10 research outputs found

    Quality Of Soy Bean Seeds Under Tillage With Differe Nt Amounts Of Waste Of Black Oats, Common Vetch And For Age Turnip

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    Adjusting the cover crop to the agricultural system is essential to reach success during a crop introduction, since this management can influence development, productivity and produced seeds quality. For the soybean cultivar CD 202, traditional, half, and double amounts of crop waste produced by black oats, and a consortium of black oat, common vetch and forage turnip, were evaluated. Tests comprised emergence (emergency speed index (ESI) and emergence rate (ER)), development, field productivity and quality of seeds (germination percentage, accelerated aging, purity, 100-seed weight, and water content). The experimental design was of split plots and the mean values were compared through the Scott-Knott test at a 5% significance level, totaling seven treatments with five replications each. No differences were found in germination percentage, water content, and final height of plants. Some treatments differed in germination and waste use increased ESI; ER was superior for black oats and the best productivity was found under double amount of straw, on both cover crops. The seed strength decreased the under consortium, as shown by accelerated aging under the consortium. The purity of seeds was lower for black oats, decreasing with the least amount of crop waste. The 100-seed weight was lower with the double amount in oats; however, under the consortium the use of cover crop increased their weight. Thus, these species can be a good alternatives for soybean rotation on winter.384292297Bortolini, M.F., Fortes, M.T., Efeitos alelopáticos sobre a germinação de sementes de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill) (2005) Semina: Ciênc. Agr., 26, pp. 5-10(2009) Indicadores da Agropecuária. Ano XVIII, No 1. Compan Hia Nacional de Abastecimento, 64p. , CONAB, Brasília, Brazil(2009) Soja CD 202. Cooperativa Central de Pesquisa Agrícola, , www.coodetec.com.br/php/detalhes_cultivar.php?id=20, CIDADE?, Brazil, (Cons. 02/25/2009)Correia, N.M., Centurion, M.A.P.C., Alves, P.L.C.A., Inf luência de extratos aquosos de sorgo sobre a germinação e o desenvolvimento de plântulas de soja (2005) Ciênc. Rural, 35, pp. 498-503Edmond, J.B., Drapalla, W.J., The effects of temperature, sana and soil, and acetone on ger mination oj ok ra seed (1958) Proc. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., 71, pp. 428-443(2000) A Cultura da Soja No Brasil, , EMBRAPA SOJA, Londrina, Brazil. CD-ROM(2005) Tecnologia da Produção da Soja. Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária, 208p. , EMBRAPA SOJA, Londrina, Brazil(2008) Tecnologia de Produção de Soja. Região Central Do Brasil, 280p. , EMBRAPA SOJA, Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária. Embrapa Cerrados: Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste. Londrina, BrazilFerreira, D.F., (1999) Sisvar: Sistema de Análise de Variância Para Dados Balanceados, , DEX / UFLA: Lavras, Brazil(2009) Prognóstico da Produção Agrícola Nacional, , www.ibge.gov.br/home/estatistica/indicadores/agropecuaria/lspa/ lspa_200812-11.shtm, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, (Cons. 01/16/2009)Kubo, C.T., Produtividade de soja em plantio direto em sucessão ao trigo, aveia branca, aveia preta com e sem adubação nit rogenada (2007) Acta Sci. Agron., 29, pp. 235-240Lopes, R.A.P., Pin Heiro Neto, R., Braccini, A.L., Souza, E.G., Efeito de diferentes coberturas vegetais e sistemas de preparo do solo na produção da cultura da soja (2007) Acta Sci. Agron., 29, pp. 507-515Maguire, J.D., Seeds of germination- aid selection and evaluation seedling emergence and vigor (1962) Crop Sci., 2, pp. 176-177Marcos Filho, J., Teste de envelhecimento acelerado. Cap. 3. (1999) Seed Vigor: Concepts and Tests, pp. 1-24. , Krzyzanowski EFC, Vieira RD, Neto JBF (Eds.), Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes. Londrina, Brazil. 218 ppMarcos Filho, J., Cicero, S.M., Silva, W.R., (1987) Avaliação da Qualidade de Sementes, 230p. , FEALQ. Piracicaba, BrazilMartins, G.I., (2006) Potencial Alelopático de Plantas de Cobertura Na Germinação de Sementes e Crescimento de Plântulas de Soja. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, 42p. , Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná. Brazil(2009) Regras Para Análise de Sementes. 388 Mapa/ACS, 399p. , MAPA, Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Brasília, BrazilNedel, J.L., Fundamentos da qualidade de sementes (2003) Sementes: Fundamentos Científicos e Tecnológicos, pp. 95-138. , Peske ST, Rosenthal MD, Rota GR (Eds.), Universidade Federal de Pelotas. BrazilNóbrega, L.H.P., Germinação de sementes e crescimento de plântulas de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill) sob cobertura vegetal (2009) Acta Sci. Agron., 31, pp. 461-465Nunes, U.R., Qualidade fisiológica de sementes de feijão em plantio direto sobre diferentes coberturas de plantas em Diamantina MG (2007) Ciênc. Agrotécn., 31, pp. 1737-1743Piccolo, G., (2008) Manejo de Coberturas Vegetais Na Cultura da Soja, 63p. , Thesis. Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Unioeste. BrazilRice, E.L., (1974) Allelopathy, 333p. , Academic Press. New York, USA(2008) Área e Produção: Principais Culturas Do Paraná, , www.seab.pr.gov.br/, SEAB, Secretaria da Agricultura e do Abastecimento do Paraná. (Cons. 12/22/2008)Souza, C.M., Pires, F.R., (2002) Adubação Verde e Rotação de Culturas, 72p. , Universidade Federal de Viçosa. BrasilSouza Filho, A.P., Alves, S.M., Mecanismos de ação dos agentes alelopáticos (2002) Alelopatia. Princípios Básicos e Aspectos Gerais. Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, pp. 132-154. , Souza Filho AP, Alves SM (Eds.), Belém, BrasilTokura, L.K., Nóbrega, L.H.P., Alelopatia de cultivos de cobertura vegetal sobre plantas infestantes (2006) Acta Sci. Agron., 28, pp. 379-38

