28 research outputs found

    Bronchial artery embolization being the therapy of choice for massive hemoptyses in bronchiectases

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    Introduction. Hemoptyses may be very often due to bronchiectases. Although these bleedings are usually spontaneously resolved recurrent and massive hemoptyses may vitally endanger a patient. Therefore, an urgent diagnosis and treatment of hemoptyses is required. Case report. A 56- year old patient was admitted to the hospital due to massive hemoptyses, presented with a non-homogenous shadowing, paracardially on the left. The chest Computerized Tomography finding delineated atelectasis of the lower left lobe and bronchiectases. Bronchoscopy sampling of the left lung airways provided the fresh blood. The multislice angiography and embolization of the bronchial arteries was carried out, entirely ceasing hemoptyses so the patient was discharged with no symptoms. On the control examination one month later, he was well, with normal radiological finding and inflammation markers. Conclusion. In our patient, the life-threatening bleeding due to inflamed bronchiectases was successfully resolved by bronchial arterial embolization, thus avoiding surgery


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    Kao rezultat povijesno-razvojnih promjena u svim segmentima druÅ”tvenih i gospodarskih zbivanja javljaju se brojna inovativna rjeÅ”enja s ciljem olakÅ”avanja čovjekova života i rada. Strategijsko upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima postaje presudno za pronalaženje originalnih rjeÅ”enja u proizvodnom i uslužnom sektoru radi udovoljavanja sve većim tržiÅ”nim zahtjevima te radi poboljÅ”anja konkurentskog položaja poduzeća. Uključivanjem svih procesa planiranja i razvoja ljudskih potencijala u dugoročnu razvojnu politiku, moguće je povećati inovativnost i ostvariti visoke razvojne ciljeve poduzeća. Autori u radu nastoje dokazati da ljudi, njihov stalni razvoj i koriÅ”tenje njihovih potencijala postaju glavni nositelj poslovnog uspjeha te da strategijsko upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima vodi ka boljim rezultatima kroz unapređenje vodstva, porast radnog učinka i odanosti zaposlenika, povećanje broja inovacija i stvaranje novog poslovnog ambijenta u kojemu inovacije postaju pokretač razvoja.Numerous innovative solutions with the purpose of facilitating human life and work have emerged as a result of historical developmental changes. Strategic management of human resources becomes crucial for finding original solutions in the production- and service sector in order to meet growing market demands and to improve competitive position of enterprises. By inclusion of all the processes of planning and development of human resources into the long-term developmental policy, it is possible to increase innovativeness and to achieve high developmental objectives of the enterprise. In this paper, the authors attempted to prove that people, their constant development and use of their resources become the main agents of business efficiency, and that strategic management of human resources leads to better results through advancement of leadership, increase in performance and loyalty of the employees, increase in innovations and creation of a new business environment in which innovations become the driving force of development

    Morphological and Pomological Characteristics of Wild Pears in the Northwestern Part of the Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The aim of this research is to examine the morphological and pomological characteristics of the wild pear population in the northwestern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the purpose of allocating genotypes for breeding programs of varieties and rootstocks. During 2012 and 2013, the study of the wild pear characteristics was carried out on the localities of: Banja Luka, Manjača, Potkozarje and Kozara. This research included morphological characterization of vegetative organs and pomological characterization of the fruits of all the selected genotypes. The shape of leaves in all the examined genotypes was elongated. The study of wild pear populations in the Banja Luka region has shown that wild pears are characterized by mostly smaller fruits, rounded form, while a few genotypes had fruits of elongated and flattened shape. Fruit weight varied from 7.44 g to 21.47 g and 73% of genotypes had fruit weight of over 10 g

    Distribucija pojave trihineloze svinja i ljudi na teritoriji Republike Srbije u periodu od 1994. do 2018. godine

