132 research outputs found

    Revision of the genus Mniophila Stephens, 1831 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).

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    Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Gattung Mniophila Stephens, 1831 revidiert. Es erfolgt eine Neube­schreibungen der Gattung und der Arten mit Differenzialdiagnosen und Angaben zur Verbreitung. Neue Daten bezüglich der Biologie werden ebenfalls vorgestellt. Drei neue Arten: Mniophila caucasica sp. n. aus dem Kaukasus (Russland, Abchasien, Georgien, Azerbaijan), Mniophila transcaucasica sp. n. aus Armenien und Georgia und Mniophila taurica sp. n. von der Krim werden beschrieben. Die Status der Art Mniophila bosnica Apfelbeck, 1914 bleibt erhalten. Mniophila muscorum turcica L. Medvedev, 1970 wird hingegen in den Status einer Art erhoben. Die Zuordnung zur Gattung von Mniophila exulans Samuelson, 1973 wird diskutiert.StichwörterColeoptera, Chrysomelidae, Alticini, Mniophila, revision, description, distribution, new species.Nomenklatorische Handlungencaucasica Nadein, 2009 (Mniophila), spec. n.taurica Nadein, 2009 (Mniophila), spec. n.transcaucasica Nadein, 2009 (Mniophila), spec. n.turcica L. Medvedev, 1970 (Mniophila), stat. rev. hitherto Mniophila muscorum turcicaA revision of the genus Mniophila Stephens, 1831 is provided. Redescriptions of the genus and species, differential diagnoses, and distribution are given. New data on biology are presented. Three new species: Mniophila caucasica sp. n. from Caucasus (Russia, Abkhazia, Georgia, Azerbaijan), Mniophila transcaucasica sp. n. from Armenia and Georgia, and Mniophila taurica sp. n. from Crimea are described. The species level status of Mniophila bosnica Apfelbeck, 1914 is confirmed. The status of Mniophila muscorum turcica L. Medvedev, 1970 is elevated to a species level. The generic position of Mniophila exulans Samuelson, 1973 is discussed.KeywordsColeoptera, Chrysomelidae, Alticini, Mniophila, revision, description, distribution, new species.Nomenclatural Actscaucasica Nadein, 2009 (Mniophila), spec. n.taurica Nadein, 2009 (Mniophila), spec. n.transcaucasica Nadein, 2009 (Mniophila), spec. n.turcica L. Medvedev, 1970 (Mniophila), stat. rev. hitherto Mniophila muscorum turcic

    Jumping mechanism in the marsh beetles (Coleoptera: Scirtidae)

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    The jumping mechanism with supporting morphology and kinematics is described in the marsh beetle Scirtes hemisphaericus (Coleoptera: Scirtidae). In marsh beetles, the jump is performed by the hind legs by the rapid extension of the hind tibia. The kinematic parameters of the jump are: 139-1536 m s-2 (acceleration), 0.4-1.9 m s-1 (velocity), 2.7-8.4 ms (time to take-off), 0.2-5.4 × 10-6 J (kinetic energy) and 14-156 (g-force). The power output of a jumping leg during the jumping movement is 3.5 × 103 to 9.6 × 103 W kg-1. A resilin-bearing elastic extensor ligament is considered to be the structure that accumulates the elastic strain energy. The functional model of the jumping involving an active latching mechanism is proposed. The latching mechanism is represented by the conical projection of the tibial flexor sclerite inserted into the corresponding socket of the tibial base. Unlocking is triggered by the contraction of flexor muscle pulling the tibial flexor sclerite backwards which in turn comes out of the socket. According to the kinematic parameters, the time of full extension of the hind tibia, and the value of the jumping leg power output, this jumping mechanism is supposed to be latch-mediated spring actuation using the contribution of elastically stored strain energy

    Distributional notes on Chrysomelidae from Pakistan and Afghanistan (Coleoptera).

