41 research outputs found

    Підготовка майбутніх викладачів вищої школи до проектування професійно-орієнтованих технологій навчання

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    The article reveals the main components of the process of designing professionally-oriented learning technologies. Different approaches to the design of teaching technology through its stages are analyzed; consideration in the process of designing the features of the type of technology being designed; definition and further designing of a set of actions of the teacher within the limits of technologies, etc. Taking into account the tendencies of updating and modernizing the educational process, the conceptual framework for the training of future high school teachers to designing professionally-oriented technologies is based on an understanding of professionally oriented learning technology as a system of forms, methods, techniques and means aimed at guaranteeing the achievement of the objectives of professional training and bringing it as close as possible to the conditions of professional activity, ensuring the formation of a competitive labor market specialist. Designing professionally-oriented learning technologies takes place in accordance with the principles of system integrity; diagnostic, differentiated purposefulness; stimulating and motivating a positive attitude of students towards learning; flexible algorithm and variability of training; professional expediency; synergistic information support of training. System in the design process is provided by a combination of such components of professionally-oriented learning technology: targeted, informative, procedural-activity, diagnostic-corrective. The prevailing conditions for the use of professionally-oriented learning technologies are the creation of an appropriate educational environment for a higher education institution, where the introduction of the specified didactic system is in place, as well as the provision of a positive psycho-emotional climate in the process of professional training, systematic implementation of the subject of subjective interaction between students and teachers; active stimulation of students for self-education, self-training, self-development; an individualized choice of the type of professionally-oriented learning technology; application of innovative professional-oriented pedagogical tools for professional trainingВ статье раскрыты основные составляющие процесса проектирования профессионально-ориентированных технологий обучения. Учитывая тенденции обновления и модернизации образовательного процесса концептуальные основы подготовки будущих преподавателей высшей школы к проектированию профессионально-ориентированных технологий опираются на понимание профессионально-ориентированной технологии обучения как системы форм, методов, приемов и средств, направленных на гарантированное достижение целей профессиональной подготовки и максимально приближают ее к условиям профессиональной деятельности, обеспечивая формирование конкурентоспособного на рынке труда специалиста. Проектирование профессионально-ориентированных технологий обучения происходит в соответствии с принципами системной целостности; диагностической, дифференцированной целеустремленности; стимулирования и мотивации положительного отношения студентов к обучению; гибкого алгоритма и вариативности обучения; профессиональной целесообразности; синергетической информационной поддержки обучения. Системность в процессе проектирования обеспечивается совокупностью таких компонентов профессионально-ориентированной технологии обучения: целевой, содержательный, процессуально-деятельностный, диагностически-корректирующий. Ведущими условиями использования профессионально-ориентированных технологий обучения является создание соответствующей образовательной среды в высшем учебном заведении, где происходит введение указанной дидактической системы, а также обеспечение положительного психоэмоционального климата в процессе профессиональной подготовки, системной реализации субъект ↔ субъектного взаимодействия студентов и преподавателей; активного стимулирования студентов к самообразованию, самовоспитанию, саморазвитию; индивидуализированного выбора типа профессионально-ориентированной технологии обучения; применение инновационного профессионально-направленного педагогического инструментария профессиональной подготовкиУ статті розкрито основні складові процесу проектування професійно-орієнтованих технологій навчання. Зважаючи на тенденції оновлення та модернізації освітнього процесу концептуальні засади підготовки майбутніх викладачів вищої школи до проектування професійно-орієнтованих технологій спираються на розуміння професійно-орієнтованої технології навчання як системи форм, методів, прийомів і засобів, що спрямовані на гарантоване досягнення цілей фахової підготовки і максимально наближують її до умов професійної діяльності, забезпечуючи формування конкурентоспроможного на ринку праці фахівця. Проектування професійно-орієнтованих технологій навчання відбувається у відповідності із принципами системної цілісності; діагностичної, диференційованої цілеспрямованості; стимулювання й мотивації позитивного ставлення студентів до навчання; гнучкого алгоритму та варіативності навчання; професійної доцільності; синергетичної інформаційної підтримки навчання. Системність у процесі проектування забезпечується сукупністю таких компонентів професійно-орієнтованої технології навчання: цільовий, змістовний, процесуально-діяльнісний, діагностично-корегувальний. Провідними умовами застосування професійно-орієнтованих технологій навчання є створення відповідного освітнього середовища закладу вищої освіти, де відбувається запровадження означеної дидактичної системи, а також забезпечення позитивного психоемоційного клімату в процесі фахової підготовки, системної реалізації суб’єкт↔суб’єктної взаємодії студентів і викладачів; активного стимулювання студентів до самоосвіти, самовиховання, саморозвитку; індивідуалізованого вибору типу професійно-орієнтованої технології навчання; застосування інноваційного фахово-спрямованого педагогічного інструментарію професійної підготовк

