7 research outputs found

    Experiences obtained in 4 years of work of the Clinical department of child and adolescent psychiatry in Osijek

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    U radu je prikazana struktura i organizacija Kliničkog odjela dječje i adolescentne psihijatrije od njezina početnog rada, početne strukture i sadaÅ”nje organizacije, te djelokruga rada u tijeku četverogodiÅ”njeg funkcioniranja. U sadaÅ”njem obliku timski su djeca u organiziranom angažmanu terapeuta. Broj hospitalizirane djece u prosjeku je godiÅ”nje oko 250, razvrstanih u najizrazitije dijagnostičke grupe, gdje je prve dvije godine najveća zastupljenost mlađe dobne skupine sa simptomom noćne enureze, a posljednje dvije godine adolescentna dob s adolescentnim kriznim odrastanjem.Clinical section for child and adolescent psychiatry treata school children by means of team observation. The members of the team are: a psychiatrist, professors of psychiology and nurses, a therapist and a music therapist. The metods used are group and individual psychotherapy, group and individual pedagogical treatment, music therapy and ocupational wark therapy. The everyday life at the clinic is organized by principles of a therapy communion. The population diverses in sex, age and diagnostic categorries, which has a certain meaning for the psycotherapeutical process. The major point at such a climic is constant and direct observation of the children, with clinical and pedagogical orientation and the study of the object relationships between a child and its environment. This kind of stationary psychotherapy is of a multidimensional apprech. Because of time limitations it is characterised by the use of facus psychotherapy the clinic as a Ā»peaceful casisĀ« for the therapy, constant observation of the nurses who spend 24 hour a day with the children, and the combination of different therap techiques and different therapists

    Experiences obtained in 4 years of work of the Clinical department of child and adolescent psychiatry in Osijek

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    U radu je prikazana struktura i organizacija Kliničkog odjela dječje i adolescentne psihijatrije od njezina početnog rada, početne strukture i sadaÅ”nje organizacije, te djelokruga rada u tijeku četverogodiÅ”njeg funkcioniranja. U sadaÅ”njem obliku timski su djeca u organiziranom angažmanu terapeuta. Broj hospitalizirane djece u prosjeku je godiÅ”nje oko 250, razvrstanih u najizrazitije dijagnostičke grupe, gdje je prve dvije godine najveća zastupljenost mlađe dobne skupine sa simptomom noćne enureze, a posljednje dvije godine adolescentna dob s adolescentnim kriznim odrastanjem.Clinical section for child and adolescent psychiatry treata school children by means of team observation. The members of the team are: a psychiatrist, professors of psychiology and nurses, a therapist and a music therapist. The metods used are group and individual psychotherapy, group and individual pedagogical treatment, music therapy and ocupational wark therapy. The everyday life at the clinic is organized by principles of a therapy communion. The population diverses in sex, age and diagnostic categorries, which has a certain meaning for the psycotherapeutical process. The major point at such a climic is constant and direct observation of the children, with clinical and pedagogical orientation and the study of the object relationships between a child and its environment. This kind of stationary psychotherapy is of a multidimensional apprech. Because of time limitations it is characterised by the use of facus psychotherapy the clinic as a Ā»peaceful casisĀ« for the therapy, constant observation of the nurses who spend 24 hour a day with the children, and the combination of different therap techiques and different therapists

    Flexibility of pedagogic-therapeutic treatment in war conditions

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    U radu iznosimo neka naÅ”a iskustva individualnog i grupnog pedagoÅ”kog rada s djecom i omladinom hospitaliziranih na Kliničkom odjelu dječje i adolescentne psihijatrije u Osijeku u ratnim uvjetima. Govorimo o mogućnosti prilagodbe pedagoÅ”kih aktivnosti u uvjetima rada i aktualnom psihofizičkom stanju djece, a iznosimo i naÅ”a zapažanja grupnih interakcija i ponaÅ”anja za vrijeme pedagoÅ”kog postupka.In the work we expose our experience in individual and group pedagogical work with children and youth hospitalized at the Clinical Department for Children and Adolescent Psychiatry in Osijek in war conditions. I speak about adaptation of pedagogic activities in the war conditions and about real psychophysical condition of the children. Also we expose our observations of group interactions and conduct during the pedagogic treatment

    Flexibility of pedagogic-therapeutic treatment in war conditions

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    U radu iznosimo neka naÅ”a iskustva individualnog i grupnog pedagoÅ”kog rada s djecom i omladinom hospitaliziranih na Kliničkom odjelu dječje i adolescentne psihijatrije u Osijeku u ratnim uvjetima. Govorimo o mogućnosti prilagodbe pedagoÅ”kih aktivnosti u uvjetima rada i aktualnom psihofizičkom stanju djece, a iznosimo i naÅ”a zapažanja grupnih interakcija i ponaÅ”anja za vrijeme pedagoÅ”kog postupka.In the work we expose our experience in individual and group pedagogical work with children and youth hospitalized at the Clinical Department for Children and Adolescent Psychiatry in Osijek in war conditions. I speak about adaptation of pedagogic activities in the war conditions and about real psychophysical condition of the children. Also we expose our observations of group interactions and conduct during the pedagogic treatment

    Treatment with the music therapy in the reduction of the child anxiety in the war conditions on the clinic department of the child and adolescent psychiatry

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    Glazboterapija je prirodna psihoterapijska metoda liječenja. Glazba je umjetnost koja tonovima održava dječje osjećaje, misli i doživljaje. Kad sluÅ”amo glazbu, čini nam se da ona ispreda neku priču, opisuje neki doživljaj, pobuđuje u nama neka raspoloženja. U ovim ratnim uvjetima pokazalo se da je glazboterapija prijeko potrebna na naÅ”oj Psihijatrijskoj klinici, osobito na dječjem odjelu. Kroz igru, pjesmu, ples, razne vježbe, u djece se postupno smanjivao strah od ratnih razaranja i strahota. SluÅ”anje glazbe i aktivno sudjelovanje djece stvara smirenje ili oslobađa njihovu energiju. Glazboterapijom kao jednom od psihijatrijskih metoda djeca su svoju impulsivnu energiju sublimirala i pretvorila u aktivnost koja im je pružila zadovoljenje, a to je glazba, ples, sviranje na raznim pomoćnim instrumentima. Sadržaji pjesama ili kompozicija u kojima se ističe domoljubnost, hrabrost, privrženost, pravednost i si. izazivaju u djece snažne emocije i utječu na razvoj i formiranje njihovih karakternih osobina.U praksi se pokazalo da djeca koja su boravila na naÅ”em odjelu nemaju toliko strahova kao na samom početku rata kada joÅ” nisu bila okupirana svakodnevnom glazboterapijskom metodom kao jednom od bitnih metoda liječenja na naÅ”em Odjelu. U radu iznosimo naÅ”a iskustva u grupnom radu s djecom. Ističe se glazboterapija u ratnim uvjetima i neka zapažanja u ponaÅ”anju djece za vrijeme rada glazboterapije i nakon nje, te kako glazba djeluje smirujuće, pri smanjenju straha hospitalizirane djece na Odjelu u ratnim uvjetima.The music therapy is the natural method of psychotherapy treatment. The music is the art which with the sounds refelxes childsā€™ feelings, thoughts and events. When we listen the music, it seems like the talking of a story and the description of the experience. It stimulates some feelings in us. This war conditions show that the music therapy is necessary on our psychiatric clinic, specially on the childs department. Children have gradually decreased the fear of the war destonention through the gama, the songs, and the dancing. The listening of the music andective participation in the treatment with the music therapy influences on the childrens mood and makes them calm or liberates their energy. The music theraps in the children helps in the sublimation of the impulsive energy to the activity like a music, a dancing and a playing on the different aid ainstruments which affer them the pleasure. The songs with the prominent patriotism, courage, devation and the justice make in the children the intensive emotions and influence on the development of their character features. The practice shows that children who were on our department donā€™t have the intensive fear like on the beginning of the war when havenā€™t been occupied with everyday music therapy as the one of the main part of the treatment methods on our department

    Treatment with the music therapy in the reduction of the child anxiety in the war conditions on the clinic department of the child and adolescent psychiatry

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    Glazboterapija je prirodna psihoterapijska metoda liječenja. Glazba je umjetnost koja tonovima održava dječje osjećaje, misli i doživljaje. Kad sluÅ”amo glazbu, čini nam se da ona ispreda neku priču, opisuje neki doživljaj, pobuđuje u nama neka raspoloženja. U ovim ratnim uvjetima pokazalo se da je glazboterapija prijeko potrebna na naÅ”oj Psihijatrijskoj klinici, osobito na dječjem odjelu. Kroz igru, pjesmu, ples, razne vježbe, u djece se postupno smanjivao strah od ratnih razaranja i strahota. SluÅ”anje glazbe i aktivno sudjelovanje djece stvara smirenje ili oslobađa njihovu energiju. Glazboterapijom kao jednom od psihijatrijskih metoda djeca su svoju impulsivnu energiju sublimirala i pretvorila u aktivnost koja im je pružila zadovoljenje, a to je glazba, ples, sviranje na raznim pomoćnim instrumentima. Sadržaji pjesama ili kompozicija u kojima se ističe domoljubnost, hrabrost, privrženost, pravednost i si. izazivaju u djece snažne emocije i utječu na razvoj i formiranje njihovih karakternih osobina.U praksi se pokazalo da djeca koja su boravila na naÅ”em odjelu nemaju toliko strahova kao na samom početku rata kada joÅ” nisu bila okupirana svakodnevnom glazboterapijskom metodom kao jednom od bitnih metoda liječenja na naÅ”em Odjelu. U radu iznosimo naÅ”a iskustva u grupnom radu s djecom. Ističe se glazboterapija u ratnim uvjetima i neka zapažanja u ponaÅ”anju djece za vrijeme rada glazboterapije i nakon nje, te kako glazba djeluje smirujuće, pri smanjenju straha hospitalizirane djece na Odjelu u ratnim uvjetima.The music therapy is the natural method of psychotherapy treatment. The music is the art which with the sounds refelxes childsā€™ feelings, thoughts and events. When we listen the music, it seems like the talking of a story and the description of the experience. It stimulates some feelings in us. This war conditions show that the music therapy is necessary on our psychiatric clinic, specially on the childs department. Children have gradually decreased the fear of the war destonention through the gama, the songs, and the dancing. The listening of the music andective participation in the treatment with the music therapy influences on the childrens mood and makes them calm or liberates their energy. The music theraps in the children helps in the sublimation of the impulsive energy to the activity like a music, a dancing and a playing on the different aid ainstruments which affer them the pleasure. The songs with the prominent patriotism, courage, devation and the justice make in the children the intensive emotions and influence on the development of their character features. The practice shows that children who were on our department donā€™t have the intensive fear like on the beginning of the war when havenā€™t been occupied with everyday music therapy as the one of the main part of the treatment methods on our department

    The work and organisation of the Clinical department for child and adolescent psychiatry of the General hospital in Osijek in war conditions

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    U radu iznosimo naÅ”e zapažanje i iskustva glede dijagnostičkog i terapijskog rada na Kliničkom odjelu dječje i adolescentne psihijatrije u Osijeku. Grupa djece smjeÅ”tena je u skučenom podrumskom prostoru tako da smo metode liječenja morali maksimalno modificirati. Kroz stalnu interakciju s grupom djece zapazili smo burnu dinamiku s mnogo pražnjenja, ali ostvarujući snagu grupe koja je djelovala terapijski.In the work we present our observations and experience connecting diagnostic and therapeutical praxis at the Clinical Department of Children and Adolescent Psychiatry in Osijek. A group of children was accomodated in a small cellar room and we had to adapt maximally our methods of treatment. Through continuous interaction with the group of children an intensive dynamics is observed with much discharge but this made the strength of the group which had favourable effects