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    Introduction. Trichinellosis is a disease in humans caused by parasites of the genus Trichinella, and these roundworms can occur in a variety of animals (over one hundred mammal species). Members of the genus Trichinella are present in almost all continents and in all climate zones. Intensive studies on the eradication of this disease have been going on for a long period, but despite the finances invested in research projects, trichinellosis is still present in the 21st century and poses a major health issue all over the world. According to current scientific estimations, there are over 27 million Trichinellainfected people in the world. The aim of our study was to determine the distribution and trends for Trichinella infection in pigs and trichinellosis in humans in Serbia between 1994 and 2018. Materials and Methods. Data for the 25-year surveillance period of Trichinella cases registered in pigs and humans in Serbia was gathered from the Veterinary Directorate and from the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Serbia. The data obtained was analysed with the relative numbers of structure and dynamics, indices and descriptive statistical indicators. Results and Conclusions. During the research period, 14,837 pigs were diagnosed as infected with Trichinella. Out of this number, 87.31% of pigs were identified in the five epizootiological regions, and only 12.69% were diagnosed in the non-epizootiological regions in Serbia. During the period 1994-2018 in Serbia, a total of 6,850 people were treated for Trichinella infection. Out of this number, 4,153 (60.63%) people were from the five epizootiological regions. The trend-line describing the presence of Trichinella in pigs was defined by a fourth degree polynomial function. Meanwhile, the trendline describing the presence of trichinellosis in humans was defined by a sixth degree polynomial function. Trichinellosis in Serbia is most common during the winter season, from December to March.Uvod. Trihineloza je zajednička bolest životinja i ljudi (viÅ”e od sto vrsta sisara) uzrokovana parazitima koji pripadaju rodu Trichinella. Pripadnici ovog roda nađeni su na gotovo svim kontinentima i u svim klimatskim oblastima. Dugi niz godina traju intenzivna istraživanja na suzbijanju ove parazitoze, ali i pored velikog broja istraživanja i velikih novčanih sredstava uloženih u projekte za kontrolu i eradikaciju trihineloze, ona i u 21. veku predstavlja ozbiljan zdravstveni problem gotovo u celom svetu. Na osnovu procena nekih naučnika danas je u svetu parazitom Trichinella spp. zaraženo oko 27 miliona ljudi. Cilj naÅ”eg istraživanja bio je da se u periodu od 1994. do 2018. godine, ustanovi distribucija pojave treihineloze kod svinja i kod ljudi na teritoriji Republike Srbije, kao i da se uradi analiza trenda pojave ove bolesti kod ljudi i životinja. Materijal i metode. Podaci prijavljenih slučajeva trihineloze u populaciji svinja i ljudi tokom dvadesetpetogodisnjeg perioda preuzeti su iz Uprave za veterinu i Instituta za javno zdravlje Republike Srbije. Podaci su analizirani primenom relativnih brojeva struktura i dinamike, procentima kao i opisnim statističkim parametrima. Rezultati i zaključak. Za vreme trajanja istraživanja na teritoriji Republike Srbije dijagnostikovano je ukupno 14.837 obolelih svinja, od tog broja na analiziranim epizootioloÅ”kim područjima dijagnostikovano je 87,31% obolelih svinja, a na ostaloj teritoriji Srbije samo 12,69%. Za ceo ispitivani period obolelo je ukupno 6.850 građana Srbije. Od tog broja 4.153 građana je obolelo na teritoriji analiziranih epizootioloÅ”kih područja, Å”to predstavlja 60,63% od svih obolelih građana na teritoriji Srbije. Najbolje prilagođena linija trenda pojave trihineloze kod svinja je polinom četvrtog stepena, dok je najbolje prilagođena linija pojave trihineloze kod ljudi polinom Å”estog stepena. Trihineloza se kod ljudi najčeŔće javlja u periodu od decembra do marta

