19 research outputs found


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    Osobna potrošnja kao komponenta agregatne potražnje multiplikativno utječe na ukupna gospodarska kretanja. Sustavno praćenje i istraživanje osobne potrošnje u razvijenim je zemljama značajno za kreiranje i provođenje ekonomske i socijalne politike. U članku se istražuju dugoročna obilježja osobne potrošnje u Republici Hrvatskoj, a rezultati istraživanja uspoređuju se s kretanjem osobne potrošnje u odabranim zemljama razvijenog tržišnog sustava, i u zemljama u tranziciji.Personal consumption as a component of aggregate demand multiplatively influences entire economic development. Systematic observation and research of personal consumption is important for creation and implementation of economic and social policy in developed countries. The author analyzes long-term characteristics of personal consumption in the Republic of Croatia, and the research results are compared with development of personal consumption in selected countries of developed market system and of countries in transition


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    Reducing income inequality is an important development goal in every country since high inequality brings to social tensions and reduced effectiveness of the economic system. The efficiency of measures taken to reduce inequality presupposes a thorough knowledge of its causes and the factors that most influence the degree of inequality in a particular country. That is why the authors of this paper tried to establish to what extent the salaries - as one of the key sources of income - influence the income inequalities in the Republic of Croatia. Using their own analytical approach, based on the comparison of salary values and the standard of living in Croatian counties, the authors conclude that the salaries are not the key factor in income inequalities in the Republic of Croatia.U svim je zemljama smanjenje dohodovne nejednakosti značajni razvojni cilj, jer visoka nejednakost dovodi do socijalnih tenzija i smanjenja efikasnosti gospodarskog sustava. Efikasnost mjera za smanjenje nejednakosti pretpostavlja poznavanje njenih uzroka, odnosno čimbenika koji najviše utječu na stupanj nejednakosti u pojedinoj zemlji. Zbog toga su autorice u ovom radu pokušale utvrditi s kolikim intenzitetom plaće, kao jedan od ključnih izvora dohotka utječu na dohodovne nejednakosti u Republici Hrvatskoj. Služeći se vlastitim analitičkim pristupom temeljenim na usporedbi vrijednosti plaća i razine životnog standarda u hrvatskim županijama, autorice zaključuju da plaće nisu ključni čimbenik dohodovnih nejednakosti u Republici Hrvatskoj

    Obrazovanje, siromaštvo i dohodovne nejednakosti u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    Contemporary researches on economic inequality and poverty are pointing out that their key causes appear in the field of tax policy, workforce policy, policy of employment and more recently in education and educational quality of population. The authors are therefore examining the level and quality of education of Croatian population as one of the most important terms of poverty. In compliance with findings that submit theoretical and empirical evidence of their connection, they highlight education as the most important influential area of economic and social policy in purpose of long-term downsizing of poverty and economic inequality, as well as reaching the level of development of the most successful CEE and EU countries.Suvremena istraživanja ekonomskih nejednakosti i siromaštva naglašavaju da se njihovi ključni uzroci nalaze u području porezne politike, politike radne snage i zapošljavanja, a u novije vrijeme naročito se kao uzroci naglašavaju obrazovanje i obrazovanost stanovništva. Stoga autori istražuju razinu i kvalitetu obrazovanosti stanovništva Republike Hrvatske kao jedne od najvažnijih odrednica siromaštva. U skladu s nalazima, koji podastiru teorijske i empirijske dokaze o njihovoj povezanosti, ukazuju na značaj obrazovanja kao najznačajnijeg područja djelovanja ekonomske i socijalne politike u cilju dugoročnog smanjenja siromaštva i ekonomskih nejednakosti te dostizanja razine razvijenosti najrazvijenijih CEE zemalja i zemalja Europske unije

    Education, poverty and income inequality in the Republic of Croatia

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    Contemporary researches on economic inequality and poverty are pointing out that their key causes appear in the field of tax policy, workforce policy, policy of employment and more recently in education and educational quality of population.The authors are therefore examining the level and quality of education of Croatian population as one of the most important terms of poverty. In compliance with findings that submit theoretical and empirical evidence of their connection, they highlight education as the most important influential area of economic and social policy in purpose of long-term downsizing of poverty and economic inequality, as well as reaching the level of development of the most successful CEE and EU countries


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    Brzo i učinkovito restrukturiranje industrijskog sektora, odnosno razvoj suvremenih proizvodnji i ekspanzija izvoza, pretpostavka su uspješne prilagodbe hrvatskog gospodarstva tržištu EU. U radu se analiziraju osnovne tendencije i konkurentnost prerađivačke industrije u Hrvatskoj te se identificiraju osnovni uzroci dugoročnih (negativnih) kretanja. Ukazuje se na nedostatak inovacija i inovacijske sposobnosti industrijskih poduzeća, kao jednog od čimbenika kvalitativnih promjena prerađivačke industrije. Zbog toga se predlaže implementacija inovacijske politike, u zemljama EU prepoznate kao nove horizontalne politike koja integrira elemente znanstvene, tehnološke i industrijske politike . Zaključuje se da bi razvojni pristup temeljen na principima inovacijske politike povećao ponudu i potražnju za inovacijama, te omogućio njihovu bržu difuziju, što bi u konačnici rezultiralo povećanjem konkurentskih sposobnosti prerađivačke industrije i ukupnog gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske


