18 research outputs found


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    Reducing income inequality is an important development goal in every country since high inequality brings to social tensions and reduced effectiveness of the economic system. The efficiency of measures taken to reduce inequality presupposes a thorough knowledge of its causes and the factors that most influence the degree of inequality in a particular country. That is why the authors of this paper tried to establish to what extent the salaries - as one of the key sources of income - influence the income inequalities in the Republic of Croatia. Using their own analytical approach, based on the comparison of salary values and the standard of living in Croatian counties, the authors conclude that the salaries are not the key factor in income inequalities in the Republic of Croatia.U svim je zemljama smanjenje dohodovne nejednakosti značajni razvojni cilj, jer visoka nejednakost dovodi do socijalnih tenzija i smanjenja efikasnosti gospodarskog sustava. Efikasnost mjera za smanjenje nejednakosti pretpostavlja poznavanje njenih uzroka, odnosno čimbenika koji najviše utječu na stupanj nejednakosti u pojedinoj zemlji. Zbog toga su autorice u ovom radu pokušale utvrditi s kolikim intenzitetom plaće, kao jedan od ključnih izvora dohotka utječu na dohodovne nejednakosti u Republici Hrvatskoj. Služeći se vlastitim analitičkim pristupom temeljenim na usporedbi vrijednosti plaća i razine životnog standarda u hrvatskim županijama, autorice zaključuju da plaće nisu ključni čimbenik dohodovnih nejednakosti u Republici Hrvatskoj

    Tendencije razvojnih nejednakosti hrvatskih županija

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    The research objective is to use the multi-criteria approach in order to analyse and establish the intensity of development disparties in Croatian counties since Croatia’s independence, as well as their development tendencies. According to the basic hypothesis, it is possible to use dynamics analysis and development characteristics of Croatian counties in the past 20 years in order to establish tendencies of regional disparities and the key regional development problems. The meta-analysis method was used in the research because there was a great variety of information. Former development of Croatian counties was analysed in the first step, measured by the range between the minimum and the maximum value of some of the previously used development indicators of Croatian counties. The extent of relative development disparities was established, as well as whether they had been increasing or reducing. The main result of the analysis is evaluation of tendencies and the present development level in individual counties, and the key reasons which had an impact on development. Measures for reduction of development disparities are proposed. A complex multi-criteria regional development analysis conducted in the research shows that, in the period between 1991 and 2009, eleven counties were developing, three were developing at a slower pace, one was stagnating, and six counties lagged behind in development, which is the basic conclusion of the research.Cilj istraživanja je višekriterijalnim pristupom istražiti i utvrditi intenzitet razvojnih nejednakosti u hrvatskim županijama te njihov razvojni smjer. Polazna hipoteza je da je moguće analizom dinamike i obilježja razvoja hrvatskih županija u proteklih 20 godina utvrditi tendencije regionalnih nejednakosti i ključne probleme regionalnog razvoja. U istraživanju, zbog većeg broja različitih podataka, primijenjena je metoda meta-analize. U prvom koraku analiziran je dosadašnji razvoj hrvatskih županija mjeren rasponom između najmanje i najveće vrijednosti nekih do sada korištenih pokazatelja razvijenosti hrvatskih županija. Utvrđeno je kolike su relativne razlike u njihovoj razvijenosti te jesu li se one smanjivale ili povećavale. Potom je analiziran njihov razvoj primjenom novih međunarodno prihvaćenih pokazatelja. Glavni rezultat analize je ocjena o kretanju i sadašnjoj razini razvijenosti pojedine županije te o ključnim uzrocima koji su na to utjecali. Slijedom toga predložene su mjere za smanjenje razlika u razvijenosti. Kompleksna višekriterijalna analiza regionalnog razvoja provedena u istraživanju, pokazala je da se u razdoblju 1991.-2009. godine 11 županija razvija, tri se razvijaju sa sporijim intenzitetom, jedna stagnira, a šest županija zaostaje u razvoju što je temeljni zaključak istraživanja

    Education, poverty and income inequality in the Republic of Croatia

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    Contemporary researches on economic inequality and poverty are pointing out that their key causes appear in the field of tax policy, workforce policy, policy of employment and more recently in education and educational quality of population.The authors are therefore examining the level and quality of education of Croatian population as one of the most important terms of poverty. In compliance with findings that submit theoretical and empirical evidence of their connection, they highlight education as the most important influential area of economic and social policy in purpose of long-term downsizing of poverty and economic inequality, as well as reaching the level of development of the most successful CEE and EU countries

    Obrazovanje, siromaštvo i dohodovne nejednakosti u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    Contemporary researches on economic inequality and poverty are pointing out that their key causes appear in the field of tax policy, workforce policy, policy of employment and more recently in education and educational quality of population. The authors are therefore examining the level and quality of education of Croatian population as one of the most important terms of poverty. In compliance with findings that submit theoretical and empirical evidence of their connection, they highlight education as the most important influential area of economic and social policy in purpose of long-term downsizing of poverty and economic inequality, as well as reaching the level of development of the most successful CEE and EU countries.Suvremena istraživanja ekonomskih nejednakosti i siromaštva naglašavaju da se njihovi ključni uzroci nalaze u području porezne politike, politike radne snage i zapošljavanja, a u novije vrijeme naročito se kao uzroci naglašavaju obrazovanje i obrazovanost stanovništva. Stoga autori istražuju razinu i kvalitetu obrazovanosti stanovništva Republike Hrvatske kao jedne od najvažnijih odrednica siromaštva. U skladu s nalazima, koji podastiru teorijske i empirijske dokaze o njihovoj povezanosti, ukazuju na značaj obrazovanja kao najznačajnijeg područja djelovanja ekonomske i socijalne politike u cilju dugoročnog smanjenja siromaštva i ekonomskih nejednakosti te dostizanja razine razvijenosti najrazvijenijih CEE zemalja i zemalja Europske unije

    Razvijenost ljudskih potencijala i istraživačkih kapaciteta i njihov utjecaj na ekonomski rast

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    The goal of this research is to provide an analysis of the development of the Republic of Croatia and 110 selected countries in terms of human resource development index components and the components of the Technological Achievement Index. Developmental lags of the Republic of Croatia were determined by the bird’s eye view method in terms of the observed developmental indicators, and suggestions were provided for their development. The impact of the analysed indicators and their components on the economic growth of the Republic of Croatia and the selected countries was established by regression analysis. The paper provides possible developmental guidelines for certain components. The results of the research proved that the Human Resources Development Index is insufficient in the analysis of economic development, as well as the existence of the expected correlation between trained human resources, which enable technological progress, and economic growth of a country. Taking into consideration the correlation between the growth of the Human Resources Development Index, Research Capacity Index, Technology and Innovation Index, and the Ability to Absorb Knowledge and Technology Index and economic growth, which was determined by the application of a model, Croatia has to make additional investments in the growth of human capital and labour productivity in order to reduce developmental lags.Cilj ovog rada je uz pomoć komponenti indeksa razvijenosti ljudskih potencijala i komponenti indeksa tehnološkog dostignuća analizirati razvijenost Republike Hrvatske i 110 odabranih zemalja. Metodom ptičje perspektive utvrđena su razvojna zaostajanja Republike Hrvatske u promatranim razvojnim pokazateljima i njihovim komponentama te su dani prijedlozi za njihovo poboljšanje. Također, regresijskom analizom utvrđen je utjecaj analiziranih pokazatelja i njegovih komponenti na ekonomski rast Republike Hrvatske i odabranih zemalja. Navedene su moguće smjernice napretka pojedinih komponenti. Rezultati istraživanja dokazuju da indeks razvijenosti ljudskih potencijala nije dovoljan u analizi gospodarske razvijenosti te da postoji očekivana povezanost između osposobljenih ljudskih potencijala, koji čine tehnološki napredak mogućim, i ekonomskog rasta zemlje. S obzirom na primjenom modela utvrđenu vezu između porasta indeksa razvijenosti ljudskih potencijala, istraživačkih kapaciteta, učinkovitosti tehnologije i inovacija te sposobnosti apsorpcije znanja i tehnologije na gospodarski rast, Hrvatska mora ulagati dodatna sredstva u povećanje ljudskog kapitala i produktivnosti rada da bi smanjila razvojna zaostajanja


