173 research outputs found

    Lieb-Robinson Bounds for the Toda Lattice

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    We establish locality estimates, known as Lieb-Robinson bounds, for the Toda lattice. In contrast to harmonic models, the Lieb-Robinson velocity for these systems do depend on the initial condition. Our results also apply to the entire Toda as well as the Kac-van Moerbeke hierarchy. Under suitable assumptions, our methods also yield a finite velocity for certain perturbations of these systems

    A Multi-Dimensional Lieb-Schultz-Mattis Theorem

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    For a large class of finite-range quantum spin models with half-integer spins, we prove that uniqueness of the ground state implies the existence of a low-lying excited state. For systems of linear size L, of arbitrary finite dimension, we obtain an upper bound on the excitation energy (i.e., the gap above the ground state) of the form (C\log L)/L. This result can be regarded as a multi-dimensional Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem and provides a rigorous proof of a recent result by Hastings.Comment: final versio

    Automorphic Equivalence within Gapped Phases of Quantum Lattice Systems

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    Gapped ground states of quantum spin systems have been referred to in the physics literature as being `in the same phase' if there exists a family of Hamiltonians H(s), with finite range interactions depending continuously on s[0,1]s \in [0,1], such that for each ss, H(s) has a non-vanishing gap above its ground state and with the two initial states being the ground states of H(0) and H(1), respectively. In this work, we give precise conditions under which any two gapped ground states of a given quantum spin system that 'belong to the same phase' are automorphically equivalent and show that this equivalence can be implemented as a flow generated by an ss-dependent interaction which decays faster than any power law (in fact, almost exponentially). The flow is constructed using Hastings' 'quasi-adiabatic evolution' technique, of which we give a proof extended to infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. In addition, we derive a general result about the locality properties of the effect of perturbations of the dynamics for quantum systems with a quasi-local structure and prove that the flow, which we call the {\em spectral flow}, connecting the gapped ground states in the same phase, satisfies a Lieb-Robinson bound. As a result, we obtain that, in the thermodynamic limit, the spectral flow converges to a co-cycle of automorphisms of the algebra of quasi-local observables of the infinite spin system. This proves that the ground state phase structure is preserved along the curve of models H(s),0s1H(s), 0\leq s\leq 1.Comment: Updated acknowledgments and new email address of S

    Dispersive Estimates for Harmonic Oscillator Systems

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    We consider a large class of harmonic systems, each defined as a quasi-free dynamics on the Weyl algebra over 2(Zd)\ell^2(\mathbb{Z}^d). In contrast to recently obtained, short-time locality estimates, known as Lieb-Robinson bounds, we prove a number of long-time dispersive estimates for these models

    Lieb-Robinson Bounds for Harmonic and Anharmonic Lattice Systems

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    We prove Lieb-Robinson bounds for the dynamics of systems with an infinite dimensional Hilbert space and generated by unbounded Hamiltonians. In particular, we consider quantum harmonic and certain anharmonic lattice systems

    Approximating open quantum system dynamics in a controlled and efficient way: A microscopic approach to decoherence

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    We demonstrate that the dynamics of an open quantum system can be calculated efficiently and with predefined error, provided a basis exists in which the system-environment interactions are local and hence obey the Lieb-Robinson bound. We show that this assumption can generally be made. Defining a dynamical renormalization group transformation, we obtain an effective Hamiltonian for the full system plus environment that comprises only those environmental degrees of freedom that are within the effective light cone of the system. The reduced system dynamics can therefore be simulated with a computational effort that scales at most polynomially in the interaction time and the size of the effective light cone. Our results hold for generic environments consisting of either discrete or continuous degrees of freedom

    Ferromagnetic Ordering of Energy Levels for Uq(sl2)U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2) Symmetric Spin Chains

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    We consider the class of quantum spin chains with arbitrary Uq(sl2)U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)-invariant nearest neighbor interactions, sometimes called SUq(2)\textrm{SU}_q(2) for the quantum deformation of SU(2)\textrm{SU}(2), for q>0q>0. We derive sufficient conditions for the Hamiltonian to satisfy the property we call {\em Ferromagnetic Ordering of Energy Levels}. This is the property that the ground state energy restricted to a fixed total spin subspace is a decreasing function of the total spin. Using the Perron-Frobenius theorem, we show sufficient conditions are positivity of all interactions in the dual canonical basis of Lusztig. We characterize the cone of positive interactions, showing that it is a simplicial cone consisting of all non-positive linear combinations of "cascade operators," a special new basis of Uq(sl2)U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2) intertwiners we define. We also state applications to interacting particle processes.Comment: 23 page

    Finitely Correlated States on Quantum Spin Chains

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    We study a construction, which yields a class of translation invariant states on quantum spin chains, characterised by the property that the correlations across any bond can be modelled on a finite dimensional vector space. These states, which are dense in the set of all translation invariant states, can be considered as generalised valence bond states. We develop a complete theory of the ergodic decomposition of such states, including the decomposition into periodic "Néel ordered" states. Ergodic finitely correlated states have exponential decay of correlations. All states considered can be considered as "functions" of states of a special kind, so-called "purely generated states", which are shown to be ground states for suitably chosen interactions. We show that all these states have a spectral gap. Our theory does not require symmetry of the state with respect to a local gauge group, but the isotropic ground states of some one-dimensional antiferromagnets, recently studied by Affleck, Kennedy, Lieb, and Tasaki fall in this class

    Propagation of Correlations in Quantum Lattice Systems

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    We provide a simple proof of the Lieb-Robinson bound and use it to prove the existence of the dynamics for interactions with polynomial decay. We then use our results to demonstrate that there is an upper bound on the rate at which correlations between observables with separated support can accumulate as a consequence of the dynamics.Comment: 10 page