30 research outputs found

    The son-killer microbe Arsenophonus nasoniae is a widespread associate of the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis in Europe

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    Heritable microbes that exhibit reproductive parasitism are common in insects. One class of these are the malekilling bacteria, which are found in a broad range of insect hosts. Commonly, our knowledge of the incidence of these microbes is based on one or a few sampling sites, and the degree and causes of spatial variation are unclear. In this paper, we examine the incidence of the son-killer microbe Arsenophonus nasoniae across European populations of its wasp host, Nasonia vitripennis. In preliminary work, we noticed two female N. vitripennis producing highly female biased sex ratios in a field study from the Netherlands and Germany. When tested, the brood from Germany was revealed to be infected with A. nasoniae. We then completed a broad survey in 2012, in which fly pupal hosts of N. vitripennis were collected from vacated birds’ nests from four European populations, N. vitripennis wasps allowed to emerge and then tested for A. nasoniae presence through PCR assay. We then developed a new screening methodology based on direct PCR assays of fly pupae and applied this to ethanolpreserved material collected from great tit (Parus major) nests in Portugal. These data show A. nasoniae is found widely in European N. vitripennis, being present in Germany, the UK, Finland, Switzerland and Portugal. Samples varied in the frequency with which they carry A. nasoniae, from being rare to being present in 50% of the pupae parasitised by N. vitripennis. Direct screening of ethanol-preserved fly pupae was an effective method for revealing both wasp and A. nasoniae infection, and will facilitate sample transport across national boundaries. Future research should examine the causes of variation in frequency, in particular testing the hypothesis that N. vitripennis superparasitism rates drive the variation in A. nasoniae frequency through providing opportunities for infectious transmission.The NERC (NE/I01067X/1)BBSRC (BB/S017534/1)Grants lzp-2021/1-02772022/1-0348 from the Latvian Council of Science to IKGrant from Academy of Finland (338180)Grants from the Fundaçao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia to ACN (UIDB/04292/2020; UIDP/04292/2020LA/P/0069/2020; DL57/2016/CP1370/CT89)Grants from AUIP and Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU18/03034

    The Multiple Signaling Systems Regulating Virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Cell-to-cell communication is a major process that allows bacteria to sense and coordinately react to the fluctuating conditions of the surrounding environment. In several pathogens, this process triggers the production of virulence factors and/or a switch in bacterial lifestyle that is a major determining factor in the outcome and severity of the infection. Understanding how bacteria control these signaling systems is crucial to the development of novel antimicrobial agents capable of reducing virulence while allowing the immune system of the host to clear bacterial infection, an approach likely to reduce the selective pressures for development of resistance. We provide here an up-to-date overview of the molecular basis and physiological implications of cell-to-cell signaling systems in Gram-negative bacteria, focusing on the well-studied bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. All of the known cell-to-cell signaling systems in this bacterium are described, from the most-studied systems, i.e., N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs), the 4-quinolones, the global activator of antibiotic and cyanide synthesis (GAC), the cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) and cyclic AMP (cAMP) systems, and the alarmones guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp) and guanosine pentaphosphate (pppGpp), to less-well-studied signaling molecules, including diketopiperazines, fatty acids (diffusible signal factor [DSF]-like factors), pyoverdine, and pyocyanin. This overview clearly illustrates that bacterial communication is far more complex than initially thought and delivers a clear distinction between signals that are quorum sensing dependent and those relying on alternative factors for their production

    Signal Integration in Quorum Sensing Enables Cross-Species Induction of Virulence in Pectobacterium wasabiae

