3 research outputs found


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    Metana merupakan salah satu gas rumah kaca dan penyebab utama pemanasan global dengan efektivitas penangkapan radiasi termal yang sangat tinggi, bahkan mencapai 60 kali lipat dibandingkan karbon dioksida. Tingginya pengaruh metana terhadap pemanasan global membuat berbagai upaya untuk mengurangi keberadaanya di alam. Wye (2010) menyebutkan bahwa sumber produksi gas metana yang terbesar adalah metabolisme mikroorganisme dengan total kontribusi metana global sebesar 69% dan lahan pertanian padi merupakan salah satu habitat terpenting dalam produksi metana global sebesar 10%. Negara luar, seperti belanda telah berupaya untuk mengurangi emisi gas metana, yaitu dengan bantuan mikroorganisme. Emisi metana dapat direduksi melalui proses oksidasi metana yaitu proses pemecahan senyawa metana oleh mikroorganisme metanotrofik dengan menggunakan enzim methane monooxygenase yang mampu mengoksidasi metana menjadi karbon dioksida melalui serangkaian reaksi kimiawi dengan menghasilkan senyawa metabolik intermediet seperti metanol, formate, dan formaldehyde (Topp & Pattey, 1997). Proses oksidasi metana secara anaerobic dapat dilakukan oleh konsorsium bakteri denitrifying anggota genus Stenotrophomonas, Hyphomicrobium dan Mesorhizobium dengan bakteri metanotrofik anggota genus Methylocystis (Ettwig et al., 2010), serta strain bakteri denitrifying-methanotrophic anggota spesies Candidatus Methylomirabillis oxyfera (Ettwig et al., 2009). Peranan bakteri denitrifying-methanotrophic dapat mengurangi emisi gas metana sekaligus meningkatkan ketersediaan karbondioksida, selain itu juga dapat membantu menyediakan unsur N tersedia di tanah dalam bentuk amonium (NH 4 + ). Bakteri denitrifying akan menguraikan nitrat di alam, dibanding dengan amonium, hara N tersedia dalam bentuk nitrat lebih merugikan. Nitrat (NO 3 -) sangat mudah tercuci sehingga kurang optimal dimanfaatkan tanaman. Bakteri Denitrifying akan mempercepat penguraian nitrat sehingga harapannya hara N akan tersedia dalam amonium. Pentingnya peranan bakteri denitrifying-methanotrophic menjadikan bakteri ini perlu dikaji lebih lanjut. Penelitian tentang bakteri ini di Indonesia masih tergolong sangat minim, sehingga dengan penelitian ini diharapkan untuk kedepannya aplikasi bakteri ini dapat dilakukan di lahan dan mengurangi pemikiran bahwa pertanian merupakan salah satu penyebab pemanasan global. Kata Kunci : Pemanasan global, denitrifying-methanotrophic, emisi metan

    Isolation And Characterization Of Phosphate Solving Bacteria From Swamp Soil With High Levels Of Acidity

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    Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) are one of the microbes that play an important role in soil and plant cycles. Phosphate (P) is a very important macronutrient for plants. In soil, most of the P element is found to be unavailable to plants because it is fixed by Ca, Al or Fe. This research aims to identify BPF in acid soil which has the potential to dissolve phosphate elements. The method used in this research is the isolation of BPF from acid soil using the National Botanical Research Institute's Phosphate (NBRIP) medium, phosphate dissolution index test and UV Visual. Soils from overflow type C (TLC) swamps have higher diversity compared to TLB soils. The abundance of BPF in TLC soil was higher (5,4 107 CFU per gram) compared to soil from overflow zone B (TLB) (2,9 107 CFU per gram) because TLC soil had a lower acidity level than TLB. There were 55 BPF isolates obtained from these two types of soil. Two isolates (TLB1 and TLB2) had a better phosphate solubilization index and all potential isolates that were extracted and subjected to gDNA amplification showed a DNA band at 1330-1500 bp

    Revitalization of Winong Spring as a Generator of Ecotourism Activities to Promote Local Economic Development in Giripurno Village as One of Borobudur Buffer Zones

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    Establishing the National Tourism Strategic Area of Borobudur leaves challenges related to the surrounding villages. Most areas surrounding the Borobudur Temple, especially those in Menoreh Hills, have a high potential as a natural tourist destination. The main attractions are related to sightseeing and spring tourism. These potential attractions, however, have yet to be managed optimally due to the lack of resources of the surrounding villages, materially or socially. Our primary purpose is to reactivate the tourism potential in Giripurno Village by developing a new tourist attraction Winong Spring. We developed the new tourist attraction by structuring the current Winong Spring using lightweight, flexible, yet solid designs and building materials. We also revitalized abandoned fish ponds to become an integral Winong Spring tourist attraction feature. The tourist attraction developed at Winong Spring area becomes a new economic potential for Giripurno Village. The community receives the prospective tourist attraction of Winong Spring, which is also reflected in the high community participation in its development. It is also responding to the rising trending river tourism in Indonesia. Properly managed, the new prospective tourist attraction will benefit both ecosystem and economy. Thus, capacity building for tourism management and fish cultivation must be done. In addition, cohesive coordination from all stakeholders is required to guarantee the sustainability of the new potential tourist attraction