35 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a combined index of optic nerve structure and function for glaucoma diagnosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The definitive diagnosis of glaucoma is currently based on congruent damage to both optic nerve structure and function. Given widespread quantitative assessment of both structure (imaging) and function (automated perimetry) in glaucoma, it should be possible to combine these quantitative data to diagnose disease. We have therefore defined and tested a new approach to glaucoma diagnosis by combining imaging and visual field data, using the anatomical organization of retinal ganglion cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data from 1499 eyes of glaucoma suspects and 895 eyes with glaucoma were identified at a single glaucoma center. Each underwent Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph (HRT) imaging and standard automated perimetry. A new measure combining these two tests, the structure function index (SFI), was defined in 3 steps: 1) calculate the probability that each visual field point is abnormal, 2) calculate the probability of abnormality for each of the six HRT optic disc sectors, and 3) combine those probabilities with the probability that a field point and disc sector are linked by ganglion cell anatomy. The SFI was compared to the HRT and visual field using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The SFI produced an area under the ROC curve (0.78) that was similar to that for both visual field mean deviation (0.78) and pattern standard deviation (0.80) and larger than that for a normalized measure of HRT rim area (0.66). The cases classified as glaucoma by the various tests were significantly non-overlapping. Based on the distribution of test values in the population with mild disease, the SFI may be better able to stratify this group while still clearly identifying those with severe disease.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The SFI reflects the traditional clinical diagnosis of glaucoma by combining optic nerve structure and function. In doing so, it identifies a different subset of patients than either visual field testing or optic nerve head imaging alone. Analysis of prospective data will allow us to determine whether the combined index of structure and function can provide an improved standard for glaucoma diagnosis.</p

    Alu Exonization Events Reveal Features Required for Precise Recognition of Exons by the Splicing Machinery

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    Despite decades of research, the question of how the mRNA splicing machinery precisely identifies short exonic islands within the vast intronic oceans remains to a large extent obscure. In this study, we analyzed Alu exonization events, aiming to understand the requirements for correct selection of exons. Comparison of exonizing Alus to their non-exonizing counterparts is informative because Alus in these two groups have retained high sequence similarity but are perceived differently by the splicing machinery. We identified and characterized numerous features used by the splicing machinery to discriminate between Alu exons and their non-exonizing counterparts. Of these, the most novel is secondary structure: Alu exons in general and their 5′ splice sites (5′ss) in particular are characterized by decreased stability of local secondary structures with respect to their non-exonizing counterparts. We detected numerous further differences between Alu exons and their non-exonizing counterparts, among others in terms of exon–intron architecture and strength of splicing signals, enhancers, and silencers. Support vector machine analysis revealed that these features allow a high level of discrimination (AUC = 0.91) between exonizing and non-exonizing Alus. Moreover, the computationally derived probabilities of exonization significantly correlated with the biological inclusion level of the Alu exons, and the model could also be extended to general datasets of constitutive and alternative exons. This indicates that the features detected and explored in this study provide the basis not only for precise exon selection but also for the fine-tuned regulation thereof, manifested in cases of alternative splicing

    Fast and accurate protein substructure searching with simulated annealing and GPUs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Searching a database of protein structures for matches to a query structure, or occurrences of a structural motif, is an important task in structural biology and bioinformatics. While there are many existing methods for structural similarity searching, faster and more accurate approaches are still required, and few current methods are capable of substructure (motif) searching.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We developed an improved heuristic for tableau-based protein structure and substructure searching using simulated annealing, that is as fast or faster and comparable in accuracy, with some widely used existing methods. Furthermore, we created a parallel implementation on a modern graphics processing unit (GPU).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The GPU implementation achieves up to 34 times speedup over the CPU implementation of tableau-based structure search with simulated annealing, making it one of the fastest available methods. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of a GPU to the protein structural search problem.</p

    Co-regulation map of the human proteome enables identification of protein functions

