122 research outputs found

    Malay reaction to the 1930s economic depression in Malaya

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    The unprecedented World Economic Depression of the 1930s affected Malaya just as it did to numerous other countries in the world. In Malaya’s case, with the rubber and tin industries, the two main pillars of the country’s economy, well integrated with the international market forces, the sudden economic downturn caused the collapse of both these industries, resulting in widespread retrenchment and mass unemployment of workers. To the people of multiracial Malaya the economic meltdown was more than an economic crisis. It was a crisis of all sorts that threatened their very own survival. Despite the colonial government’s efforts to contain the situation every community was displaced in one way or another though by varying degrees. This paper examines some of the immediate effects of the economic depression on the Federated Malay States and confines its discussion to Malay reaction to the crisis – how they were affected, the challenges they faced and how they coped with the crisis and the government’s role in ensuring the protection of the Malays. It also discusses Malay reaction to the presence of immigrant races in the country and their rise to seek greater protection of their rights as natives of the country

    Kemelesetan ekonomi dunia 1929-1933 : kesan sosioekonomi di Negeri-negeri Melayu Bersekutu

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    Tesis ini mengkaji kesan sosioekonomi kemelesetan ekonomi dunia 1929-1933 ke atas Negeri-Negeri Melayu Bersekutu (NMB). Kajian ini merupakan satu percubaan untuk menunjukkan bagairnana ekonomi NMB yang berasaskan industri timah dan getah diintegrasikan ke dalam ekonomi antarabangsa oleh penjajah Inggeris turut menjadi mangsa kemelesetan ekonomi dunia yang meninggalkan banyak kesan negatif yang serius ke atas penduduknya. This thesis examines some of the socioeconomic effects of the 1929-1933 world economic depression on the Federated Malay States (FMS). An attempt is made here to show how the FMS economy based essentially on the rubber and tin industries and which had become integrated with the world economy under British colonial rule became a victim of the world economic depression with serious negative effects on its population

    Family Ownership, Firm’s Financial Characteristics and Capital Structure: Evidence from Public Listed Companies in Malaysia

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    Capital structure is identified as one of focal facet in corporate finance branch of learning. It provides comprehension on how firms choose to finance their operations and expansion. The objective of this study is to explore the determinants of capital structure of Malaysian public listed companies. The period of 2001-2006 was selected in this study, which reflected the post Asian financial crisis period. Firm’s financial characteristics consist of size, growth, profitability, liquidity and ability to service debt. Family ownership which was identified as a unique feature in the Malaysian corporate sector was used to measure the effect of corporate governance in capital structure decision. Using panel data approach, this study infers that the role of ownership structure in the form of family ownership though is not significantly related to capital structure, its inclusion in the empirical equation changes the significance of other variables. Except for growth, all other financial characteristics have significant relationships with capital structure.Public - Capital Structure, Family Ownership, Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance.

    Status of Rainwater Harvesting in Kayts of Jaffna Peninsula in Northern Sri Lanka with Reference to Water Quality

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    Rainwater harvesting has been practiced in Kayts (Jaffna Peninsula) since 2016. A consumer preference study conducted in the area by employing a structured questionnaire survey revealed that 97% of the people did not use stored rainwater for drinking as they questioned the quality of water. Thus, the current study was an attempt to investigate into the quality of rainwater harvest in Kayts. It was hypothesised that the quality of rainwater harvested in tanks, varied with time depending on the filling time (rainy season) and consuming time (drought). Selected physical (colour, odour, taste), physicochemical (pH, conductivity, turbidity) and biological (total coliforms) parameters were determined during the rainy season (freshly filled rainwater), early dry season (few months after storage) and peak dry season (several months upon storage) in 2018. Change in colour, odour and taste were evident over time, however, they were within the desirable range of Sri Lanka Standards (SLS) and WHO standards. Turbidity (range: 0.23-1.96 NTU), pH (range: 7.5-8.4) and conductivity (range 68.7-129.6 μS) increased significantly (Kruskal Wallis test: Minitab 17 p<0.05) during the storage time. Total coliforms exceeded the Sri Lankan standard of 10 Cfu /100 ml in two harvest tanks (10 and 14 Cfu/ 100 ml) out of 30 tanks possibly due to contamination by bird excreta. In conclusion, the water quality parameters of securely stored rainwater met the SLS and WHO standards of potable water quality irrespective of the season of sampling. Current research suggests that rainwater in Kayts of Jaffna peninsula is in good quality to be used as drinking water when securely collected. The acceptability of rainwater for consumption was unsatisfactory among consumers due to baseless doubts about water quality.Keywords: Rainwater harvesting, Water quality, Jaffna Peninsul

    Penerapan Kemahiran Generik Dalam Mata Pelajaran Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu (KHB)