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    Die Verbreitungsdaten von 19 Arten aus Pakistan und 9 Arten aus Afghanistan werden präsentiert. Acht Arten werden als neu für Pakistan gemeldet: Coptocephala crassipes (Lefevre, 1876), Chloropterus ornatus Lopatin, 1984, Pachnephorus tesselatus Duftschmidt 1825, Macrocoma sacra (Lopatin, 1983), Macrocoma marquardti (Breit, 1913), Palpoxena pallida (Jacoby, 1896), Aulacophora impressa (Fabricius, 1801), und Chaetocnema belli Jacoby, 1904. Eine Art wird in Afghanistan neu nachgewiesen: Tituboea heptneri (Medvedev, 1957).StichwörterChrysomelidae, leaf beetles, Pakistan, Afghanistan, distribution, new records.The distributional data concerning 19 species from Pakistan and 9 species from Afghanistan are presented. Eight species are recorded as new for Pakistan: Coptocephala crassipes (Lefevre, 1876), Chloropterus ornatus Lopatin, 1984, Pachnephorus tesselatus Duftschmidt, 1825, Macrocoma sacra (Lopatin, 1983), Macrocoma marquardti (Breit, 1913), Palpoxena pallida (Jacoby, 1896), Aulacophora impressa (Fabricius, 1801), and Chaetocnema belli Jacoby, 1904. One species is recorded as new for Afghanistan: Tituboea heptneri (Medvedev, 1957).KeywordsChrysomelidae, leaf beetles, Pakistan, Afghanistan, distribution, new records

    Smart joints: auto-cleaning mechanism in the legs of beetles

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    The auto-cleaning system in digging forelegs of the Congo rose chafer Pachnoda marginata femoro-tibial joint is described. The cleaning system consists of four subsystems: three external ones represented by microsetal pad, hairy brush and scraper and one internal one. They work proactively not only removing contaminants, but also preventing them from entering the joint. The principle of functioning of the cleaning system is based on the sliding of the contacting surfaces of the joint, equipped with hairs, bristles and scrapers. The mutual movement of such surfaces leads to the shift of contaminating particles and, ultimately, to their removal from surfaces of the joint. The key feature of the joint cleaning system is its complete autonomy, in which cleaning is performed constantly with each movement of the femoro-tibial joint without special actions required from the insect. The difference between the auto-cleaning system and self-cleaning and active grooming is also discussed

    Phylogeny of Diboliina inferred from a morphologically based cladistic analysis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae)

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    A cladistic analysis of 14 genera of hemispheric flea beetles based on adult morphological characters is presented. A multiple origin of hemispheric body shape is concluded. The phylogenetic position of the hemispheric genus Argopistes Motschulsky, 1860 is studied and its attribution to the subtribe Diboliina is proposed. A phylogenetic analysis of subtribe Diboliina using cladistic methods and based on morphological characters is carried out. Inferred from the results of this analysis this subtribe retains four genera: Argopistes, Dibolia Latreille, 1829, Megistops Boheman, 1859, and Paradibolia Baly, 1875. A diagnosis of the subtribe Diboliina, a redescription, a key to genera, and an annotated list of genera are given. Trends in morphological transformations in Diboliina and other alticines are discussed

    Ivalia oculata

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    Ivalia oculata (Samuelson) Amphimeloides oculatus Samuelson, 1966: 429. Type locality: New Guinea: Nondugl. Distribution. New Guinea.Published as part of Nadein, Konstantin S., 2013, Ivalia Jacoby-a flea beetle genus new to Australia (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), pp. 384-400 in Zootaxa 3669 (3) on page 398, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3669.3.11, http://zenodo.org/record/526676

    Ivalia bella

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    Ivalia bella (Chen) Taizonia bella Chen, 1934: 183. Type locality: Taiwan: Kankau. Distribution. Taiwan.Published as part of Nadein, Konstantin S., 2013, Ivalia Jacoby-a flea beetle genus new to Australia (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), pp. 384-400 in Zootaxa 3669 (3) on page 395, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3669.3.11, http://zenodo.org/record/526676

    Ivalia metallica Jacoby

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    Ivalia metallica Jacoby Ivalia metallica Jacoby, 1887: 100. Type locality: Sri Lanka. Distribution. Sri Lanka.Published as part of Nadein, Konstantin S., 2013, Ivalia Jacoby-a flea beetle genus new to Australia (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), pp. 384-400 in Zootaxa 3669 (3) on page 397, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3669.3.11, http://zenodo.org/record/526676

    Ivalia iridescens Nadein 2013, sp. nov.

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    Ivalia iridescens Nadein, sp. nov. Type locality: Australia: Queensland: Lamington National Park. Distribution. Australia (Queensland and New South Wales).Published as part of Nadein, Konstantin S., 2013, Ivalia Jacoby-a flea beetle genus new to Australia (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), pp. 384-400 in Zootaxa 3669 (3) on page 396, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3669.3.11, http://zenodo.org/record/526676

    Ivalia Jacoby-a flea beetle genus new to Australia (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae)

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    Nadein, Konstantin S. (2013): Ivalia Jacoby-a flea beetle genus new to Australia (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae). Zootaxa 3669 (3): 384-400, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3669.3.1