23 research outputs found

    End-to-end numerical simulator of the Shadow Position Sensor (SPS) metrology subsystem of the PROBA-3 ESA mission

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    PROBA-3 - PRoject for OnBoard Autonomy is an ESA mission to be launched in 2022 where a spacecraſt is used as an external occulter (OSC-Occulter Spacecraſt), to create an artificial solar eclipse as observed by a second spacecraſt, the coronagraph (CSC-Coronagraph Spacecraſt). The two spacecraſts (SCs) will orbit around the Earth, with an highly elliptic orbit (HEO), with the perigee at 600 Km, the apogee at about 60530 Km and an eccentricity of 0.81. The orbital period is of 19.7 hours and the precise formation flight (within 1 mm) will be maintainedforabout6hours overthe apogee, in ordertoguarantee the observation ofthe solarcoronawith the required spatial resolution. The relative alignment ofthe two spacecraſts is obtained bycombining information from several subsystems. One ofthe most accurate subsystem (with accuracy >0.5 mm) is the Shadow Position Sensors (SPS), composed by eight photomultipliers installed around the entrance pupil of the CSC. The SPS will monitor the penumbra generated by the occulter spacecraſt, whose intensity will change according to the relative position ofthe two satellites. A dedicated algorithm has been developed to retrieve the displacementof the spacecraſts fromthe measurements ofthe SPS. Several tests are requiredin ordertoevaluate the robustness of the algorithm and its performances/results for different possible configurations. A soſtware simulator has been developed for this purpose. The simulator includes the possibility to generate synthetic 2-D penumbra profile maps or analyze measured profiles and run different versions ofthe retrieving algorithms, including the “on-board” version. In order to import the “as built” algorithms, the soſtware is coded using Matlab

    Metrology on-board PROBA-3: The Shadow Position Sensor (SPS) subsystem

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    PROBA-3 is an ESA Mission whose aim is to demonstrate the in-orbit Formation Flying and attitude control capabilities of its two satellites by means of closed-loop, on-board metrology. The two small spacecraft will form a giant externally occulted coronagraph that will observe in visible polarized light the inner part of the solar corona. The SPS subsystem is composed of eight sensors that will measure, with the required sensitivity and dynamic range, the penumbra light intensity around the coronagraph instrument entrance pupil

    Metrology on-board PROBA-3: The shadow position sensors subsystem

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    PROBA-3 is an ESA mission aimed at the demonstration of formation flying performance of two satellites that will form a giant coronagraph in space. The first spacecraft will host a telescope imaging the solar corona in visible light, while the second, the external occulter, will produce an artificial eclipse. This instrument is named ASPIICS (Association of Spacecraft for Polarimetric and Imaging Investigation of the Corona of the Sun). To accomplish the payload's scientific tasks, PROBA-3 will ensure sub-millimeter reciprocal positioning of its two satellites using closed-loop on-board metrology. Several metrology systems will be used and the Shadow Position Sensor (SPS) subsystem senses the penumbra around the instrument aperture and returns the 3-D displacement of the coronagraph satellite, with respect to its nominal position, by running a dedicated algorithm. In this paper, we describe how the SPS works and the choices made to accomplish the mission objectives

    The detector control unit of the fine guidance sensor instrument on-board the ARIEL mission: design status

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    ARIEL is an ESA mission whose scientific goal is to investigate exoplanetary atmospheres. The payload is composed by two instruments: AIRS (ARIEL IR Spectrometer) and FGS (Fine Guidance System). The FGS detection chain is composed by two HgCdTe detectors and by the cold Front End Electronics (SIDECAR), kept at cryogenic temperatures, interfacing with the F-DCU (FGS Detector Control Unit) boards that we will describe thoroughly in this paper. The F-DCU are situated in the warm side of the payload in a box called FCU (FGS Control Unit) and contribute to the FGS VIS/NIR imaging and NIR spectroscopy. The F-DCU performs several tasks: drives the detectors, processes science data and housekeeping telemetries, manages the commands exchange between the FGS/DPU (Data Processing Unit) and the SIDECARs and provides high quality voltages to the detectors. This paper reports the F-DCU status, describing its architecture, the operation and the activities, past and future necessary for its development

    The Instrument Control Unit of ARIEL

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    The italian team has been working on the overall design of the Instrument Control Unit (ICU) for the satellite mission ARIEL (to be launched in 2028), and in particular the design of the Power Supply Unit (PSU) and Command and Data Processing Unit (CDPU)

    The instrument control unit of the ARIEL payload: design evolution following the unit and payload subsystems SRR (system requirements review)