    Pharmacological study of original extracts of corn silk

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    Aim: the aim of the research is a pharmacological study of the original extracts of corn silk. Materials and methods. The object of the study were 4 original extracts of corn silk, obtained by extraction with water and ethanol of different concentrations, namely: aqueous extract of corn silk (ACSE), extract of corn silk, extracted with ethanol 30 % (ECSE 30 %) , extract of corn silk, extracted with ethanol 50 % (ЕCSЕ 50 %), extract of corn silk, extracted with ethanol 70 % (ЕCSЕ 70 %). A screening study of the antioxidant properties of corn silk extracts was carried out in vitro using models of spontaneous and ascorbate-induced lipid peroxidation (LPO) in rat liver homogenate. Results. As can be seen from the given data, ECSE 50 % at a dose of 20 mg/kg showed a pronounced protective effect on the hepatotoxicity of TСM. Its use led to a probable restoration of the bile-forming function of the liver against the background of tetrachloromethane hepatitis: in response to an increase in the cholesterol content (by 43 %, p<0.05), the content of bile acids increased 2 times (p<0.05), as a result of which cholate -cholesterol ratio approached the level of indicators of intact animals, the rate of bile secretion normalized. Based on the analysis of the results of the study, it can be concluded, that in terms of bile-forming and choleretic activity on the tetrachloromethane hepatitis model, ECSE 50 % was not inferior to silibor and superior to quercetin (р<0.05). Conclusions. Biologically active substances of corn silk affect not only the diffusion and filtration processes of the liver parenchyma, but also the biosynthesis and transport of its organic components, that is, they affect the bile-forming functio

    Aplicação de BI no processo de recuperação de credito: um estudo de caso.

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    Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso de aplicação da tecnologia de Business Inteligence - BI em conjunto com o processo de planejamento estratégico de modo a proporcionar melhorias em processos operacionais e por sua vez ganhos financeiros. O trabalho baseou-se na aplicação de ferramentas de BI e algoritmos de processamento analítico em uma empresa que atua no mercado de cobrança. A análise do estudo de caso concentra-se em demonstrar os resultados operacionais e financeiros mais eficientes no que tange à cobrança de carteiras de clientes selecionados para os experimentos possibilitando o alcance de objetivos e metas organizacionai

