31 research outputs found

    Different implementation of network level in embedded networking with QoS

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    Some modern standards in space industry, which are being used in embedded networking designs, provide quality of service features, which are implemented by means of virtual channels. Implementations of virtual channels mechanisms are very different. Each implementation has its latency characteristics for packet flow, hardware cost and performance. These parameters depend on the virtual channels quantity in a port and switch matrix's channels quantity connected to every port (connection point). The connection point quantity can vary from one to a number of virtual channels in port. We consider three structures and implementations of network layer. In the first implementation quantity of connection points is equal to number of virtual channels in a port. In the second - one connection point. The third - one connection point with lower priority data transmission interruption. In this article we compare characteristics of different architecture implementations and structures of port controllers and switch matrix. Also we analyze and simulate proposed mechanism. We present formulas to calculate minimum and maximum data packet transmission latency and compare theoretic and simulation results. Count of virtual channels is 4 for simulation, packet length - 250, 750 bytes. Moreover router's switch matrix hardware cost is evaluated in the article

    Methodology of searching for all shortest routes in NoC

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    Nowadays network technologies are broadly used in different areas of a human life. Data streams between network nodes are dramatically increasing. Systems-on-chip are evaluating very quickly and are used in many different areas of human life such as space, medicine and so on. Requirements to modern network hardware are increasing constantly. These requirements are: little size, big performance, many supported features and so on. Network-on-chip (NoC) plays very important role in a system-on-chip operation. It connects together all IP blocks, nodes of a system and provides data transmission. Therefore proper design of NoC increases its performance. Many modern NoCs support the adaptive routing mode. This mode assumes usage of several routes for specified pair source - destination. To improve network performance and decrease delays these routes must be the shortest. In this paper we offer an algorithm producing set of all shortest routes between source and destination for load balancing feature and performance increasing. In this paper the algorithm of the shortest noncyclical equal-length routes set building is offered

    NoC performance parameters estimation at design stage

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    Nowadays different types of communication systems are used in designing of data transmission systems. Performance and operating characteristics of communication systems are crucial. System-on-chip (SoC) communication system can be built based on a bus, switch or network-on-chip (NoC). Type of communication system is selected according to user requirements for bandwidth, time delays, hardware cost of communication systems implementation and technology limitations. In this paper we consider the problem of different communication systems characteristics estimation. Formulas for average and maximum data transmission time calculation of different flows will be presented for different types of communication systems. Load estimation for each transfer point will be presented also. Proposed network calculator includes mechanisms based on the queuing systems to calculate the parameters of communication system. Attention will be paid to NoC communication system characteristics calculation

    QoS support in embedded networks and NoC

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    Quality of service (QoS) requirements such as priorities, packet delivery and packet delivery time are important and critical for embedded networks and networkson-chip (NoC) [1]. We consider mechanisms for QoS support in the SpaceFibre, SpaceWire and GigaSpaceWire protocols, possibility of using them in embedded networks and NoC. In the article we analyze approaches for QoS provision, their feasibility and value of QoS in SpaceWire/GigaSpaceWire and in SpaceFibre networks. Networks with different topologies and traffic pattern are used to study and to evaluate the performance. Various traffic types such as the data packets, streaming data, commands will be transmitted in networks. Data delivery characteristics for SpaceFibre and SpaceWire/GigaSpaceWire networks are analyzed and compared. Also we compare characteristics that are achievable in NoC, which are based on QoS mechanisms of SpaceFibre, SpaceWire and GigaSpaceWire. Hardware costs are one of the main constraints for embedded networks and NoC. Therefore we compare hardware costs of basic SpaceFibre, SpaceWire and GigaSpaceWire routers

    Digitalization of Higher Education and Professional Development of Educators: Technologies and New Opportunities