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    Brzo i učinkovito restrukturiranje industrijskog sektora, odnosno razvoj suvremenih proizvodnji i ekspanzija izvoza, pretpostavka su uspješne prilagodbe hrvatskog gospodarstva tržištu EU. U radu se analiziraju osnovne tendencije i konkurentnost prerađivačke industrije u Hrvatskoj te se identificiraju osnovni uzroci dugoročnih (negativnih) kretanja. Ukazuje se na nedostatak inovacija i inovacijske sposobnosti industrijskih poduzeća, kao jednog od čimbenika kvalitativnih promjena prerađivačke industrije. Zbog toga se predlaže implementacija inovacijske politike, u zemljama EU prepoznate kao nove horizontalne politike koja integrira elemente znanstvene, tehnološke i industrijske politike . Zaključuje se da bi razvojni pristup temeljen na principima inovacijske politike povećao ponudu i potražnju za inovacijama, te omogućio njihovu bržu difuziju, što bi u konačnici rezultiralo povećanjem konkurentskih sposobnosti prerađivačke industrije i ukupnog gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske

    From classical to contemporary ecological economics theory

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    Global social and economic trends are marked by the increasing imbalance between production and consumption activities on one side, and the conditions of environment on the other. The consequences of such imbalance are numerous, so the environment, from the development aspect, is increasingly becoming a limiting factor. At the same time, just for this reason, economic theory assigns growing importance to research of the interrelationships between economics and the overall ecosystem. The greatest contribution of such research is within the framework of ecological economics, a relatively young scientific discipline. The purpose of the research was to present the basic features of the theoretical approaches which explain the importance of the environment from the aspect of economics as a science, and the management of specific ecological and economic policies. Using the relevant analytical approach, the authors highlighted the basic conceptual features of ecological economics at various stages of its development, and specifically explored the distinction between the starting points of environmental and ecological economics theory. The research results point to a successful affirmation of ecological economics as a scientific field, but at the same time to its scientific vulnerability, especially from the aspect of the existing methodological instrument. The authors conclude that in spite of the existing weaknesses, research in the field of ecological economics represents a particular challenge, especially in terms of contemporary global problems such as unequal food distribution, lack of some sources of energy, environmental pollution and degradation, or waste management


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    Predmet analize ovog rada je stanje prerađivačke industrije u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji bazirano na odabranim ekonomskim pokazateljima u odnosu na stanje u Republici Hrvatskoj. Cilj rada je odrediti korelaciju među dobivenim ekonomskim rezultatima i čimbenicima obrazovne strukture uposlenih u prerađivačkoj industriji. U svrhu ovog rada provedeno je terensko istraživanje putem upitnika kojeg su popunili članovi uprava najvažnijih industrijskih tvrtki u županiji, a čiji su rezultati prikazani u ovom radu. Analiza je pokazala da je nivo korelacije između obrazovne strukture uposlenih i određenih ekonomskih indikatora pojedinih grana industrije nizak. Predlažu se mjere i aktivnosti kojima bi se postigao viši nivo obrazovanja, znanja i vještina uposlenih u prerađivačkoj industriji, u svrhu bržeg razvoja i značajnijeg doprinosa gospodarstvu Primorsko-goranske županije.The subject of analysis in this paper is the state of the manufacturing industry in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County based on selected economic indicators for 2006 in comparison with the state in the Republic of Croatia. The aim of the paper is to establish correlation between the obtained economic results and features of educational structure of employees in the manufacturing industry. For the purpose of this paper, field research was conducted by a questionnaire which was filled in by management members of the most significant industrial firms in the County, the basic results of which are presented in this paper. The analysis has shown that the degree of correlation between educational structure of the employees and selected economic indicators of particular branches of industry is low. Measures and activities are proposed for achieving higher level of education, knowledge and skills of employees in the manufacturing industry, with the goal of its faster development and more significant contribution to the economy of Primorje - Gorski Kotar County


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    Predmet analize ovog rada je stanje prerađivačke industrije u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji bazirano na odabranim ekonomskim pokazateljima u odnosu na stanje u Republici Hrvatskoj. Cilj rada je odrediti korelaciju među dobivenim ekonomskim rezultatima i čimbenicima obrazovne strukture uposlenih u prerađivačkoj industriji. U svrhu ovog rada provedeno je terensko istraživanje putem upitnika kojeg su popunili članovi uprava najvažnijih industrijskih tvrtki u županiji, a čiji su rezultati prikazani u ovom radu. Analiza je pokazala da je nivo korelacije između obrazovne strukture uposlenih i određenih ekonomskih indikatora pojedinih grana industrije nizak. Predlažu se mjere i aktivnosti kojima bi se postigao viši nivo obrazovanja, znanja i vještina uposlenih u prerađivačkoj industriji, u svrhu bržeg razvoja i značajnijeg doprinosa gospodarstvu Primorsko-goranske županije.The subject of analysis in this paper is the state of the manufacturing industry in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County based on selected economic indicators for 2006 in comparison with the state in the Republic of Croatia. The aim of the paper is to establish correlation between the obtained economic results and features of educational structure of employees in the manufacturing industry. For the purpose of this paper, field research was conducted by a questionnaire which was filled in by management members of the most significant industrial firms in the County, the basic results of which are presented in this paper. The analysis has shown that the degree of correlation between educational structure of the employees and selected economic indicators of particular branches of industry is low. Measures and activities are proposed for achieving higher level of education, knowledge and skills of employees in the manufacturing industry, with the goal of its faster development and more significant contribution to the economy of Primorje - Gorski Kotar County

    Potrošnja sektora domaćinstva i njezin utjecaj na gospodarske tijekove : doktorska disertacija

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    Sažetak disertacije " Potrošnja sektora domaćinstva i njezin utjecaj na gospodarske tijekove" nije dostupan