    Kontrola Ŕtetnih glodara

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    Background. Rodent pests are natural reservoirs and vectors of a vast array of human and animal diseases caused by bacteria, rickettsia, viruses, protozoans, fungi and some parasites. The most important risk factor for human infection with Trichinella is the rearing of pigs on small farms and by rural households, if rodent pest control is not conducted regularly. Rodent pests cause economic losses by consuming, contaminating and/or damaging foods intended for human or animal consumption. Scope and Approach. The aim of this work is to point out the epidemiological and epizootiological importance of regular rodent control, and the importance of integrated use of all measures in deratization, as well as mistakes which can be made in implementing this procedure. Key Findings and Conclusions. The control of populations of pest synanthropic and hemisynanthropic rodents is a very complex and delicate task to carry out. Given all characteristics of the majority of rodent pest species, e.g. high reproductive potential, extraordinary adaptation to life in a variety of habitats and ability to develop resistance to anticoagulant rodenticides, the issue of controlling the number of rodent pests is considerably more problematic than it might seem at first glance. Therefore, appropriate scientific and professional knowledge is necessary to accomplish effective rodent control, which if done improperly, can have far-reaching negative consequences for human populations, non-target species and workers performing the task.Uvod. Å tetni glodari su prirodni rezervoari, ali i prenosioci uzročnika čitavog niza bolesti na čoveka i životinje izazvanih bakterijama, rikecijama, virusima, protozoama, parazitima i gljivicama. Najveći faktor rizika za infekciju ljudi trihinelom su svinje uzgajane na manjim farmama i u seoskim domaćinstvima u kojima se deratizacija ne sprovodi redovno. Å tetni glodari nanose ekonomske Å”tete konzumirajući, zagađujući ili oÅ”tećujući hranu namenjenu ljudskoj ishrani i ishrani domaćih životinja. Cilj i pristup. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na epidemiloÅ”ko - epizootiloÅ”ki i ekonomski značaj redovnog sprovođenja deratizacije, kao i na značaj integrisanog koriŔćenja svih mera u deratizaciji, kao i propusta koji nastaju tokom sprovođenja deratizacije. Ključni nalazi i zaključak. Suzbijanje i kontrola brojnosti populacija Å”tetnih sinantropnih i hemisinantropnih glodara predstavlja izuzetno složen i delikatan zadatak. Ako se imaju u vidu osobenosti većine vrsta Å”tetnih glodara, kao na primer visok potencijal reprodukcije, izuzetna prilagođenost životu u najrazličitijim uslovima staniÅ”ta i postizanje rezinstencije na neke rodenticide iz I generacije antikoagulanasa,problem kontrole brojnosti Å”tetnih glodara je znatno složeniji nego Å”to na prvi pogled izgleda. Zbog svega navedenog, za izvođenje akcije deratizacije potrebno je odgovarajuće teorijsko i praktično naučno-stručno znanje jer nestručno sprovedena deratizacija može imati nesagledive negativne posledice kako za stanovniÅ”tvo i neciljane vrste, tako i za same izvođače

    Determination of the economic effects in intesive production of piglets

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    Critical indicators of intensive production in hog raising are continuity of production, high level of produced series-tours, application of the most contemporary technological achievements without any turnover of capital, high merchandise turnover, and intensive usage of the reproduction potential of breeding material. Production of piglets represents one of the most essential phases in the production of pork meat. In spite of genetic factors, duration of interval wean-conception is one of the basic factors in determination of bringing forth indexes and number of piglets per litter. In order to recognize production costs of piglets completely we found nutrition costs for piglets and sows represent 61%, while other costs such as personal incomes, veterinary services, water, energy, losses, and amortization represent 39% of total costs. On the basis of cost price per feeding day of a sow and the number of piglets per litter, production costs of piglets older than 28 days with an average body weight of 7 kg were determined. Price cost per piglet after weaning, with 7 kg average body weight, and 146 days of reproduction process accounts for 21,78 EUR if there are 10 piglets in a litter. If the reproductive cycle would last exactly the same and if successful conception would be achieved 25 days after weaning, production cost per piglet would be 23,79 EUR

    Prevalence, clinical characteristics, and predictors of peripheral arterial disease in hemodialysis patients: a cross-sectional study

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    BackgroundPeripheral arterial disease (PAD) is common in patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis, but is frequently underdiagnosed. The risk factors for PAD are well known within the general population, but they differ somewhat in hemodialysis patients. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of PAD and its risk factors in patients on hemodialysis.MethodsThis cross-sectional study included 156 hemodialysis patients. Comorbidities and laboratory parameters were analyzed. Following clinical examinations, the ankle-brachial index was measured in all patients. PAD was diagnosed based on the clinical findings, ankle-brachial index lt 0.9, and PAD symptoms.ResultsPAD was present in 55 of 156 (35.3%; 95% CI, 27.7-42.8%) patients. The patients with PAD were significantly older (6710years vs. 62 +/- 11years, p=0.014), more likely to have diabetes mellitus (p=0.022), and anemia (p=0.042), and had significantly lower serum albumin (p=0.005), total cholesterol (p=0.024), and iron (p=0.004) levels, higher glucose (p=0.002) and C-reactive protein (p lt 0.001) levels, and lower dialysis adequacies (p=0.040) than the patients without PAD. Multivariate analysis showed higher C-reactive protein level (odds ratio [OR], 1.03; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.00-1.06; p=0.030), vascular access by Hickman catheter (OR, 4.66; 95% CI, 1.03-21.0; p=0.045), and symptoms of PAD (OR, 5.20; 95% CI, 2.60-10.4; p lt 0.001) as independent factors associated with PAD in hemodialysis patients.ConclusionThe prevalence of PAD was high among patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis. Symptoms of PAD, higher C-reactive protein levels, and Hickman vascular access were independent predictors of PAD in patients on hemodialysis