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Research via the DOI in this recordData availability: All mass spectrometry raw files generated in-house have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange Consortium (http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org) via the PRIDE partner repository36 with the dataset identifier PXD008888. The co-regulation map is hosted on our website at www.proteomeHD.net, and pair-wise co-regulation scores are available through STRING (https://string-db.org). A network of the top 0.5% co-regulated protein pairs can be explored interactively on NDEx (https://doi.org/10.18119/N9N30Q).Code availability: Data analysis was performed in R 3.5.1. R scripts and input files required to reproduce the results of this manuscript are available in the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/Rappsilber-Laboratory/ProteomeHD. R scripts related specifically to the benchmarking of the treeClust algorithm using synthetic data are available in the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/Rappsilber-Laboratory/treeClust-benchmarking. The R package data.table was used for fast data processing. Figures were prepared using ggplot2, gridExtra, cowplot and viridis.Note that the title of the AAM is different from the published versionThe annotation of protein function is a longstanding challenge of cell biology that suffers from the sheer magnitude of the task. Here we present ProteomeHD, which documents the response of 10,323 human proteins to 294 biological perturbations, measured by isotope-labelling mass spectrometry. We reveal functional associations between human proteins using the treeClust machine learning algorithm, which we show to improve protein co-regulation analysis due to robust selectivity for close linear relationships. Our co-regulation map identifies a functional context for many uncharacterized proteins, including microproteins that are difficult to study with traditional methods. Co-regulation also captures relationships between proteins which do not physically interact or co-localize. For example, co-regulation of the peroxisomal membrane protein PEX11β with mitochondrial respiration factors led us to discover a novel organelle interface between peroxisomes and mitochondria in mammalian cells. The co-regulation map can be explored at www.proteomeHD.net .Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)European Commissio

    Cyanobacterial lipopolysaccharides and human health – a review

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    Cyanobacterial lipopolysaccharide/s (LPS) are frequently cited in the cyanobacteria literature as toxins responsible for a variety of heath effects in humans, from skin rashes to gastrointestinal, respiratory and allergic reactions. The attribution of toxic properties to cyanobacterial LPS dates from the 1970s, when it was thought that lipid A, the toxic moiety of LPS, was structurally and functionally conserved across all Gram-negative bacteria. However, more recent research has shown that this is not the case, and lipid A structures are now known to be very different, expressing properties ranging from LPS agonists, through weak endotoxicity to LPS antagonists. Although cyanobacterial LPS is widely cited as a putative toxin, most of the small number of formal research reports describe cyanobacterial LPS as weakly toxic compared to LPS from the Enterobacteriaceae. We systematically reviewed the literature on cyanobacterial LPS, and also examined the much lager body of literature relating to heterotrophic bacterial LPS and the atypical lipid A structures of some photosynthetic bacteria. While the literature on the biological activity of heterotrophic bacterial LPS is overwhelmingly large and therefore difficult to review for the purposes of exclusion, we were unable to find a convincing body of evidence to suggest that heterotrophic bacterial LPS, in the absence of other virulence factors, is responsible for acute gastrointestinal, dermatological or allergic reactions via natural exposure routes in humans. There is a danger that initial speculation about cyanobacterial LPS may evolve into orthodoxy without basis in research findings. No cyanobacterial lipid A structures have been described and published to date, so a recommendation is made that cyanobacteriologists should not continue to attribute such a diverse range of clinical symptoms to cyanobacterial LPS without research confirmation

    An estimate of the economic effects of cattle tick (Boophilus microplus) infestation on Queensland dairy farms

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    Objective To establish the cost to the Queensland dairy industry of cattle tick infestation and its control, excluding the costs incurred from control measures directed specifically at tick fever and morbidity and mortality arising from tick fever. Study design Economic models are described that have been based on empirical data relating to liveweight and milk yield loss, and on a survey of control practices and tick infestation. The first two models were designed to estimate costs of control and losses resulting from tick infestation on a single dairy farm. The third model developed estimates of the cost of tick infestation for each of four regions within the tick-infested area of Queensland. Results The overall cost to the Queensland dairy industry of the cattle tick (excluding the costs associated specifically with tick fever) and based on 1998 management practices, was $4,096,000 per annum. About 49% of this cost was related to the costs of control and 51% to losses in production. Conclusion Cattle tick infestation represents a significant impost on dairy producers in Queensland, and although the actual cost will change as deregulation results in economic changes in the industry, infestations of ticks will continue to be expensive to control