505 research outputs found

    The Fate of a Five-Dimensional Rotating Black Hole via Hawking Radiation

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    We study the evolution of a five-dimensional rotating black hole emitting scalar field radiation via the Hawking process for arbitrary initial values of the two rotation parameters aa and bb. It is found that any such black hole whose initial rotation parameters are both nonzero evolves toward an asymptotic state a/M1/2=b/M1/2=const(0)a/M^{1/2}=b/M^{1/2}={\rm const}(\neq 0), where this constant is independent of the initial values of aa and bb.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Variation of dimethylsulfide mixing ratio over the Southern Ocean from 36°S to 70°S

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    AbstractAtmospheric dimethylsulfide (DMS) was measured to investigate the variation in its concentration over sea ice free oceans and sea ice regions of the Southern Ocean, using a proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometer (PTR-MS) on board the icebreaker Shirase from 1 December 2009 to 16 March 2010. In general, DMS concentrations over sea ice regions were very low compared with those over the sea ice free ocean. However, abrupt increases in DMS concentrations occurred over sea ice regions while the ship was moving and crushing the sea ice. Undoubtedly, the elevated DMS concentrations were caused by large DMS emissions from gaps in the ice made by the ship. During the period when Shirase had anchored off Syowa Station (69°00.4′S, 39°35.3′E), Antarctica, DMS concentrations were not detected. At this time, the surrounding sea of East Ongul island, on which Syowa Station is located, was completely covered with multi-year fast ice. Sea ice probably inhibits DMS emission from the ocean to the atmosphere. In addition, there was no evidence that chlorophyll a concentration in the sea water or wind speed above the sea surface affect atmospheric DMS concentrations over the sea ice free ocean regions

    How to distinguish the Haldane/Large-D state and the intermediate-D state in an S=2 quantum spin chain with the XXZ and on-site anisotropies

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    We numerically investigate the ground-state phase diagram of an S=2 quantum spin chain with the XXZXXZ and on-site anisotropies described by H=j(SjxSj+1x+SjySj+1y+ΔSjzSj+1z)+Dj(Sjz)2{\mathcal H}=\sum_j (S_j^x S_{j+1}^x+S_j^y S_{j+1}^y+\Delta S_j^z S_{j+1}^z) + D \sum_j (S_j^z)^2, where Δ\Delta denotes the XXZ anisotropy parameter of the nearest-neighbor interactions and DD the on-site anisotropy parameter. We restrict ourselves to the Δ>0\Delta>0 and D>0D>0 case for simplicity. Our main purpose is to obtain the definite conclusion whether there exists or not the intermediate-DD (ID) phase, which was proposed by Oshikawa in 1992 and has been believed to be absent since the DMRG studies in the latter half of 1990's. In the phase diagram with Δ>0\Delta>0 and D>0D>0 there appear the XY state, the Haldane state, the ID state, the large-DD (LD) state and the N\'eel state. In the analysis of the numerical data it is important to distinguish three gapped states; the Haldane state, the ID state and the LD state. We give a physical and intuitive explanation for our level spectroscopy method how to distinguish these three phases.Comment: Proceedings of "International Conference on Frustration in Condensed Matter (ICFCM)" (Jan. 11-14, 2011, Sendai, Japan

    Analyses of Histocompability and Isozyme Variations in Triploid Fish, Carassius auratus langsdorfii

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    Clonal diversity of triploid gynogenetic fish, Carassius auratus langsdorfii, was examined by tissue grafts and electrophoreses of several enzymes and muscle protein. The hypervariabilities of histocompatibility clones and electromorph clones were observed in wild-caught specimens. The ratio of DNA value of each specimen to control diploid fish varied from 1.38 to 2.01. Unidirectional histocompatibility and protein variations in histocompatibility clones were the characteristics of this gynogenetic fish. These facts seem to indicate the divergence of a clone. Tissue-incompatibility was observed betweeen F脀 progeny of triploid ginbuna × Shubunkin. Some of offspring expressed the male-dependent transparent-scaled character. This indicates the fact that fusions of female and male pronuclei must have occured. In the other strain, random reductions of DNA values were observed. The divergence of a clone must have been caused by the gene addition or loss.Article信州大学理学部紀要 19(1): 9-25(1984)departmental bulletin pape

    Generating arbitrary polarization states by manipulating the thicknesses of a pair of uniaxial birefringent plates

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    We report an optical method of generating arbitrary polarization states by manipulating the thicknesses of a pair of uniaxial birefringent plates, the optical axes of which are set at a crossing angle of {\pi}/4. The method has the remarkable feature of being able to generate a distribution of arbitrary polarization states in a group of highly discrete spectra without spatially separating the individual spectral components. The target polarization-state distribution is obtained as an optimal solution through an exploration. Within a realistic exploration range, a sufficient number of near-optimal solutions are found. This property is also reproduced well by a concise model based on a distribution of exploration points on a Poincar\'e sphere, showing that the number of near-optimal solutions behaves according to a power law with respect to the number of spectral components of concern. As a typical example of an application, by applying this method to a set of phase-locked highly discrete spectra, we numerically demonstrate the continuous generation of a vector-like optical electric field waveform, the helicity of which is alternated within a single optical cycle in the time domain.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure