The work and organisation of the Clinical department for child and adolescent psychiatry of the General hospital in Osijek in war conditions


U radu iznosimo naše zapažanje i iskustva glede dijagnostičkog i terapijskog rada na Kliničkom odjelu dječje i adolescentne psihijatrije u Osijeku. Grupa djece smještena je u skučenom podrumskom prostoru tako da smo metode liječenja morali maksimalno modificirati. Kroz stalnu interakciju s grupom djece zapazili smo burnu dinamiku s mnogo pražnjenja, ali ostvarujući snagu grupe koja je djelovala terapijski.In the work we present our observations and experience connecting diagnostic and therapeutical praxis at the Clinical Department of Children and Adolescent Psychiatry in Osijek. A group of children was accomodated in a small cellar room and we had to adapt maximally our methods of treatment. Through continuous interaction with the group of children an intensive dynamics is observed with much discharge but this made the strength of the group which had favourable effects

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