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    Nowadays, the development of the digital environment and the global network covers almost all spheres of life. That is why special attention is focused on the provision of the educational process with appropriate teaching aids and curricula, so that schools, universities, educators, and professional development of educators meet modern national and global challenges and provide support in the field of digital technologies, developing and shaping modern digital competencies. The article presents an analysis of digitalization in higher education and the necessity to improve the professional development of higher school educators and professional development technologies related to this process. Based on an expert survey, educational trends in the era of educational digitalization, innovative pedagogical technologies, and teaching methods are determined. The results of the survey, related to the introduction of new pedagogical and digital technologies in the educational process, allow the authors to design a model for the professional development of educators in the direction of the digital transformation of the educational process

    System level modeling of dynamic reconfigurable system-on-chip

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    In this paper methods of dynamically reconfigurable multi-core System-on-chip (SoC) design are discussed, the approaches of system modeling for evaluation of these systems are presented. The dynamically reconfigurable SoC can be developed using the FPGA and the ASIC technologies. The implementations of dynamic reconfiguration using these approaches are essentially different. The system level modeling is used to evaluate the performance of dynamically reconfigured systems in the early stage of their development. The models of dynamically reconfigurable systems have very significant differences from the models of systems without a dynamical reconfiguration. The development of such models may require extensions of existing tools and specification of mechanisms functionality. In this paper the existing tools for SoC system design and the requirements for it to allow modeling of reconfigurable systems are considered. We propose mechanisms for system level modeling of the dynamically reconfigurable Networks-on-Chip (NoC) implemented on the ASIC technology

    The network calculator for NoC buffer space evaluation

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    In this paper we discuss the problem of choosing the buffer size in the Network-on-Chip routers. This problem is closely related to other problems that arise in NoC's design - choosing of interconnection structure between nodes and data paths in the system. It is a complex multicriteria problem. The design space exploration approach is widely used to solve such problems. In this approach each possible system configuration corresponds to a point in the Design Space. For each point, the user evaluates whether it satisfies its requirements and determine the future direction of motion in Design Space. The network calculators are used to calculate values of the NoC's parameters at each point. We consider the existing methods of buffer sizes calculation, their capabilities and limitations. We suggest the method of buffer space calculation for NoC with arbitrary topology and the algorithm of the corresponding network calculator


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    The purpose of the work: to reveal the role of the zonal factors of the medium and organization of the vegetation world of the Zpolarye on the example of Taimir, to evaluate the character of the zonality appearance in the different components of the vegetation covering on the different level of organisation of biological systems. For the first time, for the high altitudes, the analysis of the different aspects of organisation of the vegetative covering has been performed in connection with the latitude-climatic gradient of the medium, the perspectiveness of the complex evaluation of the zonal conversions in Arctic and includion of the received data in the system of modeling of the global processes in the landscapes has been shown. The inventory of the natural systems of the reference territory in Arctic, the most suitable for the monitoring of the natural ecosystems with the global climatic variations, has been made; the criteria of the zonal division have been offered; on the base of the complex of parameters, the zonal division of the territory has been performed; the degree of the anthropogenous stress has been evaluated. The methodical recommendations by realization of the ecological monitoring of Arctic ecosystems in the reference territory in high latitudes have been givenAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    The innovative activity in depressed regions of the Russian Federation

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    Intensification of the innovative activity of regions in modern conditions is a strategic factor in the growth of their economies. Practice shows that those regions in the economy of which the change of traditional technologies to innovative ones took place timely demonstrated a high level of socio-economic development. In this connection, the innovative activity acquires special relevance in depressed regions, where the dynamics of indicators of socio-economic development is significantly lower than the average in the country. The lack of analytical information on the state, general trends and features of the development of the innovative activity in such problematic regions makes it necessary to conduct such studies, which made the authors choose the topic of the article. The purpose of this article is to identify trends and characteristics of the development of the innovative activity in the depressed regions of the Russian Federation. The informational basis of the analysis was statistical data from open sources on the results of the innovative activity of the regions of the Russian Federation that are classified as depressed [17]: the Volgograd Region; the Ivanovo region; the Kirov region; the Ulyanovsk region; the Kurgan region; the Oryol Region; the Smolensk region; the Pskov region; the Chuvash Republic; the Altai Territory. The study is based on the complex and systematic approaches with the use of economic-statistical, logical and expert analysis methods. As a result, the authors concluded about the insufficient level, differentiated nature of the dynamics, and significant interregional differences in the values of the indicators of the development of the innovative activity in the studied regions. The results of the study can be used by authorities when choosing the innovative strategy and methods of state support for innovative activities in depressed regions in order to transfer their economies from the current state