    Vegetative propagation of insulin (Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E. Jarvis) by cutting

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    Propagation techniques may support handling, this way providing an alternative for producers of medicinal plants, thus avoiding indiscriminate collection. We aimed to evaluate the size of cuttings with and without leaves on the seedling production of insulin (Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E. Jarvis). The herbaceous apical cuttings were prepared with diagonal cut at the bottom and straight cut at the apex, with 5, 10 or 15 cm in length, kept with two whole leaves, two leaves cut in half or without leaves, being sterilized with sodium hypochlorite at 0.5% for 15 minutes. The cuttings were planted in plastic containers with 180 mL capacity with vermiculite as substrate and placed in greenhouse at the temperature of 22 ± 2° C. The experimental design was completely randomized and means were compared by Tukey's test at 5% probability. After 60 days, we found that the cutting of 5 cm with whole leaves and with leaves cut in half and the cutting of 10 cm with whole leaves had rates above 70% of rooting with the best means for number and length of roots. There was a high mortality rate for cuttings made without leaves. The callus and the percentage of live cuttings were not significant for the treatments. Therefore, 5 cm long cuttings with whole or half leaves and 10 cm long cuttings with whole leaves are the most suitable for the vegetative propagation of insulin

    Allelopathy of Bidens sulphurea L. aqueous extracts on lettuce development

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    ABSTRACT Allelochemical compounds are present in tissues of different plants` parts and also in other organisms, being released into the environment and thus affecting plants development. There is evidence that secondary metabolites produced by weeds may exhibit several allelopathic effects. This study aimed to evaluate allelopathic activity based on the interaction of aqueous extracts preparations and their concentrations obtained from Bidens sulphurea (Cav.) Sch. Bip. leaves on germination and seedlings development of Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand rapids (lettuce). The extracts were obtained from fresh leaves and prepared by infusion, decoction, leaching and grinding methods, at concentrations of 0, 7.5, 15, 22.5 and 30%, with four replications with 25 lettuce seeds. Seven days after the percentages of abnormal seedlings and germination, shoot and root length (cm) were evaluated, while germination speed index (GSI) was daily determined and calculated. The experiment was completely randomized in a 4x5 factorial design, with four extract preparation methods and 5 concentrations. It was found out that the B. sulphurea aqueous extracts did not affect the germination and abnormal seedling development percentages in lettuce seeds. The aqueous extracts and their concentrations showed allelopathic effect for GSI, shoot and root length variables, despite their methods of preparation. This effect is not only inhibitory, but in some cases it was also stimulatory

