218 research outputs found


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    The paper describes research carried out in order to investigate preventing efficiency and growth stimulating efficiency of new probiotic vetom 1.29 and finding out its efficient dose and dosage frequency when growing black-and-white calve; vetom 1.29 is based on Bacillus amyloliquefaciens of DSM 24614 strain. The research demonstrates the intensified growth rate and physiological characteristics of the calves from experimental groups in comparison with ones from the control group. The authors identify the calves from the 1st experimental group are subject to the highest growth rate; these calves take the specimen dosed 0.5 mkl/ kg of body weight two times a day in a day. The calves from the 1st group are characterized by intensified absolute and relative growth rate, average daily bodyweight gain and livestock development, exactly chest girth and withers height. The publication declares the specimen didn’t influence toxically the calves’ organism and calves livability was equal to 100 %. Научные исследования проводили с  целью изучения профилактической и  ростостимулирующей эффективности нового пробиотического препарата ветом 1.29 на основе Bacillus amyloliquefaciens штамма ВКПМ В-10642 (DSM 24614) и определения оптимальной дозы и кратности назначения препарата при выращивании телят черно-пестрой породы. Изучаемый пробиотик оказывал стимулирующее влияние на интенсивность роста и физиологические показатели телят опытных групп по сравнению с аналогами из контрольной группы. Более выраженный ростостимулирующий эффект отмечали у телят 1-й опытной группы, которым назначали препарат в дозе 0,5 мкл/кг живой массы 2 раза в сутки через сутки. Телята этой группы превышали аналогов из контроля и телят из 2-й опытной группы по абсолютной и относительной скорости роста, среднесуточному приросту и зоотехническим параметрам развития: обхвату груди за лопатками и высоте в холке. В процессе эксперимента установлено, что изучаемый препарат не оказывал токсического влияния на организм телят. Сохранность телят составила 100%

    Anisotropic conductivity of Nd_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_{4-\delta} films at submillimeter wavelengths

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    The anisotropic conductivity of thin Nd1.85_{1.85}Ce0.15_{0.15}CuO4δ_{4-\delta} films was measured in the frequency range 8 cm1<ν<^{-1}<\nu < 40 cm1^{-1} and for temperatures 4 K <T<300<T<300 K. A tilted sample geometry allowed to extract both, in-plane and c-axis properties. The in-plane quasiparticle scattering rate remains unchanged as the sample becomes superconducting. The temperature dependence of the in-plane conductivity is reasonably well described using the Born limit for a d-wave superconductor. Below T_{{\rm C}%} the c-axis dielectric constant ϵ1c\epsilon_{1c} changes sign at the screened c-axis plasma frequency. The temperature dependence of the c-axis conductivity closely follows the linear in T behavior within the plane.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement of the energy resolution and calibration of hybrid pixel detectors with GaAs:Cr sensor and Timepix readout chip

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    This paper describes an iterative method of per-pixel energy calibration of hybrid pixel detectors with GaAs:Cr sensor and Timepix readout chip. A convolution of precisely measured spectra of characteristic X-rays of different metals with the resolution and the efficiency of the pixel detector is used for the calibration. The energy resolution of the detector is also measured during the calibration. The use of per-pixel calibration allows to achieve a good energy resolution of the Timepix detector with GaAs:Cr sensor: 8% and 13% at 60 keV and 20 keV, respectively

    Optical conductivity and penetration depth in MgB2

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    The complex conductivity of a MgB2 film has been investigated in the frequency range 4 cm^{-1}< nu < 30 cm^{-1} and for temperatures 2.7 K < T <300 K. The overall temperature dependence of both components of the complex conductivity is reminiscent of BCS-type behavior, although a detailed analysis reveals a number of discrepancies. No characteristic feature of the isotropic BCS gap temperature evolution is observed in the conductivity spectra in the superconducting state. A peak in the temperature dependence of the real part of the conductivity is detected for frequencies below 9 cm^{-1}. The superconducting penetration depth follows a T^2 behavior at low temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Učinci probiotika koji sadrže Bacillus subtilis na crijevnu mikrofloru, kakvoću žutanjka i koncentracije lipida u krvi prepelica nesilica pasmine faraon

