277 research outputs found

    Social Security for Third-Country Nationals in Germany: Study by the German National Contact Point for the European Migration Network (EMN)

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    Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich dem Aufbau und Funktionsweise der beitragsfinanzierten gesetzlichen Sozialversicherung sowie der steuerfinanzierten FĂŒrsorgesysteme in Deutschland. WĂ€hrend die Leistungen der Sozialversicherung (GRV und ALV, in Teilen die GKV) eine statuskonforme Absicherung ermöglichen, deren Höhe anteilig zum erzielten Erwerbseinkommen berechnet wird, soll die Grundsicherung das soziokulturelle Existenzminimum gewĂ€hrleisten. Die Studie analysiert, unter welchen Voraussetzungen Drittstaatsangehörige Zugang zu einzelnen Sozialleistungen erhalten und welche aufenthaltsrechtlichen Konsequenzen daraus erwachsen können. Der Sozialleistungsbezug von Drittstaatsangehörigen ist teilweise ausgeschlossen; dort, wo Drittstaatsangehörige leistungsberechtigt sind, kann der Leistungsbezug abhĂ€ngig von Aufenthaltstitel und Art der Sozialleistung aufenthaltsrechtliche Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen. Vor dem Hintergrund einer zunehmenden grenzĂŒberschreitenden MobilitĂ€t stellt die Übertragbarkeit von SozialleistungsansprĂŒchen eine migrationsspezifische Herausforderung moderner Sozialstaaten dar. Um hier fĂŒr Rechtssicherheit zu sorgen und dem mobilitĂ€tsbedingten Verlust von VersicherungsansprĂŒchen vorzubeugen, hat Deutschland eine Vielzahl an bilateralen Sozialversicherungsabkommen mit Drittstaaten geschlossen. Plastisch veranschaulicht wird die soziale Absicherung von Drittstaatsangehörigen durch drei Fallbeispiele, die verschiedene soziale Notlagen mit unterschiedlichen aufenthaltsrechtlichen Bestimmungen verbinden. Das Working Paper 57 wurde durch die beim Bundesamt fĂŒr Migration und FlĂŒchtlinge (BAMF) angesiedelte Nationale Kontaktstelle des EuropĂ€ischen Migrationsnetzwerks (EMN) als deutscher Beitrag fĂŒr eine europaweit vergleichende Untersuchung des Sozialleistungszugangs von Drittstaatsangehörigen erstellt.The present study describes the structure and functioning of contribution-financed statutory social insurance as well as tax-financed social welfare systems in Germany. While the benefits of social insurance (statutory pension insurance and unemployment insurance, partially statutory health insurance) provide usually temporary coverage commensurate to social status calculated as a percentage of earned income, basic security benefits should ensure a sociocultural minimum living income. The study analyses the conditions under which third-country nationals receive access to individual social benefits as well as the consequences of social security dependence for one’s residence status. Access to social benefits is partially excluded for third-country nationals; however, in those cases, where access is provided, claiming basic security benefits can result in consequences to the residence status, depending on the residence title. In the context of increasing cross-border mobility, the portability of social benefit claims poses a migration-specific challenge for modern welfare states. In order to provide legal stability in this area and prevent the mobility-based loss of insurance claims, Germany has concluded a number of bilateral social insurance agreements with third countries. The social coverage of third-country nationals is practically depicted in three case studies that link various social emergencies with different residence conditions. The Working Paper 57 was drawn up by the National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN) at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees as the German contribution towards a comparative European study of third-country nationals’ access to social security

    Übereinstimmung von Marken- und Konsumentenpersönlichkeit als Determinante des Kaufverhaltens – Eine Metaanalyse der Selbstkongruenzforschung

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    Seit einigen Jahren wird es fĂŒr Industrieunternehmen immer schwerer, produktbezogene Wettbewerbsvorteile zu erlangen. Viele dieser Unternehmen erweitern deshalb ihr Leistungsspektrum und nehmen Dienstleistungen in das Angebot auf. Dies geschieht jedoch hĂ€ufig unsystematisch und ohne BerĂŒcksichtigung der besonderen Anforderungen, die das Management solcher Dienstleistungen stellt. Die vorliegende Untersuchung identifiziert die wesentlichen Managementprobleme auf dem Weg vom Industrieunternehmen zum Dienstleister. Sie analysiert darĂŒber hinaus die Praxis des Managements industrieller Dienstleistungen in Industrieunternehmen. Einander gegenĂŒbergestellt werden dabei Industrieunternehmen, die besonders erfolgreich Dienstleistungen anbieten und Industrieunternehmen, die hier weniger erfolgreich agieren. Somit wird es möglich, von den „besten Dienstleistern“ zu lernen, indem LösungsansĂ€tze fĂŒr ein erfolgreiches Management von Dienstleistungen abgeleitet werden. Diese beginnen bei der Gestaltung der strategischen Orientierung von Dienstleistungen und reichen ĂŒber deren Verankerung im Unternehmen bis hin zu den resultierenden Erfolgswirkungen

