763 research outputs found

    CASE REPORT: Disseminated fatal Talaromyces (Penicillium) marneffei infection in a returning HIV-infected traveller

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    We report a case of disseminated fatal Talaromyces (Penicillium) marneffei infection in an HIV-infected, antiretroviral treatmentexperienced South African woman who had travelled to mainland China. The 37-year-old woman was admitted to a private hospital in fulminant septic shock and died within 12 h of admission. Intracellular yeast-like bodies were observed on the peripheral blood smear. A serum cryptococcal antigen test was negative. Blood cultures flagged positive after 2 days; on direct microscopy, yeast-like bodies were observed and a thermally dimorphic fungus, confirmed as T. marneffei, was cultured after 5 days. The clinical features of HIV-associated disseminated penicilliosis overlap with those of tuberculosis and endemic deep fungal infections. In the southern African context, where systemic opportunistic fungal infections such as cryptococcosis are more common among HIV-infected patients with a CD4+ count of <100 cells/µL, this infection is not likely to be considered in the differential diagnosis unless a travel history is obtained

    A Case of Emmonsiosis in an HIV-Infected Child

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    Opportunistic fungal infections can cause significant morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. We describe a paediatric case of an unusual disseminated fungal infection. A three-year-old HIV-infected child with severe immunosuppression (CD4+ T-cell count 12 × 106/L) was admitted to hospital with pneumonia, gastroenteritis and herpes gingivostomatitis. Despite antibacterial and antiviral therapy, he experienced high fevers and developed an erythematous maculopapular rash and abdominal tenderness. The child’s condition progressively worsened during the admission. A thermally dimorphic fungus was cultured from bone marrow and identified as an Emmonsia species on DNA sequencing. The patient made a good recovery on amphotericin B deoxycholate and antiretroviral therapy. Itraconazole was continued for a minimum of 12 months, allowing for immune reconstitution to occur. This case is the first documented description of disseminated disease caused by a novel Emmonsia species in an HIV-infected child in South Africa

    Prior Pulmonary Tuberculosis Is a Risk Factor for Asymptomatic Cryptococcal Antigenemia in a Cohort of Adults With Advanced Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease.

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    The greater mortality risk among people with advanced human immunodeficiency virus disease and cryptococcal antigenemia, despite treatment, indicates an increased susceptibility to other infections. We found that prior tuberculosis was an independent risk factor for cryptococcal antigenemia (adjusted odds ratio, 2.72; 95% confidence interval, 1.13-6.52; P = .03) among patients with CD4 counts <100 cells/µL

    Microevolution of serial clinical isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii and C. gattii

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.The pathogenic species of Cryptococcus are a major cause of mortality owing to severe infections in immunocompromised as well as immunocompetent individuals. Although antifungal treatment is usually effective, many patients relapse after treatment, and in such cases, comparative analyses of the genomes of incident and relapse isolates may reveal evidence of determinative, microevolutionary changes within the host. Here, we analyzed serial isolates cultured from cerebrospinal fluid specimens of 18 South African patients with recurrent cryptococcal meningitis. The time between collection of the incident isolates and collection of the relapse isolates ranged from 124 days to 290 days, and the analyses revealed that, during this period within the patients, the isolates underwent several genetic and phenotypic changes. Considering the vast genetic diversity of cryptococcal isolates in subSaharan Africa, it was not surprising to find that the relapse isolates had acquired different genetic and correlative phenotypic changes. They exhibited various mechanisms for enhancing virulence, such as growth at 39°C, adaptation to stress, and capsule production; a remarkable amplification of ERG11 at the native and unlinked locus may provide stable resistance to fluconazole. Our data provide a deeper understanding of the microevolution of Cryptococcus species under pressure from antifungal chemotherapy and host immune responses. This investigation clearly suggests a promising strategy to identify novel targets for improved diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis.Wellcome TrustNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease

    Diagnostic accuracy of the Biosynex CryptoPS cryptococcal antigen semi-quantitative lateral flow assay in patients with advanced HIV disease.

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    Background: High cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) titers in blood are associated with subclinical meningitis and mortality in CrAg-positive individuals with advanced HIV-disease (AHD). We evaluated a novel semi-quantitative lateral flow assay (LFA), CryptoPS, that may be able to identify individuals with high CrAg titers in a cohort of AHD patients undergoing CrAg screening.Methods: In a prospective cohort of patients with AHD (CD4 ≤200 cells/μL) receiving CD4 count testing, CryptoPS and IMMY LFA CrAg testing were performed on whole blood by two operators blinded to results of the other assay. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of CryptoPS were assessed against IMMY LFA as a reference. CryptoPS low-titer (T1 band) and high-titer (T2 band) results were compared against IMMY LFA titers obtained through serial dilution.Results: 916 specimens were tested. Sensitivity of the CryptoPS assay was 61.0% (25/41, 95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 44.5-75.8), specificity 96.6% (845/875, 95%CI: 95.1-97.7), PPV 45.5% (95%CI: 32.0-59.4), and NPV 98.1% (95%CI: 97.0-98.9). All (16/16) CryptoPS false-negatives were samples with IMMY titers ≤1:160. Of 29 patients (30 specimens) who tested positive on CryptoPS but negative on IMMY LFA, none developed cryptococcal meningitis over 3-months follow-up without fluconazole. Median CrAg titers were 1:20 (interquartile range [IQR] 0-1:160) in CryptoPS T1-positive samples and 1:2560 (IQR 1:1280-1:10240) in T2-positives.Conclusions: Diagnostic accuracy of the CryptoPS assay was sub-optimal in the context of CrAg screening, with poor sensitivity at low CrAg titers. However, the CryptoPS assay reliably detected individuals with high titers associated with poor outcomes

    Establishing targets for advanced HIV disease: A call to action

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a guideline for the management of individuals with advanced HIV disease (AHD) to reduce HIV-related deaths. The guideline consists of a package of recommendations including interventions to prevent, diagnose and treat common opportunistic infections, including tuberculosis (TB), cryptococcosis and severe bacterial infections, along with rapid initiation of antiretroviral treatment and enhanced adherence support. Currently no clear targets exist for these key interventions. Emerging programmatic data from Uganda, Tanzania and Nigeria suggest that an estimated 80% of eligible people continue to miss the recommended cryptococcal or TB testing, highlighting the remaining challenges to the effective implementation of WHO-recommended AHD packages of care in real-world resource-limited settings. The absence of mortality indicators for the leading causes of HIV-related deaths, because of the lack of mechanisms to ascertain cause of death, has had a negative impact on establishing interventions to reduce mortality. We suggest that setting 95-95-95 targets for CD4 testing, cryptococcal antigen and TB testing, and treatment that are aligned to the WHO AHD package of care would be a step in the right direction to achieving the greater goal of the WHO End TB strategy and the proposed new strategy to end cryptococcal meningitis deaths. However, these targets will only be achieved if there is healthcare worker training, expanded access to bedside point-of-care diagnostics for hospitalised patients and those in outpatient care who meet the criteria for AHD, and health systems strengthening to minimise delays in initiating the WHO-recommended therapies for TB and cryptococcal disease