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    This deposit is composed by the main article plus the supplementary materials of the publication.Bacterial communities can sense their neighbors, regulating group behaviors in response to cell density and environmental changes. The diversity of signaling networks in a single species has been postulated to allow custom responses to different stimuli; however, little is known about how multiple signals are integrated and the implications of this integration in different ecological contexts. In the plant pathogen Pectobacterium wasabiae (formerly Erwinia carotovora), two signaling networks-the N-acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) quorum-sensing system and the Gac/Rsm signal transduction pathway-control the expression of secreted plant cell wall-degrading enzymes, its major virulence determinants. We show that the AHL system controls the Gac/Rsm system by affecting the expression of the regulatory RNA RsmB. This regulation is mediated by ExpR2, the quorum-sensing receptor that responds to the P. wasabiae cognate AHL but also to AHLs produced by other bacterial species. As a consequence, this level of regulation allows P. wasabiae to bypass the Gac-dependent regulation of RsmB in the presence of exogenous AHLs or AHL-producing bacteria. We provide in vivo evidence that this pivotal role of RsmB in signal transduction is important for the ability of P. wasabiae to induce virulence in response to other AHL-producing bacteria in multispecies plant lesions. Our results suggest that the signaling architecture in P. wasabiae was coopted to prime the bacteria to eavesdrop on other bacteria and quickly join the efforts of other species, which are already exploiting host resources.IMPORTANCE Quorum-sensing mechanisms enable bacteria to communicate through small signal molecules and coordinate group behaviors. Often, bacteria have various quorum-sensing receptors and integrate information with other signal transduction pathways, presumably allowing them to respond to different ecological contexts. The plant pathogen Pectobacterium wasabiae has two N-acyl homoserine lactone receptors with apparently the same regulatory functions. Our work revealed that the receptor with the broadest signal specificity is also responsible for establishing the link between the main signaling pathways regulating virulence in P. wasabiae This link is essential to provide P. wasabiae with the ability to induce virulence earlier in response to higher densities of other bacterial species. We further present in vivo evidence that this novel regulatory link enables P. wasabiae to join related bacteria in the effort to degrade host tissue in multispecies plant lesions. Our work provides support for the hypothesis that interspecies interactions are among the major factors influencing the network architectures observed in bacterial quorum-sensing pathways.Fundação Para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia grants: (PTDC/BIA-BCM/101585/2008, SFRH/BD/33570/2008, SRFH/BD/113986/2015, PD/00133/2012); Marie Curie Intra-European grant: (PIEF-GA-2011-301365); Howard Hughes Medical Institute international early career scientist grant: (HHMI 55007436).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    FamĂ­lies botĂ niques de plantes medicinals

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    Facultat de FarmĂ cia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de FarmĂ cia, Assignatura: BotĂ nica FarmacĂšutica, Curs: 2013-2014, Coordinadors: Joan Simon, CĂšsar BlanchĂ© i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquĂ­ es presenten sĂłn els recull de 175 treballs d’una famĂ­lia botĂ nica d’interĂšs medicinal realitzats de manera individual. Els treballs han estat realitzat per la totalitat dels estudiants dels grups M-2 i M-3 de l’assignatura BotĂ nica FarmacĂšutica durant els mesos d’abril i maig del curs 2013-14. Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a travĂ©s de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pel professor de l’assignatura i revisats i finalment co-avaluats entre els propis estudiants. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autĂČnom i col·laboratiu en BotĂ nica farmacĂšutica

    PVDQ acylases in fluorescent pseudomonads

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    The research presented by Pol Nadal Jimenez in his thesis investigates the role of the quorum quenching acylase PvdQ in fluorescent pseudomonads. PvdQ is an Ntn-hydrolase member capable of degrading N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs), the major group of molecules used for cell-to-cell communication in Gram-negative bacteria (quorum sensing). One of the most relevant actions coordinated by quorum sensing in bacteria is infection. By assessing their population density, bacteria invading a host are capable of determining the optimal moment to start producing virulence factors with a chance to overcome the host severely compromising the outcome of the infection. On one hand, the work of Nadal Jimenez has aided to the structure elucidation of PvdQ, a quorum quenching acylase produced by fluorescent pseudomonads capable of degrading long chain (AHLs). This work provides valuable insights into the mechanism that PvdQ uses to recognize and degrade communication signals and strengths the potential in the use of these enzymes against infections. On the other, his research has aimed to solve the question: “why does P. aeruginosa produce an enzyme capable of disrupting its own communication systems?” The results provided in his work revealed that the major role of PvdQ is likely to be participating in the biosynthesis of pyoverdine, the major siderophore in fluorescent pseudomonads. Supporting this hypothesis there is the fact that while bacteria generally produce AHLs constitutively, PvdQ is only produced when iron availability is low. In that context, P. aeruginosa is the exception rather than the rule being the only member of its group exploiting the quorum quenching capabilities of this enzyme for regulation of its own communication systems.