    FictionalAssert and Implicatures

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    In this paper, we present interdisciplinary work of linguists and literary scholars on the emergence of implicatures in fictional, here particularly lyrical texts. By systematically analysing a small corpus of poems by Emily Dickinson, John Donne, and other poets not discussed here, we show that, due to specific characteristics of the text type, an additional effect of pragmatic interpretation occurs that we call apparent flouting: in poetry, the pragmatic interpretation of the text is achieved in a more complex way than in non-fictional discourse. It requires a speech act operator that is different from Assert (Krifka 1995), which applies to the text as a whole and does not assert its actual truth. Because the pragmatic interpretation of poetry is more complex, cases of ambiguity that put forward several possible readings, for example, are not resolved right away. Rather, all possible readings contribute to the overall meaning of the poem

    De la classe d’accueil Ă  la classe ordinaire : une expĂ©rience de « bien-ĂȘtre » ? Étude qualitative auprĂšs d’élĂšves de l’enseignement secondaire vaudois (Suisse)

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    EngagĂ©e dans le dĂ©veloppement d’une Ă©cole inclusive, l’école vaudoise (Suisse) rencontre certaines difficultĂ©s Ă  pouvoir assurer Ă©quitablement la rĂ©ussite de tous ses Ă©lĂšves, et en particulier celle des Ă©lĂšves primo-arrivants. L’entrĂ©e que nous proposons dans cette Ă©tude est qualitative. Elle interroge l’expĂ©rience de scolarisation des Ă©lĂšves ayant frĂ©quentĂ© une classe d’accueil au secondaire 1, en donnant la parole Ă  ces derniers. Le modĂšle du bien-ĂȘtre est utilisĂ© et dĂ©fini Ă  travers la satisfaction de trois besoins : relation, compĂ©tence et autonomie. Les rĂ©sultats des analyses des entretiens menĂ©s auprĂšs de ces Ă©lĂšves ĂągĂ©s de 14 Ă  17 ans montrent l’importance de la socialisation entre pairs, le rĂŽle mĂ©diateur du français sur le sentiment de compĂ©tence et une autonomie limitĂ©e par la structure scolaire, illustrant ainsi une expĂ©rience de bien-ĂȘtre relative. Cette derniĂšre est en effet freinĂ©e par les logiques d’orientation et de sĂ©lection inhĂ©rente Ă  l’organisation du systĂšme secondaire vaudois, rĂ©vĂ©lant ainsi des Ă©cueils importants au dĂ©veloppement de l’école inclusive.Committed to the development of an inclusive school, the canton of Vaud encounters certain difficulties in being able to equitably ensure the success of all its students, and in particular that of newcomer students. This qualitative study addresses the schooling experience of newcomer students who attended an immersion class in secondary 1. The well-being model is used and defined through the satisfaction of three needs: relationship, competence and autonomy. Semi-directive interviews were used with students from 14 to 17. The results show the importance of socialization between peers, the mediating role of French language on the feeling of competence and an autonomy limited by the school structure, thus illustrating a mitigated well-being experience. The latter is indeed hampered by the logic of orientation and selection inherent of the canton’s secondary system, thus revealing significant obstacles in the development of the inclusive schoo

    PI3KÎł Mediates Microglial Proliferation and Cell Viability via ROS

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    (1) Background: Rapid microglial proliferation contributes to the complex responses of the innate immune system in the brain to various neuroinflammatory stimuli. Here, we investigated the regulatory function of phosphoinositide 3-kinase Îł (PI3KÎł) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) for rapid proliferation of murine microglia induced by LPS and ATP. (2) Methods: PI3KÎł knockout mice (PI3KÎł KO), mice expressing catalytically inactive PI3KÎł (PI3KÎł KD) and wild-type mice were assessed for microglial proliferation using an in vivo wound healing assay. Additionally, primary microglia derived from newborn wild-type, PI3KÎł KO and PI3KÎł KD mice were used to analyze PI3KÎł effects on proliferation and cell viability, senescence and cellular and mitochondrial ROS production; the consequences of ROS production for proliferation and cell viability after LPS or ATP stimulation were studied using genetic and pharmacologic approaches. (3) Results: Mice with a loss of lipid kinase activity showed impaired proliferation of microglia. The prerequisite of induced microglial proliferation and cell viability appeared to be PI3KÎł-mediated induction of ROS production. (4) Conclusions: The lipid kinase activity of PI3KÎł plays a crucial role for microglial proliferation and cell viability after acute inflammatory activation