    Action Of Dwarf Mucuna, Pigeon Pea And Stylos Anthes On Weed Under Field And Labor Atory Conditions

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    The quality and allelopathy properties of dwarf mucuna, dwarf pigeon pea and stylosanthes as cover crops on corn and weed species were evaluated. Seeds were sown in October 2007, with a control treatment, in 20 plots of 4×5m, with five replicates. Weed population was determined 30 and 60 days after sowing. At 90 days, plants were mowed and the residues left to remain on the plot. Fresh and dry mass of the cover crops were determined and the allelopathic potential of aqueous extract of their aerial part was tested. The extract was chemically characterized and applied on seeds of weeds and corn. The experimental design was completely randomized and averages compared by the Scott-Knott test at 5% significance. The cover crops showed to be effective in the control of weeds. The highest values in fresh and dry mass were obtained for dwarf pigeon pea, followed by dwarf mucuna; fresh mass increased 72 and 34%, respectively, compared to the control. The extract with dwarf mucuna affected arrowleaf sida germination. The use of green manure in the summer or between harvests ensures that crop rotation is carried out properly and warrants its benefits.3611841847Alcântara, F.A., Furitnineto, A.E., Paula, M.B., Mesquita, H.A., Muniz, J.A., Adubação verde na recuperação de um latossolo vermelho-escuro degradado (2000) Pesq. Agropec. Bras., 35, pp. 277-288Ambrosano, E.J., Guirado, N., Antarella, H., Sseto, R., Mendes, P.C.D., Rossi, F., Ambrosano, G.M.B., Foltran, D.E., (2005) Plantas Para Cobertura Do Solo e Adubação Verde Aplicadas Ao Plantio Direto, p. 16. , Informações Agronômicas No 112. Potafos, Piracicaba, BrazilBhowmik, P.C., Inderjit, Challenges and opportunities in implementing allelopathy for natural weed management (2003) Crop Protection, 22 (4), pp. 661-671. , DOI 10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00242-9Borkert, C.M., Gaudencio, C.D.A., Pereira, J.E., Pereira, L.R., De Oliveira Junior, A., Mineral nutrients in the shoot biomass of soil cover crops (2003) Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 38 (1), pp. 143-153Braz, A.J.A., Silveira, P.M., Kliemann, H.J., Zimmermann, F.J.P., Adubação nitrogenada em cobertura na cultura do trigo em sistema de plantio direto após diferentes culturas (2006) Ciênc. Agrotecnol., 30, pp. 193-198Calegari, A., Plantas de cobertura e rotação de culturas no sistema plantio direto (2008) Milho: Nutrição e Adubação, p. 204. , Fancelli AL (Ed.). ESALQ/ USP/LPV. Piracicaba, BrazilCarmo, F.M.D.S., Borges, E.E.D.L., Takaki, M., Allelopathy of Brazilian sassafras (Ocotea odorifera (Vell.) 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Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilErasmo, E.A.L., Azevedo, W.R., Sarmento, R.A., Cunha, A.M., García, S.L.R., Potencial de espécies utilizadas como adubo verde no manejo integrado de plantas daninhas (2004) Planta Daninha, 22, pp. 337-342Espíndola, J.A.A., Guerra, J.G.M., Almeida, D.L., (1997) Adubação Verde: Estratégia Para Uma Agricultura Sustentável, p. 20. , Documentos No 42. Embrapa- -CNPAB. 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Porto Alegre, BrazilDa Gama-Rodrigues, A.C., Da Gama-Rodrigues, E.F., De Brito, E.C., Decomposition and nutrient release from cover crop residues in passion-fruit plantation (2007) Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo, 31 (6), pp. 1421-1428. , http://www.scielo.br/pdf/rbcs/v31n6/19.pdfHeinrichs, R., Vitti, G.C., Moreira, A., De Figueiredo, P.A.M., Fancelli, A.L., Corazza, E.J., Soil chemical characteristics and green manure yield ina corn intercropped system (2005) Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo, 29 (1), pp. 71-79Adolfo Lutz, I., Procedimentos e determinações gerais (2008) Métodos Físico-Químicos Para Análise de Alimentos, p. 1020. , Zenebon O, Pascuet NS, Tiglea P (Coords.). Instituto Adolfo Lutz. São Paulo, Brazil(2009) Regras Para Análise de Sementes, p. 399. , MAPA. Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. 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    Sorption Isotherms Of Albumen Dried In A Spout Fluidised Bed