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    Kemahiran generik merupakan satu kemahiran yang penting dan wajib diterapkan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di sekolah. Kemahiran generik meliputi kemahiran komunikasi, kemahiran berpasukan, kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah dan kemahiran interpersonal. Penerapan kemahiran generic dapat membantu pelajar meningkatkan diri mereka dalam pelbagai aspek. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberkesanan penerapan kemahiran generik dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di mata pelajaran Kemahiran Hidup. Responden terdiri daripada 28 orang pelajar Program Khas Pensiswazahan Guru tahun ketiga di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dalam jurusan kemahiran hidup. Instrumen yang digunakan ialah soal selidik yang mengandungi 45 item soalan yang dibina bagi menjawab 3 persoalan kajian. Kebolehpercayaan instrumen kajian telah diuji dalam kajian rintis dan mendapat nilai Alpha 0.896. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian SPSS 14.0 (Statistical Package for Social Science SPSS for Windows) bagi mendapat nilai peratusan, frekuensi dan min. Hasil kajian menunjukkan penerapan jenis-jenis kemahiran generik serta cara penerapan kemahiran generik oleh guru mendapat tahap min yang tinggi. Respon terhadap faktor sokongan juga mendapat tahap min yang tinggi. Berdasarkan dapatan ini, penyelidik mengemukakan beberapa cadangan untuk meningkatkan penerapan kemahiran generik dalam mata pelajaran Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu di sekolah

    Regulation of pathways involved in intestinal phosphate transport

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    Despite the importance of extracellular phosphate, the mechanisms and control of intestinal phosphate transport remain unclear. The present study used in vivo and in vitro methods to compare the extent of Na+- dependent versus Na+-independent phosphate transport along the rat small intestine and colon at different luminal phosphate concentrations. Na+-dependent and Na+-independent phosphate transport and genomic expression of type II (NaPi-II) and type III (PiT) transporters in young (3- week old) and adult (8- and 16-week old) animals fed a control or low phosphate diet have also been quantified. mRNA levels of Na+- dependent phosphate transporters have been analysed in the 5/6 nephrectomy model of chronic renal failure and following treatment with matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein (MEPE). The acute effects of altered luminal phosphate concentration on intestinal phosphate transport and renal phosphate transporter expression was also assessed. The findings confirm the jejunum to be the main site of Na+-dependent phosphate absorption under both normal and low dietary phosphate conditions. Low phosphate diet upregulates Na+-dependent and Na+- independent phosphate transport in both duodenum and jejunum, whereas age only affects Na+-dependent component in the duodenum and jejunum. When luminal phosphate concentrations are in the physiological (millimolar) range, absorption in the jejunum displays less Na+-dependency and is unlikely to be mediated exclusively by the Na+- dependent NaPi-IIb cotransporter. In the ileum, again using millimolar luminal phosphate concentrations, significant Na+-dependent phosphate transport was detected, but the rate of phosphate absorption was lower than in the jejunum. Since NaPi-IIb is not expressed at the rat ileal brush-border membrane (BBM), the presence of significant Na+- dependent phosphate transport suggests an alternative phosphate uptake pathway in the ileum. At millimolar luminal phosphate concentrations in the distal colon, only Na+-independent phosphate absorption was detected. Thus, at concentrations of phosphate normally present in the intestinal lumen, Na+-independent pathways of phosphate absorption are present in the proximal small intestine and distal colon, as well as a non-NaPi-IIb-mediated Na+-dependent pathway in the distal small intestine. PiT2 assumes a dominant role in phosphate transport in the jejunum of pre-weaned animals, and in the kidneys of animals fed a low phosphate diet. PiT1 transporter is not regulated by age or low phosphate diet at the genomic level. Chronic renal failure reduces intestinal and renal expression of the major transporter NaPi-II, and also PiT1 and PiT2. However, MEPE reduces intestinal expression of NaPi-IIb and PiT2 alone in chronic renal failure animals. Acute duodenal instillation of either 15 mM or 1.3 M phosphate did not affect the renal BBM protein expression of NaPi-IIa and NaPi-IIc. Duodenal instillation of 1.3 M, but not 15 mM, phosphate increased phosphate uptake in the duodenum only; however, the small intestine is unlikely to encounter phosphate concentrations in the molar range

    Effect of traffic noise on sleep : a case study in Serdang Raya, Selangor, Malaysia.

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    Traffic noise has been recognised as a serious threat to the quality of life in most industrialised nations. The rapid growth of towns, cities and population has increased the density of traffic. There are various effects of traffic noise on people and these effects are often interrelated. The most common yet serious problem is sleep disturbance. In this study field measurement and questionnaire survey were carried out to determine the overall noise level and the view and opinion of the residents on their sleep disturbance. As the LAeq was higher than the guideline values, contradictorily the survey results showed that most of the residents sleep time was not affected and they were not really annoyed by the traffic noise. This is mainly because most of the residents at the study area residing there for more than 19 years and this is sufficient enough to describe the pattern of outcome where most of the residents were get used with the traffic noise and they adapt it in their daily life as a norm. Yet, countermeasures such as construction of noise barrier are highly recommended to curb the chronic effects. So, a further study is required to establish this