    Study of analgesic and myotropic spasmolytic activity of alkylcarb

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    The work is devoted to the search for new biologically active substances in a series of alkylamides of dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid. Analgesic properties of 30 newly synthesized substances were studied, which made it possible to identify the leader compound (provisional name alkylcarb) and recommend its effectiveness for further research as an antispasmodic agent for pain relief. It has been established experimentally, that the substance alkylcarb exhibits concentration-dependent vasodilatory properties in vitro on segments of the thoracic aorta of rats. The data, obtained in the work, justify the prospect of using the leader substance as a new analgesic and antispasmodic drug. The research expands and deepens knowledge about the pharmacological properties of alkylamide derivatives of dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid. The aim of the work was to conduct screening studies to establish the analgesic activity of a newly synthesized series of chemical compounds among alkylamides of dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid and to study the myotropic spasmolytic activity of the leader substance. Materials and methods. Analgesic properties of alkylamides of dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid were studied on outbred white mice in the "acetic acid convulsions" test. During the experiment, the animals were treated in accordance with the International Principles of the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experiments and Other Scientific Purposes (Strasbourg, March 18, 1986). The studied substances were administered intragastrically to experimental animals at a dose of 10 mg/kg in the form of a finely dispersed aqueous suspension, stabilized with Tween-80. Voltaren at a dose of 8 mg/kg, recommended for preclinical studies, and analgin at a dose of 50 mg/kg were chosen as reference drugs. The studies of the contractile activity of smooth muscle vessels were carried out on segments of the thoracic aorta of rats of both sexes weighing 180-200 g. The studies of dilator reactions were carried out against the background of preliminary contraction with phenylephrine at a concentration of 10-6 mol/l. The antispasmodic efficiency of the new compound was determined in comparison with the classic antispasmodic drotaverine. The statistical processing of the results was carried out using the package of statistical analysis of electronic spreadsheets Exel, with the help of the program "Statgraphics Plus v. 3.0.” and the standard package of statistical programs "Statistica, V. 6.0". We used the Student's test, a non-parametric analog of univariate variance analysis - the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the Mann-Whitney test. Differences were considered statistically significant at p<0.05. Results. The study of the analgesic activity of substances АO1-АO30 in the "acetic acid convulsion" test in mice showed that a compound АO26 (provisional name alkylcarb) has the most pronounced analgesic activity when administered intragastrically. In the "acetic acid convulsion" test, alkylcarb (10 mg/kg, per os) probably reduces the number of convulsions, caused by acetic acid. The level of activity of this compound is comparable to the activity of diclofenac (8 mg/kg, per os) and exceeds analgin (50 mg/kg, per os). The substance alkylcarb relieved vasospasm at the level of the comparison drug drotaverine in in vitro experiments on a model of an isolated fragment of the thoracic aorta of rats against the background of previous constriction with phenylephrine. Conclusion. Today, the search for new highly effective non-opioid analgesics is an urgent problem of modern pharmacology, since painkillers used in clinical practice do not meet the requirements of efficiency and safety. In this regard, in recent years, scientists of the National Pharmaceutical University have been intensively searching for new, highly effective substances with antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects among alkylamides of dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid

    Some biological, behavioral and social aspects of the perfumery use in the Ukrainian population sample (part 1. age associations)

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    The aim. The study encompassed some aspects related to perfumes use, which can potentially influence the individual perfume choice, in particular, among different age groups of the Ukrainian population. Factors related to perfumes choice, the state of awareness of respondents regarding quality, safety, and existing stereotypes regarding the characteristics of perfumes and potential harmful effects on the human body were investigated. Materials and methods. The analysis was performed on a sample of 124 residents of Ukraine. Respondents, who were randomly selected, were offered a questionnaire, developed by us, which included 15 items on the demographic characteristics of the subjects and questions related to the perfume use of and stereotypes about them. The Pearson chi-squared (χ2) test was used to analyze the relationships between qualitative characteristics. Results and discussion. About 98 % of surveyed persons in Ukraine use perfumery. Associations were found between age and the probability of purchase by the study participants of non-original perfume products and awareness of the safety of various perfume products. It has been established, that the determining factors when choosing a perfume is a certain scent, while the brand is given secondary importance. An increase in the effect of the brand in older age groups of the population has been demonstrated. Behavioral features of perfume use have been established: in younger women, it is associated with increased self-esteem and the influence of social networks, with age, the focus shifts to the desire for a positive effect on the mood from the use of a certain fragrance. However, in all age groups, the main purpose of perfume using was to improve the emotional state. Middle-aged women are more democratic in choosing perfumery with a specific gender orientation. Conclusions. For the first time in Ukraine, a pilot study was conducted to find possible associations between some biological, behavioral and demographic characteristics and the perfume use. Such factors as age and education level are promising for further analysis of the selected issue

    Some biological, behavioral and social aspects of the perfumery use in the Ukrainian population sample (Part 2. Education level associations)

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    The aim. The study represents a continuation of the previous one, and provide various aspects related to the use of perfumery, which can be characterized by certain associations with the education level of Ukrainian consumers. Factors that have direct or indirect biological and medical significance and, accordingly, may have a potential impact on the safety of the perfume products use by humans, were selected for the analysis. Materials and methods. The analysis included information about 124 individuals living in Ukraine. The respondents answered the questions of the questionnaire developed regarding some aspects of the perfumery use. The Pearson chi-squared (χ2) test was used to analyze the relationships between qualitative characteristics. Results and discussion. Most of the studied aspects related to the perfumes use demonstrate associations, caused by the dependence of the education level on age. The analysis revealed that individuals with any education most often (about half of the cases or more) choose a perfume based on its scent. The study showed that the majority of respondents believe that the price of a perfume depends on a combination of factors, namely the composition of the products, the brand and the cost of the packaging. More than 80 % of people, regardless of the education level, believe that the persistence of a perfume is definitely a sign of quality. The most common opinion among people of all education levels was that non-original perfumes can have a more negative effect on people's health than original products. The "lipstick effect" in relation to perfume products (demand for items of "affordable luxury" in times of economic crises and wars) was observed. Conclusions. The study supplemented the previously found associations of age and some biological and behavioral aspects of perfume use among the population of Ukraine with data on the presence or absence of such associations in relation to the education leve

    Functional cellulose-derived materials for energy storage

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    The biopolymer cellulose is an inexhaustible source for the synthesis of various functional materials for energy storage. It should be accounted as an alternative to the currently most used precursors (coal tar pitch and synthetic polymers) of carbon nanostructures. In this work, cellulose-based carbon nanofibers (CNF) with high mechanical strength and electrochemical stability were nitrogen-doped and functionalized with carbon nanotubes (CNT) via two different methods in order to obtain electrode materials for energy storage devices.Amorphous granular carbon nanofibers were produced by three consecutive steps of cellulose acetate electrospinning, cellulose regeneration and carbonization. Carbonization of pure cellulose samples resulted in the formation of 25-40 μm thick carbon sheets consisting of fibers with 20-180 nm diameter, and electrical capacitance of 10.8\ub10.5 F/g. Functionalization of CNF led to the composite materials with higher capacitance values. Impregnation of cellulose samples with NH4Cl before carbonization allowed obtaining N-doped CNF with higher carbon yield and electrical capacitance of 20.0\ub10.5 F/g. Impregnation of cellulose with double-walled CNT before carbonization resulted in CNF/CNT composite material with the capacitance of 34.9\ub10.5 F/g, and CNF covered with CNT deposited by chemical vapor after carbonization resulted in the composite material with the capacitance of 38.4\ub10.5 F/g. As a conclusion, functional cellulose-based materials are prospective electrode materials for energy storage devices

    Functional cellulose-derived materials for energy storage

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    The biopolymer cellulose is an inexhaustible source for the synthesis of various functional materials for energy storage. It should be accounted as an alternative to the currently most used precursors (coal tar pitch and synthetic polymers) of carbon nanostructures. In this work, cellulose-based carbon nanofibers (CNF) with high mechanical strength and electrochemical stability were nitrogen-doped and functionalized with carbon nanotubes (CNT) via two different methods in order to obtain electrode materials for energy storage devices.Amorphous granular carbon nanofibers were produced by three consecutive steps of cellulose acetate electrospinning, cellulose regeneration and carbonization. Carbonization of pure cellulose samples resulted in the formation of 25-40 μm thick carbon sheets consisting of fibers with 20-180 nm diameter, and electrical capacitance of 10.8\ub10.5 F/g. Functionalization of CNF led to the composite materials with higher capacitance values. Impregnation of cellulose samples with NH4Cl before carbonization allowed obtaining N-doped CNF with higher carbon yield and electrical capacitance of 20.0\ub10.5 F/g. Impregnation of cellulose with double-walled CNT before carbonization resulted in CNF/CNT composite material with the capacitance of 34.9\ub10.5 F/g, and CNF covered with CNT deposited by chemical vapor after carbonization resulted in the composite material with the capacitance of 38.4\ub10.5 F/g. As a conclusion, functional cellulose-based materials are prospective electrode materials for energy storage devices

    Investigation of the influence of dry extracts of bupleurum aureum and Salsola collina L. on the antimicrobial effect of co-trimoxazole