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    Kao rezultat povijesno-razvojnih promjena u svim segmentima društvenih i gospodarskih zbivanja javljaju se brojna inovativna rješenja s ciljem olakšavanja čovjekova života i rada. Strategijsko upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima postaje presudno za pronalaženje originalnih rješenja u proizvodnom i uslužnom sektoru radi udovoljavanja sve većim tržišnim zahtjevima te radi poboljšanja konkurentskog položaja poduzeća. Uključivanjem svih procesa planiranja i razvoja ljudskih potencijala u dugoročnu razvojnu politiku, moguće je povećati inovativnost i ostvariti visoke razvojne ciljeve poduzeća. Autori u radu nastoje dokazati da ljudi, njihov stalni razvoj i korištenje njihovih potencijala postaju glavni nositelj poslovnog uspjeha te da strategijsko upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima vodi ka boljim rezultatima kroz unapređenje vodstva, porast radnog učinka i odanosti zaposlenika, povećanje broja inovacija i stvaranje novog poslovnog ambijenta u kojemu inovacije postaju pokretač razvoja.Numerous innovative solutions with the purpose of facilitating human life and work have emerged as a result of historical developmental changes. Strategic management of human resources becomes crucial for finding original solutions in the production- and service sector in order to meet growing market demands and to improve competitive position of enterprises. By inclusion of all the processes of planning and development of human resources into the long-term developmental policy, it is possible to increase innovativeness and to achieve high developmental objectives of the enterprise. In this paper, the authors attempted to prove that people, their constant development and use of their resources become the main agents of business efficiency, and that strategic management of human resources leads to better results through advancement of leadership, increase in performance and loyalty of the employees, increase in innovations and creation of a new business environment in which innovations become the driving force of development

    Ljudski potencijali u društveno-ekonomskom razvoju socijalističkog samoupravljanja : (doktorska disertacija)

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    Sažetak disertacije "Ljudski potencijali u društveno-ekonomskom razvoju socijalističkog samoupravljanja" nije dostupan

    Ljudski potencijali u društveno-ekonomskom razvoju socijalističkog samoupravljanja : (doktorska disertacija)

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    Sažetak disertacije "Ljudski potencijali u društveno-ekonomskom razvoju socijalističkog samoupravljanja" nije dostupan

    The Effects of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Use on Human Development—A Macroeconomic Approach

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) is considered a significant factor in economic growth and development. Over the past two decades, scholars have studied the impact of ICT on economic growth, but there has been little research that has addressed the impact of ICT on human development, which is considered one of the fundamental factors of economic development. This could be especially important from the perspective of developing countries, which can develop faster through the implementation of ICT. Thus, the aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of ICT use on human development, distinguishing effects among high, upper-middle, lower-middle and low-income countries following the World Bank classification 2020. Our sample includes 130 countries in the period from 2007 to 2019. The empirical analysis is based on dynamic panel data regression analysis. We use Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) as an estimator, i.e., two-step system GMM. The results primarily support the dynamic behaviour of human development. The results of the analysis also show that ICT has highly significant positive effects on human development in lower-middle-income and low-income countries, while the effects do not appear to be significant in high- and middle-income countries. This research serves as an argument for the need to invest in ICT and its implementation in low-income countries; however, it also suggests that the story is not one-sided and that there are possible negative effects of ICT use on human development. From the perspective of economic policy, the results can be a guideline for the implementation and use of ICT in developing countries, which could lead to economic growth and development and thus better quality of life. On the other hand, policymakers in developed countries cannot rely on ICT alone; they should also consider other technological innovations that could ensure a better quality of life