidiata, basidiospores are amygdaliform with obtuse apex to sub cylindrical or oblong and larger (7.5–8.5 × 4.5–5.0 µm). In M. digitatocystis cheilocystidia are cylindrical to subclavate, subcapitate to capitate, measuring 37.4–52 × 9–16.4 µm. On the other hand, cheilocystidia in M. ventricocystidiata are mostly ventricose, rarely subcylindrical.Published as part of Al-Kharousi, Moza, Hussain, Shah, Al-Muharabi, Marwa A., Al-Maqbali, Dua'A, Al-Shabibi, Zahra, Al-Balushi, Abdullah H., Al-Yahya'Ei, Mohamed N., Saady, Nadiya Al, Velazhahan, Rethinasamy & Al-Sadi, Abdullah M., 2022, Notes on the genus Micropsalliota (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) and the description of a new species from Southern Oman, pp. 113-126 in Phytotaxa 543 (2) on pages 119-123, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.543.2.2, http://zenodo.org/record/645074

    Differential Expression of Oman’s Wild Lavender, Lavandula subnuda for Chemical Composition towards Medicinal and Aromatic Application

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    Plants have been used directly or indirectly as medicines for over 5000 years as a source of antibiotics, antineoplastics, analgesics, and cardio-protective, among others. Approximately 70–90% of the population in developing countries continue to use ancient medicines based on plant extracts for treatment. Recently, the isolation and identification of biologically active compounds and molecules from nature have led to the discovery of new therapeutics, prompting the improvement of the health and pharmaceutical sectors. Phytochemicals revolve around the pharmaceutical industry's research and development (R&D) sector as a source of new molecules leading to the development of new novel drugs. Given the above, the present investigation addresses the differential nature of wild lavender (Lavandula subnuda Benth) plants of diverse locations in Oman with respect to their chemical composition of the essential oil in addition to morphological characters and chlorophyll contents of leaves to explore the possibility of isolating its prime chemical compounds on a commercial scale in perfumery industry. There are no previous studies so far who have reported on essential oil recovery and chemical composition exclusively in respect of Lavandula subnuda. Composite samples of ten randomly selected plants were collected from wadi habitats of four diversified locations. Edaphic features of managed sites were recorded, and their soil chemical contents were determined following instructions using S1 Titan/Tracer 5/CTX equipment of Bruker developed based on energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF). Morphological traits were measured using a ruler, and chlorophyll contents were recorded using the atLEAF CHL Plus chlorophyll meter as atLEAF values. The essential oil was extracted using ETHO X's advanced microwave extraction system and analyzed for chemical compounds using GC-MS analysis on Shimadzu GC-2010 Plus gas chromatograph. The experimental data were analyzed statistically, wherever required, by applying basic statistics of the EXCEL -16 version. The results indicated that in general, the Lavandula subnuda plants of locations of high altitudes had higher expressivity in all the morphological traits and chlorophyll contents than those of low altitudes. The essential oil recovery, however, was found to be higher from the plant samples of lower altitudes (0.70 to 0.79% (w/w)) than from those of higher mountains/ altitudes (0.15 to 0.18% (w/w)). The pattern of values of commonly occurring chemical contents of essential oils was different. Each essential oil's top ten chemical compounds contributed about 80% of the total in four locations. Of the ten top chemical compounds, eight compounds, namely D-Germacrene (42.67%) from Wadi Al-Khod, Estragole (32%) and Linalool (23.89%) from Wadi Halban), trans-Borneol (23.46%) and 4-Terpineol (18.73%) from Wadi Najd Al-Waqba and Kessane (18.60%), beta-cis-Caryophyllene (13.68%) and beta-Elemene (10.618%) from Wadi Al-Hayul, were found highest in quantity and had huge potential for further application. It is concluded that there exists a higher possibility of adapting Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) to produce the highest herbage yield of vegetative parts of Lavandula subnuda plants based on morphological features under wild conditions to extract these compounds on a commercial scale in both the pharmaceutical and perfumery industries.Keywords: Morphology, Chlorophyll, Chemical compounds, Differential Expression, Lavandula subnuda,, Lamiacea

    Differential Expression of Oman’s Wild Lavender, Lavandula subnuda for Chemical Composition towards Medicinal and Aromatic Application

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    Plants have been used directly or indirectly as medicines for over 5000 years as a source of antibiotics, antineoplastics, analgesics, and cardio-protective, among others. Approximately 70–90% of the population in developing countries continue to use ancient medicines based on plant extracts for treatment. Recently, the isolation and identification of biologically active compounds and molecules from nature have led to the discovery of new therapeutics, prompting the improvement of the health and pharmaceutical sectors. Phytochemicals revolve around the pharmaceutical industry's research and development (R&D) sector as a source of new molecules leading to the development of new novel drugs. Given the above, the present investigation addresses the differential nature of wild lavender (Lavandula subnuda Benth) plants of diverse locations in Oman with respect to their chemical composition of the essential oil in addition to morphological characters and chlorophyll contents of leaves to explore the possibility of isolating its prime chemical compounds on a commercial scale in perfumery industry. There are no previous studies so far who have reported on essential oil recovery and chemical composition exclusively in respect of Lavandula subnuda. Composite samples of ten randomly selected plants were collected from wadi habitats of four diversified locations. Edaphic features of managed sites were recorded, and their soil chemical contents were determined following instructions using S1 Titan/Tracer 5/CTX equipment of Bruker developed based on energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF). Morphological traits were measured using a ruler, and chlorophyll contents were recorded using the atLEAF CHL Plus chlorophyll meter as atLEAF values. The essential oil was extracted using ETHO X's advanced microwave extraction system and analyzed for chemical compounds using GC-MS analysis on Shimadzu GC-2010 Plus gas chromatograph. The experimental data were analyzed statistically, wherever required, by applying basic statistics of the EXCEL -16 version. The results indicated that in general, the Lavandula subnuda plants of locations of high altitudes had higher expressivity in all the morphological traits and chlorophyll contents than those of low altitudes. The essential oil recovery, however, was found to be higher from the plant samples of lower altitudes (0.70 to 0.79% (w/w)) than from those of higher mountains/ altitudes (0.15 to 0.18% (w/w)). The pattern of values of commonly occurring chemical contents of essential oils was different. Each essential oil's top ten chemical compounds contributed about 80% of the total in four locations. Of the ten top chemical compounds, eight compounds, namely D-Germacrene (42.67%) from Wadi Al-Khod, Estragole (32%) and Linalool (23.89%) from Wadi Halban), trans-Borneol (23.46%) and 4-Terpineol (18.73%) from Wadi Najd Al-Waqba and Kessane (18.60%), beta-cis-Caryophyllene (13.68%) and beta-Elemene (10.618%) from Wadi Al-Hayul, were found highest in quantity and had huge potential for further application. It is concluded that there exists a higher possibility of adapting Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) to produce the highest herbage yield of vegetative parts of Lavandula subnuda plants based on morphological features under wild conditions to extract these compounds on a commercial scale in both the pharmaceutical and perfumery industries.Keywords: Morphology, Chlorophyll, Chemical compounds, Differential Expression, Lavandula subnuda,, Lamiacea