    Isolation, culture and characterization of Arsenophonus symbionts from two insect species reveal loss of infectious transmission and extended host range

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    Vertically transmitted “Heritable” microbial symbionts represent an important component of the biology and ecology of invertebrates. These symbioses evolved originally from ones where infection/acquisition processes occurred within the environment (horizontal transmission). However, the pattern of evolution that follows transition from horizontal to vertical transmission is commonly obscured by the distant relationship between microbes with differing transmission modes. In contrast, the genus Arsenophonus provides an opportunity to investigate these processes with clarity, as it includes members that are obligate vertically transmitted symbionts, facultative vertically transmitted symbionts, strains with mixed modes of transmission and ones that are purely horizontally transmitted. Significantly, some of the strains are culturable and amenable to genetic analysis. We first report the isolation of Arsenophonus nasoniae strain aPv into culture from the ectoparasitic wasp Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae and characterize the symbiosis. We demonstrate maternal vertical transmission and find no evidence for paternal inheritance, horizontal transmission or reproductive parasitism phenotypes. This leads us to conclude this strain, in contrast to related strains, is a facultative heritable symbiont which is likely to be beneficial. We then report the serendipitous discovery and onward culture of a strain of Arsenophonus (strain aPb) from the blue butterfly, Polyommatus bellargus. This association extends the range of host species carrying Arsenophonus nasoniae/Arsenophonus apicola symbionts beyond the Hymenoptera for the first time. We perform basic metabolic analysis of the isolated strains using Biolog plates. This analysis indicates all strains utilize a restricted range of carbon sources, but these restrictions are particularly pronounced in the A. nasoniae aPv strain that is solely vertically transmitted. Finally, we demonstrate the Arsenophonus sp. strain aPb from the blue butterfly can infect Galleria waxworms, providing a model system for investigating the functional genetics of Arsenophonus-insect interactions. These results are consistent with a model of reduced metabolic competence in strains evolving under vertical transmission only. The data also broadens the range of host species infected with nasoniae/apicola clade strains beyond the Hymenoptera, and indicate the potential utility of the Galleria model for investigation of symbiosis mechanism.</jats:p

    Erwinia carotovora Quorum Sensing System Regulates HostSpecific Virulence Factors and Development Delay in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Integration of genetic networks allows bacteria to rapidly adapt to changing environments. This is particularly important in bacteria that interact with multiple hosts. Erwinia carotovora is a plant pathogen that uses Drosophila melanogaster as a vector. To interact with these two hosts, Ecc15 uses different sets of virulence factors: plant cell wall-degrading enzymes to infect plants and the Erwinia virulence factor (evf) to infect Drosophila. Our work shows that, despite the virulence factors being specific for each host, both sets are coactivated by homoserine lactone quorum sensing and by the two-component GacS/A system in infected plants. This regulation is essential for Ecc15 loads in the gut of Drosophila and minimizes the developmental delay caused by the bacteria with respect to the insect vector. Our findings provide evidence that coactivation of the host-specific factors in the plant may function as a predictive mechanism to maximize the probability of transit of the bacteria between hosts.Multihost bacteria have to rapidly adapt to drastic environmental changes, relying on a fine integration of multiple stimuli for an optimal genetic response. Erwinia carotovora spp. are phytopathogens that cause soft-rot disease. Strain Ecc15 in particular is a model for bacterial oral-route infection in Drosophila melanogaster as it harbors a unique gene, evf, that encodes the Erwinia virulence factor (Evf), which is a major determinant for infection of the D. melanogaster gut. However, the factors involved in the regulation of evf expression are poorly understood. We investigated whether evf could be controlled by quorum sensing as, in the Erwinia genus, quorum sensing regulates pectolytic enzymes, the major virulence factors needed to infect plants. Here, we show that transcription of evf is positively regulated by quorum sensing in Ecc15 via acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) signal synthase ExpI and AHL receptors ExpR1 and ExpR2. We also show that the load of Ecc15 in the gut depends upon the quorum sensing-mediated regulation of evf. Furthermore, we demonstrate that larvae infected with Ecc15 suffer a developmental delay as a direct consequence of the regulation of evf via quorum sensing. Finally, we demonstrate that evf is coexpressed with plant cell wall-degrading enzymes (PCWDE) during plant infection in a quorum sensing-dependent manner. Overall, our results show that Ecc15 relies on quorum sensing to control production of both pectolytic enzymes and Evf. This regulation influences the interaction of Ecc15 with its two known hosts, indicating that quorum sensing signaling may impact bacterial dissemination via insect vectors that feed on rotting plants

