
Predmet analize ovog rada je stanje prerađivačke industrije u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji bazirano na odabranim ekonomskim pokazateljima u odnosu na stanje u Republici Hrvatskoj. Cilj rada je odrediti korelaciju među dobivenim ekonomskim rezultatima i čimbenicima obrazovne strukture uposlenih u prerađivačkoj industriji. U svrhu ovog rada provedeno je terensko istraživanje putem upitnika kojeg su popunili članovi uprava najvažnijih industrijskih tvrtki u županiji, a čiji su rezultati prikazani u ovom radu. Analiza je pokazala da je nivo korelacije između obrazovne strukture uposlenih i određenih ekonomskih indikatora pojedinih grana industrije nizak. Predlažu se mjere i aktivnosti kojima bi se postigao viši nivo obrazovanja, znanja i vještina uposlenih u prerađivačkoj industriji, u svrhu bržeg razvoja i značajnijeg doprinosa gospodarstvu Primorsko-goranske županije.The subject of analysis in this paper is the state of the manufacturing industry in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County based on selected economic indicators for 2006 in comparison with the state in the Republic of Croatia. The aim of the paper is to establish correlation between the obtained economic results and features of educational structure of employees in the manufacturing industry. For the purpose of this paper, field research was conducted by a questionnaire which was filled in by management members of the most significant industrial firms in the County, the basic results of which are presented in this paper. The analysis has shown that the degree of correlation between educational structure of the employees and selected economic indicators of particular branches of industry is low. Measures and activities are proposed for achieving higher level of education, knowledge and skills of employees in the manufacturing industry, with the goal of its faster development and more significant contribution to the economy of Primorje - Gorski Kotar County

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