446 research outputs found

    Lotta agli sprechi alimentari in Puglia: misure di garanzia del “diritto al cibo” mediante buone pratiche di eco-sostenibilità ed economia circolare

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    Lo spreco alimentare rappresenta una vera e propria emergenza mondiale. Tale fenomeno assume una rilevanza non solo sul piano economico e sociale, ma anche su quello sanitario e ambientale. Nell’ottica, invece, dell’economia circolare gli sprechi e le perdite alimentari possono essere reimpiegati in altri processi come “materia prima seconda”, riducendo così il consumo di risorse e materie prime, gli impatti e i costi legati allo smaltimento dei rifiuti, la dipendenza dalle importazioni. Su questo sfondo si colloca l’interessante esperienza pugliese che ha coniugato la lotta allo spreco alimentare con interventi di innovazione sociale, puntando su iniziative di partenariato pubblico-privato che vedono coinvolto il livello di governo comunale insieme agli Enti del Terzo settore. Si tratta di esperienze di collaborazione tra settore pubblico, privato e no-profit idonee a trasformarsi in una forma più matura di sussidiarietà orizzontale che, nel valorizzare anche i doveri di solidarietà attraverso il contributo di tutti gli attori sociali - dal mondo delle imprese fino ai singoli cittadini - possono aiutare a definire ed implementare efficaci politiche urbane di tutela del ‘diritto al cibo’ e all’ambiente salubre nonché buone pratiche di economia circolare

    Synthesis and matrix properties of α-cyano-5-phenyl-2,4-pentadienic acid (CPPA) for intact proteins analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry

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    The effectiveness of a synthesized matrix, α-cyano-5-phenyl-2,4-pentadienic acid (CPPA), for protein analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) in complex samples such as foodstuff and bacterial extracts, is demonstrated. Ultraviolet (UV) absorption along with laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS) experiments were systematically conducted in positive ion mode under standard Nd:YLF laser excitation with the aim of characterizing the matrix in terms of wavelength absorption and proton affinity. Besides, the results for standard proteins revealed that CPPA significantly enhanced the protein signals, reduced the spot-to-spot variability and increased the spot homogeneity. The CPPA matrix was successful employed to investigate intact microorganisms, milk and seed extracts for protein profiling. Compared to conventional matrices such as sinapinic acid (SA), α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA) and 4-chloro-α-cyanocinnamic acid (CClCA), CPPA exhibited better signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios and a uniform response for most examined proteins occurring in milk, hazelnut and in intact bacterial cells of E. coli. These findings not only provide a reactive proton transfer MALDI matrix with excellent reproducibility and sensitivity, but also contribute to extending the battery of useful matrices for intact protein analysis

    Il contributo delle cc.dd. “aree interne” alla transizione energetica

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    Il contributo delle cc.dd. “aree interne” alla transizione energetica Le “aree interne”, in quanto territori marginalizzati rispetto all’offerta di un livello adeguato di servizi di cittadinanza, sono protagoniste di una specifica strategia di valorizzazione della gestione sostenibile del territorio (la c.d. SNAI). Anche il PNRR dedica ampio spazio alla SNAI riconoscendo e promuovendo l’intersezione dello “sguardo nazionale” con lo “sguardo locale” nella formulazione della strategia di sviluppo economico e di coesione sociale del Paese (politiche place-based, ovvero “rivolte ai luoghi”). Peraltro, ripensare i servizi offerti ai cittadini in un’ottica di ribilanciamento territoriale implica la necessità di ricorrere a nuove soluzioni di governance, capaci di coinvolgere volta per volta i diversi attori, i presidi territoriali e gli Enti locali competenti nelle specifiche materie di riferimento. In proposito, merita una particolare attenzione lo sviluppo della filiera dell’energia rinnovabile. Con riguardo a quest’ultimo ambito, deve segnalarsi la recentissima esperienza pugliese dell’Area interna dei Monti Dauni che, attraverso il coinvolgimento di cittadini, imprese e numerose altre realtà del territorio (tra le quali merita menzione il GAL Meridaunia) si propone, non senza difficoltà, di produrre, consumare e scambiare energia in un’ottica di transizione energetica, economia circolare, oil free zone e avvio di una vera e propria CER (Comunità energetica rinnovabile). Fondate sulla cittadinanza attiva e sulla partecipazione di diversi attori sociali, e orientate alla produzione di fonti rinnovabili, le comunità energetiche possono rappresentare importanti acceleratori di una transizione ecologica/energetica sostenibile e, se attivate in territori marginalizzati come le aree interne del Paese, contribuire a valorizzare le culture locali e territoriali

    A thermoanalytical insight into the composition of biodegradable polymers and commercial products by EGA-MS and Py-GC-MS