    Deinococcus radiodurans can interfere with quorum sensing by producing an AHL-acylase and an AHL-lactonase

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    Bacterial communication via the secretion of small diffusible compounds allows microorganisms to regulate gene expression in a coordinated manner. As many virulence traits are regulated in this fashion, disruption of chemical communication has been proposed as novel antimicrobial therapy. Quorum-quenching enzymes have been a promising discovery in this field as they interfere with the communication of Gram-negative bacteria. AHL-lactonases and AHL-acylases have been described in a variety of bacterial strains; however, usually only one of these two groups of enzymes has been described in a single species. We report here the presence of a member of each group of enzymes in the extremophile bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans. Co-occurrence of both enzymes in a single species increases the chance of inactivating foreign AHL signals under different conditions. We demonstrate that both enzymes are able to degrade the quorum-sensing molecules of various pathogens subsequently affecting virulence gene expression. These studies add the quorum-quenching enzymes of D. radiodurans to the list of potent quorum-quenchers and highlight the idea that quorum quenching could have evolved in some bacteria as a strategy to gain a competitive advantage by altering gene expression in other species

    Symbiopectobacterium purcellii, gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from the leafhopper Empoasca decipiens

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    Bacterial endosymbionts are found in multiple arthropod species, where they play crucial roles as nutritional symbionts, defensive symbionts or reproductive parasites. Recent work has highlighted a new clade of heritable microbes within the gammaproteobacteria that enter into both obligate and facultative symbioses, with an obligately required unculturable symbiont recently given the name Candidatus Symbiopectobacterium. In this study, we describe a culturable rod shaped non-flagellated bacterial symbiont from this clade isolated from the leafhopper Empoasca decipiens. The symbiont is related to the transovarially transmitted ‘BEV’ bacterium that was first isolated from the leafhopper Euscelidius variegatus by Alexander Purcell, and we therefore name the symbiont Symbiopectobacterium purcellii sp. nov., gen. nov. We further report the closed genome sequence for S. purcellii. The genome is atypical for a heritable microbe, being large in size, without profound AT bias and with little evidence of pseudogenization. The genome is predicted to encode Type II, III and VI secretion systems and associated effectors and a non-ribosomal peptide synthase array likely to produce bioactive small molecules. The predicted metabolism is more complete than for other symbionts in the Symbiopectobacterium clade, and the microbe is predicted to synthesize a range of B vitamins. However, Biolog plate results indicate that the metabolism is depauperate compared to the sister clade, represented by Pectobacterium carotovorum . A quorum-sensing pathway related to that of Pectobacterium species (containing an overlapping expI-expR1 pair in opposite directions and a “solo” expR2) is evidenced, and LC-MS/MS analysis reveals the presence of 3-hydroxy-C10-HSL as the sole N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) in our strain. This AHL profile is profoundly divergent from that of other Erwinia and Pectobacterium species which produce mostly 3-oxo-C6- and 3-oxo-C8-HSL and could aid group identification. Thus, this microbe denotes one that has lost certain pathways associated with a saprophytic lifestyle but represents an important baseline against which to compare other members of the genus Symbiopectobacterium that show more profound integration into host biology. The type strain of Symbiopectobacterium purcellii gen. nov., sp. nov. is SyEd1T (LMG 32449T=CECT 30436T).</jats:p