    Charakterystyka adsorpcji kombinowanego kolektora sulfhydrylowego na chalkopirycie i arsenopirycie w flotacji złożonych rud złota

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    The paper presents the results of experimental study of the adsorption properties of the combined sulfhydril collecting reagent – a mixed solution of sodium diethyl-dithiocarbamate (DEDTC) and oxypropyl diethyl-dithiocarbamate ester (OPDTC) towards chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite with a view to its application as a selective collector of Au-containing sulfide minerals in flotation of complex refractory ores. Combined diethyl-dithiocarbamate solution (DEDTCc) incorporated a fixed content of anionic and non-ionic components (DEDTC:OPDTC = 1:1) and occurred variable hydrophobic effect on the surface of the basic gold-bearing sulfide minerals – chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite. The mechanism of adsorption of the components of combined collector on the surface of chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite was identified to form characteristic molecular shape of adsorbed collector convex neoplasms and sinter chemically adsorbed film of the reactant, which is firmly anchored on the surface. The newly formed phase of the adsorbed reagent did not dissolve in water at a subsequent washing. In this case, the phase of nonionic ester OPDTC was partially removed by water and the residual adsorbed droplets changed their shape and became flatter. By X-ray microanalysis C and O bands relating to the structure of the combined DEDTCc were identified on the surface of arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite. The original technic for analyzing the liner dimension of surface images with an application of scanning laser microscopy and the software of the Analyzer was developed and the authors succeeded to provide a quantitative evaluation of the adsorption of DEDTCc on the surface of chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych właściwości adsorpcyjnych kombinowanego odczynnika zbierającego sulfhydryl – mieszanego roztworu dietyloditiokarbaminianu sodu (DEDTC) i estru oksypropylodietyloditiokarbaminianowego (OPDTC) w kierunku chalkopirytu i arsenopirytu w celu jego zastosowania selektywny kolektor minerałów siarczkowych zawie- rających Au w flotacji złożonych rud ogniotrwałych. Połączony roztwór dietylo-ditiokarbaminianu (DEDTCc) zawierał stałą zawartość składników anionowych i niejonowych (DEDTC: OPDTC = 1: 1) i zaobserwowano zmienny efekt hydrofobowy na powierzchni podstawowych minerałów siarczkowych niosących złoto - chalkopirytu i arsenopirytu. Mechanizm adsorpcji składników kombinowanego kolektora na powierzchni chalkopirytu i arsenopirytu został zidentyfikowany jako charakterystyczny skład molekularny adsorbowanego kolektora chemicznie zaadsorbowanych cząsteczek reagenta, który jest mocno zakotwiczony na powierzchni. Nowo utworzona faza zaadsorbowanego odczynnika nie rozpuszczała się w wodzie podczas kolejnego płukania. W tym przypadku faza niejonowego estru OPDTC została częściowo usunięta przez wodę, a resztkowe zaadsorbowane kropelki zmieniły swój kształt i stały się bardziej płaskie. Za pomocą mikroanalizy rentgenowskiej zidentyfikowano pasma C i O dotyczące struktury połączonego DEDTCc na powierzchni arsenopirytu i chalkopirytu. Opracowano oryginalną technikę analizy wymiaru liniowego obrazów powierzchni za pomocą skaningowej mikroskopii laserowej i oprogramowania analizatora, a autorom udało się określić ilościową ocenę adsorpcji DEDTCc na powierzchni chalkopirytu i arsenopirytu