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    Scientific data on the pharmacodynamics of dry extracts of Bupleurum aureum and Salsola collina L. based on the results of studying the antimicrobial effect and the similar effect of co-trimoxazole when they are used together have been supplemented. The investigated phytoextracts do not show antimicrobial properties, but they do not change the antimicrobial effect of co-trimoxazole when they are used in combination. The aim of the study was to experimentally investigate the antimicrobial effect of extracts of Bupleurum aureum and Salsola collina L. and establish the possible antagonistic effect of these extracts on the antimicrobial drug co-trimoxazole when used together. Materials and methods. The research was conducted in May 2016. Screening of the antimicrobial effect of extracts of Bupleurum aureum and Salsola collina L. and establishing of the possible antagonistic effect of these extracts on the antimicrobial drug co-trimoxazole when they are used together was carried out in the laboratory of the Department of Microbiology of the National Pharmaceutical University, which has a certificate of attestation 045/14 dated 28.10.2014. For determination of antimicrobial activity, the agar diffusion method ("well" method), which is based on the ability of medicinal substances to penetrate the agar layer, was used. A set of reference strains of microorganisms was used: S. aureus ATCC 6538, E. coli ATCC 8739, P. aeruginosa ATCC 9027, B. subtilis ATCC 6633, C. albicans ATCC 10231. Petri dishes were filled with two layers of solid nutrient medium. The lower layer - 10 ml of melted "cold" AGV agar (medium No. 3), the upper layer - nutrient medium for the corresponding test strain. After cooling the lower layer of agar, three thin-walled steel cylinders (inner diameter - 6.0±0.1 mm, height - 10.0±0.1 mm) were placed on it at an equal distance from each other and from the edge of the cup. The top layer was poured around the cylinders - 13.5 ml of agar, melted and cooled to 45-48°С, mixed with the seed dose of the test microorganism (1.5 ml of microbial suspension, the concentration corresponding to the type of microorganism). After cooling the upper layer of agar, the cylinders were removed with sterile tweezers and 0.25-0.3 ml of the studied drug was added to the resulting wells. The results were recorded after 24 h by measuring the zone of growth inhibition, including the diameter of the wells. Measurements were made with an accuracy of 1 mm, while focusing on the complete absence of visible growth. The obtained data were analyzed using the methods of variational statistics. The significance level is p<0.05. The studied plant extracts of Bupleurum aureum (aqueous and alcoholic) and Salsola collina L. (aqueous and alcoholic) were used in doses of 0.005 mg/ml and 0.01 mg/ml, which corresponded to doses of 5 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg. Experimental data were also processed by parametric (Newman-Keuls) and non-parametric (Mann-Whitney) methods of variational statistics, using the Statistica 6.0 statistical software package; differences were considered statistically significant at p<0.05. Results. At the final stage, the determination of the antimicrobial effect of water and alcohol extracts of Bupleurum aureum and Salsola collina L. at doses of 1 mg/ml and 5 mg/ml was carried out, and the effect of BAS of these extracts on the antimicrobial effect of co-trimoxazole when used together was determined. In the course of the study, it has been established, that the addition of the above-mentioned extracts to the co-trimoxazole formulation does not affect its initial antimicrobial properties. Conclusion. Today, drug-induced liver injury remains one of the most important problems of hepatology and pediatrics, pharmacological science pays a lot of attention to the search for new effective and harmless drugs with a hepatoprotective effect, and the improvement of existing drugs is primarily aimed at increasing their specificity and reducing side effects related to the pharmacological properties of the drug. Currently, there is increasing interest in medicinal plants as a source of various biologically active substances (BAS), which provide a wide spectrum of pharmacological action of the agent, which allows to immediately affect various links of the pathogenesis of liver diseases. The analysis of scientific sources made it possible to establish that medicinal products of plant origin, thanks to BAS, possess polymodality of effects and reveal a versatile complex effect on the course of pathological processes in the body. Most drugs are characterized by good tolerability, absence of withdrawal syndrome and toxicity to parenchymal organs. Medicinal plants are used not only as monopreparations, but also in combination with synthetic drugs and as raw materials for obtaining BA