9,044 research outputs found

    Peripherality of breakup reactions

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    The sensitivity of elastic breakup to the interior of the projectile wave function is analyzed. Breakup calculations of loosely bound nuclei (8B and 11Be) are performed with two different descriptions of the projectile. The descriptions differ strongly in the interior of the wave function, but exhibit identical asymptotic properties, namely the same asymptotic normalization coefficient, and phase shifts. Breakup calculations are performed at intermediate energies (40-70 MeV/nucleon) on lead and carbon targets as well as at low energy (26 MeV) on a nickel target. No dependence on the projectile description is observed. This result confirms that breakup reactions are peripheral in the sense that they probe only the external part of the wave function. These measurements are thus not directly sensitive to the total normalization of the wave function, i.e. spectroscopic factor.Comment: Reviewed version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C; 1 new section (Sec. III E), 2 new figures (Figs. 3 and 5

    On the particle spectrum and the conformal window

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    We study the SU(3) gauge theory with twelve flavours of fermions in the fundamental representation as a prototype of non-Abelian gauge theories inside the conformal window. Guided by the pattern of underlying symmetries, chiral and conformal, we analyze the two-point functions theoretically and on the lattice, and determine the finite size scaling and the infinite volume fermion mass dependence of the would-be hadron masses. We show that the spectrum in the Coulomb phase of the system can be described in the context of a universal scaling analysis and we provide the nonperturbative determination of the fermion mass anomalous dimension gamma*=0.235(46) at the infrared fixed point. We comment on the agreement with the four-loop perturbative prediction for this quantity and we provide a unified description of all existing lattice results for the spectrum of this system, them being in the Coulomb phase or the asymptotically free phase. Our results corroborate the view that the fixed point we are studying is not associated to a physical singularity along the bare coupling line and estimates of physical observables can be attempted on either side of the fixed point. Finally, we observe the restoration of the U(1) axial symmetry in the two-point functions.Comment: 40 pages, 22 figure

    One,Two,Zero: Scales of Strong Interactions

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    We discuss our results on QCD with a number of fundamental fermions ranging from zero to sixteen. These theories exhibit a wide array of fascinating phenomena which have been under close scrutiny, especially in recent years, first and foremost is the approach to conformality. To keep this review focused, we have chosen scale generation, or lack thereof as a guiding theme, however the discussion will be set in the general framework of the analysis of the phases and phase transitions of strong interactions at zero and nonzero temperature.Comment: 15 pages, prepared for IJMPA Special Issue 'Recent Nonperturbative Developments in QCD-like Theories

    Chiral symmetry restoration in QCD with many flavours

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    We discuss the phases of QCD in the parameter space spanned by the number of light flavours and the temperature with respect to the realisation of chiral and conformal symmetries. The intriguing interplay of these symmetries is best studied by means of lattice simulations, and some selected results from our recent work are presented here.Comment: 10 pages, proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement, 17-21 November, 2014, ZiF, Bielefeld, German

    Structure Effects on Coulomb Dissociation of 8^8B

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    Coulomb Dissociation provides an alternative method for determining the radiative capture cross sections at astrophysically relevant low relative energies. For the breakup of 8^8B on 58^{58}Ni, we calculate the total Coulomb Dissociation cross section and the angular distribution for E1, E2 and M1. Our calculations are performed first within the standard first order semiclassical theory of Coulomb Excitation, including the correct three body kinematics, and later including the projectile-target nuclear interactions.Comment: 6 pages, proceedings from International Workshop on RNB, Puri, India, January 1998 - to be published in J. Phys.

    A Note on the Picard-Fuchs Equations for N=2 Seiberg-Witten Theories

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    A concise presentation of the PF equations for N=2 Seiberg-Witten theories for the classical groups of rank r with N_f massless hypermultiplets in the fundamental representation is provided. For N_f=0, all r PF equations can be given in a generic form. For certain cases with N_f\neq zero, not all equations are generic. However, in all cases there are at least r-2 generic PF equations. For these cases the classical part of the equations is generic, while the quantum part can be formulated using a method described in a previous paper by the authors, which is well suited to symbolic computer calculations.Comment: 25 pages, Latex; some new references adde

    Nuclear reaction studies of unstable nuclei using relativistic mean field formalisms in conjunction with Glauber model

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    We study nuclear reaction cross-sections for stable and unstable projectiles and targets within Glauber model, using densities obtained from various relativistic mean field formalisms. The calculated cross-sections are compared with the experimental data in some specific cases. We also evaluate the differential scattering cross-sections at several incident energies, and observe that the results found from various densities are similar at smaller scattering angles, whereas a systematic deviation is noticed at large angles. In general, these results agree fairly well with the experimental data.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PR

    Recent developments in the eikonal description of the breakup of exotic nuclei

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    The study of exotic nuclear structures, such as halo nuclei, is usually performed through nuclear reactions. An accurate reaction model coupled to a realistic description of the projectile is needed to correctly interpret experimental data. In this contribution, we briefly summarise the assumptions made within the modelling of reactions involving halo nuclei. We describe briefly the Continuum-Discretised Coupled Channel method (CDCC) and the Dynamical Eikonal Approximation (DEA) in particular and present a comparison between them for the breakup of 15C on Pb at 68AMeV. We show the problem faced by the models based on the eikonal approximation at low energy and detail a correction that enables their extension down to lower beam energies. A new reaction observable is also presented. It consists of the ratio between angular distributions for two different processes, such as elastic scattering and breakup. This ratio is completely independent of the reaction mechanism and hence is more sensitive to the projectile structure than usual reaction observables, which makes it a very powerful tool to study exotic structures far from stability.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the XXI International School on Nuclear Physics and Applications & the International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the JINR (Dubna) (Varna, Bulgaria, 6-12 September 2015), 7 pages, 4 figure

    Identification of quasi-steady compressor characteristics from transient data

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    The principal goal was to demonstrate that nonlinear compressor map parameters, which govern an in-stall response, can be identified from test data using parameter identification techniques. The tasks included developing and then applying an identification procedure to data generated by NASA LeRC on a hybrid computer. Two levels of model detail were employed. First was a lumped compressor rig model; second was a simplified turbofan model. The main outputs are the tools and procedures generated to accomplish the identification

    All-optical high speed NOR gate based on two photon absorption in silicon wire waveguides

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    We demonstrate for the first time an all-optical logic NOR gate in submicron size silicon wire waveguides. High speed operation at equivalent 80Gbps data rate was achieved using pump induced non-degenerate two-photon absorption inside the waveguides. The device requires low pulse energy (few pJ) for logic gate operation. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America