5 research outputs found

    Kaedah megawatt mile menggunakan pendekatan berasaskan faktor kuasa untuk caj perkhidmatan penghantaran

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    Deregulation of the electricity energy market has changed many aspects of utility industry, including transmission pricing. The main problem in transmission pricing is the determination of transmission cost according to actual power flow and the load power factor. In fact, poor power factor will cause a decrease in electrical power delivery capability. Therefore, it needs an accurate method to determine the transmission cost according to the actual power flow ang load characteristic that can satisfy costumer of transmission line. This thesis proposes a novel method through an improved Megawatt Mile (MW-Mile) method using the power factor-based approach for pricing the transmission services. In the proposed method, the power factor correction coefficient is introduced as a price parameter to determine the additional or reduction of transmission cost due to the difference between the average load power factor and the reference power factor set by a regulator. This method is incorporated with the distribution factor method to trace the power flow in the network. The proposed method as tested on the IEEE-14 bus system and the IEEE 30-bus system to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in allocating the transmission pricing to a user in a fair manner. The results have indicated that there were differences in the cost of transmission utilization which in reality, depends on the power factor of the load. For power factor reference is 0.9, the user with an average power factor of 0.85 will be charged at 5.88% higher, while the user with power factor of 0.95, the payment will be decrease by 5.2% as compared to the existing methods. The advantage of the proposed method lies in the incentive given to the users due to power factor improvement. This method is also able to solve the problem of the reactive power charges and the transmission loss share for the users


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    Dalam penelitian ini, sistim yang dikembangkan berbasis Teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) yang dibangun terdiri atas: perangkat embedded system yang berfungsi untuk melakukan pengukuran dan pengiriman data, perangkat lunak Web Service yang berfungsi untuk menerima data dari sensor system dan perangkat lunak berbasis Arduino menggunakan flatform aplikasi Blynk Cloud  dalam penyajian data dan pengelolaan data untuk melalui perangkat display perangkat android. Sistim ini dibangun untuk memberikan fungsi peringatan dini terhadap anomali parameter trafo seperti overload, overvoltage dan unbalance load. Berdasarkan pengujian, waktu yang di butuhkan untuk mengirim dan menerima notifikasi di smartphone user melalui aplikasi blynk berkisar pada 3-4 detik. Dengan menetapkan batas tolerasi tertentu sebagai batas ambang ketidakseimbangan, maka pada saat beban sangat tidak seimbang dimana arus netral hampr sama atau lebih besar dari arus phasa maka pada lampu indiator lokal akan menyala dan pada sistim android akan memberikan indikator unbalance load


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    The contribution of the thermal power plant for CO2 emissions was a crucial problem of global warming all over theworld. Therefore, the emission reduction commitments continued to effort through treatments and technology to improvethe efficiency of power plant including the diesel power plant. This paper proposes the power factor improvement toreduce the emission of the diesel power plant output. This Proposal has shown a relationship between the power factorimprovement and the reduction of CO2 emissions from a diesel engine. From the results obtained by using the IEEE 30-bus test system (modified) proved that there was a emissions reduction significantly especially on the rate of the powerfactor with power factor > 0.97 (lagging)


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    Issu utama dalam tarif daya listrik adalah penentuan pemanfaatan saluran transmisi yang sesuai dengan aliran daya yang sebenranya. Formulasi metode yang tepat dalam menentukan tarif listrik berdasarkan aliran daya yang sesuai dengan karakteristik beban sangat diperlukan. Salah satu metode yang banyak digunakan dalam biaya transmisi adalah metode MW-Mile. Namun, metode ini belum pernah diterapkan dalam penentuan tarif listrik serta metode ini pula belum mencerminkan karakteristik sesungguhya dari pelanggan (industri atau bisnis).   Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini akan diusulkan sebuah formulasi tarif listrik dengan memodifikasi metode MW-Mile dengan mempertimbangkan karaktersitik sesungguhnya pelanggan listrik terutama pelanggan industri dan bisnis.Kata kunci : Deregulasi sistim tenaga,  kualitas daya, saluran transmis

    Harmonic distortion contribution for the transmission loss allocation in deregulated energy market: a new scheme for industry consumer

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    The industry has rapidly growth and energy supply technology advanced are become main factor which to contribute of the harmonic losses. This problem is one aspect that may affect the capability of the transmission line and also to the efficiency of electricity. This paper proposes a new scheme to allocate the cost pertaining to transmission loss due to harmonics. The proposed method, called as Generalized Harmonic Distribution Factor, uses the principle of proportional sharing method to allocate the losses among the transmission users especially for industry consumers. The IEEE 14- and 30 bus test system is used to compare the proposed method with existing method. The results showed that the proposed method provided a scheme better in allocating the cost of transmission loss, which could encourage the users to minimize the losses