9 research outputs found

    Prevalence of skin diseases amongst Moroccan fishermen

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    Background: The main objective was to evaluate the prevalence of skin diseases amongst fishermen, to  specify the different clinical forms, associations and most frequent localisations, and to identify potential  aetiological factors. The secondary objectives were to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of  seafarers regarding occupational dermatoses to conduct information, awareness and education campaigns  on risk factors and behaviours and to propose adapted prevention.  Materials and methods: This cross-sectional survey involved 1102 artisanal fishermen who attended the  annual legal medical consultation at the occupational health service. All participants were men and had  a regular activity for at least 2 years. It included an individual questionnaire, a clinical examination and  a technical visit to the workplace  Results: The skin disorders were palmar hyperkeratosis in 67.1% of fishermen, plantar hyperkeratosis in  59.4%, scares in 52.2%, facial wrinkling in 32%, and marine stings in 11.2%. The skin infections were  fungal (44.4%), bacterial (8.3%), viral (5.5%) and scabies (1%). Only 192 (17.4%) fishermen did not have  any dermatologic disease, 43% had one type of dermatologic diseases, 27.2% two types, 9.5% three types  and 2.5% four types. Concerning personal protective equipment, only 87.4% wore protective clothing,  12.8% high visibility clothing, 52.6% safety shoes, 30.1% protective gloves, and 63.5% protective caps  or hats. Only, 12% knew that mycosis were infectious origin and were contagious. Eighty-two per cent  ignored the mode of contamination, 78% the means of prevention and 91% the existence of a medical  treatment. Ninety-five per cent thought that pityriasis versicolor was due to sunrays especially in summer  and not to fungus.  Conclusions: The elaboration of the prevention approach needs a cooperative spirit; it will be more  accepted and applied by all fishermen, if their representatives are involved in its preparation. The realisation  of information and sensitization campaigns about the skin health must be based on the results  of prevalence surveys.  

    Prevalence of chronic obstructive respiratory diseases amongst fishermen

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    Background: The objective was to screen and evaluate the prevalence of respiratory diseases and obstructive  ventilatory defects among fishermen in Morocco.  Materials and methods: This observational and cross-sectional epidemiological study involved 924 men  over 20 years old and with at least two years of seniority. It included a questionnaire and a spirometry.  The questionnaire is composed of four sections: sociodemographic and occupational characteristics, toxic  habits, medical history and respiratory clinical symptoms.  Results: The prevalence of symptoms of tracheobronchial irritation was 9.2% for cough, 8.2% for sputum  7.8% for dyspnoea and chest wheezing 8.1%. The frequency of rhinitis was 17.1%, asthma 6.8%, chronic  bronchitis 5.6% and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 4.1% (5.4% for current and former  smokers versus 1.1% for non-smokers). The prevalence was reaching 6.8% among those who smoked  more than 10 pack-years and 17.9% among those who smoked more than 20 pack-years. Among subjects  over 40 years old who had smoked more than 10 pack-years, the prevalence of COPD was 8.1%. The  comorbidities were frequent.  Conclusions: Smoking was very common among fishermen. Symptoms and respiratory diseases remain  underdiagnosed and undertreated. Prevention and early detection must be a priority in this sector.

    Effect of surface treatment by sandblasting on the quality and electrochemical corrosion properties of a C-1020 carbon steel used by an Algerian oil company

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    The purpose of the different operations under the term surface preparation is to get a clean surface able to be coated. It is essential to adapt this preparation in terms of the metallurgical nature of the substrate, cleanliness, its shape and roughness. Surface preparations especially the operations of sandblasting, polishing, or grinding prove of capital importance. It allows to modify the superficial properties of these materials, after these treatments the surface becomes very active. This paper evaluates the mechanical surface treatments effect by sandblasting (Sa 1.5 and Sa 2.5) on the electrochemical corrosion characteristics of C-1020 carbon steel in 3% NaCl solution electrolyte simulating aggressive sea atmosphere. Investigations are conducted using stationary (free potential "E-t, polarization curves "E-i", the Tafel rights and the Rp) and nonstationary electrochemical tools such as electrochemical impedance. The results obtained allowed us to highlight that sandblasted carbon steel degrades with immersion time because of the roughness of the surface. These results were confirmed by the plot of the electrochemical impedance diagrams, confirming that the process governing kinetics is under charge transfer control. Good protection against corrosion cannot be obtained only with a good surface preparation of the adapted steel

    The Corrosion Protection Behaviour of Zinc Rich Epoxy Paint in 3% NaCl Solution

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    Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in the l00 kHz-10 mHz frequency range was employed as the main electrochemical technique to study the corrosion protection behaviour of zinc rich epoxy paint in 3% NaCl solution. The EIS results obtained at the open-circuit corrosion potential have been interpreted using a model involving the impedance of particle to particle contact to account for the increasing resistance between zinc particles with immersion period, in addition to the impedance due to the zinc surface oxide layer and the electrical resistivity of the binder. Galvanic current and dc potential measurements allowed us to conclude that the cathodic protection effect of the paint takes some time to be achieved. The loss of cathodic protection is due to a double effect: the decrease of the Zn/Fe area ratio due to Zn corrosion and the loss of electric contact between Zn to Zn particles. Even when the cathodic protection effect by Zn dust become weak, the substrate steel is still protected against corrosion due to the barrier nature of the ZRP film reinforced by Zn

    Combined analysis of interferon-γ and interleukin-10 gene polymorphisms and chronic hepatitis C severity

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    International audienceToday there is increasing evidence concerning the contribution of pro-/anti-inflammatory cytokine balance and genetic factors in hepatitis C pathogenesis and interindividual heterogeneity of disease outcome. In the current study, we investigated the influence of functionally described single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) present in interferon-γ (IFNγ) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) genes, on chronic hepatitis C severity. IFNγ (+874T/A) and IL-10 (−1082G/A) genotypes were determined in 100 hepatitis C patients with different disease severities (chronic hepatitis, n = 42, liver cirrhosis [LC], and hepatocellular carcinoma in liver cirrhosis [HCC], n = 58) and 103 healthy controls using allele-specific polymerase chain reaction. No statistical differences in allele or genotype distributions of IFNγ and IL-10 genes were observed between patients and controls. However, some significant differences in IFNγ genotype frequencies were observed between the two groups of patients. IFNγhigh producer genotypes TT and TA were significantly more common in patients with LC and HCC (odds ratio = 2.65; p = 0.019). Although IL-10 genotypic frequencies were comparable between the different clinical forms of the disease, the combination of IFNγlow producer and IL-10high producer genotypes was significantly associated with a lower risk of LC and HCC (odds ratio = 0.21; p = 0.015). In conclusion, our findings suggest that the imbalance between the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory responses mediated by polymorphisms in the IFNγ and IL-10 genes may influence the outcome of chronic HCV infection