7 research outputs found

    Mental health mobile apps review: Islamic design and content features in digital therapeutics

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    In pandemic Covid-19, mental health and well-being become one of the major concerns for human beings for appeasement in every sphere of life. During a lockdown, the pressure and stress have led to the financial burden, increasing depression, suicides and anxiety. Correspondingly, use of devices, intenet and mobile applications are increasing and disruptive. This include the use of mobile application for mental health solution which could be catagorised as Digital Therapeutics (DTx). Some DTx have been designed and developed especially for the people who have been directly or indirectly encountered mental health issues. Literatures indicate the understanding of the Islamic design and content for features for DTx are scarce; therefore, this paper aims to report a review of mobile applications to identify design and Content features for establishing understanding DTx from Islamic point of view. Selected mental health mobile applications have been selected, reviewed and analysed. The findings shows Islamic design and Content features can be identified and recognised. It is speculated the Islamic design and content features are potential to alleviate some suffering of mental health and to sustain well-being in digital living

    Religious well-being of Muslim women in Finland

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    ABSTRACT Jardi Pia, Nowshin Nadia, Wilen Yanika Religious well-being of Muslim women in Finland Pages 49, attachments 1 Published Spring, 2022 Diaconia University of Applied Sciences Bachelorโ€™s Degree in Social Services This research aimed to find out how the current services of religious communities affect the religious well-being of Muslim women and how these services need to be developed. The purpose of this thesis was to find out what factors support the religious well-being of Muslim women in Finland. The thesis was carried out as qualitative research and data were collected through a questionnaire using a Webpropol survey. The questionnaire was answered by 48 respondents, Muslim women who are active members of the religious communities. Work-life partner helped to find respondents through their networks in social media groups for Muslim women. The data were analyzed by thematic analysis. The result of the research is grouped into three themes, religious well-being of Muslim women, effects of the services on their well-being and need for development. The research concludes that a source of religious well-being is a combination of physical and mental well-being and services from the religious communities are essential to support it. There are needs other than religious services from the religious communities, like worldly services, which would support the religious well-being of Muslim women better. Keywords: Muslim community and Muslim women, and religious wellbein

    A simple-designed mobile chat application for elderly people

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    In the digital era, the Internet and mobile apps have played a vital key to communication, especially in this pandemic. This study aimed to design an app that overcomes the digital barriers and challenges elderly people face when using a chat application. While the most modern chat apps have a lot of interactive features for more usability, elderly users often struggle to navigate them because of lack of technical capabilities. Making things worse, older model of cell phones and apps are slowly discontinued, leaving them to choose between missing out or straining themselves from using cell phones. Thus, the authors came out with the main objective of this paper: to design a minimalistic and user-centric app specifically for elderly people in order to reduce their digital boundaries and simplify communication with their closed ones or anyone via online calls and text messages. To create a personalised solution for this issue, authors used a human-centred design approach in creating the app. The authors first reviewed relevant existing literatures and existing data, before incorporating the information with the findings from the interview and observing target users. It was found that not only the elderlies have difficulties in complex app, but they also struggle with compact contents, small fonts, and low contrast colours. Responding to these needs, the authors designed a simpler system that provide the basic features to make them feel more comfortable. The app also includes a spacious and accessible layout with essential features such as Profile, Contacts, Call Logs, Text Messages, Emergency, and Star Contacts. Itโ€™s easy navigation flow allows users to immediately use the features after a quick sign-up. Authors It is expected that this elderly-centred designed app will create a unique platform for elderly people to engage

    Mindcare: an elderly centered mental health care mobile application

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    ICT (Information and communication technology) has blessed us with smart devices and technologies that are now playing a vital role in our existence. Majority of the mobile applications have extensive features and functionalities in the efforts to make our lives better and easier, however, elderly people in the other hand struggle to use these technologies for the exact same reason. The struggles were amplified during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, whereby the maintenance of lockdown and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) pushed almost everything to be transferred into the digital platform. Additionally, increased digital barriers and prolonged period of isolation, along with the fear towards the pandemic itself, there was a substantial increase in the number of people suffering from mental health disorders worldwide. While there are increasing mental health apps available to help the global population with this issue, most of them were designed and developed for the young or adolescents. Meanwhile, elderly people were left behind to find a platform online for counselling or treating their mental health due to increasing digital barrier. In this paper, the authors highlighted challenges and digital gaps between elderly people before proposing a solution with minimalistic design with the elderly perspective in mind to minimize their struggles and maintain their mental health well-being

    Mental health mobile apps review: Islamic design and content features in digital therapeutics

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    In pandemic Covid-19, mental health and well-being become one of the major concerns for human beings for appeasement in every sphere of life. During a lockdown, the pressure and stress have led to the financial burden, increasing depression, suicides and anxiety. Correspondingly, use of devices, intenet and mobile applications are increasing and disruptive. This include the use of mobile application for mental health solution which could be catagorised as Digital Therapeutics (DTx). Some DTx have been designed and developed especially for the people who have been directly or indirectly encountered mental health issues. Literatures indicate the understanding of the Islamic design and content for features for DTx are scarce; therefore, this paper aims to report a review of mobile applications to identify design and Content features for establishing understanding DTx from Islamic point of view. Selected mental health mobile applications have been selected, reviewed and analysed. The findings shows Islamic design and Content features can be identified and recognised. It is speculated the Islamic design and content features are potential to alleviate some suffering of mental health and to sustain wellbeing in digital living

    An Intelligent Walking Stick for the Visually-Impaired People

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    Blind stick or white cane is introduced to blind people after the First World War as a mobility tool to detect the obstacles in the path of the user. This paper proposes an Arduino Nano based obstacle finding stick for visually-impaired people, which helps a blind person by detecting the obstacles using Ultrasonic sensors and android mobile application. It is able to inform the blind person about the circumstances & present condition of the path where he/she is walking. The main objective of this paper is to help a blind people to move more freely by using a reliable stick. The device consists of arduino nano, HC SR-04 ultrasonic sensor, HC-05 Bluetooth module, push buttons, 100nF ceramic capacitors and a 9V battery as the power source. And the android app is developed using MIT App Inventor 2