    Soziale Absicherung von Drittstaatsangehörigen in Deutschland: Studie der deutschen nationalen Kontaktstelle fĂŒr das EuropĂ€ische Migrationsnetzwerk (EMN)

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    Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich dem Aufbau und Funktionsweise der beitragsfinanzierten gesetzlichen Sozialversicherung sowie der steuerfinanzierten FĂŒrsorgesysteme in Deutschland. WĂ€hrend die Leistungen der Sozialversicherung (GRV und ALV, in Teilen die GKV) eine statuskonforme Absicherung ermöglichen, deren Höhe anteilig zum erzielten Erwerbseinkommen berechnet wird, soll die Grundsicherung das soziokulturelle Existenzminimum gewĂ€hrleisten. Die Studie analysiert, unter welchen Voraussetzungen Drittstaatsangehörige Zugang zu einzelnen Sozialleistungen erhalten und welche aufenthaltsrechtlichen Konsequenzen daraus erwachsen können. Der Sozialleistungsbezug von Drittstaatsangehörigen ist teilweise ausgeschlossen; dort, wo Drittstaatsangehörige leistungsberechtigt sind, kann der Leistungsbezug abhĂ€ngig von Aufenthaltstitel und Art der Sozialleistung aufenthaltsrechtliche Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen. Vor dem Hintergrund einer zunehmenden grenzĂŒberschreitenden MobilitĂ€t stellt die Übertragbarkeit von SozialleistungsansprĂŒchen eine migrationsspezifische Herausforderung moderner Sozialstaaten dar. Um hier fĂŒr Rechtssicherheit zu sorgen und dem mobilitĂ€tsbedingten Verlust von VersicherungsansprĂŒchen vorzubeugen, hat Deutschland eine Vielzahl an bilateralen Sozialversicherungsabkommen mit Drittstaaten geschlossen. Plastisch veranschaulicht wird die soziale Absicherung von Drittstaatsangehörigen durch drei Fallbeispiele, die verschiedene soziale Notlagen mit unterschiedlichen aufenthaltsrechtlichen Bestimmungen verbinden. Das Working Paper 57 wurde durch die beim Bundesamt fĂŒr Migration und FlĂŒchtlinge (BAMF) angesiedelte Nationale Kontaktstelle des EuropĂ€ischen Migrationsnetzwerks (EMN) als deutscher Beitrag fĂŒr eine europaweit vergleichende Untersuchung des Sozialleistungszugangs von Drittstaatsangehörigen erstellt.The present study describes the structure and functioning of contribution-financed statutory social insurance as well as tax-financed social welfare systems in Germany. While the benefits of social insurance (statutory pension insurance and unemployment insurance, partially statutory health insurance) provide usually temporary coverage commensurate to social status calculated as a percentage of earned income, basic security benefits should ensure a sociocultural minimum living income. The study analyses the conditions under which third-country nationals receive access to individual social benefits as well as the consequences of social security dependence for one’s residence status. Access to social benefits is partially excluded for third-country nationals; however, in those cases, where access is provided, claiming basic security benefits can result in consequences to the residence status, depending on the residence title. In the context of increasing cross-border mobility, the portability of social benefit claims poses a migration-specific challenge for modern welfare states. In order to provide legal stability in this area and prevent the mobility-based loss of insurance claims, Germany has concluded a number of bilateral social insurance agreements with third countries. The social coverage of third-country nationals is practically depicted in three case studies that link various social emergencies with different residence conditions. The Working Paper 57 was drawn up by the National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN) at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees as the German contribution towards a comparative European study of third-country nationals’ access to social security

    Natural Products as Antibacterial Agents — Antibacterial Potential and Safety of Post-distillation and Waste Material from Thymus vulgaris L., Lamiaceae

