50 research outputs found

    Esponjas de los lechos de rodolitos del área marina protegida de la isla de Ustica (sur del mar Tirreno), con un inventario completo de la espongofauna de la isla

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    The sponge fauna colonizing rhodolith beds from Ustica Island marine protected area was studied. Moreover, an inventory of the sponge species present along the island’s coasts was carried out for the first time. Analysis of rhodoliths trapped in nets used by local fishermen at two sites and data obtained from underwater video images were used to identify 25 sponge taxa, 22 of them at species level. The classes Demospongiae and Homoscleromorpha were present with 24 and 1 species, respectively. Most of the specimens were small-sized and represented by thick crusts or short erect branches. Few specimens were insinuating or excavating. Furthermore, qualitative sampling was performed on Ustica’s coralligenous formations, photophilous hard substrates and in marine caves, and the results obtained were added to the literature data. The overall checklist of sponges from Ustica encompassed 97 taxa, 90 named at species level, subdivided into 6 taxa of Calcarea, 3 of Homoscleromorpha and 88 of Demospongiae. Eleven of the species were endemic to the Mediterranean Sea, mainly concentrated on rhodoliths and in marine caves. This research adds a fundamental element to the knowledge of invertebrates associated with rhodoliths, and updates the checklist of sponges colonizing Ustica’s waters, facilitating its future monitoring.En este trabajo se estudió la fauna de poríferos que coloniza los fondos de rodolitos del área marina protegida de la isla de Ustica. Además, se creó por primera vez un catálogo de las especies de esponjas que se encuentran en el litoral de la isla. El análisis de los rodolitos enredados en las redes de pescadores locales en dos sitios y de los datos obtenidos de las imágenes de video submarino permitieron reconocer 25 taxones de poríferos, 22 de los cuales se identificaron a nivel de espe­cies. Las clases Demospongiae y Homoscleromorpha estuvieron presentes con 24 y 1 especies respectivamente. La mayoría de los especímenes eran de tamaño pequeño y representados por costras gruesas o ramas cortas y erectas. Pocos especímenes eran esponjas insinuantes o excavadoras. Además, se llevaron a cabo muestreos cualitativos en formaciones de coralígeno, en sustratos duros fotofilos y en cuevas marinas de la isla de Ustica, y se añadieron los resultados obtenidos a los datos de la literatura. El inventario total de las esponjas de Ustica incluye 97 taxones, 90 nombrados a nivel de especies, divididos en: 6 taxones de Calcarea, 3 de Homoscleromorpha, 88 de Demospongiae. Once de las especies son endémicas del mar Mediter­ráneo, concentradas principalmente en fondos de rodolitos y dentro de cuevas marinas. Esta investigación añade un aspecto fundamental al conocimiento de la distribución de los poríferos, en particular los asociados con los rodolitos, y actualiza la lista de esponjas que colonizan los fondos de Ustica, proporcionando herramientas para su monitoreo futuro

    Analytical investigations on lindane bioremediation capability of the demosponge Hymeniacidon perlevis

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    Lindane is an organochlorine pesticide that has been widely used to treat agricultural pests. It is of particular concern because of its toxicity, persistence and tendency to bioaccumulate in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In this context, we investigated the ability of the demosponge Hymeniacidon perlevis to bioremediate lindane polluted seawater during in vitro experimentation. Lindane was extracted by solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME) and determined by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Furthermore, we assessed the role exerted in lindane degradation by bacteria isolated from the sponge. Sponges showed low mortality in experimental conditions (lindane concentration 1 μg/L) and were able to remove about 50% of the lindane content from seawater in 48 h. Bacteria isolated from sponges showed a remarkable remediating capacity (up to 97% of lindane removed after 8-days). A lindane metabolite was identified, 1,3,4,5,6-pentachloro-cyclohexene. The results obtained are a prelude to the development of future strategies for the in situ bioremediation of this pollutan

    Inhibitory Effect of Aqueous Extracts from Marine Sponges on the Activity and Expression of Gelatinases A (MMP-2) and B (MMP-9) in Rat Astrocyte Cultures

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate whether water soluble compounds present in aqueous extracts from seven Mediterranean demosponges exert biological activity towards matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which represent important pathogenic factors of human dis- eases. Aqueous extracts were tested on LPS-activated cultured rat astrocytes, and levels and expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were assessed by zymography and RT-PCR, re- spectively. Our results demonstrated that the studied extracts contain water soluble com- pounds able to inhibit MMP-2 and MMP-9 activity and expression. We also compared the anti-MMP activities present in aqueous extracts from wild and reared specimens of Tethya aurantium and T. citrina. The results obtained revealed that the reared sponges maintain the production of bioactive compounds with inhibitory effect on MMP-2 and MMP-9 for all the duration of the rearing period. Taken together, our results indicate that the aqueous ex- tracts from the selected Mediterranean demosponges possess a variety of water-soluble bioactive compounds, which are able to inhibit MMPs at different levels. The presence of bi- ological activity in aqueous extracts from reared specimens of T. aurantium and T. citrina strongly encourage sponge aquaculture as a valid option to supply sponge biomass for drug development on a large scale

    Rearing performance of Spongia officinalis on suspended

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    Abstract The availability of bath sponges has been recently reduced due to the depletion of natural banks due to the high fishing pressure together with some local epidemic events. At present, the commercial supply is far below the demand. The main purpose of this work was to estimate the rearing performance of Spongia officinalis var. adriatica, one of the most common Mediterranean commercial sponges, testing two different variants of culture on suspended ropes: a horizontal system placed close to the seabed, and a vertical system extended along the water column. The trials were carried out in Southern Italy (Ionian coast of Apulia, Central Mediterranean) from April 1997 to April 2000. Wild specimens of sponge were cut into pieces of different weight to test possible differences in growth and survival. During the study period, both systems resisted deterioration due to water movement and other ecological factors. In general, the growth performance (average weight, specific growth rate) did not significantly vary between the cultivation systems, nor were statistical differences in growth detected between the cuttings of different initial size. The mean growth observed was rather variable among sponge cuttings, even considering the same rearing condition and size range. The measured variations of hydrological parameters did not seem to affect survival, growth performance, or reproductive activity, which was detected almost all year round. Larger explants (about 50 g in wet weight) reached the commercial size after three years of rearing, thus identifying this initial size as the most suitable for cultivation purposes. At the end of the study period, the survival rate was 75%, with a more apparent decrease during the first year of rearing.

    Sponge ecology

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    Porifera è il nome scientifico con cui vengono classificati gli organismi marini animali comunemente chiamati 'spugne'.Presenti in tutte le zone del mondo dai Tropici al Polo, anche in acque dolci, le spugne hanno rivelato notevoli capacità in vari settori di applicazione, particolarmente in campo biomedico e cosmetico dove la richiesta supera la domanda. Attualmente, la situazione delle spugne in ambiente naturale è fortemente compromessa sia per l'eccessivo sfruttamento delle risorse sia per l'inquinamento delle acque.Proprio in questo campo e in combinazione con microrganismi selezionati, hanno rivelato proprietà non comuni nel risanamento delle acque, specialmente da agenti chimici. In questo libro, completamente in inglese, le ultime scoperte in campo scientifico e un quadro completo della tassonomia e delle condizioni ecologiche delle singole specie