4 research outputs found

    Fine-Tuning Enhancer Models to Predict Transcriptional Targets across Multiple Genomes

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    Networks of regulatory relations between transcription factors (TF) and their target genes (TG)- implemented through TF binding sites (TFBS)- are key features of biology. An idealized approach to solving such networks consists of starting from a consensus TFBS or a position weight matrix (PWM) to generate a high accuracy list of candidate TGs for biological validation. Developing and evaluating such approaches remains a formidable challenge in regulatory bioinformatics. We perform a benchmark study on 34 Drosophila TFs to assess existing TFBS and cis-regulatory module (CRM) detection methods, with a strong focus on the use of multiple genomes. Particularly, for CRM-modelling we investigate the addition of orthologous sites to a known PWM to construct phyloPWMs and we assess the added value of phylogenentic footprinting to predict contextual motifs around known TFBSs. For CRM-prediction, we compare motif conservation with network-level conservation approaches across multiple genomes. Choosing the optimal training and scoring strategies strongly enhances the performance of TG prediction for more than half of the tested TFs. Finally, we analyse a 35th TF, namely Eyeless, and find a significant overlap between predicted TGs and candidate TGs identified by microarray expression studies. In summary we identify several ways to optimize TF-specific TG predictions, some of which can be applied to all TFs, and others that can be applied only to particular TFs. The ability to model known TF-TG relations, together with the use of multiple genomes, results in a significant step forward in solving the architecture of gene regulatory networks

    Strategies for dissecting epigenetic mechanisms in the mouse

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    Epigenetics generally refers to heritable changes in gene expression that are independent of nucleotide sequence. With complete genome sequences in hand, understanding the epigenetic control of genomes is the next step towards comprehending how the same DNA sequence gives rise to different cells, lineages and organs. Epigenetics also contributes to individual variation in normal biology and in disease states. The mouse provides a unique opportunity to understand how epigenetic differences contribute to both development and disease in a tractable mammalian system. Here we discuss current approaches and protocols used to study epigenetics in the mouse, including loss-of-function studies, mutagenesis screens, somatic cell nuclear transfer, genomics and proteomics