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    ARIEL (Atmospheric Remote-sensing InfraRed Large-survey) is a medium-class mission of the European Space Agency, part of the Cosmic Vision program, whose launch is foreseen by early 2029. ARIEL aims to study the composition of exoplanet atmospheres, their formation and evolution. The ARIEL’s target will be a sample of about 1000 planets observed with one or more of the following methods: transit, eclipse and phase-curve spectroscopy, at both visible and infrared wavelengths simultaneously. The scientific payload is composed by a reflective telescope having a 1m-class elliptical primary mirror, built in solid Aluminium, and two focal-plane instruments: FGS and AIRS. FGS (Fine Guidance System)1 has the double purpose, as suggested by its name, of performing photometry (0.50-0.55 µm) and low resolution spectrometry over three bands (from 0.8 to 1.95 µm) and, simultaneously, to provide data to the spacecraft AOCS (Attitude and Orbit Control System) with a cadence of 10 Hz and contributing to reach a 0.02 arcsec pointing accuracy for bright targets. AIRS (ARIEL InfraRed Spectrometer) instrument will perform IR spectrometry in two wavelength ranges: between 1.95 and 3.9 µm (with a spectral resolution R > 100) and between 3.9 and 7.8 µm with a spectral resolution R > 30. This paper provides the status of the ICU (Instrument Control Unit), an electronic box whose purpose is to command and supply power to AIRS (as well as acquire science data from its two channels) and to command and control the TCU (Telescope Control Unit)

    Preliminary surface charging analysis of Ariel payload dielectrics in early transfer orbit and L2-relevant space environment

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    Ariel [1] is the M4 mission of the ESA’s Cosmic Vision Program 2015-2025, whose aim is to characterize by lowresolution transit spectroscopy the atmospheres of over one thousand warm and hot exoplanets orbiting nearby stars. The operational orbit of the spacecraft is baselined as a large amplitude halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L2 Lagrangian point, as it offers the possibility of long uninterrupted observations in a fairly stable radiative and thermo-mechanical environment. A direct escape injection with a single passage through the Earth radiation belts and no eclipses is foreseen. The space environment around Earth and L2 presents significant design challenges to all spacecraft, including the effects of interactions with Sun radiation and charged particles owning to the surrounding plasma environment, potentially leading to dielectrics charging and unwanted electrostatic discharge (ESD) phenomena endangering the Payload operations and its data integrity. Here, we present some preliminary simulations and analyses about the Ariel Payload dielectrics and semiconductors charging along the transfer orbit from launch to L2 include

    The Ariel Instrument Control Unit: its role within the Payload and B1 Phase design

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    Ariel, the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey mission (Tinetti 2019; Puig et al. 2018; Pascale et al. 2018), has been selected in March 2018 by ESA for the fourth medium-class mission (M4) launch opportunity of the Cosmic Vision Program, with an expected lift off in late 2028. It is the first mission dedicated to measuring the chemical composition and thermal structures of the atmospheres of hundreds of transiting exoplanets, enabling planetary science far beyond the boundaries of our own Solar System. Its Payload (P/L) (Eccleston and Tinetti 2018; Eccleston et al. 2017; Middleton et al. 2019), has been designed to perform transit spectroscopy from space during primary and secondary planetary eclipses in order to achieve a large unbiased survey concerning the nature of exoplanets atmospheres and their interiors, to determine the key factors affecting the formation and evolution of planetary systems (Tinetti et al. 2017, 2018). Ariel will observe hundreds of warm and hot transiting gas giants, Neptunes and super-Earths around a wide range of host star types, targeting planets hotter than ∼ 600 K to take advantage of their well-mixed atmospheres. It will exploit primary and secondary transit spectroscopy in the 1.10 to 7.80 μm spectral range and broad-band photometry in the optical (0.50 - 0.80 μm) and Near IR (0.80 - 1.10 μm). One of the two instruments of the Ariel Payload is the Fine Guidance System (FGS), including three photometric channels (two used for guiding as well as science) between 0.5-1.1 μm plus a low resolution NIR spectrometer for 1.1-1.95 μm range. Along with FGS an IR Spectrometer (AIRS) (Amiaux et al. 2017) is foreseen, providing low-resolution spectroscopy in two IR channels: Channel 0 (CH0) for the 1.95 − 3.90 μm band and Channel 1 (CH1) for the 3.90 − 7.80 μm range. Finally, an Active Cooler System (ACS) including a Ne Joule-Thomson cooler is adopted to provide active cooling capability to the AIRS detectors working at cryogenic temperatures. AIRS is located at the intermediate focal plane of the telescope and common optical system and it hosts two HgCdTe-based hybrid IR detectors and two cold front-end electronics (CFEE) for detectors control and readout. Each CFEE is driven by a Detector Control Unit (DCU) part of AIRS but hosted within and managed by the Instrument Control Unit (ICU) of the Payload (Focardi et al. 2018). ICU is a warm unit residing into the S/C Service Module (SVM) and it is based on a cold redundant configuration involving the Power Supply Unit (PSU) and the Commanding and Data Processing Unit (CDPU) boards; both DCUs are instead cross-strapped and can be managed by the nominal or the redundant (PSU+CDPU) chain. ICU is in charge of AIRS management, collecting scientific and housekeeping (HK) telemetries from the spectrometer and HK from the telescope (temperatures readings), the P/L Optical Bench (OB) and other Subsystems (SS), thanks to a warm slave unit (TCU, Telescope Control Unit) interfaced to the ICU. Science and HK telemetries are then forwarded to the S/C, for temporary storage, before sending them to Ground. Here we describe the status of the ICU design at the end of B1 Phase, prior to the Mission Adoption Review (MAR) by ESA, with some still open architectural choices to be addressed and finalised once selected the ICU industrial Prime contractor