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    Medicinal plants have a long tradition of use in folk and conventional medicine. In recent years numerous studies confirm various bioactivities of natural products, among them antibacterial activity. Natural antibacterial agents such are essential oils and isolated compounds now represent a notable source for pharmaceutical and food industry and are widely used in cosmetology. They meet standards of \u27green consumerism\u27 together with excellent antibacterial activity. Aromatic plants such is Thymus vulgaris L. are the major sources of essential oils. Thyme essential oil, as well as dominant compounds thymol and carvacrol are generally recognised as safe and have been registered by European Commission for use as flavouring agents in foodstuffs. However, essential oil is present in very low amount (0,8-2,6%) in thyme leaves. Thus, the majority of plant material remains unused after the isolation. Nowadays, the biological potential of various plant waste materials are in focus of numerous studies. These investigations also include the antimicrobial activity considering the fact that waste material extracts represent the valuable source of different phenolic compounds. Regarding all this, the aim of the present study was to determine antibacterial potential of chemically characterised extracts obtained from waste material remaining after the preparation of drug (stems) and isolation of thyme essential oil (deodorised leaves, postdistillation decoction) on selected bacterial strains. Also, in order to determine safety of waste extracts their cytotoxicity was investigated. All extracts were prepared with maceration using 45% or 75% ethanol (EtOH) for 24 h at room temperature (1:10 w/v). Total phenolic compounds and flavonoids were determined spectrophotometrically. Extracts were chemically characterized by HPLC/DAD analysis. Antibacerial testing was done with broth dilution method against several bacterial strains (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella infantis, Escherichia coli and Campylobacter jejuni). Cytotoxicity and cytoprotection studies were performed by XTT assay. Result of HPLC analysis showed that investigated extracts, especially those obtained from deodorised leaves represent a valuable source of rosmarinic acid and luteolin 7-O-glucuronide. Antibacterial testing indicated that all waste material extracts, except the extract T2, possess similar or even stronger bacteriostatic activity than T1. No cytotoxicity nor cytoprotection were determined. In conclusion, results of this study confirmed antibacterial potential investigated thyme extracts. High concentrations of rosmarinic acid and luteolin 7-O-glucuronide, which both have numerous pharmacological activities, were determined. This indicates that thyme postdistillation waste material extracts could be used for isolation of dominant compounds or as addities in pharmaceutical and food industry

    Reflex and Tonic Autonomic Markers for Risk Stratification in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Surviving Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    OBJECTIVE Diabetic postinfarction patients are at increased mortality risk compared with nondiabetic postinfarction patients. In a substantial number of these patients, diabetic cardiac neuropathy already preexists at the time of the infarction. In the current study we investigated if markers of autonomic dysfunction can further discriminate diabetic postinfarction patients into low- and high-risk groups. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We prospectively enrolled 481 patients with type 2 diabetes who survived acute myocardial infarction (MI), were aged ≀80 years, and presented in sinus rhythm. Primary end point was total mortality at 5 years of follow-up. Severe autonomic failure (SAF) was defined as coincidence of abnormal autonomic reflex function (assessed by means of heart rate turbulence) and of abnormal autonomic tonic activity (assessed by means of deceleration capacity of heart rate). Multivariable risk analyses considered SAF and standard risk predictors including history of previous MI, arrhythmia on Holter monitoring, insulin treatment, and impaired left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≀30%. RESULTS During follow-up, 83 of the 481 patients (17.3%) died. Of these, 24 deaths were sudden cardiac deaths and 21 nonsudden cardiac deaths. SAF identified a high-risk group of 58 patients with a 5-year mortality rate of 64.0% at a sensitivity level of 38.0%. Multivariately, SAF was the strongest predictor of mortality (hazard ratio 4.9 [95% CI 2.4–9.9]), followed by age ≄65 years (3.4 [1.9–5.8]), and LVEF ≀30% (2.6 [1.5–4.4]). CONCLUSIONS Combined abnormalities of autonomic reflex function and autonomic tonic activity identifies diabetic postinfarction patients with very poor prognoses

    Process and Drying Behavior Toward Higher Drying Rates of Hard Carbon Anodes for Sodium‐Ion Batteries with Different Particle Sizes: An Experimental Study in Comparison to Graphite for Lithium‐Ion‐Batteries

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    Sodium-ion batteries are considered to be one of the most promising postlithium batteries on the verge of commercialization. The electrode processing is expected to be similar to lithium-ion batteries. However, the producibility and material processing challenges of potential electrode materials for anodes and cathodes are poorly understood. For industrial electrode production, a deep understanding of the processing of electrode materials with different particle morphologies is of great importance. In particular, the correlation between the process conditions and the electrode properties needs to be investigated further to understand the complex interactions between the battery slurry materials, the binder system, the drying process, and the microstructure formation. One promising anode material is hard carbon. The water-based processing of hard carbon slurries presented in this article shows that the drying behavior is strongly interconnected with the particle size and particle interactions in the drying electrode. This study shows that all the hard carbons investigated do not exhibit binder migration at moderate drying rates. Even at very high drying rates (9 g m−2 s−1, 12 s drying time), an increase in adhesion force of up to 39% is observed for comparatively smaller particles compared to the adhesion force at lower drying rate