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    The current literature is not comprehensive concerning the influence of Bacillus subtilis on lipid metabolism, egg chemical characteristics, and intestinal microbiota of Japanese quail. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a Bacillus subtilis strain on yolk quality, gut bacterial populations, and total cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in the plasma of organically farmed Pharaon quail layers. Forty-five-day-old female quails were randomly distributed into four groups of 10 birds each: a no-treatment control group and three test groups receiving powder of Bacillus subtilis DSM 32424 at a minimum rate of 1 × 106 colony forming units per gram, dissolved in drinking water at doses of 50, 75 and 100 mg per kg body weight, daily during 30 days. The use of the probiotic at doses of 50 and 100 mg resulted in significantly reduced faecal staphylococci count on day 30 (P<0.05), while no significant changes were detected in lactobacilli or coliform bacteria. This study gives the first evidence of the influence of Bacillus subtilis on acid value and carotenoid levels in egg yolks laid by quails. Carotenoids were significantly elevated in the 75 mg group on day 30 (P<0.05), but significantly decreased in the 50 and 100 mg groups (P<0.05). Acidity, triglyceride and total cholesterol concentrations in quail serum were not affected significantly by the treatment throughout the study, though their values were reduced. The inclusion of Bacillus subtilis DSM 32424 in drinking water for laying Pharaon quails inhibited faecal staphylococci proliferation and enhanced yolk carotenoid content. Therefore, it can be proposed that including this probiotic in laying quail diets may have beneficial outcomes for both layers and the second generation.Ovaj rad nije sveobuhvatan obzirom na utjecaj Bacillus subtilis na metabolizam lipida, kemijska svojstva jaja te crijevne mikroorganizme japanskih prepelica. Istraživanje je obavljeno u svrhu procjene učinaka Bacillus subtilis soja na kakvoću žutanjka, populacije bakterija u crijevima uz ukupne koncentracije kolesterola i triglicerida u krvi organski uzgajanih prepelica nesilica pasmine faraon. Četrdesetpetodnevne ženke prepelice nasumice su podijeljene u četiri skupine od po 10 ptica: kontrolnu skupinu koja nije primala dodatak prehrani i tri pokusne skupine koje su primale prašak Bacillus subtilis DSM 32424 pri najmanjem postotku od 1 × 106 jedinica koje stvaraju koloniju po gramu, otopljen u pitkoj vodi u dozama od 50, 75 i 100 mg po kilogramu tjelesne težine, svakodnevno tijekom 30 dana. Uporaba probiotika u dozama od 50 i 100 mg rezultirala je značajnim smanjenjem količine fekalnih stafilokoka na 30. dan (P<0,05), dok značajnije promjene laktobacila i koliformnih bakterija nisu otkrivene. Ovo je istraživanje prvi put pokazalo utjecaj Bacillus subtilis na vrijednost kiseline i razine karotenoida u žutanjcima koje nesu prepelice. Karotenoidi su se značajno podigli na 30. dan u skupini koja je primala 75 mg (P<0,05), ali su se i značajno smanjili u skupinama koje su primale 50 i 100 mg (P<0,05). Terapija nije statistički značajno djelovala na kiselinu. Pokusni dodatak nije značajno utjecao niti na koncentracije triglicerida i ukupni kolesterol u krvi prepelica tijekom ispitivanja, premda su te koncentracije dosta smanjene. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata, zaključeno je da je dodavanje Bacillus subtilis DSM 32424 u pitku vodu za prepelice nesilice pasmine Faraon gotovo na svim proučavanim razinama inhibiralo proliferaciju fekalnih stafilokoka i povećalo udio karotenoida u žutanjku. Stoga se može reći da uključivanje probiotika u prehranu prepelica nesilica može imati korisni učinak i na nesilice i na drugu generaciju

    Considerable enhancement of the critical current in a superconducting film by magnetized magnetic strip

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    We show that a magnetic strip on top of a superconducting strip magnetized in a specified direction may considerably enhance the critical current in the sample. At fixed magnetization of the magnet we observed diode effect - the value of the critical current depends on the direction of the transport current. We explain these effects by a influence of the nonuniform magnetic field induced by the magnet on the current distribution in the superconducting strip. The experiment on a hybrid Nb/Co structure confirmed the predicted variation of the critical current with a changing value of magnetization and direction of the transport current.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure