8,272 research outputs found

    The D3/D7 Background and Flavor Dependence of Regge Trajectories

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    In the context of AdS/CFT with flavor, we consider the type IIB supergravity solution corresponding to a fully localized D3/D7 intersection. We complete the standard metric ansatz by providing an analytic expression for the warp factor, under the assumption of a logarithmically running axion-dilaton. From the gauge dual perspective, this behavior is related to the positive beta function of the N=4, d=4 SU(N_c) super Yang-Mills gauge theory, coupled to N_f fundamental N=2 hypermultiplets. We comment on the existence of tadpoles and relate them to the same gauge theory beta function. Next we consider a classical spinning string configuration in the decoupling limit of the D3/D7 geometry and extract the flavor (N_f) dependence of the associated meson Regge trajectory. Including the backreaction of the D7-branes in the supergravity dual allows for going beyond the quenched approximation on the dual gauge theory side.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Flavoring the gravity dual of N=1 Yang-Mills with probes

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    We study two related problems in the context of a supergravity dual to N=1 SYM. One of the problems is finding kappa symmetric D5-brane probes in this particular background. The other is the use of these probes to add flavors to the gauge theory. We find a rich and mathematically appealing structure of the supersymmetric embeddings of a D5-brane probe in this background. Besides, we compute the mass spectrum of the low energy excitations of N=1 SQCD (mesons) and match our results with some field theory aspects known from the study of supersymmetric gauge theories with a small number of flavors.Comment: 55 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX; v2: typos corrected, references added; v3: typos correcte

    N=2 Coset Compactifications with Non-Diagonal Invariants

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    We consider 4-dimensional string models obtained by tensoring N=2 coset theories with non-diagonal modular invariants. We present results from a systematic analysis including moddings by discrete symmetries.Comment: 29 page

    On Non-Abelian T-Duality and new N=1 backgrounds

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    We study the action of non-Abelian T-duality in the context of N=1 geometries with well understood field theory duals. In the conformal case this gives rise to a new solution that contains an AdS_5 X S^2 piece. In the case of non-conformal geometries we obtain a new background in massive IIA supergravity that presents similar behaviour to the cascade of Seiberg dualities. Some physical observables are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, Latex. Version to appear in Physics Letters B (v2

    Black hole - D-brane correspondence: An example

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    We explore the connection between D-branes and black holes in one particular case: a D3D3-brane compactified to four dimensions on T6/Z3T^6/Z_3. Using the DD-brane boundary state description we show the equivalence with a double extremal N=2 black hole solution of four dimensional supergravity.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX. Contribution by C. Nunez to the conference Quantum Gravity in the Southern Cone, Bariloche 7-10 January 1998; to appear in the proceeding

    A new eclipsing binary system with a pulsating component detected by CoRoT

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    We report the discovery of CoRoT 102980178 (R.A.= 06:50:12.10, Dec.= -02:41:21.8, J2000) an Algol-type eclipsing binary system with a pulsating component (oEA). It was identified using a publicly available 55 day long monochromatic lightcurve from the CoRoT initial run dataset (exoplanet field). Eleven consecutive 1.26m deep total primary and the equal number of 0.25m deep secondary eclipses (at phase 0.50) were observed. The following light elements for the primary eclipse were derived: HJD_MinI= 2454139.0680 + 5.0548d x E. The lightcurve modeling leads to a semidetached configuration with the photometric mass ratio q=0.2 and orbital inclination i=85 deg. The out-of-eclipse lightcurve shows ellipsoidal variability and positive O'Connell effect as well as clear 0.01m pulsations with the dominating frequency of 2.75 c/d. The pulsations disappear during the primary eclipses, which indicates the primary (more massive) component to be the pulsating star. Careful frequency analysis reveals the second independent pulsation frequency of 0.21 c/d and numerous combinations of these frequencies with the binary orbital frequency and its harmonics. On the basis of the CoRoT lightcurve and ground based multicolor photometry, we favor classification of the pulsating component as a gamma Doradus type variable, however, classification as an SPB star cannot be excluded.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, accepted to Communications in Asteroseismolog

    Dynamic transition to spontaneous scalarization in boson stars

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    We show that the phenomenon of spontaneous scalarization predicted in neutron stars within the framework of scalar-tensor tensor theories of gravity, also takes place in boson stars without including a self-interaction term for the boson field (other than the mass term), contrary to what was claimed before. The analysis is performed in the physical (Jordan) frame and is based on a 3+1 decomposition of spacetime assuming spherical symmetry.Comment: Minor changes to match the final version to appear in PR
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