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    Biodegradable polymers are proposed as a potential solution to environmental problems related to plastic pollution. Potential benefits have been suggested in applications such as agricultural mulching and fishing gear, where there can be considerable difficulty recovering products from the environment at the end of their service life. Biodegradation is a complex process influenced by both the properties of the material and the receiving environment in which it needs to biodegrade. Assessing the degradation process necessitates the chemical composition (i.e. polymer and additives) of biodegradable products to be characterised by reliable analytical methods. Pyrolysis coupled to Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) and Evolved Gas Analysis coupled to Mass Spectrometry (EGA-MS) are emerging techniques to characterise plastic materials, providing a greater sensitivity and resolution when compared to more widely used spectroscopic techniques (FTIR and Raman). In this work, we have applied a systematic approach combining EGA-MS and multi-shot Py-GC-MS for the thermoanalytical investigation of 5 biodegradable polymers and 5 biodegradable-labelled commercial products. We identified thermal degradation profiles, main m/z ions and pyrolysis markers for the polymers PBAT, PBS, PBHV and two types of PLA. We applied the obtained information to investigate the composition of 4 mulch films and 1 fishing net. EGA-MS was fundamental to optimise single or multi shot pyrolysis acquisition, allowing an optimal Py-GC-MS separation and identification of the pyrolysis products. PLA and PBAT were detected in three mulch films, with the addition of starch in a film labelled as Mater-Bi and in one of unknown composition. Online silylation was crucial for detecting polysaccharides in a composite film containing hemp fibres. The presence of butylene, succinate, adipate and terephthalate units was highlighted analysing a fishing net made of a newly developed PBSAT resin. Finally, Py-GC-MS was effective in identifying the presence of additives such as 1,6-diisocyanato-hexane (chain extender) and di(3-butenyl) ester of sebacic acid derived from the plasticizer dibutyl sebacate

    Consistent Posttest Calculations for LOCA Scenarios in LOBI Integral Facility

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    Integral test facilities (ITFs) are one of the main tools for the validation of best estimate thermalhydraulic system codes. The experimental data are also of great value when compared to the experiment-scaled conditions in a full NPP. The LOBI was a single plus a triple-loop (simulated by one loop) test facility electrically heated to simulate a 1300 MWe PWR. The scaling factor was 712 for the core power, volume, and mass flow. Primary and secondary sides contained all main active elements. Tests were performed for the characterization of phenomenologies relevant to large and small break LOCAs and special transients in PWRs. The paper presents the results of three posttest calculations of LOBI experiments. The selected experiments are BL-30, BL-44, and A1-84. They are LOCA scenarios of different break sizes and with different availability of safety injection components. The goal of the analysis is to improve the knowledge of the phenomena occurred in the facility in order to use it in further studies related to qualifying nodalizations of actual plants or to establish accuracy data bases for uncertainty methodologies. An example of procedure of implementing changes in a common nodalization valid for simulating tests occurred in a specific ITF is presented along with its confirmation based on posttests results

    Valorization of cigarette butts for synthesis of levulinic acid as top value-added chemicals

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    Unprecedented in the literature, levulinic acid (LA), one of the top value-added intermediates of chemical industry, is obtained from cigarette butts as cellulose feedstock by means of a one-pot hydrothermal process carried out at 200 °C for 2 h and catalysed by phosphoric acid. The protocol avoids the use of more aggressive and toxic H2SO4 and HCl, that are generally employed on several cellulose sources (e.g. sludge paper), thus minimizing corrosion phenomena of plants. Neither chemical pre-treatment of butts nor specific purification procedure of LA are required. Notably, by simply modifying acid catalyst (e.g. using CH3COOH), another top value-added fine chemical such as 5-hydroxymethylfuraldehyde (HMF) is obtained, thus widening the scope of the method. Being cigarette filters a waste available in quantities of megatonnes per year, they represent an unlimited at no cost source of cellulose, thus enabling the up-scale to an industrial level of LA production

    Deep control of linear oligomerization of glycerol using lanthanum catalyst on mesoporous silica gel

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    The valorization of glycerol (1), a waste of biodiesel production of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs), adopting a “green” approach, represents an important goal of sustainable chemistry. While the polymerization of 1 to hyperbranched oligomers is a well-established process, the linear analogues are difficult to obtain. In this context, we explore the reaction without the solvent of heterogeneous hybrid La(III)O-KIT-6 catalyst (2), which is based on lanthanum oxide on mesoporous silica gel, showing a superior linear selectivity compared to most of the analogous catalysts recently reported

    Concerning synthesis of new biobased polycarbonates with curcumin in replacement of bisphenol a and recycled diphenyl carbonate as example of circular economy

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    Curcumin (CM) is a natural polyphenol well-known for its antioxidant and pharmaceutical properties, that can represent a renewable alternative to bisphenol A (BPA) for the synthesis of biobased polycarbonates (PC). In the presented strategy, preparation of the CM-based PC was coupled with chemical recycling of the fossil-based BPA polycarbonate (BPA-PC) conducting a two-steps trans-polymerization that replaces BPA monomer with CM or its tetrahydrogenated colorless product (THCM). In the first step of synthetic strategy, depolymerization of commercial BPA-PC was carried out with phenol as nucleophile, according to our previous procedure based on zinc derivatives and ionic liquids as catalysts, thus producing quantitatively diphenyl carbonate (DPC) e BPA. In the second step, DPC underwent a melt transesterification with CM or THCM monomers affording the corresponding bio-based polycarbonates, CM-PC and THCM-PC, respectively. THCM was prepared by reducing natural bis-phenol with cyclohexene as a hydrogen donor and characterized by 1H-NMR and MS techniques. Polymerization reactions were monitored by infrared spectroscopy and average molecular weights and dispersity of the two biobased polymers THCM-PC and CM-PC were determined by means of gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Optical properties of the prepared polymers were also measured