11 research outputs found

    Determinants of health-related quality of life in elderly in Tehran, Iran

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    BACKGROUND: As Iran started to experience population ageing, it is important to consider and address the elderly people's needs and concerns, which might have direct impacts on their well-being and quality of life. There have been only a few researches into different aspects of life of the elderly population in Iran including their health-related quality of life. The purpose of this study was to measure health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of elderly Iranians and to identify its some determinant factors. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional survey of a random sample of community residents of Tehran aged 65 years old and over. HRQoL was measured using the Short From Health Survey (SF-36). The study participants were interviewed at their homes. Uni-variate analysis was performed for group comparison and logistic regression analysis conducted to predict quality of life determinants. RESULTS: In all, 400 elderly Iranian were interviewed. The majority of the participants were men (56.5%) and almost half of the participants were illiterate (n = 199, 49.8%). Eighty-five percent of the elderly were living with their family or relatives and about 70% were married. Only 12% of participants evaluated their economic status as being good and most of people had moderate or poor economic status. The mean scores for the SF-36 subscales ranged from 70.0 (SD = 25.9) for physical functioning to 53.5 (SD = 29.1) for bodily pain and in general, the respondents significantly showed better condition on mental component of the SF-36 than its physical component (mean scores 63.8 versus 55.0). Performing uni-variate analysis we found that women reported significantly poorer HRQoL. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that for the physical component summary score of the SF-36, age, gender, education and economic status were significant determinants of poorer physical health-related quality of life; while for the mental component summary score only gender and economic status were significant determinants of poorer mental health-related quality of life. The analysis suggested that the elderly people's economic status was the most significant predictor of their HRQoL. CONCLUSION: The study findings, although with a small number of participants, indicate that elderly people living in Tehran, Iran suffer from relatively poor HRQoL; particularly elderly women and those with lower education. Indeed to improve quality of life among elderly Iranians much more attention should be paid to all aspects of their life including their health, and economic status

    Gonadal development in the freshwater crab Sylviocarcinus pictus (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) (Brachyura: Trichodactylidae) from the Guamá river, state of Pará, Brazil

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    The development stages of male and female gonads in the freshwater crab Sylviocarcinus pictus (H. Milne Eduards, 1853) were described through macroscopic and microscopic (histology) examinations. The histological description was based on 40 specimens (20 each sex). Four gonadal development stages were found for females: immature, ripening, mature and spawned. The following female cells were found: ovogonia, oocytes in initial vitellogenesis, oocytes in advanced vitellogenesis, follicular cells and post-ovulatory follicles. Three development stages were found for males: immature, maturing and mature, with the indication of: spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids, spermatozoids and spermatophores. These data suggest the pattern described in the literature. Size at sexual maturity was 32.3 mm of carapace width for males and 31.5 mm for females. The gonadal stages observed macroscopically by volume and color were validated through histological analysis and proved to be useful method for the rapid identification of sexual maturity in the species. The present study offers previously unpublished data on the reproductive biology of Sylviocarcinus pictus.<br>Os estádios de desenvolvimento das gônadas de machos e fêmeas de caranguejos Sylviocarcinus pictus (H. Milne Eduards, 1853) foram descritos por meio de observações macroscópicas e microscópicas (técnica histológica). A descrição histológica foi baseada em 40 espécimes (20 de cada sexo). Foram identificados quatro estádios de desenvolvimento para as fêmeas: imaturo, em maturação, maturo e em reabsorção. As seguintes células foram encontradas: ovogônias, ovócitos em vitelogênese inicial, ovócitos em vitelogênese avançada, células foliculares e folículos pós-ovulatórios. Três estádios de desenvolvimento foram encontrados para os machos: imaturo, em maturação e maturo, com indicação de: espermatogônias, espermatócitos, espermátides, espermatozóides e espermatóforos. Tais dados sugerem o padrão descrito na literatura. O tamanho da maturidade sexual foi de 32,3 mm de largura da carapaça para machos e 31,5 mm para fêmeas. Os estádios gonadais observados macroscopicamente por meio do volume e da coloração das gônadas foram validados pela análise histológica, sendo um critério útil e ágil para a identificação da maturidade sexual para a espécie. O presente estudo oferece informações inéditas sobre a biologia reprodutiva de Sylviocarcinus pictus