Experiences obtained in 4 years of work of the Clinical department of child and adolescent psychiatry in Osijek


U radu je prikazana struktura i organizacija Kliničkog odjela dječje i adolescentne psihijatrije od njezina početnog rada, početne strukture i sadašnje organizacije, te djelokruga rada u tijeku četverogodišnjeg funkcioniranja. U sadašnjem obliku timski su djeca u organiziranom angažmanu terapeuta. Broj hospitalizirane djece u prosjeku je godišnje oko 250, razvrstanih u najizrazitije dijagnostičke grupe, gdje je prve dvije godine najveća zastupljenost mlađe dobne skupine sa simptomom noćne enureze, a posljednje dvije godine adolescentna dob s adolescentnim kriznim odrastanjem.Clinical section for child and adolescent psychiatry treata school children by means of team observation. The members of the team are: a psychiatrist, professors of psychiology and nurses, a therapist and a music therapist. The metods used are group and individual psychotherapy, group and individual pedagogical treatment, music therapy and ocupational wark therapy. The everyday life at the clinic is organized by principles of a therapy communion. The population diverses in sex, age and diagnostic categorries, which has a certain meaning for the psycotherapeutical process. The major point at such a climic is constant and direct observation of the children, with clinical and pedagogical orientation and the study of the object relationships between a child and its environment. This kind of stationary psychotherapy is of a multidimensional apprech. Because of time limitations it is characterised by the use of facus psychotherapy the clinic as a »peaceful casis« for the therapy, constant observation of the nurses who spend 24 hour a day with the children, and the combination of different therap techiques and different therapists

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