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    Dehydrated products are characterized by low water activity and a low volume when compared to the original weight, for easy handling, storage and transportation. A study of the sorption isotherms provides the information necessary to fit the drying and packaging parameters. Thus, this trial aimed to collect sorption isotherm data for albumen dried in a spout fluidised bed, correlated by several classical mathematical models. Samples of albumen containing 3.1% moisture on a dry weight basis (d.b.), underwent adsorption at 5, 10, 15, 25, 40 and 70°C in environments with controlled water activity, ranging from 0.1 to 0.93, until reaching the equilibrium moisture content, and the experimental data was applied to the Sigma-Copace, Sabbah, Oswin, modified Henderson, modified Halsey, Copace and Smith models. It was concluded that the equations matched the experimental data well for the ranges of temperature and relative humidity studied. The Sigma-Copace model was the one that best represented the hygroscopicity of the product, with a magnitude of adjustment of 0.95, mean relative deviation of 22.98 and root mean square error of 2.41. The isosteric heat of sorption was evaluated by means of the Classius-Clapeyron equation. The Vivanco-Pezantes equation best described the behaviour of the net isosteric heat, which increased due to the lower water availability of the product. This equation presented a magnitude of adjustment of 0.98 and mean relative deviation of 4.53. The Vivanco-Pezantes model predicted the values for the isosteric heat of the albumen powder more accurately than the traditional models, and indicated that below 20% d.b., the water became more tightly bound, requiring larger amounts of energy to dry the egg white.102151155Alleoni, A.C.C., Albumen protein and functional properties of gelation and foaming (2006) Scientia Agricola, 63 (3), pp. 291-298Christ, D., (2006) Secagem de clara de ovo em leito de jorro fluidizado bidimensional, Thesis (Doctor), p. 186. , Faculty of Food Engineering, University of Campinas-UNICAMP: CampinasZenebon, O., Pascuet, N.S., Tiglea, P., (2008) Métodos químicos e físicos para análise de alimentos, p. 1020. , (eds)., Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São PauloChrist, D., Takeuchi, K.P., Cunha, R.L., Effect of sucrose addition and heat treatment on egg albúmen protein gelation (2005) Journal of Food Science, 70, pp. 230-238Mine, Y., Recent advances in the understanding of egg-white protein functionality (1995) Trends in Food Science & Technology, 6 (7), pp. 225-232Hart, R., Stable protein foams: A new technology with new uses (1989) Prepared Foods, 158 (6), pp. 71-72Bertuzzi, M.A., Armada, M., Gottifredi, J.C., Thermodynamic analysis of water vapour sorption of edible starch based films (2003) Food Science and Technology International, 9 (2), pp. 115-121Silva, F., Park, K.J., Magalhães, P.M., Isotermas de dessorção de Calendula officinalis L.: Determinação experimental e modelagem matemática (2007) Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, 9, pp. 21-28Correa, P.C., Martins, J.H., Christ, D., Thin layer drying rate and loss of viability modelling for rapeseed (canola) (1999) Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 74 (1), pp. 33-39Araújo, E.F., Corrêa, P.C., Silva, R.F., Comparação de modelos matemáticos para descrição das curvas de dessorção de sementes de milho-doce (2001) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 36, pp. 991-995Chenarbon, H.A., Minaei, S., Bassiri, A.R., Almassi, M., Arabhosseini, A., Moisture desorption isotherms of St (2010) John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) leaves at three temperatures. 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