    Theoretical support of modern issues related to laser techniques, applications of coherent radiation and modern technologies

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    Modern problems of the Earthā€™s population are increasing in the areas related to the basic concepts of survival of living beings, but also with opposite views, if parallels are made between energy and ecology. Many new technologies are searching for their way towards development and must be viewed from several points of view. Inthis paper, the issue is addressed through modern laser techniques in terms of obtaining energy for various purposes concerning selected roles in medicine, as well as the impact on flora, fauna and as a support to other technologies both classical and modern. Contemporary attributes of lasers and other quantum generators in termsof coherence, power and intensity densities have significantly increased, although some predictions from the time of the first quantum generator masers, like gammarasers (and X raser) are still relatively far from commercial concepts. Some of the possible contemporary implementations of quantum generators in measurements control and processing schemes, along with other possible applications of various laser types, have been estimated. The paper focuses on the characterization of todayā€™s problems with Covid-19 virus, only from the engineering point of view. The lexical side of the issue is also included, as well as the social management needswith the application of modern technologies, including help from natural sciences


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    In this research the effect of biostimulant on the Begonia transplants roots and above-ground mass growth and development and on the nutrients contents was investigated. The results showed that biostimulant application significantly improved root and above-ground mass growth and development compared to untreated plants. Also, there has been a statistically significant difference in nutrient concentration where higher N and K concentrations were found in treated plants. However, in the root of the untreated plants the higher P concentration occurred. At the end, it can be concluded that biostimulant treatment helps the nutrient uptake in the young Begonia plants together with improving their growth and development.U ovom istraživanju ispitan je utjecaj tretmana s biostimulatorom na rast i razvoj te sadržaj hranjiva presadnica begonije. Obradom rezultata utvrđeno je da primjena biostimulatora značajno poboljÅ”ava rast i razvoj korijena i nadzemnog dijela presadnica begonije u usporedbi s netretiranim biljkama. Isto tako, pojavila se značajna razlika između tretiranih i netretiranih biljaka u sadržaju makroelemenata ishrane. Sadržaj N i K bio je značajno veći u korijenu i nadzemnom dijelu tretiranih biljaka. Ipak, značajno veći sadržaj fosfora utvrđen je u korijenu netretiranih biljaka, a u nadzemnom dijelu je bio veći kod tretiranih biljaka. Na kraju se može zaključiti da je tretman s biostimulatorom u ovom istraživanju pozitivno utjecao na ispitivane parametre djelujući na poboljÅ”an rast i razvoj korijena i nadzemnog dijela kao i na usvajanje makroelemenata

    MikrobioloŔka aktivnost - pokazatelj plodnosti i degradacije zemljiŔta

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    U zemljiÅ”tu su u velikom broju zastupljene sve do sada poznate sistematske grupe mikroorganizama (bakterije, gljive, alge, protozoe, virusi). U jednom gramu zemljiÅ”ta u proÅ”eku se nalazi oko milijardu bakterija, stotine hiljada gljiva, stotine algi i desetine protozoa. Biomasa mikroorganizama iznosi 0,5 do 5 tona po hektaru oraničnog sloja plodnog zemljiÅ”ta a prema rezultatima Zavjagincev (1994), sveza biomasa mikrobioloÅ”kog porekla može da dostigne i do 20 tona po hektaru. Mikroorganizmi čine veoma funkcionalne mikrobiocenoze koje su prilagođene uslovima u zemljiÅ”tu i zajedno sa florom i faunom daju zemljiÅ”tu svojstva živog organizama